Class InstallationState (3.19.0)

InstallationState(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Describes stage and necessary actions to be taken by the user to complete the installation. Used for GitHub and GitHub Enterprise based connections.


Output only. Current step of the installation process.
message str
Output only. Message of what the user should do next to continue the installation. Empty string if the installation is already complete.
action_uri str
Output only. Link to follow for next action. Empty string if the installation is already complete.




Stage of the installation process.

Values: STAGE_UNSPECIFIED (0): No stage specified. PENDING_CREATE_APP (1): Only for GitHub Enterprise. An App creation has been requested. The user needs to confirm the creation in their GitHub enterprise host. PENDING_USER_OAUTH (2): User needs to authorize the GitHub (or Enterprise) App via OAuth. PENDING_INSTALL_APP (3): User needs to follow the link to install the GitHub (or Enterprise) App. COMPLETE (10): Installation process has been completed.