kf migrate plan


kf migrate plan - Generates a plan of Cloud Foundry resources to migrate to Kf.


kf migrate plan [flags]


Generates a plan of Cloud Foundry resources to migrate to Kf. Includes Spaces, Apps, and Services Instances and Bindings.


  • The cf CLI correctly installed and able to authenticate
  • The currently logged in CF user must have scim.read scope for all Spaces


kf migrate plan
kf migrate plan --cf-org myorg --cf-space myspace



Only migrate the named CF app (optional). Must be used with --cf-org and --cf-space. Default: migrate all CF apps in specified CF organization/space.


Only migrate CF apps in the named CF organization. Default: migrate all orgs.


Only migrate CF apps in the named CF space (optional). Must be used with --cf-org. Default: migrate all CF spaces in specified organization.


Only include Kf supported resources in the plan.

-h, --help

help for plan

-v, --verbose

Prints the commands being run and their outputs.

Inherited flags

These flags are inherited from parent commands.


Username to impersonate for the operation.


Group to impersonate for the operation. Include this flag multiple times to specify multiple groups.


Path to the Kf config file to use for CLI requests.


Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests.


Log HTTP requests to standard error.


Space to run the command against. This flag overrides the currently targeted Space.