Metrics list

Metric types in Cloud Monitoring are classified into general groups, based on the type of service that collects the data. This document provides links to reference lists for each of these groups.

Metrics from Google Cloud services include:

Metrics from agents, open-source, and third-party applications include:

  • Metrics for the legacy Cloud Monitoring and Cloud Logging agents, as well as the Ops Agent. With the exception of metrics from third-party applications, the Ops Agent and the legacy agents share many groups of metrics.

  • Knative metrics, for Knative components.

  • External metrics, for open-source and third-party applications.

About the lists

The tables in the metric-type lists are regenerated frequently and time-stamped. The information listed for each metric type comes from the Monitoring API MetricDescriptor object for each metric type. For more information about how metric types are described, see Metrics, time series, and resources.

Launch stages

Each metric type has a launch stage that indicates its maturity. If specified, the launch stage appears as a colored superscript after the metric type: GA, BETA, ALPHA, EARLY_ACCESS, or DEPRECATED. If no superscript appears, then the launch stage is unspecified. For more information, see Product launch stages.

Metric types in the Alpha or Early Access launch stages might not appear in the public lists of metrics. To get information about those metric types, explicitly retrieve the set of metric descriptors from a Google Cloud project that has been given permission to use the restricted metric types. If you have permission to use restricted metric types, you can retrieve the metric descriptors by using the metricDescriptors.list method in the Monitoring API. For more information, see List metric descriptors.

Additional information: metadata

The description for each metric type includes information called metadata about the metric. The metadata includes the following:

  • Sample Period: For metrics that are written periodically, this is the time interval between consecutive data points, excluding data loss due to errors. The period, if available, appears at the end of the description text in a sentence of the form “Sampled every x seconds.”

  • Latency: Data points older than this value are guaranteed to be available to be read, excluding data loss due to errors. The delay does not include any time spent waiting until the next sampling period. The delay, if available, appears at the end of the description text in a sentence of the form “After sampling, data is not visible for up to y seconds.”

  • Resource hierarchy levels: Most metrics are collected only for projects, but some metrics are also collected at the organization and folder levels. If a level is not specified in the metadata, then the metric is written at the project level.


In general, Cloud Monitoring system metrics are free, and metrics from external systems, agents, or applications are not. Billable metrics are billed by either the number of bytes or the number of samples ingested.

For more information about Cloud Monitoring pricing, see the following documents:

Getting started