安装 GCP Service Broker

本文档是 GCP Service Broker 的 GitHub 代码库上显示的文档修订版。


  1. 安装了 Kf 的集群。
  2. gcloud:按照这些说明安装 gcloud CLI。
  3. kubectl:安装 gcloud 后,运行 gcloud components install kubectl
  4. helm:按照这些说明安装 helm CLI。
  5. git:需要 Git 才能克隆代码库。



选择要用于本教程其余部分的 Google Cloud 项目。它应该是您的 Kf 集群所用的项目。


export PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)
export SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME=kf-gcp-broker

为 Broker 创建服务账号

  1. 创建服务账号:

    gcloud iam service-accounts create $SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME
  2. 创建新凭据以允许 Broker 进行身份验证,并将凭据下载到 key.json

    gcloud iam service-accounts keys create key.json --iam-account $SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME@$PROJECT_ID.iam.gserviceaccount.com
  3. 向 Broker 授予项目所有者权限:

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member serviceAccount:$SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME@$PROJECT_ID.iam.gserviceaccount.com --role "roles/owner"

启用必需的 API

现在,您需要启用 API 以使 Broker 预配资源。

Broker 具有运行它所需的一些 API,还有一些 API 是可选的,但必须启用才能预配特定类型的资源。

需要 Cloud Resource Manager 和 Identity and Access Management API 才能运行代理。如需启用它们,请输入以下命令:

gcloud services enable cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com iam.googleapis.com --project $PROJECT_ID

启用 API

为了在项目上预配 Cloud 服务,Kf 建议至少启用以下 API:

  1. CloudSQL API
  2. CloudSQL Admin API
  3. Pub/Sub API
  4. Redis API
  5. Storage API

GCP Service Broker 还支持多种其他服务,您可以通过启用此处列出的 API 来添加对这些服务的支持。

安装 Service Broker

  1. 将 GCP Service Broker 克隆到本地工作站,并使用 cd 切换到该工作站:

    git clone --depth=1 "https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/gcp-service-broker"
    cd gcp-service-broker/deployments/helm/gcp-service-broker
  2. 更新 Helm 图表的依赖项:

    helm dependency update
  3. 修改文件 values.yaml 并将 broker.service_account_json 的值设置为包含 key.json 的全部内容的字符串。


    # ...
      # ...
      service_account_json: "contents of key.json go here"
    # ...
  4. 如果在生产环境中运行,请将 mysql.embedded 设置为 false,并为具有自动备份和故障切换的外部 MySQL 数据库提供凭据。

  5. 为 GCP Service Broker 创建 Kubernetes 命名空间:

    kubectl create namespace gcp-service-broker
  6. 安装代理:

    helm install gcp-service-broker --set svccat.register=false --namespace gcp-service-broker .
  7. 向 Kf 注册代理:

    kf create-service-broker gcp-service-broker \
      "$(kubectl get secret gcp-service-broker-auth -n gcp-service-broker -o jsonpath='{.data.username}' | base64 --decode)" \
      "$(kubectl get secret gcp-service-broker-auth -n gcp-service-broker -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 --decode)" \

确认安装 Broker

运行 kf marketplace。您应看到如下输出:

Broker              Name                          Space       Status  Description
gcp-service-broker  google-stackdriver-profiler               Active  Continuous CPU and heap profiling to improve performance and reduce costs.
gcp-service-broker  google-stackdriver-monitoring             Active  Stackdriver Monitoring provides visibility into the performance, uptime, and overall health of cloud
gcp-service-broker  google-dataflow                           Active  A managed service for executing a wide variety of data processing patterns built on Apache Beam.
gcp-service-broker  google-cloudsql-mysql                     Active  Google CloudSQL for MySQL is a fully-managed MySQL database service.
gcp-service-broker  google-spanner                            Active  The first horizontally scalable, globally consistent, relational database service.
gcp-service-broker  google-ml-apis                            Active  Machine Learning APIs including Vision, Translate, Speech, and Natural Language.
gcp-service-broker  google-pubsub                             Active  A global service for real-time and reliable messaging and streaming data.
gcp-service-broker  google-datastore                          Active  Google Cloud Datastore is a NoSQL document database service.
gcp-service-broker  google-stackdriver-debugger               Active  Stackdriver Debugger is a feature of the Google Cloud Platform that lets you inspect the state of an
gcp-service-broker  google-firestore                          Active  Cloud Firestore is a fast, fully managed, serverless, cloud-native NoSQL document database that simp
gcp-service-broker  google-bigtable                           Active  A high performance NoSQL database service for large analytical and operational workloads.
gcp-service-broker  google-storage                            Active  Unified object storage for developers and enterprises. Cloud Storage allows world-wide storage and r
gcp-service-broker  google-stackdriver-trace                  Active  Stackdriver Trace is a distributed tracing system that collects latency data from your applications
gcp-service-broker  google-cloudsql-postgres                  Active  Google CloudSQL for PostgreSQL is a fully-managed PostgreSQL database service.
gcp-service-broker  google-dialogflow                         Active  Dialogflow is an end-to-end, build-once deploy-everywhere development suite for creating conversatio
gcp-service-broker  google-bigquery                           Active  A fast, economical and fully managed data warehouse for large-scale data analytics.

GCP Service Broker 已安装,且可用于创建服务并将其绑定到使用 Kf 部署的应用。