Execute the migration

This page describes how to generate the migration artifacts which you can use to deploy your workloads to the target cluster.

Generate migration artifacts

After you've customized your migration plan, to generate the artifacts, run the following command:


Replace the following:

  • ANALYSIS_PATH: the path where you saved the analysis output
  • OUTPUT_ARTIFACTS_PATH: the path where you want to save the generated artifacts

Generate migration artifacts for WebSphere workloads

To generate migration artifacts for WebSphere workloads, in addition to the analysis output path and the path where you want to save the generated artifacts, you also need to specify the path to the binaryAppScanner.jar file that you had set up when you created the migration plan.

To generate migration artifacts, run the following command:

./m2c generate \
  --volume PATH_TO_BINARYAPPSCANNER:/binaryAppScanner.jar

Replace PATH_TO_BINARYAPPSCANNER with the path to the binaryAppScanner.jar file. For example, if you specified /tmp as your target directory while setting up the binaryAppScanner.jar, then it is available at /tmp/wamt/binaryAppScanner.jar.

Review the generated artifacts

The generated migration artifacts are available in the specified output path. Depending on your plugin and migration plan, the generated artifacts contain one or more Dockerfiles that are used to build container images, and one or more Kubernetes deployment specs.

Additionally, Migrate to Containers CLI generates a Skaffold configuration that you can use to build and deploy all of the generated images in a single step.

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