Class ListTracesRequest (1.7.0)

ListTracesRequest(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

The request message for the ListTraces method. All fields are required unless specified.


project_id str
Required. ID of the Cloud project where the trace data is stored.
Optional. Type of data returned for traces in the list. Default is ``MINIMAL``.
page_size int
Optional. Maximum number of traces to return. If not specified or <= 0,="" the="" implementation="" selects="" a="" reasonable="" value.="" the="" implementation="" may="" return="" fewer="" traces="" than="" the="" requested="" page="" size.="">
page_token str
Token identifying the page of results to return. If provided, use the value of the ``next_page_token`` field from a previous request.
start_time google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp
Start of the time interval (inclusive) during which the trace data was collected from the application.
end_time google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp
End of the time interval (inclusive) during which the trace data was collected from the application.
filter str
Optional. A filter against labels for the request. By default, searches use prefix matching. To specify exact match, prepend a plus symbol (``+``) to the search term. Multiple terms are ANDed. Syntax: - ``root:NAME_PREFIX`` or ``NAME_PREFIX``: Return traces where any root span starts with ``NAME_PREFIX``. - ``+root:NAME`` or ``+NAME``: Return traces where any root span's name is exactly ``NAME``. - ``span:NAME_PREFIX``: Return traces where any span starts with ``NAME_PREFIX``. - ``+span:NAME``: Return traces where any span's name is exactly ``NAME``. - ``latency:DURATION``: Return traces whose overall latency is greater or equal to than ``DURATION``. Accepted units are nanoseconds (``ns``), milliseconds (``ms``), and seconds (``s``). Default is ``ms``. For example, ``latency:24ms`` returns traces whose overall latency is greater than or equal to 24 milliseconds. - ``label:LABEL_KEY``: Return all traces containing the specified label key (exact match, case-sensitive) regardless of the key:value pair's value (including empty values). - ``LABEL_KEY:VALUE_PREFIX``: Return all traces containing the specified label key (exact match, case-sensitive) whose value starts with ``VALUE_PREFIX``. Both a key and a value must be specified. - ``+LABEL_KEY:VALUE``: Return all traces containing a key:value pair exactly matching the specified text. Both a key and a value must be specified. - ``method:VALUE``: Equivalent to ``/http/method:VALUE``. - ``url:VALUE``: Equivalent to ``/http/url:VALUE``.
order_by str
Optional. Field used to sort the returned traces. Can be one of the following: - ``trace_id`` - ``name`` (``name`` field of root span in the trace) - ``duration`` (difference between ``end_time`` and ``start_time`` fields of the root span) - ``start`` (``start_time`` field of the root span) Descending order can be specified by appending ``desc`` to the sort field (for example, ``name desc``). Only one sort field is permitted.


builtins.object > proto.message.Message > ListTracesRequest




Type of data returned for traces in the list.