Class AuthorizationAttemptInfo (1.6.3)

AuthorizationAttemptInfo(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

State of the latest attempt to authorize a domain for certificate issuance.


domain str
Domain name of the authorization attempt.
Output only. State of the domain for managed certificate issuance.
Output only. Reason for failure of the authorization attempt for the domain.
details str
Output only. Human readable explanation for reaching the state. Provided to help address the configuration issues. Not guaranteed to be stable. For programmatic access use FailureReason enum.




Reason for failure of the authorization attempt for the domain.

Values: FAILURE_REASON_UNSPECIFIED (0): FailureReason is unspecified. CONFIG (1): There was a problem with the user's DNS or load balancer configuration for this domain. CAA (2): Certificate issuance forbidden by an explicit CAA record for the domain or a failure to check CAA records for the domain. RATE_LIMITED (3): Reached a CA or internal rate-limit for the domain, e.g. for certificates per top-level private domain.



State of the domain for managed certificate issuance.

Values: STATE_UNSPECIFIED (0): State is unspecified. AUTHORIZING (1): Certificate provisioning for this domain is under way. GCP will attempt to authorize the domain. AUTHORIZED (6): A managed certificate can be provisioned, no issues for this domain. FAILED (7): Attempt to authorize the domain failed. This prevents the Managed Certificate from being issued. See failure_reason and details fields for more information.