Cloud Spanner V1 Client - Class CommitStats (1.86.0)

Reference documentation and code samples for the Cloud Spanner V1 Client class CommitStats.

Additional statistics about a commit.

Generated from protobuf message google.spanner.v1.CommitResponse.CommitStats


Google \ Cloud \ Spanner \ V1 \ CommitResponse




Name Description
data array

Optional. Data for populating the Message object.

↳ mutation_count int|string

The total number of mutations for the transaction. Knowing the mutation_count value can help you maximize the number of mutations in a transaction and minimize the number of API round trips. You can also monitor this value to prevent transactions from exceeding the system limit. If the number of mutations exceeds the limit, the server returns INVALID_ARGUMENT.


The total number of mutations for the transaction. Knowing the mutation_count value can help you maximize the number of mutations in a transaction and minimize the number of API round trips. You can also monitor this value to prevent transactions from exceeding the system limit.

If the number of mutations exceeds the limit, the server returns INVALID_ARGUMENT.

Type Description


The total number of mutations for the transaction. Knowing the mutation_count value can help you maximize the number of mutations in a transaction and minimize the number of API round trips. You can also monitor this value to prevent transactions from exceeding the system limit.

If the number of mutations exceeds the limit, the server returns INVALID_ARGUMENT.

Name Description
var int|string
Type Description