Class JobState (1.62.0)


Describes the state of a job.


Name Description
JOB_STATE_UNSPECIFIED The job state is unspecified.
JOB_STATE_QUEUED The job has been just created or resumed and processing has not yet begun.
JOB_STATE_PENDING The service is preparing to run the job.
JOB_STATE_RUNNING The job is in progress.
JOB_STATE_SUCCEEDED The job completed successfully.
JOB_STATE_FAILED The job failed.
JOB_STATE_CANCELLING The job is being cancelled. From this state the job may only go to either `JOB_STATE_SUCCEEDED`, `JOB_STATE_FAILED` or `JOB_STATE_CANCELLED`.
JOB_STATE_CANCELLED The job has been cancelled.
JOB_STATE_PAUSED The job has been stopped, and can be resumed.
JOB_STATE_EXPIRED The job has expired.
JOB_STATE_UPDATING The job is being updated. Only jobs in the `RUNNING` state can be updated. After updating, the job goes back to the `RUNNING` state.
JOB_STATE_PARTIALLY_SUCCEEDED The job is partially succeeded, some results may be missing due to errors.




Describes the state of a job.