Class ReadSession (1.1.2)

Information about the ReadSession.

Output only. Time at which the session becomes invalid. After this time, subsequent requests to read this Session will return errors. The expire_time is automatically assigned and currently cannot be specified or updated.

The schema for the read. If read_options.selected_fields is set, the schema may be different from the table schema as it will only contain the selected fields.

Output only. Arrow schema.

Optional. Any modifiers which are applied when reading from the specified table.

Output only. A list of streams created with the session. At least one stream is created with the session. In the future, larger request_stream_count values may result in this list being unpopulated, in that case, the user will need to use a List method to get the streams instead, which is not yet available.



Additional attributes when reading a table.


Options dictating how we read a table.

SQL text filtering statement, similar to a WHERE clause in a query. Aggregates are not supported. Examples: “int_field > 5” “date_field = CAST(‘2014-9-27’ as DATE)” “nullable_field is not NULL” “st_equals(geo_field, st_geofromtext(”POINT(2, 2)“))” “numeric_field BETWEEN 1.0 AND 5.0”