Batching guest discovery and data collection

This tutorial walks you through the process of discovering and collecting data on a batch of VMware virtual machine (VM) instances using the Migration Center discovery client CLI guest discovery. Large batches of VMs may be difficult to monitor and troubleshoot. We recommend batching into smaller groups of less than 1,000.


In this tutorial, you will learn how to:

  • Download the mcdc CLI.
  • Run a VMWare inventory discovery.
  • Generate a CSV file with all the discovered VMs.
  • Split the CSV file into multiple CSV files containing a subset of the VMs.
  • Run guest discovery on all the VMs in a CSV file.
  • Generate an offline assessment report.


This tutorial uses on-premises resources and incurs no Google Cloud costs.

Before you begin

  1. Prepare a Linux machine to install and run the mcdc CLI. The Linux machine must have the following minimum requirements:

    • glibc version 2.25 or later
    • 4 GB RAM and 10 GB disk space
    • Network connectivity to vCenter and ESX hosts
  2. Ensure that you have a vSphere user with the necessary permissions:

    • Read privileges to VMs
    • Read privileges to all the ESX hosts
    • Guest operation modifications
    • Guest operation program execution
    • Guest operation queries

Download the mcdc CLI

  1. Connect to the Linux machine:
    ssh MACHINE_IP

    Replace MACHINE_IP with the IP address of your Linux machine.

  2. Download the latest version of the mcdc CLI and make it executable:
      curl -O "$(curl -s"
      chmod +x mcdc
  3. Add the mcdc CLI to your shell path:

Perform a VMware inventory discovery

  • Run the inventory discovery:

    ./mcdc discover vsphere -u USERNAME --url https://VSPHERE_URL

    Replace the following:

    • USERNAME: your vCenter username
    • VSPHERE_URL: the URL for your vCenter Server instance or the vSphere Client

    The output of the discover command looks like the following:

    [+] Found 528 VMs
    Collecting data...
    528 / 528 [---------------------------------------------------] 100.00% 5 p/s
    [✓] Collection completed.

Generate a CSV file with all the discovered VMs

To generate a CSV file, use the export script from the Migrate to Containers repository on GitHub.

vms=$(mcdc report --format csv | tail -n +2 | awk -F ',' '{; print $2";"$3";"$4";;;"}')
printf "%s\n" "Name;Platform VM ID;OS Family;IP;USERNAME;PASSWORD"
printf "%s\n" "$vms"

The script uses the report command to generate a CSV file containing all the VMs that were discovered in the previous step.

  1. Download the script:

    curl -O
    chmod +x
  2. Run the script and save the output to a file:

    ./ > VMS_CSV_FILE

    Replace VMS_CSV_FILE with the name you want for the CSV file.

Split the CSV file into multiple CSV files with a subset of the VMs

To split the large CSV file into smaller CSV files, use the splitter script from the Migrate to Containers repository on GitHub.

tail -n +2 $1 | split -d -l $num_of_lines - $2
for file in $2*
    head -n 1 $1 > tmp_file
    cat "$file" >> tmp_file
    mv -f tmp_file "$file"
  1. Download the script:

    curl -O
    chmod +x
  2. Run the script:


    Replace the following:

    • VMS_CSV_FILE: the input CSV file to split.
    • CSV_FILES_PREFIX: the prefix for the generated CSV files.
    • LINES_PER_FILE: the number of lines per generated CSV file. The default value is 10.

    The script generates various CSV files.

  3. View the list of generated CSV files:

    ls -lrt CSV_FILES_PREFIX*

Run guest discovery on all the VMs in a CSV files

To run the guest discovery for the VMs in a CSV file, use the collection script from the Migrate to Containers GitHub repository.

Repeat this step for each CSV file generated in the previous step.


read -r -p "CSV file name: " CSV_FILE
if [[ ! -r "$CSV_FILE" ]]; then
    echo "The file $CSV_FILE does not exist or can not be accessed."
    exit 1

read -r -p "vSphere URL: " VSPHERE_URL
if ! [[ $VSPHERE_URL =~ $url_regex ]]; then
    echo "vSphere URL $VSPHERE_URL IS not a valid URL"
    exit 1
read -r -p "vSphere username: " VSPHERE_USER
read -r -s -p "vSphere password: " VSPHERE_PASSWORD
echo ""
read -r -p "Default username: " DEFAULT_USER
read -r -s -p "Default password: " DEFAULT_PASSWORD

echo ""

# CSV fields
while IFS=";" read -r vm_name vm_id os ip username password
   if [ -z "$username" ]
    if [ -z "$password" ]

    if [ ! -z "$vm_id" ]
      # Note that the below only works for VMWare VMs
      # vm_id after the last slash if prefixed by vSphere IP
      mod_vm_id=$(echo "$vm_id" | sed 's/.*\///')
      mcdc discover vsphere guest --url $VSPHERE_URL -u $VSPHERE_USER -p $VSPHERE_PASSWORD --vm-user $username --vm-password $password $mod_vm_id
      echo "Skipping VM: $vm_name because it has no VM ID"
 done < <(tail -n +1 $CSV_FILE)

The script uses the discover vsphere guest command to upload and execute the guest collection script on the VM.

It's best to execute this script in the background and direct the output to a log file. To do so, you need to create a text file which is passed as input to the script.

  1. Create the text file:

    cat <<EOF >> INPUT_FILE

    Replace the following:

    • INPUT_FILE: input filename
    • CSV_FILES_PREFIX: CSV filename prefix
    • CSV_FILE_SUFFIX: CSV filename suffix
    • VSPHERE_URL: the URL for your vCenter Server instance or the vSphere Client
    • VSPHERE_USER: vCenter username
    • VSPHERE_PASSWORD: vCenter password
    • VM_USER: VM username
    • VM_PASSWORD: VM password
  2. Run the guest collection script:

    nohup ./ <INPUT_FILE > /tmp/mcdc.out 2>&1 &
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each CSV file generated in the previous step.

Generate an offline assessment report

  • After all the data is collected, you can produce a detailed HTML report:

    ./mcdc report --format html --full > REPORT_NAME.html

What's next