Class AppendRowsResponse (2.2.1)

AppendRowsResponse(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Response message for AppendRows.


Result if the append is successful.
error google.rpc.status_pb2.Status
Error in case of request failed. If set, it means rows are not accepted into the system. Users can retry or continue with other requests within the same connection. ALREADY_EXISTS: happens when offset is specified, it means the entire request is already appended, it is safe to ignore this error. OUT_OF_RANGE: happens when offset is specified, it means the specified offset is beyond the end of the stream. INVALID_ARGUMENT: error caused by malformed request or data. RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED: request rejected due to throttling. Only happens when append without offset. ABORTED: request processing is aborted because of prior failures, request can be retried if previous failure is fixed. INTERNAL: server side errors that can be retried.
If backend detects a schema update, pass it to user so that user can use it to input new type of message. It will be empty when there is no schema updates.



AppendResult(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

A success append result.