Class UpdatePolicyTagRequest (2.0.0)

UpdatePolicyTagRequest(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Request message for UpdatePolicyTag.


policy_tag `.policytagmanager.PolicyTag`
The policy tag to update. Only the description, display_name, and parent_policy_tag fields can be updated.
update_mask `.field_mask.FieldMask`
The update mask applies to the resource. Only display_name, description and parent_policy_tag can be updated and thus can be listed in the mask. If update_mask is not provided, all allowed fields (i.e. display_name, description and parent) will be updated. For more information including the ``FieldMask`` definition, see If not set, defaults to all of the fields that are allowed to update.


builtins.object > proto.message.Message > UpdatePolicyTagRequest