Introduction to Vehicle Routing Problem

This section presents an example of a Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) and a Cloud Fleet Routing request that solves it.

Example problem

In this example, there are three vehicles and nine locations to be visited. All vehicles start at the same location, called depot. Here's a map of the locations including the depot (identified by the van icon).

The problem also includes time windows during which the locations can be visited, items to be picked up, and related constraints. All of the data for the problem is encoded in the request. When you send the request, the Cloud Fleet Routing service returns routes that visit each location with minimum total cost.

The following sections describe the main parts of the request, including sample messages in both JSON and protocol buffer formats.

Global start and end times

All vehicle travel along the routes must occur between the global start time and global end time. The following code defines these values:

JSONProtocol buffer
  global_start_time {
  global_end_time {
    seconds: 1792800


Shipments messages describe the locations to be visited, time windows for the visits, and items to be picked up or delivered, if there are any. The following shows a shipment message for a single location:

JSONProtocol buffer
        "loadDemands": {
          "weight": {
            "amount": "40"
  shipments {
    pickups {
      arrival_location {
        latitude: 48.874507
        longitude: 2.30361
      time_windows {
        start_time {
          seconds: 534000
        end_time {
          seconds: 605000
      duration {
        seconds: 90000
    load_demands {
      key: "weight"
      value: { amount: 40 }

The shipment message contains the following data:

  • Latitudes and longitudes of the locations to be visited.
  • Time windows during which visits must occur.
  • Visit durations.
  • Load demands: the quantity of items to be picked up, which can be their quantity, total weight, volume, or other measure.


Vehicles messages describe the available vehicles for the problem. The following shows a message for a single vehicle.

JSONProtocol buffer
        "loadLimits": {
           "weight": {
             "maxLoad": 800
  vehicles {
    start_location {
      latitude: 48.863102
      longitude: 2.341204
    load_limits {
      key: "weight"
      value: { max_load: 800 }
    cost_per_traveled_hour: 3600
    end_time_windows {
      end_time {
        seconds: 1236000

The vehicle message contains the following data:

  • Vehicle start locations.
  • End time windows: intervals in which vehicles must end their travel.
  • Weight limits of vehicles.
  • Costs per traveled hour. You can also specify other types of costs, which aren't used in this example.

For this problem, Cloud Fleet Routing minimizes the total cost of travel, based on the vehicles' cost per traveled hour.

Complete request

Here's the complete request for the example in both JSON and protocol buffer formats.

JSONProtocol buffer
        "loadDemands": {
          "weight": {
            "amount": "40"
        "loadDemands": {
          "weight": {
            "amount": "120"
        "loadDemands": {
          "weight": {
            "amount": "40"
        "loadDemands": {
          "weight": {
            "amount": "40"
        "loadDemands": {
          "weight": {
            "amount": "10"
        "loadDemands": {
          "weight": {
            "amount": "80"
        "loadDemands": {
          "weight": {
            "amount": "80"
        "loadDemands": {
          "weight": {
            "amount": "80"
        "loadDemands": {
          "weight": {
            "amount": "40"
        "loadLimits": {
           "weight": {
             "maxLoad": 800
        "loadLimits": {
           "weight": {
             "maxLoad": 800
        "loadLimits": {
           "weight": {
             "maxLoad": 800
# proto-file: google3/google/cloud/optimization/v1/fleet_routing.proto
# proto-message: OptimizeToursRequest
model {
  shipments {
    pickups {
      arrival_location {
        latitude: 48.843561
        longitude: 2.297602
      time_windows {
        start_time {
          seconds: 912000
        end_time {
          seconds: 967000
      duration {
        seconds: 90000
    load_demands {
      key: "weight"
      value: { amount: 40 }
  shipments {
    pickups {
      arrival_location {
        latitude: 48.834862
        longitude: 2.309275
      time_windows {
        start_time {
          seconds: 825000
        end_time {
          seconds: 870000
      duration {
        seconds: 90000
    load_demands {
      key: "weight"
      value: { amount: 120 }
  shipments {
    pickups {
      arrival_location {
        latitude: 48.830455
        longitude: 2.318888
      time_windows {
        start_time {
          seconds: 65000
        end_time {
          seconds: 146000
      duration {
        seconds: 90000
    load_demands {
      key: "weight"
      value: { amount: 40 }
  shipments {
    pickups {
      arrival_location {
        latitude: 48.826387
        longitude: 2.363691
      time_windows {
        start_time {
          seconds: 727000
        end_time {
          seconds: 782000
      duration {
        seconds: 90000
    load_demands {
      key: "weight"
      value: { amount: 40 }
  shipments {
    pickups {
      arrival_location {
        latitude: 48.84503
        longitude: 2.391672
      time_windows {
        start_time {
          seconds: 15000
        end_time {
          seconds: 67000
      duration {
        seconds: 90000
    load_demands {
      key: "weight"
      value: { amount: 10 }
  shipments {
    pickups {
      arrival_location {
        latitude: 48.858246
        longitude: 2.375536
      time_windows {
        start_time {
          seconds: 621000
        end_time {
          seconds: 702000
      duration {
        seconds: 90000
    load_demands {
      key: "weight"
      value: { amount: 80 }
  shipments {
    pickups {
      arrival_location {
        latitude: 48.875071
        longitude: 2.392874
      time_windows {
        start_time {
          seconds: 170000
        end_time {
          seconds: 225000
      duration {
        seconds: 90000
    load_demands {
      key: "weight"
      value: { amount: 80 }
  shipments {
    pickups {
      arrival_location {
        latitude: 48.880942
        longitude: 2.323866
      time_windows {
        start_time {
          seconds: 255000
        end_time {
          seconds: 324000
      duration {
        seconds: 90000
    load_demands {
      key: "weight"
      value: { amount: 80 }
  shipments {
    pickups {
      arrival_location {
        latitude: 48.874507
        longitude: 2.30361
      time_windows {
        start_time {
          seconds: 534000
        end_time {
          seconds: 605000
      duration {
        seconds: 90000
    load_demands {
      key: "weight"
      value: { amount: 40 }
  vehicles {
    start_location {
      latitude: 48.863102
      longitude: 2.341204
    load_limits {
      key: "weight"
      value: { max_load: 800 }
    cost_per_traveled_hour: 3600
    end_time_windows {
      end_time {
        seconds: 1236000
  vehicles {
    start_location {
      latitude: 48.863102
      longitude: 2.341204
    load_limits {
      key: "weight"
      value: { max_load: 800 }
    cost_per_traveled_hour: 3600
    end_time_windows {
      end_time {
        seconds: 1236000
  vehicles {
    start_location {
      latitude: 48.863102
      longitude: 2.341204
    load_limits {
      key: "weight"
      value: { max_load: 800 }
    cost_per_traveled_hour: 3600
    end_time_windows {
      end_time {
        seconds: 1236000
  global_start_time {
  global_end_time {
    seconds: 1792800

Either the duration_distance_matrices needs to be populated or the Google Maps For Fleet Routing plugin needs to be activated.

To learn how to send the request using Python or Java programs, see Quickstarts. The next section describes the request's response.

Response to the request

When you send a request, the Cloud Fleet Routing service returns a response. The following shows response examples in both formats. The response you get may be slightly different.

JSONProtocol buffer
  "routes": [
      "vehicleStartTime": "1970-01-01T03:52:49Z",
      "vehicleEndTime": "1970-01-10T10:56:40Z",
      "visits": [
          "shipmentIndex": 4,
          "isPickup": true,
          "startTime": "1970-01-01T04:10:00Z",
          "detour": "0s",
          "arrivalLoads": [
              "type": "weight_kilograms"
          "shipmentIndex": 6,
          "isPickup": true,
          "startTime": "1970-01-02T23:13:20Z",
          "detour": "154629s",
          "arrivalLoads": [
              "type": "weight_kilograms",
              "value": "10"
          "shipmentIndex": 5,
          "isPickup": true,
          "startTime": "1970-01-08T04:30:00Z",
          "detour": "606164s",
          "arrivalLoads": [
              "type": "weight_kilograms",
              "value": "90"
          "shipmentIndex": 3,
          "isPickup": true,
          "startTime": "1970-01-09T09:56:40Z",
          "detour": "711792s",
          "arrivalLoads": [
              "type": "weight_kilograms",
              "value": "170"
      "travelSteps": [
          "duration": "1031s",
          "distanceMeters": 5435
          "duration": "1031s",
          "distanceMeters": 4642
          "duration": "890s",
          "distanceMeters": 3600
          "duration": "1224s",
          "distanceMeters": 5164
          "duration": "0s"
      "vehicleDetour": "803031s",
      "endLoads": [
          "type": "weight_kilograms",
          "value": "210"
      "vehicleIndex": 1,
      "vehicleStartTime": "1970-01-01T17:39:35Z",
      "vehicleEndTime": "1970-01-12T15:16:14Z",
      "visits": [
          "shipmentIndex": 2,
          "isPickup": true,
          "startTime": "1970-01-01T18:03:20Z",
          "detour": "0s",
          "arrivalLoads": [
              "type": "weight_kilograms"
          "shipmentIndex": 1,
          "isPickup": true,
          "startTime": "1970-01-10T13:10:00Z",
          "detour": "760149s",
          "arrivalLoads": [
              "type": "weight_kilograms",
              "value": "40"
          "isPickup": true,
          "startTime": "1970-01-11T14:16:14Z",
          "detour": "850574s",
          "arrivalLoads": [
              "type": "weight_kilograms",
              "value": "160"
      "travelSteps": [
          "duration": "1425s",
          "distanceMeters": 6016
          "duration": "222s",
          "distanceMeters": 980
          "duration": "374s",
          "distanceMeters": 1573
          "duration": "0s"
      "vehicleDetour": "941799s",
      "endLoads": [
          "type": "weight_kilograms",
          "value": "200"
      "vehicleIndex": 2,
      "vehicleStartTime": "1970-01-03T22:35:18Z",
      "vehicleEndTime": "1970-01-08T05:20:00Z",
      "visits": [
          "shipmentIndex": 7,
          "isPickup": true,
          "startTime": "1970-01-03T22:50:00Z",
          "detour": "0s",
          "arrivalLoads": [
              "type": "weight_kilograms"
          "shipmentIndex": 8,
          "isPickup": true,
          "startTime": "1970-01-07T04:20:00Z",
          "detour": "278910s",
          "arrivalLoads": [
              "type": "weight_kilograms",
              "value": "80"
      "travelSteps": [
          "duration": "882s",
          "distanceMeters": 3619
          "duration": "531s",
          "distanceMeters": 2288
          "duration": "0s"
      "vehicleDetour": "369882s",
      "endLoads": [
          "type": "weight_kilograms",
          "value": "120"
  "totalCost": 7610
routes {
  vehicle_start_time {
    seconds: 13969
  vehicle_end_time {
    seconds: 817000
  visits {
    shipment_index: 4
    is_pickup: true
    start_time {
      seconds: 15000
    detour {
    arrival_loads {
      type: "weight_kilograms"
  visits {
    shipment_index: 6
    is_pickup: true
    start_time {
      seconds: 170000
    detour {
      seconds: 154629
    arrival_loads {
      type: "weight_kilograms"
      value: 10
  visits {
    shipment_index: 5
    is_pickup: true
    start_time {
      seconds: 621000
    detour {
      seconds: 606164
    arrival_loads {
      type: "weight_kilograms"
      value: 90
  visits {
    shipment_index: 3
    is_pickup: true
    start_time {
      seconds: 727000
    detour {
      seconds: 711792
    arrival_loads {
      type: "weight_kilograms"
      value: 170
  travel_steps {
    duration {
      seconds: 1031
    distance_meters: 5435.0
  travel_steps {
    duration {
      seconds: 1031
    distance_meters: 4642.0
  travel_steps {
    duration {
      seconds: 890
    distance_meters: 3600.0
  travel_steps {
    duration {
      seconds: 1224
    distance_meters: 5164.0
  travel_steps {
    duration {
  vehicle_detour {
    seconds: 803031
  end_loads {
    type: "weight_kilograms"
    value: 210
routes {
  vehicle_index: 1
  vehicle_start_time {
    seconds: 63575
  vehicle_end_time {
    seconds: 1005374
  visits {
    shipment_index: 2
    is_pickup: true
    start_time {
      seconds: 65000
    detour {
    arrival_loads {
      type: "weight_kilograms"
  visits {
    shipment_index: 1
    is_pickup: true
    start_time {
      seconds: 825000
    detour {
      seconds: 760149
    arrival_loads {
      type: "weight_kilograms"
      value: 40
  visits {
    is_pickup: true
    start_time {
      seconds: 915374
    detour {
      seconds: 850574
    arrival_loads {
      type: "weight_kilograms"
      value: 160
  travel_steps {
    duration {
      seconds: 1425
    distance_meters: 6016.0
  travel_steps {
    duration {
      seconds: 222
    distance_meters: 980.0
  travel_steps {
    duration {
      seconds: 374
    distance_meters: 1573.0
  travel_steps {
    duration {
  vehicle_detour {
    seconds: 941799
  end_loads {
    type: "weight_kilograms"
    value: 200
routes {
  vehicle_index: 2
  vehicle_start_time {
    seconds: 254118
  vehicle_end_time {
    seconds: 624000
  visits {
    shipment_index: 7
    is_pickup: true
    start_time {
      seconds: 255000
    detour {
    arrival_loads {
      type: "weight_kilograms"
  visits {
    shipment_index: 8
    is_pickup: true
    start_time {
      seconds: 534000
    detour {
      seconds: 278910
    arrival_loads {
      type: "weight_kilograms"
      value: 80
  travel_steps {
    duration {
      seconds: 882
    distance_meters: 3619.0
  travel_steps {
    duration {
      seconds: 531
    distance_meters: 2288.0
  travel_steps {
    duration {
  vehicle_detour {
    seconds: 369882
  end_loads {
    type: "weight_kilograms"
    value: 120
total_cost: 7610.0

The preceding response example contains three routes (numbered 0, 1, and 2), for the three vehicles. The indices of the second and third routes (1 and 2) explicitly appear in the vehicleIndex field of the route. However, the field is omitted for the first route (with index 0), because its value is the default. See Why some fields are missing from the response.

Each route contains the overall start and end times of the corresponding vehicle, along with a list of visits the vehicle makes along the route and their start times. A visit's shipmentIndex corresponds to the order of the shipment in the request. You can determine the location of the visit from the corresponding shipment's location.

Similar to the vehicleIndex field, the shipmentIndex field is omitted for the first shipment in the request.

Here's a map in which the locations are color-coded by route.

Why some fields are missing from the response

As mentioned earlier, the vehicleIndex field is omitted from the first route in the response. The reason is that the vehicleIndex is 0, which is the default value of the field. By convention, responses in JSON format omit fields when their value is the default.

In the third visit of vehicle 2's route, the shipmentIndex field is omitted because its value is 0.