Route exchange with VPC spokes

This page provides an overview of route exchange between hybrid spokes and Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) spokes in Network Connectivity Center.

Route exchange with VPC spokes lets you connect VPC spokes and hybrid spokes, such as Cloud Interconnect VLAN attachments, HA VPN tunnels, and Router appliance VMs on the same hub, which enables highly scalable any-to-any network connectivity between all such spokes attached to a single hub. Using VPC spokes and hybrid spokes on the same hub lets you connect multiple on-premises networks and Google Cloud VPC networks.

Route exchange with VPC spokes support IPv4 addressing only.

Workload VPC networks

A workload VPC network is a VPC network that a spoke administrator adds to a hub as a VPC spoke. A workload VPC network can be a standalone VPC network, or it can be a Shared VPC network. A workload VPC network can be located in either the same project as the Network Connectivity Center hub or a different project in the same or another organization.

Routing VPC networks

A routing VPC network is a VPC network that contains at least one hybrid spoke with Cloud Interconnect VLAN attachments, HA VPN tunnels, or Router appliance VMs.

A routing VPC network can optionally also be connected as a VPC spoke on the same hub as its hybrid spokes.

Each routing VPC network—and the Cloud Interconnect VLAN attachments, HA VPN tunnels, or Router appliance VMs that use the routing VPC network—must be located in the same project as the Network Connectivity Center hub.

Establishing connectivity between hybrid spokes and VPC spokes

You can establish connectivity between hybrid spokes and VPC spokes by adding workload VPC networks to a Network Connectivity Center hub as VPC spokes, then you add Cloud Interconnect VLAN attachments, HA VPN tunnels, or Router appliance VMs to the same hub as hybrid spokes. The Cloud Interconnect VLAN attachments, HA VPN tunnels, or Router appliance VMs in each hybrid spoke are also associated with one or more routing VPC networks, but the routing VPC networks themselves need not be added to the Network Connectivity Center hub as VPC spokes.

To establish connectivity between hybrid spokes and VPC spokes:

  1. Network administrators for the routing VPC networks must first review the Cloud Router path selection and dynamic routing mode:

    • Network Connectivity Center hybrid spokes only support the Cloud Router legacy best path selection mode. For detailed information about Cloud Router path selection, see Best path selection modes in the Cloud Router documentation.

    • Network Connectivity Center hybrid spokes support both global and regional dynamic routing modes. The dynamic routing mode of a routing VPC network determines in which regions the Network Connectivity Center dynamic routes are programmed in the VPC spokes:

      • If the dynamic routing mode is regional, Network Connectivity Center dynamic routes from its hybrid spokes are only programmed in the same region as each hybrid spoke.

      • If the dynamic routing mode is global, Network Connectivity Center dynamic routes from its hybrid spokes are programmed in all regions.

      The VPC spoke only uses the dynamic routing mode when hybrid spokes reside in the same hub.

  2. Hub administrators do the following:

  3. Spoke administrators create VPC spokes and hybrid spokes:

  4. A hub administrator must review proposed VPC spokes that are located in projects other than the hub's project.

  5. Spoke administrators or network administrators for the routing VPC networks must configure advertisement of subnet routes in VPC spokes. Either of the following techniques can be used:

Route tables

The Network Connectivity Center hub route table lists all learned dynamic routes from on-premises networks and subnet routes that are reachable from the attached spoke networks through the Network Connectivity Center hub. Hub route tables are read-only resources, fully managed by Network Connectivity Center. For detailed information about how to view the hub route table, see View the hub route table and routes.

The hub route table is updated with appropriate route entries when the following events occur:

  • VPC spoke creation or deletion
  • Subnet creation or deletion in attached VPC spokes
  • Hybrid spoke creation or deletion
  • BGP route advertisement or withdrawal from attached hybrid spokes

Each VPC spoke also has a VPC network route table. Each VPC network route table lists all routes that are programmed in the VPC network. For steps to view the VPC route table, see View the VPC route table.

Example use cases

The following examples show a Network Connectivity Center hub that contains both hybrid spokes and VPC spokes.

Overlapping Network Connectivity Center dynamic routes

The following Network Connectivity Center hub has a VPC spoke and two hybrid spokes. Both hybrid spokes connect to an on-premises network that advertises both and This example shows how Network Connectivity Center programs overlap dynamic routes in a VPC spoke. For simplicity, this example considers hybrid spokes that are in the same region. The next example, How global dynamic routing mode and MED work together, shows hybrid spokes in two regions.

Overlapping Network Connectivity Center dynamic routes.
Overlapping Network Connectivity Center dynamic routes (click to enlarge).

In the preceding diagram, an on-premises network uses both the and IP address ranges. The on-premises network connects to two routing VPC networks using two pairs of VLAN attachments in the us-west1 region of each routing VPC network:

  • The a-west hybrid spoke contains the Cloud Routers and VLAN attachments that receive This hybrid spoke sends the dynamic routes to the hub.

  • The b-west hybrid spoke contains the Cloud Routers and VLAN attachments that receive This hybrid spoke sends the dynamic routes to the hub.

The VPC spoke imports four Network Connectivity Center dynamic routes from the hub:

  • Two Network Connectivity Center dynamic routes for, both with next hops in the a-west hybrid spoke.

  • Two Network Connectivity Center dynamic routes for, both with next hops in the b-west hybrid spoke.

VMs and other resources in the us-west1 region of the VPC spoke use the Network Connectivity Center dynamic routes as follows:

  • Packets whose destinations fit within are sent to the VLAN attachments in the b-west hybrid spoke.

  • Packets whose destinations fit within, but not in, are sent to the VLAN attachments in the a-west hybrid spoke.

How global dynamic routing mode and MED work together

The following Network Connectivity Center hub has a VPC spoke and two hybrid spokes. The two hybrid spokes are in a single routing VPC network. The on-premises IP address range is This example shows how the multi-exit discriminator (MED) value, dynamic routing mode, and Cloud Router best path selection algorithm control the creation of dynamic routes in both the routing VPC network and in VPC spokes.

Route prioritization by using MED.
Route prioritization by using MED (click to enlarge).

In the preceding diagram, an on-premises network uses the IP address range. Four VLAN attachments, two in us-west1 and two in us-east1, connect the on-premises network to a routing VPC network, routing-vpc-network. BGP sessions for the two VLAN attachments in each region are managed by Cloud Routers in the same region.

The routing VPC network is configured as follows:

  • The dynamic routing mode is global.
  • The best path selection mode is legacy.
  • The two VLAN attachments in us-west1 are added as a hybrid spoke (west-hybrid-spoke) on the Network Connectivity Center hub.
  • The two VLAN attachments in us-east1 are added as a hybrid spoke (east-hybrid-spoke) on the Network Connectivity Center hub.

The on-premises routers advertise the IP address range:

  • Using MED 10 to the BGP sessions for the west-a and east-a VLAN attachments.
  • Using MED 20 to the BGP sessions for the west-b and east-b VLAN attachments.

In the routing VPC network, each region's Cloud Router dynamic route control plane and VPC control plane work together to create the following local dynamic routes for in each region:

  • In the us-west1 region, two local dynamic routes have next hops in the region and one next hop in the us-east1 region:

    • The dynamic route with priority 10 uses the west-a VLAN attachment next hop.
    • The dynamic route with priority 20 uses the west-b VLAN attachment next hop.
    • The dynamic route with priority 275 uses the east-a VLAN attachment next hop. The east-a next hop has the highest priority (10) in the us-east1 region, and the inter-regional cost between us-west1 and us-east1 is 265.
  • In the us-central1 region, both of the local dynamic routes have next hops in different regions:

    • The dynamic route with priority 243 uses the east-a VLAN attachment next hop. The east-a next hop has the highest priority (10) in the us-east1 region, and the inter-regional cost between us-central1 and us-east1 is 233.
    • The dynamic route with priority 248 uses the west-a VLAN attachment next hop. The west-a next hop has the highest priority (10) in the us-west region, and the inter-regional cost between us-central1 and us-west1 is 238.
  • In the us-east1 region, two local dynamic routes have next hops in the region and one next hop in the us-west1 region:

    • The dynamic route with priority 10 uses the east-a VLAN attachment next hop.
    • The dynamic route with priority 20 uses the east-b VLAN attachment next hop.
    • The dynamic route with priority 275 uses the west-a VLAN attachment next hop. The west-a next hop has the highest priority (10) in the us-west1 region, and the inter-regional cost between us-east1 and us-west1 is 265.

A workload VPC network, workload-vpc-network, is added to the same Network Connectivity Center hub as a VPC spoke. Network Connectivity Center creates Network Connectivity Center dynamic routes for in each region of the workload VPC network to match the local dynamic routes created in each region of the routing VPC network. The dynamic routing mode and best path selection mode of the workload VPC network aren't relevant because the workload VPC network doesn't contain the Cloud Router resources that manage the BGP sessions for the VLAN attachments.

To control the path from the workload VPC network to the on-premises network, adjust the MED values advertised by the on-premises network for the prefix. For details about how Network Connectivity Center dynamic routes interact with subnet routes and other types of dynamic routes, see Routing order.

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