Class DiscreteValueSpec (1.13.0)

DiscreteValueSpec(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Value specification for a parameter in DISCRETE type.


values Sequence[float]
Required. A list of possible values. The list should be in increasing order and at least 1e-10 apart. For instance, this parameter might have possible settings of 1.5, 2.5, and 4.0. This list should not contain more than 1,000 values.
default_value float
A default value for a ``DISCRETE`` parameter that is assumed to be a relatively good starting point. Unset value signals that there is no offered starting point. It automatically rounds to the nearest feasible discrete point. Currently only supported by the Vizier service. Not supported by HyperparamterTuningJob or TrainingPipeline. This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_default_value``.


builtins.object > proto.message.Message > DiscreteValueSpec