Class FeatureViewSync (1.54.0)

FeatureViewSync(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

FeatureViewSync is a representation of sync operation which copies data from data source to Feature View in Online Store.


Name Description
name str
Identifier. Name of the FeatureViewSync. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/featureOnlineStores/{feature_online_store}/featureViews/{feature_view}/featureViewSyncs/{feature_view_sync}
create_time google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp
Output only. Time when this FeatureViewSync is created. Creation of a FeatureViewSync means that the job is pending / waiting for sufficient resources but may not have started the actual data transfer yet.
run_time google.type.interval_pb2.Interval
Output only. Time when this FeatureViewSync is finished.
final_status google.rpc.status_pb2.Status
Output only. Final status of the FeatureViewSync.
Output only. Summary of the sync job.



SyncSummary(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Summary from the Sync job. For continuous syncs, the summary is updated periodically. For batch syncs, it gets updated on completion of the sync.



FeatureViewSync(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

FeatureViewSync is a representation of sync operation which copies data from data source to Feature View in Online Store.