Class ImportFeaturesAnalysis (1.49.0)

ImportFeaturesAnalysis(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Configuration of the Featurestore's ImportFeature Analysis Based Monitoring. This type of analysis generates statistics for values of each Feature imported by every ImportFeatureValues operation.


Name Description
Whether to enable / disable / inherite default hebavior for import features analysis.
The baseline used to do anomaly detection for the statistics generated by import features analysis.




Defines the baseline to do anomaly detection for feature values imported by each ImportFeatureValues operation.

Values: BASELINE_UNSPECIFIED (0): Should not be used. LATEST_STATS (1): Choose the later one statistics generated by either most recent snapshot analysis or previous import features analysis. If non of them exists, skip anomaly detection and only generate a statistics. MOST_RECENT_SNAPSHOT_STATS (2): Use the statistics generated by the most recent snapshot analysis if exists. PREVIOUS_IMPORT_FEATURES_STATS (3): Use the statistics generated by the previous import features analysis if exists.



The state defines whether to enable ImportFeature analysis.

Values: STATE_UNSPECIFIED (0): Should not be used. DEFAULT (1): The default behavior of whether to enable the monitoring. EntityType-level config: disabled. Feature-level config: inherited from the configuration of EntityType this Feature belongs to. ENABLED (2): Explicitly enables import features analysis. EntityType-level config: by default enables import features analysis for all Features under it. Feature-level config: enables import features analysis regardless of the EntityType-level config. DISABLED (3): Explicitly disables import features analysis. EntityType-level config: by default disables import features analysis for all Features under it. Feature-level config: disables import features analysis regardless of the EntityType-level config.



ImportFeaturesAnalysis(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Configuration of the Featurestore's ImportFeature Analysis Based Monitoring. This type of analysis generates statistics for values of each Feature imported by every ImportFeatureValues operation.