Class Tag (1.0.2)

Tags are used to attach custom metadata to Data Catalog resources. Tags conform to the specifications within their tag template. See Data Catalog IAM < catalog/docs/concepts/iam>__ for information on the permissions needed to create or view tags. .. attribute:: name

The resource name of the tag in URL format. Example: - proje cts/{project_id}/locations/{location}/entrygroups/{entry_group _id}/entries/{entry_id}/tags/{tag_id} where tag_id is a system-generated identifier. Note that this Tag may not actually be stored in the location in this name.

Output only. The display name of the tag template.

Resources like Entry can have schemas associated with them. This scope allows users to attach tags to an individual column based on that schema. For attaching a tag to a nested column, use . to separate the column names. Example: - outer_column.inner_column



API documentation for datacatalog_v1beta1.types.Tag.FieldsEntry class.