REST Resource: projects.dashboards

Resource: Dashboard

A Google Stackdriver dashboard. Dashboards define the content and layout of pages in the Stackdriver web application.

JSON representation
  "name": string,
  "displayName": string,
  "etag": string,
  "dashboardFilters": [
      object (DashboardFilter)
  "labels": {
    string: string,
  "annotations": {
    object (DashboardAnnotations)

  // Union field layout can be only one of the following:
  "gridLayout": {
    object (GridLayout)
  "mosaicLayout": {
    object (MosaicLayout)
  "rowLayout": {
    object (RowLayout)
  "columnLayout": {
    object (ColumnLayout)
  // End of list of possible types for union field layout.


Identifier. The resource name of the dashboard.



Required. The mutable, human-readable name.



etag is used for optimistic concurrency control as a way to help prevent simultaneous updates of a policy from overwriting each other. An etag is returned in the response to dashboards.get, and users are expected to put that etag in the request to dashboards.patch to ensure that their change will be applied to the same version of the Dashboard configuration. The field should not be passed during dashboard creation.


object (DashboardFilter)

Filters to reduce the amount of data charted based on the filter criteria.


map (key: string, value: string)

Labels applied to the dashboard


object (DashboardAnnotations)

Configuration for event annotations to display on this dashboard.

Union field layout. A dashboard's root container element that defines the layout style. layout can be only one of the following:

object (GridLayout)

Content is arranged with a basic layout that re-flows a simple list of informational elements like widgets or tiles.


object (MosaicLayout)

The content is arranged as a grid of tiles, with each content widget occupying one or more grid blocks.


object (RowLayout)

The content is divided into equally spaced rows and the widgets are arranged horizontally.


object (ColumnLayout)

The content is divided into equally spaced columns and the widgets are arranged vertically.


A basic layout divides the available space into vertical columns of equal width and arranges a list of widgets using a row-first strategy.

JSON representation
  "columns": string,
  "widgets": [
      object (Widget)

string (int64 format)

The number of columns into which the view's width is divided. If omitted or set to zero, a system default will be used while rendering.


object (Widget)

The informational elements that are arranged into the columns row-first.


Widget contains a single dashboard component and configuration of how to present the component in the dashboard.

JSON representation
  "title": string,
  "id": string,

  // Union field content can be only one of the following:
  "xyChart": {
    object (XyChart)
  "scorecard": {
    object (Scorecard)
  "text": {
    object (Text)
  "blank": {
  "alertChart": {
    object (AlertChart)
  "timeSeriesTable": {
    object (TimeSeriesTable)
  "collapsibleGroup": {
    object (CollapsibleGroup)
  "logsPanel": {
    object (LogsPanel)
  "incidentList": {
    object (IncidentList)
  "pieChart": {
    object (PieChart)
  "errorReportingPanel": {
    object (ErrorReportingPanel)
  "sectionHeader": {
    object (SectionHeader)
  "singleViewGroup": {
    object (SingleViewGroup)
  // End of list of possible types for union field content.


Optional. The title of the widget.



Optional. The widget id. Ids may be made up of alphanumerics, dashes and underscores. Widget ids are optional.

Union field content. Content defines the component used to populate the widget. content can be only one of the following:

object (XyChart)

A chart of time series data.


object (Scorecard)

A scorecard summarizing time series data.


object (Text)

A raw string or markdown displaying textual content.



A blank space.


object (AlertChart)

A chart of alert policy data.


object (TimeSeriesTable)

A widget that displays time series data in a tabular format.


object (CollapsibleGroup)

A widget that groups the other widgets. All widgets that are within the area spanned by the grouping widget are considered member widgets.


object (LogsPanel)

A widget that shows a stream of logs.


object (IncidentList)

A widget that shows list of incidents.


object (PieChart)

A widget that displays timeseries data as a pie chart.


object (ErrorReportingPanel)

A widget that displays a list of error groups.


object (SectionHeader)

A widget that defines a section header for easier navigation of the dashboard.


object (SingleViewGroup)

A widget that groups the other widgets by using a dropdown menu.


A chart that displays data on a 2D (X and Y axes) plane.

JSON representation
  "dataSets": [
      object (DataSet)
  "timeshiftDuration": string,
  "thresholds": [
      object (Threshold)
  "xAxis": {
    object (Axis)
  "yAxis": {
    object (Axis)
  "y2Axis": {
    object (Axis)
  "chartOptions": {
    object (ChartOptions)

object (DataSet)

Required. The data displayed in this chart.


string (Duration format)

The duration used to display a comparison chart. A comparison chart simultaneously shows values from two similar-length time periods (e.g., week-over-week metrics). The duration must be positive, and it can only be applied to charts with data sets of LINE plot type.


object (Threshold)

Threshold lines drawn horizontally across the chart.


object (Axis)

The properties applied to the x-axis.


object (Axis)

The properties applied to the y-axis.


object (Axis)

The properties applied to the y2-axis.


object (ChartOptions)

Display options for the chart.


Groups a time series query definition with charting options.

JSON representation
  "timeSeriesQuery": {
    object (TimeSeriesQuery)
  "plotType": enum (PlotType),
  "legendTemplate": string,
  "minAlignmentPeriod": string,
  "targetAxis": enum (TargetAxis),
  "dimensions": [
      object (Dimension)
  "measures": [
      object (Measure)
  "breakdowns": [
      object (Breakdown)

object (TimeSeriesQuery)

Required. Fields for querying time series data from the Stackdriver metrics API.


enum (PlotType)

How this data should be plotted on the chart.



A template string for naming TimeSeries in the resulting data set. This should be a string with interpolations of the form ${label_name}, which will resolve to the label's value.


string (Duration format)

Optional. The lower bound on data point frequency for this data set, implemented by specifying the minimum alignment period to use in a time series query For example, if the data is published once every 10 minutes, the minAlignmentPeriod should be at least 10 minutes. It would not make sense to fetch and align data at one minute intervals.


enum (TargetAxis)

Optional. The target axis to use for plotting the metric.


object (Dimension)

Optional. A collection of dimension columns.


object (Measure)

Optional. A collection of measures.


object (Breakdown)

Optional. The collection of breakdowns to be applied to the dataset.


TimeSeriesQuery collects the set of supported methods for querying time series data from the Stackdriver metrics API.

JSON representation
  "unitOverride": string,
  "outputFullDuration": boolean,

  // Union field source can be only one of the following:
  "timeSeriesFilter": {
    object (TimeSeriesFilter)
  "timeSeriesFilterRatio": {
    object (TimeSeriesFilterRatio)
  "timeSeriesQueryLanguage": string,
  "prometheusQuery": string,
  "opsAnalyticsQuery": {
    object (OpsAnalyticsQuery)
  // End of list of possible types for union field source.


The unit of data contained in fetched time series. If non-empty, this unit will override any unit that accompanies fetched data. The format is the same as the unit field in MetricDescriptor.



Optional. If set, Cloud Monitoring will treat the full query duration as the alignment period so that there will be only 1 output value.

*Note: This could override the configured alignment period except for the cases where a series of data points are expected, like - XyChart - Scorecard's spark chart

Union field source. Parameters needed to obtain data for the chart. source can be only one of the following:

object (TimeSeriesFilter)

Filter parameters to fetch time series.


object (TimeSeriesFilterRatio)

Parameters to fetch a ratio between two time series filters.



A query used to fetch time series with MQL.



A query used to fetch time series with PromQL.


object (OpsAnalyticsQuery)

Preview: A query used to fetch a time series, category series, or numeric series with SQL. This is a preview feature and may be subject to change before final release.


A filter that defines a subset of time series data that is displayed in a widget. Time series data is fetched using the timeSeries.list method.

JSON representation
  "filter": string,
  "aggregation": {
    object (Aggregation)
  "secondaryAggregation": {
    object (Aggregation)

  // Union field output_filter can be only one of the following:
  "pickTimeSeriesFilter": {
    object (PickTimeSeriesFilter)
  // End of list of possible types for union field output_filter.


Required. The monitoring filter that identifies the metric types, resources, and projects to query.


object (Aggregation)

By default, the raw time series data is returned. Use this field to combine multiple time series for different views of the data.


object (Aggregation)

Apply a second aggregation after aggregation is applied.

Union field output_filter. Selects an optional time series filter. output_filter can be only one of the following:

object (PickTimeSeriesFilter)

Ranking based time series filter.


Describes how to combine multiple time series to provide a different view of the data. Aggregation of time series is done in two steps. First, each time series in the set is aligned to the same time interval boundaries, then the set of time series is optionally reduced in number.

Alignment consists of applying the perSeriesAligner operation to each time series after its data has been divided into regular alignmentPeriod time intervals. This process takes all of the data points in an alignment period, applies a mathematical transformation such as averaging, minimum, maximum, delta, etc., and converts them into a single data point per period.

Reduction is when the aligned and transformed time series can optionally be combined, reducing the number of time series through similar mathematical transformations. Reduction involves applying a crossSeriesReducer to all the time series, optionally sorting the time series into subsets with groupByFields, and applying the reducer to each subset.

The raw time series data can contain a huge amount of information from multiple sources. Alignment and reduction transforms this mass of data into a more manageable and representative collection of data, for example "the 95% latency across the average of all tasks in a cluster". This representative data can be more easily graphed and comprehended, and the individual time series data is still available for later drilldown. For more details, see Filtering and aggregation.

JSON representation
  "alignmentPeriod": string,
  "perSeriesAligner": enum (Aligner),
  "crossSeriesReducer": enum (Reducer),
  "groupByFields": [

string (Duration format)

The alignmentPeriod specifies a time interval, in seconds, that is used to divide the data in all the time series into consistent blocks of time. This will be done before the per-series aligner can be applied to the data.

The value must be at least 60 seconds. If a per-series aligner other than ALIGN_NONE is specified, this field is required or an error is returned. If no per-series aligner is specified, or the aligner ALIGN_NONE is specified, then this field is ignored.

The maximum value of the alignmentPeriod is 2 years, or 104 weeks.


enum (Aligner)

An Aligner describes how to bring the data points in a single time series into temporal alignment. Except for ALIGN_NONE, all alignments cause all the data points in an alignmentPeriod to be mathematically grouped together, resulting in a single data point for each alignmentPeriod with end timestamp at the end of the period.

Not all alignment operations may be applied to all time series. The valid choices depend on the metricKind and valueType of the original time series. Alignment can change the metricKind or the valueType of the time series.

Time series data must be aligned in order to perform cross-time series reduction. If crossSeriesReducer is specified, then perSeriesAligner must be specified and not equal to ALIGN_NONE and alignmentPeriod must be specified; otherwise, an error is returned.


enum (Reducer)

The reduction operation to be used to combine time series into a single time series, where the value of each data point in the resulting series is a function of all the already aligned values in the input time series.

Not all reducer operations can be applied to all time series. The valid choices depend on the metricKind and the valueType of the original time series. Reduction can yield a time series with a different metricKind or valueType than the input time series.

Time series data must first be aligned (see perSeriesAligner) in order to perform cross-time series reduction. If crossSeriesReducer is specified, then perSeriesAligner must be specified, and must not be ALIGN_NONE. An alignmentPeriod must also be specified; otherwise, an error is returned.



The set of fields to preserve when crossSeriesReducer is specified. The groupByFields determine how the time series are partitioned into subsets prior to applying the aggregation operation. Each subset contains time series that have the same value for each of the grouping fields. Each individual time series is a member of exactly one subset. The crossSeriesReducer is applied to each subset of time series. It is not possible to reduce across different resource types, so this field implicitly contains resource.type. Fields not specified in groupByFields are aggregated away. If groupByFields is not specified and all the time series have the same resource type, then the time series are aggregated into a single output time series. If crossSeriesReducer is not defined, this field is ignored.


The Aligner specifies the operation that will be applied to the data points in each alignment period in a time series. Except for ALIGN_NONE, which specifies that no operation be applied, each alignment operation replaces the set of data values in each alignment period with a single value: the result of applying the operation to the data values. An aligned time series has a single data value at the end of each alignmentPeriod.

An alignment operation can change the data type of the values, too. For example, if you apply a counting operation to boolean values, the data valueType in the original time series is BOOLEAN, but the valueType in the aligned result is INT64.

ALIGN_NONE No alignment. Raw data is returned. Not valid if cross-series reduction is requested. The valueType of the result is the same as the valueType of the input.

Align and convert to DELTA. The output is delta = y1 - y0.

This alignment is valid for CUMULATIVE and DELTA metrics. If the selected alignment period results in periods with no data, then the aligned value for such a period is created by interpolation. The valueType of the aligned result is the same as the valueType of the input.


Align and convert to a rate. The result is computed as rate = (y1 - y0)/(t1 - t0), or "delta over time". Think of this aligner as providing the slope of the line that passes through the value at the start and at the end of the alignmentPeriod.

This aligner is valid for CUMULATIVE and DELTA metrics with numeric values. If the selected alignment period results in periods with no data, then the aligned value for such a period is created by interpolation. The output is a GAUGE metric with valueType DOUBLE.

If, by "rate", you mean "percentage change", see the ALIGN_PERCENT_CHANGE aligner instead.

ALIGN_INTERPOLATE Align by interpolating between adjacent points around the alignment period boundary. This aligner is valid for GAUGE metrics with numeric values. The valueType of the aligned result is the same as the valueType of the input.
ALIGN_NEXT_OLDER Align by moving the most recent data point before the end of the alignment period to the boundary at the end of the alignment period. This aligner is valid for GAUGE metrics. The valueType of the aligned result is the same as the valueType of the input.
ALIGN_MIN Align the time series by returning the minimum value in each alignment period. This aligner is valid for GAUGE and DELTA metrics with numeric values. The valueType of the aligned result is the same as the valueType of the input.
ALIGN_MAX Align the time series by returning the maximum value in each alignment period. This aligner is valid for GAUGE and DELTA metrics with numeric values. The valueType of the aligned result is the same as the valueType of the input.
ALIGN_MEAN Align the time series by returning the mean value in each alignment period. This aligner is valid for GAUGE and DELTA metrics with numeric values. The valueType of the aligned result is DOUBLE.
ALIGN_COUNT Align the time series by returning the number of values in each alignment period. This aligner is valid for GAUGE and DELTA metrics with numeric or Boolean values. The valueType of the aligned result is INT64.
ALIGN_SUM Align the time series by returning the sum of the values in each alignment period. This aligner is valid for GAUGE and DELTA metrics with numeric and distribution values. The valueType of the aligned result is the same as the valueType of the input.
ALIGN_STDDEV Align the time series by returning the standard deviation of the values in each alignment period. This aligner is valid for GAUGE and DELTA metrics with numeric values. The valueType of the output is DOUBLE.
ALIGN_COUNT_TRUE Align the time series by returning the number of True values in each alignment period. This aligner is valid for GAUGE metrics with Boolean values. The valueType of the output is INT64.
ALIGN_COUNT_FALSE Align the time series by returning the number of False values in each alignment period. This aligner is valid for GAUGE metrics with Boolean values. The valueType of the output is INT64.
ALIGN_FRACTION_TRUE Align the time series by returning the ratio of the number of True values to the total number of values in each alignment period. This aligner is valid for GAUGE metrics with Boolean values. The output value is in the range [0.0, 1.0] and has valueType DOUBLE.
ALIGN_PERCENTILE_99 Align the time series by using percentile aggregation. The resulting data point in each alignment period is the 99th percentile of all data points in the period. This aligner is valid for GAUGE and DELTA metrics with distribution values. The output is a GAUGE metric with valueType DOUBLE.
ALIGN_PERCENTILE_95 Align the time series by using percentile aggregation. The resulting data point in each alignment period is the 95th percentile of all data points in the period. This aligner is valid for GAUGE and DELTA metrics with distribution values. The output is a GAUGE metric with valueType DOUBLE.
ALIGN_PERCENTILE_50 Align the time series by using percentile aggregation. The resulting data point in each alignment period is the 50th percentile of all data points in the period. This aligner is valid for GAUGE and DELTA metrics with distribution values. The output is a GAUGE metric with valueType DOUBLE.
ALIGN_PERCENTILE_05 Align the time series by using percentile aggregation. The resulting data point in each alignment period is the 5th percentile of all data points in the period. This aligner is valid for GAUGE and DELTA metrics with distribution values. The output is a GAUGE metric with valueType DOUBLE.

Align and convert to a percentage change. This aligner is valid for GAUGE and DELTA metrics with numeric values. This alignment returns ((current - previous)/previous) * 100, where the value of previous is determined based on the alignmentPeriod.

If the values of current and previous are both 0, then the returned value is 0. If only previous is 0, the returned value is infinity.

A 10-minute moving mean is computed at each point of the alignment period prior to the above calculation to smooth the metric and prevent false positives from very short-lived spikes. The moving mean is only applicable for data whose values are >= 0. Any values < 0 are treated as a missing datapoint, and are ignored. While DELTA metrics are accepted by this alignment, special care should be taken that the values for the metric will always be positive. The output is a GAUGE metric with valueType DOUBLE.


A Reducer operation describes how to aggregate data points from multiple time series into a single time series, where the value of each data point in the resulting series is a function of all the already aligned values in the input time series.

REDUCE_NONE No cross-time series reduction. The output of the Aligner is returned.
REDUCE_MEAN Reduce by computing the mean value across time series for each alignment period. This reducer is valid for DELTA and GAUGE metrics with numeric or distribution values. The valueType of the output is DOUBLE.
REDUCE_MIN Reduce by computing the minimum value across time series for each alignment period. This reducer is valid for DELTA and GAUGE metrics with numeric values. The valueType of the output is the same as the valueType of the input.
REDUCE_MAX Reduce by computing the maximum value across time series for each alignment period. This reducer is valid for DELTA and GAUGE metrics with numeric values. The valueType of the output is the same as the valueType of the input.
REDUCE_SUM Reduce by computing the sum across time series for each alignment period. This reducer is valid for DELTA and GAUGE metrics with numeric and distribution values. The valueType of the output is the same as the valueType of the input.
REDUCE_STDDEV Reduce by computing the standard deviation across time series for each alignment period. This reducer is valid for DELTA and GAUGE metrics with numeric or distribution values. The valueType of the output is DOUBLE.
REDUCE_COUNT Reduce by computing the number of data points across time series for each alignment period. This reducer is valid for DELTA and GAUGE metrics of numeric, Boolean, distribution, and string valueType. The valueType of the output is INT64.
REDUCE_COUNT_TRUE Reduce by computing the number of True-valued data points across time series for each alignment period. This reducer is valid for DELTA and GAUGE metrics of Boolean valueType. The valueType of the output is INT64.
REDUCE_COUNT_FALSE Reduce by computing the number of False-valued data points across time series for each alignment period. This reducer is valid for DELTA and GAUGE metrics of Boolean valueType. The valueType of the output is INT64.
REDUCE_FRACTION_TRUE Reduce by computing the ratio of the number of True-valued data points to the total number of data points for each alignment period. This reducer is valid for DELTA and GAUGE metrics of Boolean valueType. The output value is in the range [0.0, 1.0] and has valueType DOUBLE.
REDUCE_PERCENTILE_99 Reduce by computing the 99th percentile of data points across time series for each alignment period. This reducer is valid for GAUGE and DELTA metrics of numeric and distribution type. The value of the output is DOUBLE.
REDUCE_PERCENTILE_95 Reduce by computing the 95th percentile of data points across time series for each alignment period. This reducer is valid for GAUGE and DELTA metrics of numeric and distribution type. The value of the output is DOUBLE.
REDUCE_PERCENTILE_50 Reduce by computing the 50th percentile of data points across time series for each alignment period. This reducer is valid for GAUGE and DELTA metrics of numeric and distribution type. The value of the output is DOUBLE.
REDUCE_PERCENTILE_05 Reduce by computing the 5th percentile of data points across time series for each alignment period. This reducer is valid for GAUGE and DELTA metrics of numeric and distribution type. The value of the output is DOUBLE.


Describes a ranking-based time series filter. Each input time series is ranked with an aligner. The filter will allow up to numTimeSeries time series to pass through it, selecting them based on the relative ranking.

For example, if rankingMethod is METHOD_MEAN,direction is BOTTOM, and numTimeSeries is 3, then the 3 times series with the lowest mean values will pass through the filter.

JSON representation
  "rankingMethod": enum (Method),
  "numTimeSeries": integer,
  "direction": enum (Direction),
  "interval": {
    object (Interval)

enum (Method)

rankingMethod is applied to each time series independently to produce the value which will be used to compare the time series to other time series.



How many time series to allow to pass through the filter.


enum (Direction)

How to use the ranking to select time series that pass through the filter.


object (Interval)

Select the top N streams/time series within this time interval


The value reducers that can be applied to a PickTimeSeriesFilter.

METHOD_UNSPECIFIED Not allowed. You must specify a different Method if you specify a PickTimeSeriesFilter.
METHOD_MEAN Select the mean of all values.
METHOD_MAX Select the maximum value.
METHOD_MIN Select the minimum value.
METHOD_SUM Compute the sum of all values.
METHOD_LATEST Select the most recent value.


Describes the ranking directions.

DIRECTION_UNSPECIFIED Not allowed. You must specify a different Direction if you specify a PickTimeSeriesFilter.
TOP Pass the highest numTimeSeries ranking inputs.
BOTTOM Pass the lowest numTimeSeries ranking inputs.


Represents a time interval, encoded as a Timestamp start (inclusive) and a Timestamp end (exclusive).

The start must be less than or equal to the end. When the start equals the end, the interval is empty (matches no time). When both start and end are unspecified, the interval matches any time.

JSON representation
  "startTime": string,
  "endTime": string

string (Timestamp format)

Optional. Inclusive start of the interval.

If specified, a Timestamp matching this interval will have to be the same or after the start.

A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".


string (Timestamp format)

Optional. Exclusive end of the interval.

If specified, a Timestamp matching this interval will have to be before the end.

A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".


A pair of time series filters that define a ratio computation. The output time series is the pair-wise division of each aligned element from the numerator and denominator time series.

JSON representation
  "numerator": {
    object (RatioPart)
  "denominator": {
    object (RatioPart)
  "secondaryAggregation": {
    object (Aggregation)

  // Union field output_filter can be only one of the following:
  "pickTimeSeriesFilter": {
    object (PickTimeSeriesFilter)
  // End of list of possible types for union field output_filter.

object (RatioPart)

The numerator of the ratio.


object (RatioPart)

The denominator of the ratio.


object (Aggregation)

Apply a second aggregation after the ratio is computed.

Union field output_filter. Selects an optional filter that is applied to the time series after computing the ratio. output_filter can be only one of the following:

object (PickTimeSeriesFilter)

Ranking based time series filter.


Describes a query to build the numerator or denominator of a TimeSeriesFilterRatio.

JSON representation
  "filter": string,
  "aggregation": {
    object (Aggregation)


Required. The monitoring filter that identifies the metric types, resources, and projects to query.


object (Aggregation)

By default, the raw time series data is returned. Use this field to combine multiple time series for different views of the data.


Preview: A query that produces an aggregated response and supporting data. This is a preview feature and may be subject to change before final release.

JSON representation
  "sql": string


A SQL query to fetch time series, category series, or numeric series data.


The types of plotting strategies for data sets.

PLOT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED Plot type is unspecified. The view will default to LINE.
LINE The data is plotted as a set of lines (one line per series).
STACKED_AREA The data is plotted as a set of filled areas (one area per series), with the areas stacked vertically (the base of each area is the top of its predecessor, and the base of the first area is the x-axis). Since the areas do not overlap, each is filled with a different opaque color.
STACKED_BAR The data is plotted as a set of rectangular boxes (one box per series), with the boxes stacked vertically (the base of each box is the top of its predecessor, and the base of the first box is the x-axis). Since the boxes do not overlap, each is filled with a different opaque color.
HEATMAP The data is plotted as a heatmap. The series being plotted must have a DISTRIBUTION value type. The value of each bucket in the distribution is displayed as a color. This type is not currently available in the Stackdriver Monitoring application.


An axis identifier.

TARGET_AXIS_UNSPECIFIED The target axis was not specified. Defaults to Y1.
Y1 The yAxis (the right axis of chart).
Y2 The y2Axis (the left axis of chart).


A chart dimension. Dimensions are a structured label, class, or category for a set of measurements in your data.

JSON representation
  "column": string,
  "columnType": string,
  "maxBinCount": integer,
  "sortOrder": enum (SortOrder),
  "sortColumn": string,

  // Union field bin_size can be only one of the following:
  "timeBinSize": string,
  "numericBinSize": integer,
  "floatBinSize": number
  // End of list of possible types for union field bin_size.


Required. The name of the column in the source SQL query that is used to chart the dimension.



Optional. The type of the dimension column. This is relevant only if one of the bin_size fields is set. If it is empty, the type TIMESTAMP or INT64 will be assumed based on which bin_size field is set. If populated, this should be set to one of the following types: DATE, TIME, DATETIME, TIMESTAMP, BIGNUMERIC, INT64, NUMERIC, FLOAT64.



A limit to the number of bins generated. When 0 is specified, the maximum count is not enforced.


enum (SortOrder)

The sort order applied to the sort column.



The column name to sort on for binning. This column can be the same column as this dimension or any other column used as a measure in the results. If sortOrder is set to NONE, then this value is not used.

Union field bin_size. The values of bin_size are used to configure the grouping of points for the specified dimension column named by column applied to the measure values. bin_size can be only one of the following:

string (Duration format)

timeBinSize is used when the data type specified by column is a time type and the bin size is determined by a time duration. If columnType is DATE, this must be a whole value multiple of 1 day. If columnType is TIME, this must be less than or equal to 24 hours.



numericBinSize is used when the column type used for a dimension is numeric or string.



Optional. floatBinSize is used when the column type used for a dimension is a floating point numeric column.


Sort order options.

SORT_ORDER_UNSPECIFIED An unspecified sort order. This option is invalid when sorting is required.
SORT_ORDER_NONE No sorting is applied.
SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING The lowest-valued entries are selected first.
SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING The highest-valued entries are selected first.


A chart measure. Measures represent a measured property in your chart data such as rainfall in inches, number of units sold, revenue gained, etc.

JSON representation
  "column": string,
  "aggregationFunction": {
    object (AggregationFunction)


Required. The column name within in the dataset used for the measure.


object (AggregationFunction)

Required. The aggregation function applied to the input column. This must not be set to "none" unless binning is disabled on the dimension. The aggregation function is used to group points on the dimension bins.


Preview: An identifier for an aggregation function. Aggregation functions are SQL functions that group or transform data from multiple points to a single point. This is a preview feature and may be subject to change before final release.

JSON representation
  "type": string,
  "parameters": [
      object (Parameter)


Required. The type of aggregation function, must be one of the following:

  • "none" - no function.
  • "percentile" - APPROX_QUANTILES() - 1 parameter numeric value
  • "average" - AVG()
  • "count" - COUNT()
  • "count-distinct" - COUNT(DISTINCT)
  • "count-distinct-approx" - APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT()
  • "max" - MAX()
  • "min" - MIN()
  • "sum" - SUM()

object (Parameter)

Optional. Parameters applied to the aggregation function. Only used for functions that require them.


Preview: Parameter value applied to the aggregation function. This is a preview feature and may be subject to change before final release.

JSON representation

  // Union field value can be only one of the following:
  "intValue": string,
  "doubleValue": number
  // End of list of possible types for union field value.
Union field value. Parameter value. value can be only one of the following:

string (int64 format)

An integer parameter value.



A floating-point parameter value.


Preview: A breakdown is an aggregation applied to the measures over a specified column. A breakdown can result in multiple series across a category for the provided measure. This is a preview feature and may be subject to change before final release.

JSON representation
  "column": string,
  "limit": integer,
  "aggregationFunction": {
    object (AggregationFunction)
  "sortOrder": enum (SortOrder)


Required. The name of the column in the dataset containing the breakdown values.



Required. A limit to the number of breakdowns. If set to zero then all possible breakdowns are applied. The list of breakdowns is dependent on the value of the sortOrder field.


object (AggregationFunction)

Required. The Aggregation function is applied across all data in each breakdown created.


enum (SortOrder)

Required. The sort order is applied to the values of the breakdown column.


Defines a threshold for categorizing time series values.

JSON representation
  "label": string,
  "value": number,
  "color": enum (Color),
  "direction": enum (Direction),
  "targetAxis": enum (TargetAxis)


A label for the threshold.



The value of the threshold. The value should be defined in the native scale of the metric.


enum (Color)

The state color for this threshold. Color is not allowed in a XyChart.


enum (Direction)

The direction for the current threshold. Direction is not allowed in a XyChart.


enum (TargetAxis)

The target axis to use for plotting the threshold. Target axis is not allowed in a Scorecard.


The color suggests an interpretation to the viewer when actual values cross the threshold. Comments on each color provide UX guidance on how users can be expected to interpret a given state color.

COLOR_UNSPECIFIED Color is unspecified. Not allowed in well-formed requests.
YELLOW Crossing the threshold is "concerning" behavior.
RED Crossing the threshold is "emergency" behavior.


Whether the threshold is considered crossed by an actual value above or below its threshold value.

DIRECTION_UNSPECIFIED Not allowed in well-formed requests.
ABOVE The threshold will be considered crossed if the actual value is above the threshold value.
BELOW The threshold will be considered crossed if the actual value is below the threshold value.


An axis identifier.

TARGET_AXIS_UNSPECIFIED The target axis was not specified. Defaults to Y1.
Y1 The yAxis (the right axis of chart).
Y2 The y2Axis (the left axis of chart).


A chart axis.

JSON representation
  "label": string,
  "scale": enum (Scale)


The label of the axis.


enum (Scale)

The axis scale. By default, a linear scale is used.


Types of scales used in axes.

SCALE_UNSPECIFIED Scale is unspecified. The view will default to LINEAR.
LINEAR Linear scale.
LOG10 Logarithmic scale (base 10).


Options to control visual rendering of a chart.

JSON representation
  "mode": enum (Mode),
  "displayHorizontal": boolean

enum (Mode)

The chart mode.



Preview: Configures whether the charted values are shown on the horizontal or vertical axis. By default, values are represented the vertical axis. This is a preview feature and may be subject to change before final release.


Chart mode options.

MODE_UNSPECIFIED Mode is unspecified. The view will default to COLOR.
COLOR The chart distinguishes data series using different color. Line colors may get reused when there are many lines in the chart.
X_RAY The chart uses the Stackdriver x-ray mode, in which each data set is plotted using the same semi-transparent color.
STATS The chart displays statistics such as average, median, 95th percentile, and more.


A widget showing the latest value of a metric, and how this value relates to one or more thresholds.

JSON representation
  "timeSeriesQuery": {
    object (TimeSeriesQuery)
  "thresholds": [
      object (Threshold)
  "dimensions": [
      object (Dimension)
  "measures": [
      object (Measure)

  // Union field data_view can be only one of the following:
  "gaugeView": {
    object (GaugeView)
  "sparkChartView": {
    object (SparkChartView)
  "blankView": {
  // End of list of possible types for union field data_view.

object (TimeSeriesQuery)

Required. Fields for querying time series data from the Stackdriver metrics API.


object (Threshold)

The thresholds used to determine the state of the scorecard given the time series' current value. For an actual value x, the scorecard is in a danger state if x is less than or equal to a danger threshold that triggers below, or greater than or equal to a danger threshold that triggers above. Similarly, if x is above/below a warning threshold that triggers above/below, then the scorecard is in a warning state - unless x also puts it in a danger state. (Danger trumps warning.)

As an example, consider a scorecard with the following four thresholds:

  value: 90,
  category: 'DANGER',
  trigger: 'ABOVE',
  value: 70,
  category: 'WARNING',
  trigger: 'ABOVE',
  value: 10,
  category: 'DANGER',
  trigger: 'BELOW',
  value: 20,
  category: 'WARNING',
  trigger: 'BELOW',

Then: values less than or equal to 10 would put the scorecard in a DANGER state, values greater than 10 but less than or equal to 20 a WARNING state, values strictly between 20 and 70 an OK state, values greater than or equal to 70 but less than 90 a WARNING state, and values greater than or equal to 90 a DANGER state.


object (Dimension)

Optional. A dimension is a structured label, class, or category for a set of measurements in your data.


object (Measure)

Optional. A measure is a measured value of a property in your data. For example, rainfall in inches, number of units sold, revenue gained, etc.

Union field data_view. Defines the optional additional chart shown on the scorecard. If neither is included - then a default scorecard is shown. data_view can be only one of the following:

object (GaugeView)

Will cause the scorecard to show a gauge chart.


object (SparkChartView)

Will cause the scorecard to show a spark chart.



Will cause the Scorecard to show only the value, with no indicator to its value relative to its thresholds.


A gauge chart shows where the current value sits within a pre-defined range. The upper and lower bounds should define the possible range of values for the scorecard's query (inclusive).

JSON representation
  "lowerBound": number,
  "upperBound": number


The lower bound for this gauge chart. The value of the chart should always be greater than or equal to this.



The upper bound for this gauge chart. The value of the chart should always be less than or equal to this.


A sparkChart is a small chart suitable for inclusion in a table-cell or inline in text. This message contains the configuration for a sparkChart to show up on a Scorecard, showing recent trends of the scorecard's timeseries.

JSON representation
  "sparkChartType": enum (SparkChartType),
  "minAlignmentPeriod": string

enum (SparkChartType)

Required. The type of sparkchart to show in this chartView.


string (Duration format)

The lower bound on data point frequency in the chart implemented by specifying the minimum alignment period to use in a time series query. For example, if the data is published once every 10 minutes it would not make sense to fetch and align data at one minute intervals. This field is optional and exists only as a hint.


Defines the possible types of spark chart supported by the Scorecard.

SPARK_CHART_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED Not allowed in well-formed requests.
SPARK_LINE The sparkline will be rendered as a small line chart.
SPARK_BAR The sparkbar will be rendered as a small bar chart.


A widget that displays textual content.

JSON representation
  "content": string,
  "format": enum (Format),
  "style": {
    object (TextStyle)


The text content to be displayed.


enum (Format)

How the text content is formatted.


object (TextStyle)

How the text is styled


The format type of the text content.

FORMAT_UNSPECIFIED Format is unspecified. Defaults to MARKDOWN.
MARKDOWN The text contains Markdown formatting.
RAW The text contains no special formatting.


Properties that determine how the title and content are styled

JSON representation
  "backgroundColor": string,
  "textColor": string,
  "horizontalAlignment": enum (HorizontalAlignment),
  "verticalAlignment": enum (VerticalAlignment),
  "padding": enum (PaddingSize),
  "fontSize": enum (FontSize),
  "pointerLocation": enum (PointerLocation)


The background color as a hex string. "#RRGGBB" or "#RGB"



The text color as a hex string. "#RRGGBB" or "#RGB"


enum (HorizontalAlignment)

The horizontal alignment of both the title and content


enum (VerticalAlignment)

The vertical alignment of both the title and content


enum (PaddingSize)

The amount of padding around the widget


enum (FontSize)

Font sizes for both the title and content. The title will still be larger relative to the content.


enum (PointerLocation)

The pointer location for this widget (also sometimes called a "tail")


The horizontal alignment of both the title and content on a text widget

HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_UNSPECIFIED No horizontal alignment specified, will default to H_LEFT
H_LEFT Left-align
H_CENTER Center-align
H_RIGHT Right-align


The vertical alignment of both the title and content on a text widget

VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT_UNSPECIFIED No vertical alignment specified, will default to V_TOP
V_TOP Top-align
V_CENTER Center-align
V_BOTTOM Bottom-align


Specifies padding size around a text widget

PADDING_SIZE_UNSPECIFIED No padding size specified, will default to P_EXTRA_SMALL
P_EXTRA_SMALL Extra small padding
P_SMALL Small padding
P_MEDIUM Medium padding
P_LARGE Large padding
P_EXTRA_LARGE Extra large padding


Specifies a font size for the title and content of a text widget

FONT_SIZE_UNSPECIFIED No font size specified, will default to FS_LARGE
FS_EXTRA_SMALL Extra small font size
FS_SMALL Small font size
FS_MEDIUM Medium font size
FS_LARGE Large font size
FS_EXTRA_LARGE Extra large font size


Specifies where a visual pointer is placed on a text widget (also sometimes called a "tail")

PL_TOP Placed in the middle of the top of the widget
PL_RIGHT Placed in the middle of the right side of the widget
PL_BOTTOM Placed in the middle of the bottom of the widget
PL_LEFT Placed in the middle of the left side of the widget
PL_TOP_LEFT Placed on the left side of the top of the widget
PL_TOP_RIGHT Placed on the right side of the top of the widget
PL_RIGHT_TOP Placed on the top of the right side of the widget
PL_RIGHT_BOTTOM Placed on the bottom of the right side of the widget
PL_BOTTOM_RIGHT Placed on the right side of the bottom of the widget
PL_BOTTOM_LEFT Placed on the left side of the bottom of the widget
PL_LEFT_BOTTOM Placed on the bottom of the left side of the widget
PL_LEFT_TOP Placed on the top of the left side of the widget


A chart that displays alert policy data.

JSON representation
  "name": string


Required. The resource name of the alert policy. The format is:



A table that displays time series data.

JSON representation
  "dataSets": [
      object (TableDataSet)
  "metricVisualization": enum (MetricVisualization),
  "columnSettings": [
      object (ColumnSettings)

object (TableDataSet)

Required. The data displayed in this table.


enum (MetricVisualization)

Optional. Store rendering strategy


object (ColumnSettings)

Optional. The list of the persistent column settings for the table.


Groups a time series query definition with table options.

JSON representation
  "timeSeriesQuery": {
    object (TimeSeriesQuery)
  "tableTemplate": string,
  "minAlignmentPeriod": string,
  "tableDisplayOptions": {
    object (TableDisplayOptions)

object (TimeSeriesQuery)

Required. Fields for querying time series data from the Stackdriver metrics API.



Optional. A template string for naming TimeSeries in the resulting data set. This should be a string with interpolations of the form ${label_name}, which will resolve to the label's value i.e. "${resource.labels.project_id}."


string (Duration format)

Optional. The lower bound on data point frequency for this data set, implemented by specifying the minimum alignment period to use in a time series query For example, if the data is published once every 10 minutes, the minAlignmentPeriod should be at least 10 minutes. It would not make sense to fetch and align data at one minute intervals.


object (TableDisplayOptions)

Optional. Table display options for configuring how the table is rendered.


Table display options that can be reused.

JSON representation
  "shownColumns": [


Optional. This field is unused and has been replaced by TimeSeriesTable.column_settings


Enum for metric metricVisualization

NUMBER Default text rendering
BAR Horizontal bar rendering


The persistent settings for a table's columns.

JSON representation
  "column": string,
  "visible": boolean,
  "alignment": enum (CellAlignment),
  "displayName": string,
  "thresholds": [
      object (Threshold)


Required. The id of the column.



Required. Whether the column should be visible on page load.


enum (CellAlignment)

Optional. Whether the column should be left / middle / right aligned



Optional. Display name of the column


object (Threshold)

Optional. The thresholds used to determine how the table cell should be rendered given the time series' current value.


The horizontal alignment of table cells in that column

CELL_ALIGNMENT_UNSPECIFIED No horizontal alignment specified; fall back to the default behavior. Label values are left aligned. Numeric values are right aligned.
LEFT Left-align
CENTER Center-align
RIGHT Right-align


A widget that groups the other widgets. All widgets that are within the area spanned by the grouping widget are considered member widgets.

JSON representation
  "collapsed": boolean


The collapsed state of the widget on first page load.


A widget that displays a stream of log.

JSON representation
  "filter": string,
  "resourceNames": [


A filter that chooses which log entries to return. See Advanced Logs Queries. Only log entries that match the filter are returned. An empty filter matches all log entries.



The names of logging resources to collect logs for. Currently projects and storage views are supported. If empty, the widget will default to the host project.


A widget that displays a list of incidents

JSON representation
  "monitoredResources": [
      object (MonitoredResource)
  "policyNames": [

object (MonitoredResource)

Optional. The monitored resource for which incidents are listed. The resource doesn't need to be fully specified. That is, you can specify the resource type but not the values of the resource labels. The resource type and labels are used for filtering.



Optional. A list of alert policy names to filter the incident list by. Don't include the project ID prefix in the policy name. For example, use alertPolicies/utilization.


A widget that displays timeseries data as a pie or a donut.

JSON representation
  "dataSets": [
      object (PieChartDataSet)
  "chartType": enum (PieChartType),
  "showLabels": boolean

object (PieChartDataSet)

Required. The queries for the chart's data.


enum (PieChartType)

Required. Indicates the visualization type for the PieChart.



Optional. Indicates whether or not the pie chart should show slices' labels


Groups a time series query definition.

JSON representation
  "timeSeriesQuery": {
    object (TimeSeriesQuery)
  "sliceNameTemplate": string,
  "minAlignmentPeriod": string,
  "dimensions": [
      object (Dimension)
  "measures": [
      object (Measure)

object (TimeSeriesQuery)

Required. The query for the PieChart. See, google.monitoring.dashboard.v1.TimeSeriesQuery.



Optional. A template for the name of the slice. This name will be displayed in the legend and the tooltip of the pie chart. It replaces the auto-generated names for the slices. For example, if the template is set to ${}, the zone's value will be used for the name instead of the default name.


string (Duration format)

Optional. The lower bound on data point frequency for this data set, implemented by specifying the minimum alignment period to use in a time series query. For example, if the data is published once every 10 minutes, the minAlignmentPeriod should be at least 10 minutes. It would not make sense to fetch and align data at one minute intervals.


object (Dimension)

A dimension is a structured label, class, or category for a set of measurements in your data.


object (Measure)

A measure is a measured value of a property in your data. For example, rainfall in inches, number of units sold, revenue gained, etc.


Types for the pie chart.

PIE_CHART_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED The zero value. No type specified. Do not use.
PIE A Pie type PieChart.
DONUT Similar to PIE, but the DONUT type PieChart has a hole in the middle.


A widget that displays a list of error groups.

JSON representation
  "projectNames": [
  "services": [
  "versions": [


The resource name of the Google Cloud Platform project. Written as projects/{projectID} or projects/{projectNumber}, where {projectID} and {projectNumber} can be found in the Google Cloud console.

Examples: projects/my-project-123, projects/5551234.



An identifier of the service, such as the name of the executable, job, or Google App Engine service name. This field is expected to have a low number of values that are relatively stable over time, as opposed to version, which can be changed whenever new code is deployed.

Contains the service name for error reports extracted from Google App Engine logs or default if the App Engine default service is used.



Represents the source code version that the developer provided, which could represent a version label or a Git SHA-1 hash, for example. For App Engine standard environment, the version is set to the version of the app.


A widget that defines a new section header. Sections populate a table of contents and allow easier navigation of long-form content.

JSON representation
  "subtitle": string,
  "dividerBelow": boolean


The subtitle of the section



Whether to insert a divider below the section in the table of contents


This type has no fields.

A widget that groups the other widgets by using a dropdown menu. All widgets that are within the area spanned by the grouping widget are considered member widgets.


A mosaic layout divides the available space into a grid of blocks, and overlays the grid with tiles. Unlike GridLayout, tiles may span multiple grid blocks and can be placed at arbitrary locations in the grid.

JSON representation
  "columns": integer,
  "tiles": [
      object (Tile)


The number of columns in the mosaic grid. The number of columns must be between 1 and 48, inclusive.


object (Tile)

The tiles to display.


A single tile in the mosaic. The placement and size of the tile are configurable.

JSON representation
  "xPos": integer,
  "yPos": integer,
  "width": integer,
  "height": integer,
  "widget": {
    object (Widget)


The zero-indexed position of the tile in grid blocks relative to the left edge of the grid. Tiles must be contained within the specified number of columns. xPos cannot be negative.



The zero-indexed position of the tile in grid blocks relative to the top edge of the grid. yPos cannot be negative.



The width of the tile, measured in grid blocks. Tiles must have a minimum width of 1.



The height of the tile, measured in grid blocks. Tiles must have a minimum height of 1.


object (Widget)

The informational widget contained in the tile. For example an XyChart.


A simplified layout that divides the available space into rows and arranges a set of widgets horizontally in each row.

JSON representation
  "rows": [
      object (Row)

object (Row)

The rows of content to display.


Defines the layout properties and content for a row.

JSON representation
  "weight": string,
  "widgets": [
      object (Widget)

string (int64 format)

The relative weight of this row. The row weight is used to adjust the height of rows on the screen (relative to peers). Greater the weight, greater the height of the row on the screen. If omitted, a value of 1 is used while rendering.


object (Widget)

The display widgets arranged horizontally in this row.


A simplified layout that divides the available space into vertical columns and arranges a set of widgets vertically in each column.

JSON representation
  "columns": [
      object (Column)

object (Column)

The columns of content to display.


Defines the layout properties and content for a column.

JSON representation
  "weight": string,
  "widgets": [
      object (Widget)

string (int64 format)

The relative weight of this column. The column weight is used to adjust the width of columns on the screen (relative to peers). Greater the weight, greater the width of the column on the screen. If omitted, a value of 1 is used while rendering.


object (Widget)

The display widgets arranged vertically in this column.


A filter to reduce the amount of data charted in relevant widgets.

JSON representation
  "labelKey": string,
  "templateVariable": string,
  "valueType": enum (ValueType),
  "filterType": enum (FilterType),

  // Union field default_value can be only one of the following:
  "stringValue": string,
  "stringArrayValue": {
    object (StringArray)
  // End of list of possible types for union field default_value.

  // Union field value_source can be only one of the following:
  "timeSeriesQuery": {
    object (TimeSeriesQuery)
  "stringArray": {
    object (StringArray)
  // End of list of possible types for union field value_source.


Optional. The key for the label. This must be omitted if the filterType is VALUE_ONLY but is required otherwise.



The placeholder text that can be referenced in a filter string or MQL query. If omitted, the dashboard filter will be applied to all relevant widgets in the dashboard.


enum (ValueType)

The type of the filter value. If valueType is not provided, it will be inferred from the defaultValue. If neither valueType nor defaultValue is provided, valueType will be set to STRING by default.


enum (FilterType)

The specified filter type

Union field default_value. The default value used in the filter comparison default_value can be only one of the following:


A variable-length string value. If this field is set, valueType must be set to STRING or VALUE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED


object (StringArray)

An array of variable-length string values. If this field is set, valueType must be set to STRING_ARRAY or VALUE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED

Union field value_source. A definition of the set of valid values for the filter. This is optional but recommended for VALUE_ONLY filters. For other filter types, the set of valid values will be inferred from the charted data. value_source can be only one of the following:

object (TimeSeriesQuery)

A query to run to fetch possible values for the filter. Only OpsAnalyticsQueries are supported


object (StringArray)

A list of possible string values for the filter


The type of the filter value

VALUE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED Value type is unspecified
STRING String type
STRING_ARRAY String array type


An array of strings

JSON representation
  "values": [


The values of the array


The type for the dashboard filter

FILTER_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED Filter type is unspecified. This is not valid in a well-formed request.
RESOURCE_LABEL Filter on a resource label value
METRIC_LABEL Filter on a metrics label value
USER_METADATA_LABEL Filter on a user metadata label value
SYSTEM_METADATA_LABEL Filter on a system metadata label value
GROUP Filter on a group id
VALUE_ONLY Filter that only contains a value. The labelKey field must be unset for filters of this type.


Dashboard-level configuration for annotations

JSON representation
  "defaultResourceNames": [
  "eventAnnotations": [
      object (EventAnnotation)


Dashboard level defaults for names of logging resources to search for events. Currently only projects are supported. Each individual EventAnnotation may have its own overrides. If both this field and the per annotation field is empty, then the scoping project is used. Limit: 50 projects. For example:


object (EventAnnotation)

List of annotation configurations for this dashboard. Each entry specifies one event type.


Annotation configuration for one event type on a dashboard

JSON representation
  "displayName": string,
  "eventType": enum (EventType),
  "filter": string,
  "enabled": boolean,
  "resourceNames": [


Solely for UI display. Should not be used programmatically.


enum (EventType)

The type of event to display.



string filtering the events - event dependant. Example values:

"resource.labels.pod_name = 'pod-1'"


Whether or not to show the events on the dashboard by default



Per annotation level override for the names of logging resources to search for events. Currently only projects are supported. If both this field and the per annotation field is empty, it will default to the host project. Limit: 50 projects. For example:



Predefined event types.

EVENT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED No event type specified.
GKE_WORKLOAD_DEPLOYMENT Patch/update of GKE workload.
GKE_POD_CRASH Crash events for a GKE Pod.
GKE_POD_UNSCHEDULABLE Scheduling failures for GKE Pods.
GKE_CONTAINER_CREATION_FAILED Failure to create a GKE container.
GKE_CLUSTER_CREATE_DELETE Create/delete of a GKE cluster.
GKE_CLUSTER_UPDATE Update of a GKE cluster.
GKE_NODE_POOL_UPDATE Update of a GKE node pool.
GKE_CLUSTER_AUTOSCALER GKE cluster autoscaler event.
GKE_POD_AUTOSCALER GKE pod autoscaler event.
VM_TERMINATION Termination of a virtual machine.
VM_GUEST_OS_ERROR Guest OS error on a virtual machine.
VM_START_FAILED Start failure on a virtual machine.
MIG_UPDATE Update of a managed instance group.
MIG_AUTOSCALER Autoscaler event for a managed instance group.
CLOUD_RUN_DEPLOYMENT New deployment of a Cloud Run service.
CLOUD_SQL_FAILOVER Failover of a Cloud SQL instance.
CLOUD_SQL_START_STOP Start/stop of a Cloud SQL instance.
CLOUD_SQL_STORAGE Storage event for a Cloud SQL instance.
UPTIME_CHECK_FAILURE Failure of a Cloud Monitoring uptime check.
CLOUD_ALERTING_ALERT Alerts from Cloud Alerting
SERVICE_HEALTH_INCIDENT Incidents from Service Health
SAP_BACKINT Agent for SAP Backint related events.



Creates a new custom dashboard.


Deletes an existing custom dashboard.


Fetches a specific dashboard.


Lists the existing dashboards.


Replaces an existing custom dashboard with a new definition.