Google Cloud Dialogflow V2 Client - Class Participant (1.0.1)

Reference documentation and code samples for the Google Cloud Dialogflow V2 Client class Participant.

Represents a conversation participant (human agent, virtual agent, end-user).

Generated from protobuf message




data array

Optional. Data for populating the Message object.

↳ name string

Optional. The unique identifier of this participant. Format: projects/<Project ID>/locations/<Location ID>/conversations/<Conversation ID>/participants/<Participant ID>.

↳ role int

Immutable. The role this participant plays in the conversation. This field must be set during participant creation and is then immutable.

↳ sip_recording_media_label string

Optional. Label applied to streams representing this participant in SIPREC XML metadata and SDP. This is used to assign transcriptions from that media stream to this participant. This field can be updated.

↳ obfuscated_external_user_id string

Optional. Obfuscated user id that should be associated with the created participant. You can specify a user id as follows: 1. If you set this field in CreateParticipantRequest or UpdateParticipantRequest, Dialogflow adds the obfuscated user id with the participant. 2. If you set this field in AnalyzeContent or StreamingAnalyzeContent, Dialogflow will update Participant.obfuscated_external_user_id. Dialogflow returns an error if you try to add a user id for a non-END_USER participant. Dialogflow uses this user id for billing and measurement purposes. For example, Dialogflow determines whether a user in one conversation returned in a later conversation. Note: * Please never pass raw user ids to Dialogflow. Always obfuscate your user id first. * Dialogflow only accepts a UTF-8 encoded string, e.g., a hex digest of a hash function like SHA-512. * The length of the user id must be <= 256 characters.

↳ documents_metadata_filters array|Google\Protobuf\Internal\MapField

Optional. Key-value filters on the metadata of documents returned by article suggestion. If specified, article suggestion only returns suggested documents that match all filters in their Document.metadata. Multiple values for a metadata key should be concatenated by comma. For example, filters to match all documents that have 'US' or 'CA' in their market metadata values and 'agent' in their user metadata values will be documents_metadata_filters { key: "market" value: "US,CA" } documents_metadata_filters { key: "user" value: "agent" }


Optional. The unique identifier of this participant.

Format: projects/<Project ID>/locations/<Location ID>/conversations/<Conversation ID>/participants/<Participant ID>.

Generated from protobuf field string name = 1 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];



Optional. The unique identifier of this participant.

Format: projects/<Project ID>/locations/<Location ID>/conversations/<Conversation ID>/participants/<Participant ID>.

Generated from protobuf field string name = 1 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];

var string


Immutable. The role this participant plays in the conversation. This field must be set during participant creation and is then immutable.

Generated from protobuf field role = 2 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE];



Immutable. The role this participant plays in the conversation. This field must be set during participant creation and is then immutable.

Generated from protobuf field role = 2 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE];

var int


Optional. Label applied to streams representing this participant in SIPREC XML metadata and SDP. This is used to assign transcriptions from that media stream to this participant. This field can be updated.

Generated from protobuf field string sip_recording_media_label = 6 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];



Optional. Label applied to streams representing this participant in SIPREC XML metadata and SDP. This is used to assign transcriptions from that media stream to this participant. This field can be updated.

Generated from protobuf field string sip_recording_media_label = 6 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];

var string


Optional. Obfuscated user id that should be associated with the created participant.

You can specify a user id as follows:

  1. If you set this field in CreateParticipantRequest or UpdateParticipantRequest, Dialogflow adds the obfuscated user id with the participant.
  2. If you set this field in AnalyzeContent or StreamingAnalyzeContent, Dialogflow will update Participant.obfuscated_external_user_id. Dialogflow returns an error if you try to add a user id for a non-END_USER participant. Dialogflow uses this user id for billing and measurement purposes. For example, Dialogflow determines whether a user in one conversation returned in a later conversation. Note:
  3. Please never pass raw user ids to Dialogflow. Always obfuscate your user id first.
  4. Dialogflow only accepts a UTF-8 encoded string, e.g., a hex digest of a hash function like SHA-512.
  5. The length of the user id must be <= 256 characters.

Generated from protobuf field string obfuscated_external_user_id = 7 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];



Optional. Obfuscated user id that should be associated with the created participant.

You can specify a user id as follows:

  1. If you set this field in CreateParticipantRequest or UpdateParticipantRequest, Dialogflow adds the obfuscated user id with the participant.
  2. If you set this field in AnalyzeContent or StreamingAnalyzeContent, Dialogflow will update Participant.obfuscated_external_user_id. Dialogflow returns an error if you try to add a user id for a non-END_USER participant. Dialogflow uses this user id for billing and measurement purposes. For example, Dialogflow determines whether a user in one conversation returned in a later conversation. Note:
  3. Please never pass raw user ids to Dialogflow. Always obfuscate your user id first.
  4. Dialogflow only accepts a UTF-8 encoded string, e.g., a hex digest of a hash function like SHA-512.
  5. The length of the user id must be <= 256 characters.

Generated from protobuf field string obfuscated_external_user_id = 7 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];

var string


Optional. Key-value filters on the metadata of documents returned by article suggestion. If specified, article suggestion only returns suggested documents that match all filters in their Document.metadata. Multiple values for a metadata key should be concatenated by comma. For example, filters to match all documents that have 'US' or 'CA' in their market metadata values and 'agent' in their user metadata values will be

documents_metadata_filters {
  key: "market"
  value: "US,CA"
documents_metadata_filters {
  key: "user"
  value: "agent"

Generated from protobuf field map<string, string> documents_metadata_filters = 8 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];



Optional. Key-value filters on the metadata of documents returned by article suggestion. If specified, article suggestion only returns suggested documents that match all filters in their Document.metadata. Multiple values for a metadata key should be concatenated by comma. For example, filters to match all documents that have 'US' or 'CA' in their market metadata values and 'agent' in their user metadata values will be

documents_metadata_filters {
  key: "market"
  value: "US,CA"
documents_metadata_filters {
  key: "user"
  value: "agent"

Generated from protobuf field map<string, string> documents_metadata_filters = 8 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];

var array|Google\Protobuf\Internal\MapField