Class LookupEntryRequest (3.2.1)

LookupEntryRequest(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Request message for LookupEntry.


linked_resource str
The full name of the Google Cloud Platform resource the Data Catalog entry represents. See: Full names are case-sensitive. Examples: - // - //
sql_resource str
The SQL name of the entry. SQL names are case-sensitive. Examples: - pubsub.project_id.topic_id -\` - bigquery.table.project_id.dataset_id.table_id - bigquery.dataset.project_id.dataset_id - datacatalog.entry.project_id.location_id.entry_group_id.entry_id *_id\ s should satisfy the standard SQL rules for identifiers.
fully_qualified_name str
Fully qualified name (FQN) of the resource. FQNs take two forms: - For non-regionalized resources: {SYSTEM}:{PROJECT}.{PATH_TO_RESOURCE_SEPARATED_WITH_DOTS} - For regionalized resources: {SYSTEM}:{PROJECT}.{LOCATION_ID}.{PATH_TO_RESOURCE_SEPARATED_WITH_DOTS} Example for a DPMS table: dataproc_metastore:project_id.location_id.instance_id.database_id.table_id