Cloud Monitoring collects measurements to help you understand how your applications and system services are performing. A collection of these measurements is generically called a metric. The applications and system services being monitored are called monitored resources.
For a general explanation of the entries in the tables, see Metric types.
For information about the units used in the metric lists, see the
field in theMetricDescriptor
reference.For information about statements of the form “Sampled every x seconds” and “After sampling, data is not visible for up to y seconds”, see Additional information: metadata.
For a set of complete, current lists of supported metric types, see Metrics list.
For pricing information, see Monitoring pricing.
The following table maps metric path prefixes to the load balancer types:
Metric path | Load balancer |
https/ |
Global external Application Load Balancer Classic Application Load Balancer |
https/external/regional |
Regional external Application Load Balancer |
https/internal/ |
Cross-region internal Application Load Balancer Regional internal Application Load Balancer |
l3/external/ |
External passthrough Network Load Balancer |
l3/internal/ |
Internal passthrough Network Load Balancer |
tcp_ssl_proxy/ |
Classic proxy Network Load Balancer |
l4_proxy/ |
Global external proxy Network Load Balancer Cross-region internal proxy Network Load Balancer Regional internal proxy Network Load Balancer Regional external proxy Network Load Balancer |
The "metric type" strings in this table must be prefixed
. That prefix has been
omitted from the entries in the table.
When querying a label, use the metric.labels.
prefix; for
example, metric.labels.LABEL="VALUE"
Metric type Launch stage (Resource hierarchy levels) Display name |
Kind, Type, Unit Monitored resources |
Description Labels |
Backend latency |
https_lb_rule |
A distribution of the latency calculated from when the request was sent by the proxy to the backend until the proxy received from the backend the last byte of response. For Service Extensions, this value represents the sum of latencies of each ProcessingRequest/ProcessingResponse pair between the load balancer and the extension backend. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 210 seconds.
protocol :
Protocol used by the client, one of [HTTP/1.0, HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2.0, SPDY, UNKNOWN].
response_code :
HTTP response code.
load_balancing_scheme :
Load balancing scheme: EXTERNAL or EXTERNAL_MANAGED.
response_code_class :
HTTP response code class: 200, 300, 400, 500 or 0 for none.
proxy_continent :
Continent of the HTTP proxy that handled the hit: 'America', 'Europe' or 'Asia'.
cache_result :
Cache result for serving HTTP request by proxy: 'HIT', 'MISS', 'DISABLED' or 'UNKNOWN'.
client_country :
Country of the client that issued the HTTP request (for example, 'United States', 'Germany').
Backend Request Bytes |
DELTA , INT64 , By
https_lb_rule |
The number of bytes sent as requests from external HTTP(S) load balancer to backends. For Service Extensions, this value represents the total number of bytes sent from the load balancer to the extension backend. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 210 seconds.
response_code :
HTTP backend response code.
load_balancing_scheme :
Load balancing scheme: EXTERNAL or EXTERNAL_MANAGED.
response_code_class :
HTTP backend response code class: 200, 300, 400, 500 or 0 for none.
proxy_continent :
Continent of the HTTP proxy that handled the request: 'America', 'Europe' or 'Asia'.
cache_result :
Cache result for serving the HTTP request by backends (cache hits are abstracted as backend requests): 'HIT', 'MISS', 'DISABLED' or 'UNKNOWN'.
Backend Request Count |
DELTA , INT64 , 1
https_lb_rule |
The number of requests served by backends of external HTTP(S) load balancer. For Service Extensions, this value represents the total number of gRPC streams between the load balancer to the extension backend. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 210 seconds.
response_code :
HTTP backend response code.
load_balancing_scheme :
Load balancing scheme: EXTERNAL or EXTERNAL_MANAGED.
response_code_class :
HTTP backend response code class: 200, 300, 400, 500 or 0 for none.
proxy_continent :
Continent of the HTTP proxy that handled the request: 'America', 'Europe' or 'Asia'.
cache_result :
Cache result for serving the HTTP request by backends (cache hits are abstracted as backend requests): 'HIT', 'MISS', 'DISABLED' or 'UNKNOWN'.
Backend Response Bytes |
DELTA , INT64 , By
https_lb_rule |
The number of bytes sent as responses from backends (or cache) to external HTTP(S) load balancer. For Service Extensions, this value represents the total number of bytes received by the load balancer from the extension backend. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 210 seconds.
response_code :
HTTP backend response code.
load_balancing_scheme :
Load balancing scheme: EXTERNAL or EXTERNAL_MANAGED.
response_code_class :
HTTP backend response code class: 200, 300, 400, 500 or 0 for none.
proxy_continent :
Continent of the HTTP proxy that handled the request: 'America', 'Europe' or 'Asia'.
cache_result :
Cache result for serving the HTTP request by backends (cache hits are abstracted as backend requests): 'HIT', 'MISS', 'DISABLED' or 'UNKNOWN'.
Backend latencies |
http_external_regional_lb_rule |
A distribution of the latency calculated from when the request was sent by the proxy to the backend until the proxy received from the backend the last byte of response. For Service Extensions, this value represents the sum of latencies of each ProcessingRequest/ProcessingResponse pair between the load balancer and the extension backend. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 210 seconds.
protocol :
Protocol used by the client: 'HTTP/1.0', 'HTTP/1.1', 'HTTP/2.0', 'QUIC/HTTP/2.0' or 'UNKNOWN'.
response_code :
HTTP response code.
response_code_class :
HTTP response code class: 200, 300, 400, 500 or 0 for none.
cache_result :
Cache result for serving HTTP request by proxy: 'HIT', 'MISS', 'DISABLED' or 'UNKNOWN'.
client_country :
Country of the client that issued the HTTP request (e.g. 'United States', 'Germany').
Backend request bytes count per external regional https load balancer |
DELTA , INT64 , By
http_external_regional_lb_rule |
The number of bytes sent as requests from Regional External HTTP(S) load balancer to backends. For Service Extensions, this value represents the total number of bytes sent from the load balancer to the extension backend. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 90 seconds.
response_code :
HTTP response code.
response_code_class :
HTTP response code class: 200, 300, 400, 500 or 0 for none.
Backend request count per external regional https load balancer |
DELTA , INT64 , 1
http_external_regional_lb_rule |
The number of requests served by backends of Regional External HTTP(S) load balancer. For Service Extensions, this value represents the total number of gRPC streams between the load balancer to the extension backend. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 90 seconds.
response_code :
HTTP response code.
response_code_class :
HTTP response code class: 200, 300, 400, 500 or 0 for none.
Backend response bytes count per external regional https load balancer |
DELTA , INT64 , By
http_external_regional_lb_rule |
The number of bytes sent as response from backends to Regional External HTTP(S) load balancer. For Service Extensions, this value represents the total number of bytes received by the load balancer from the extension backend. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 90 seconds.
response_code :
HTTP response code.
response_code_class :
HTTP response code class: 200, 300, 400, 500 or 0 for none.
Request bytes |
DELTA , INT64 , By
http_external_regional_lb_rule |
The number of bytes sent as requests from clients to HTTP/S load balancer. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 90 seconds.
protocol :
Protocol used by the client: 'HTTP/1.0', 'HTTP/1.1', 'HTTP/2.0', 'QUIC/HTTP/2.0' or 'UNKNOWN'.
response_code :
HTTP response code.
response_code_class :
HTTP response code class: 200, 300, 400, 500 or 0 for none.
cache_result :
Cache result for serving HTTP request by proxy: 'HIT', 'MISS', 'DISABLED' or 'UNKNOWN'.
client_country :
Country of the client that issued the HTTP request (e.g. 'United States', 'Germany').
Request count |
DELTA , INT64 , 1
http_external_regional_lb_rule |
The number of requests served by HTTP/S load balancer. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 90 seconds.
protocol :
Protocol used by the client: 'HTTP/1.0', 'HTTP/1.1', 'HTTP/2.0', 'QUIC/HTTP/2.0' or 'UNKNOWN'.
response_code :
HTTP response code.
response_code_class :
HTTP response code class: 200, 300, 400, 500 or 0 for none.
cache_result :
Cache result for serving HTTP request by proxy: 'HIT', 'MISS', 'DISABLED' or 'UNKNOWN'.
client_country :
Country of the client that issued the HTTP request (e.g. 'United States', 'Germany').
Response bytes |
DELTA , INT64 , By
http_external_regional_lb_rule |
The number of bytes sent as responses from HTTP/S load balancer to clients. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 90 seconds.
protocol :
Protocol used by the client: 'HTTP/1.0', 'HTTP/1.1', 'HTTP/2.0', 'QUIC/HTTP/2.0' or 'UNKNOWN'.
response_code :
HTTP response code.
response_code_class :
HTTP response code class: 200, 300, 400, 500 or 0 for none.
cache_result :
Cache result for serving HTTP request by proxy: 'HIT', 'MISS', 'DISABLED' or 'UNKNOWN'.
client_country :
Country of the client that issued the HTTP request (e.g. 'United States', 'Germany').
Total latencies |
http_external_regional_lb_rule |
A distribution of the latency calculated from when the request was received by the proxy until the proxy got ACK from client on last response byte. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 90 seconds.
protocol :
Protocol used by the client: 'HTTP/1.0', 'HTTP/1.1', 'HTTP/2.0', 'QUIC/HTTP/2.0' or 'UNKNOWN'.
response_code :
HTTP response code.
response_code_class :
HTTP response code class: 200, 300, 400, 500 or 0 for none.
cache_result :
Cache result for serving HTTP request by proxy: 'HIT', 'MISS', 'DISABLED' or 'UNKNOWN'.
client_country :
Country of the client that issued the HTTP request (e.g. 'United States', 'Germany').
Frontend RTT |
https_lb_rule |
A distribution of the RTT measured for each connection between client and proxy. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 210 seconds.
load_balancing_scheme :
Load balancing scheme: EXTERNAL or EXTERNAL_MANAGED.
proxy_continent :
Continent of the HTTP proxy that handled the hit: 'America', 'Europe' or 'Asia'.
client_country :
Country of the client that issued the HTTP request (for example, 'United States', 'Germany').
Backend latencies |
internal_http_lb_rule |
A distribution of the latency calculated from when the request was sent by the internal Application Load Balancer proxy to the backend until the proxy received from the backend the last byte of response. For Service Extensions, this value represents the sum of latencies of each ProcessingRequest/ProcessingResponse pair between the load balancer and the extension backend. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 90 seconds.
protocol :
Protocol used by the client: 'HTTP/1.0', 'HTTP/1.1', 'HTTP/2.0', 'SPDY' or 'UNKNOWN'.
response_code :
HTTP response code.
response_code_class :
HTTP response code class: 200, 300, 400, 500 or 0 for none.
cache_result :
Cache result for serving HTTP request by proxy: 'HIT', 'MISS', 'DISABLED' or 'UNKNOWN'.
Backend request bytes count per internal https load balancer |
DELTA , INT64 , By
internal_http_lb_rule |
The number of bytes sent as requests from Internal HTTP(S) load balancer to backends. For Service Extensions, this value represents the total number of bytes sent from the load balancer to the extension backend. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 90 seconds.
response_code :
HTTP response code.
response_code_class :
HTTP response code class: 200, 300, 400, 500 or 0 for none.
Backend request count per internal https load balancer |
DELTA , INT64 , 1
internal_http_lb_rule |
The number of requests served by backends of Internal HTTP(S) load balancer. For Service Extensions, this value represents the number of gRPC streams between the load balancer and the extension backend. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 90 seconds.
response_code :
HTTP response code.
response_code_class :
HTTP response code class: 200, 300, 400, 500 or 0 for none.
Backend response bytes count per internal https load balancer |
DELTA , INT64 , By
internal_http_lb_rule |
The number of bytes sent as response from backends to Internal HTTP(S) load balancer. For Service Extensions, this value represents the total number of bytes received by the load balancer from the extension backend. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 90 seconds.
response_code :
HTTP response code.
response_code_class :
HTTP response code class: 200, 300, 400, 500 or 0 for none.
Request bytes |
DELTA , INT64 , By
internal_http_lb_rule |
The number of bytes sent as requests from clients to internal Application Load Balancer. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 90 seconds.
protocol :
Protocol used by the client: 'HTTP/1.0', 'HTTP/1.1', 'HTTP/2.0', 'SPDY' or 'UNKNOWN'.
response_code :
HTTP response code.
response_code_class :
HTTP response code class: 200, 300, 400, 500 or 0 for none.
cache_result :
Cache result for serving HTTP request by proxy: 'HIT', 'MISS', 'DISABLED' or 'UNKNOWN'.
Request count |
DELTA , INT64 , 1
internal_http_lb_rule |
The number of requests served by internal Application Load Balancer. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 90 seconds.
protocol :
Protocol used by the client: 'HTTP/1.0', 'HTTP/1.1', 'HTTP/2.0', 'QUIC/HTTP/2.0' or 'UNKNOWN'.
response_code :
HTTP response code.
response_code_class :
HTTP response code class: 200, 300, 400, 500 or 0 for none.
cache_result :
Cache result for serving HTTP request by proxy: 'HIT', 'MISS', 'DISABLED' or 'UNKNOWN'.
Response bytes |
DELTA , INT64 , By
internal_http_lb_rule |
The number of bytes sent as responses from internal Application Load Balancer to clients. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 90 seconds.
protocol :
Protocol used by the client: 'HTTP/1.0', 'HTTP/1.1', 'HTTP/2.0', 'SPDY' or 'UNKNOWN'.
response_code :
HTTP response code.
response_code_class :
HTTP response code class: 200, 300, 400, 500 or 0 for none.
cache_result :
Cache result for serving HTTP request by proxy: 'HIT', 'MISS', 'DISABLED' or 'UNKNOWN'.
Total latencies |
internal_http_lb_rule |
A distribution of the latency calculated from when the request was received by the internal Application Load Balancer proxy until the proxy got ACK from client on last response byte. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 90 seconds.
protocol :
Protocol used by the client: 'HTTP/1.0', 'HTTP/1.1', 'HTTP/2.0', 'SPDY' or 'UNKNOWN'.
response_code :
HTTP response code.
response_code_class :
HTTP response code class: 200, 300, 400, 500 or 0 for none.
cache_result :
Cache result for serving HTTP request by proxy: 'HIT', 'MISS', 'DISABLED' or 'UNKNOWN'.
Request bytes |
DELTA , INT64 , By
https_lb_rule |
The number of bytes sent as requests from clients to external HTTP(S) load balancer. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 210 seconds.
protocol :
Protocol used by the client, one of [HTTP/1.0, HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2.0, SPDY, UNKNOWN].
response_code :
HTTP response code.
load_balancing_scheme :
Load balancing scheme: EXTERNAL or EXTERNAL_MANAGED.
response_code_class :
HTTP response code class: 200, 300, 400, 500 or 0 for none.
proxy_continent :
Continent of the HTTP proxy that handled the hit: 'America', 'Europe' or 'Asia'.
cache_result :
Cache result for serving HTTP request by proxy: 'HIT', 'MISS', 'DISABLED', 'PARTIAL_HIT' (for a request served partially from cache and partially from backend) or 'UNKNOWN'.
client_country :
Country of the client that issued the HTTP request (for example, 'United States', 'Germany').
Request count |
DELTA , INT64 , 1
https_lb_rule |
The number of requests served by external HTTP(S) load balancer. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 210 seconds.
protocol :
Protocol used by the client, one of [HTTP/1.0, HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2.0, QUIC/HTTP/2.0, UNKNOWN].
response_code :
HTTP response code.
load_balancing_scheme :
Load balancing scheme: EXTERNAL or EXTERNAL_MANAGED.
response_code_class :
HTTP response code class: 200, 300, 400, 500 or 0 for none.
proxy_continent :
Continent of the HTTP proxy that handled the hit: 'America', 'Europe' or 'Asia'.
cache_result :
Cache result for serving HTTP request by proxy: 'HIT', 'MISS', 'DISABLED', 'PARTIAL_HIT' (for a request served partially from cache and partially from backend) or 'UNKNOWN'.
client_country :
Country of the client that issued the HTTP request (for example, 'United States', 'Germany').
Response bytes |
DELTA , INT64 , By
https_lb_rule |
The number of bytes sent as responses from external HTTP(S) load balancer to clients. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 210 seconds.
protocol :
Protocol used by the client, one of [HTTP/1.0, HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2.0, SPDY, UNKNOWN].
response_code :
HTTP response code.
load_balancing_scheme :
Load balancing scheme: EXTERNAL or EXTERNAL_MANAGED.
response_code_class :
HTTP response code class: 200, 300, 400, 500 or 0 for none.
proxy_continent :
Continent of the HTTP proxy that handled the hit: 'America', 'Europe' or 'Asia'.
cache_result :
Cache result for serving HTTP request by proxy: 'HIT', 'MISS', 'DISABLED', 'PARTIAL_HIT' (for a request served partially from cache and partially from backend) or 'UNKNOWN'.
client_country :
Country of the client that issued the HTTP request (for example, 'United States', 'Germany').
Total latency |
https_lb_rule |
A distribution of the latency calculated from when the request was received by the external HTTP(S) load balancer proxy until the proxy got ACK from client on last response byte. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 210 seconds.
protocol :
Protocol used by the client, one of [HTTP/1.0, HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2.0, SPDY, UNKNOWN].
response_code :
HTTP response code.
load_balancing_scheme :
Load balancing scheme: EXTERNAL or EXTERNAL_MANAGED.
response_code_class :
HTTP response code class: 200, 300, 400, 500 or 0 for none.
proxy_continent :
Continent of the HTTP proxy that handled the hit: 'America', 'Europe' or 'Asia'.
cache_result :
Cache result for serving HTTP request by proxy: 'HIT', 'MISS', 'DISABLED', 'PARTIAL_HIT' (for a request served partially from cache and partially from backend) or 'UNKNOWN'.
client_country :
Country of the client that issued the HTTP request (for example, 'United States', 'Germany').
Egress bytes count |
DELTA , INT64 , By tcp_lb_rule udp_lb_rule |
The number of bytes sent from the backend of the external network load balancer to the client. For TCP flows, this metric counts the bytes on the application stream only. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 150 seconds.
client_continent :
Continent of the client that initiated the flow to the external network load balancer.
client_country :
Country of the client that initiated the flow to the external network load balancer.
protocol :
Protocol of the connection, one of [TCP, UDP, GRE, ICMP, ICMPV6, ESP]. This field remains empty for all resources other than
Egress packets count |
DELTA , INT64 , 1 tcp_lb_rule udp_lb_rule |
The number of packets sent from the backend of the external network load balancer to the client. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 150 seconds.
client_continent :
Continent of the client that initiated the flow to the external network load balancer.
client_country :
Country of the client that initiated the flow to the external network load balancer.
protocol :
Protocol of the connection, one of [TCP, UDP, GRE, ICMP, ICMPV6, ESP]. This field remains empty for all resources other than
Ingress bytes count |
DELTA , INT64 , By tcp_lb_rule udp_lb_rule |
The number of bytes sent from the client to the backend of the external network load balancer. For TCP flows, this metric counts the bytes on the application stream only. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 150 seconds.
client_continent :
Continent of the client that initiated the flow to the external network load balancer.
client_country :
Country of the client that initiated the flow to the external network load balancer.
protocol :
Protocol of the connection, one of [TCP, UDP, GRE, ICMP, ICMPV6, ESP]. This field remains empty for all resources other than
Ingress packets count |
DELTA , INT64 , 1 tcp_lb_rule udp_lb_rule |
The number of packets sent from the client to the backend of the external network load balancer. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 150 seconds.
client_continent :
Continent of the client that initiated the flow to the external network load balancer.
client_country :
Country of the client that initiated the flow to the external network load balancer.
protocol :
Protocol of the connection, one of [TCP, UDP, GRE, ICMP, ICMPV6, ESP]. This field remains empty for all resources other than
RTT latencies |
DELTA , DISTRIBUTION , ms tcp_lb_rule |
A distribution of the round trip time latency, measured over TCP connections for the external network load balancer. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 150 seconds.
client_continent :
Continent of the client that initiated the flow to the external network load balancer.
client_country :
Country of the client that initiated the flow to the external network load balancer.
protocol :
Protocol of the connection, set to TCP if the resource is, otherwise empty.
Egress bytes per internal TCP/UDP load balancer |
DELTA , INT64 , By
internal_tcp_lb_rule internal_udp_lb_rule |
The number of bytes sent from the internal TCP/UDP load balancer backend to the client (for TCP flows it's counting bytes on application stream only). Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 150 seconds.
client_project_id :
Project ID of the client instance communicating with the internal TCP/UDP load balancer. If the client instance belongs to a different project, the field is set with the correct value only if all of the following hold: 1) the projects are in the same organization, 2) the communication was via Shared VPC or VPC Peering, 3) cross project metrics were not disabled. Otherwise the field is set to CLIENT_IS_EXTERNAL.
client_network :
Network of the client instance communicating with the internal TCP/UDP load balancer. If the client instance belongs to a different project, the field is set with the correct value only if all of the following hold: 1) the projects are in the same organization, 2) the communication was via Shared VPC or VPC Peering, 3) cross project metrics were not disabled. Otherwise the field is set to CLIENT_IS_EXTERNAL.
client_subnetwork :
Subnetwork of the client instance communicating with the internal TCP/UDP load balancer. If the client instance belongs to a different project, the field is set with the correct value only if all of the following hold: 1) the projects are in the same organization, 2) the communication was via Shared VPC or VPC Peering, 3) cross project metrics were not disabled. Otherwise the field is set to CLIENT_IS_EXTERNAL.
client_zone :
Zone of the client instance communicating with the internal TCP/UDP load balancer. If the client instance belongs to a different project, the field is set with the correct value only if all of the following hold: 1) the projects are in the same organization, 2) the communication was via Shared VPC or VPC Peering, 3) cross project metrics were not disabled. Otherwise the field is set to CLIENT_IS_EXTERNAL.
Egress packets per internal TCP/UDP load balancer |
DELTA , INT64 , 1
internal_tcp_lb_rule internal_udp_lb_rule |
The number of packets sent from the internal TCP/UDP load balancer to the client. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 150 seconds.
client_project_id :
Project ID of the client instance communicating with the internal TCP/UDP load balancer. If the client instance belongs to a different project, the field is set with the correct value only if all of the following hold: 1) the projects are in the same organization, 2) the communication was via Shared VPC or VPC Peering, 3) cross project metrics were not disabled. Otherwise the field is set to CLIENT_IS_EXTERNAL.
client_network :
Network of the client instance communicating with the internal TCP/UDP load balancer. If the client instance belongs to a different project, the field is set with the correct value only if all of the following hold: 1) the projects are in the same organization, 2) the communication was via Shared VPC or VPC Peering, 3) cross project metrics were not disabled. Otherwise the field is set to CLIENT_IS_EXTERNAL.
client_subnetwork :
Subnetwork of the client instance communicating with the internal TCP/UDP load balancer. If the client instance belongs to a different project, the field is set with the correct value only if all of the following hold: 1) the projects are in the same organization, 2) the communication was via Shared VPC or VPC Peering, 3) cross project metrics were not disabled. Otherwise the field is set to CLIENT_IS_EXTERNAL.
client_zone :
Zone of the client instance communicating with the internal TCP/UDP load balancer. If the client instance belongs to a different project, the field is set with the correct value only if all of the following hold: 1) the projects are in the same organization, 2) the communication was via Shared VPC or VPC Peering, 3) cross project metrics were not disabled. Otherwise the field is set to CLIENT_IS_EXTERNAL.
Ingress bytes per internal TCP/UDP load balancer |
DELTA , INT64 , By
internal_tcp_lb_rule internal_udp_lb_rule |
The number of bytes sent from the client to the internal TCP/UDP load balancer backend (for TCP flows it's counting bytes on application stream only). Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 150 seconds.
client_project_id :
Project ID of the client instance communicating with the internal TCP/UDP load balancer. If the client instance belongs to a different project, the field is set with the correct value only if all of the following hold: 1) the projects are in the same organization, 2) the communication was via Shared VPC or VPC Peering, 3) cross project metrics were not disabled. Otherwise the field is set to CLIENT_IS_EXTERNAL.
client_network :
Network of the client instance communicating with the internal TCP/UDP load balancer. If the client instance belongs to a different project, the field is set with the correct value only if all of the following hold: 1) the projects are in the same organization, 2) the communication was via Shared VPC or VPC Peering, 3) cross project metrics were not disabled. Otherwise the field is set to CLIENT_IS_EXTERNAL.
client_subnetwork :
Subnetwork of the client instance communicating with the internal TCP/UDP load balancer. If the client instance belongs to a different project, the field is set with the correct value only if all of the following hold: 1) the projects are in the same organization, 2) the communication was via Shared VPC or VPC Peering, 3) cross project metrics were not disabled. Otherwise the field is set to CLIENT_IS_EXTERNAL.
client_zone :
Zone of the client instance communicating with the internal TCP/UDP load balancer. If the client instance belongs to a different project, the field is set with the correct value only if all of the following hold: 1) the projects are in the same organization, 2) the communication was via Shared VPC or VPC Peering, 3) cross project metrics were not disabled. Otherwise the field is set to CLIENT_IS_EXTERNAL.
Ingress packets per internal TCP/UDP load balancer |
DELTA , INT64 , 1
internal_tcp_lb_rule internal_udp_lb_rule |
The number of packets sent from the client to the internal TCP/UDP load balancer backend. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 150 seconds.
client_project_id :
Project ID of the client instance communicating with the internal TCP/UDP load balancer. If the client instance belongs to a different project, the field is set with the correct value only if all of the following hold: 1) the projects are in the same organization, 2) the communication was via Shared VPC or VPC Peering, 3) cross project metrics were not disabled. Otherwise the field is set to CLIENT_IS_EXTERNAL.
client_network :
Network of the client instance communicating with the internal TCP/UDP load balancer. If the client instance belongs to a different project, the field is set with the correct value only if all of the following hold: 1) the projects are in the same organization, 2) the communication was via Shared VPC or VPC Peering, 3) cross project metrics were not disabled. Otherwise the field is set to CLIENT_IS_EXTERNAL.
client_subnetwork :
Subnetwork of the client instance communicating with the internal TCP/UDP load balancer. If the client instance belongs to a different project, the field is set with the correct value only if all of the following hold: 1) the projects are in the same organization, 2) the communication was via Shared VPC or VPC Peering, 3) cross project metrics were not disabled. Otherwise the field is set to CLIENT_IS_EXTERNAL.
client_zone :
Zone of the client instance communicating with the internal TCP/UDP load balancer. If the client instance belongs to a different project, the field is set with the correct value only if all of the following hold: 1) the projects are in the same organization, 2) the communication was via Shared VPC or VPC Peering, 3) cross project metrics were not disabled. Otherwise the field is set to CLIENT_IS_EXTERNAL.
RTT latencies per internal TCP/UDP load balancer |
internal_tcp_lb_rule |
A distribution of RTT measured over TCP connections for internal TCP/UDP load balancer flows. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 150 seconds.
client_project_id :
Project ID of the client instance communicating with the internal TCP/UDP load balancer. If the client instance belongs to a different project, the field is set with the correct value only if all of the following hold: 1) the projects are in the same organization, 2) the communication was via Shared VPC or VPC Peering, 3) cross project metrics were not disabled. Otherwise the field is set to CLIENT_IS_EXTERNAL.
client_network :
Network of the client instance communicating with the internal TCP/UDP load balancer. If the client instance belongs to a different project, the field is set with the correct value only if all of the following hold: 1) the projects are in the same organization, 2) the communication was via Shared VPC or VPC Peering, 3) cross project metrics were not disabled. Otherwise the field is set to CLIENT_IS_EXTERNAL.
client_subnetwork :
Subnetwork of the client instance communicating with the internal TCP/UDP load balancer. If the client instance belongs to a different project, the field is set with the correct value only if all of the following hold: 1) the projects are in the same organization, 2) the communication was via Shared VPC or VPC Peering, 3) cross project metrics were not disabled. Otherwise the field is set to CLIENT_IS_EXTERNAL.
client_zone :
Zone of the client instance communicating with the internal TCP/UDP load balancer. If the client instance belongs to a different project, the field is set with the correct value only if all of the following hold: 1) the projects are in the same organization, 2) the communication was via Shared VPC or VPC Peering, 3) cross project metrics were not disabled. Otherwise the field is set to CLIENT_IS_EXTERNAL.
Egress bytes |
DELTA , INT64 , By
l4_proxy_rule |
Number of bytes sent from VM to client using proxy. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 210 seconds.
client_country :
Country of the client where the traffic originated from, such as 'United States' or 'Germany'.
Ingress bytes |
DELTA , INT64 , By
l4_proxy_rule |
Number of bytes sent from client to VM using proxy. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 210 seconds.
client_country :
Country of the client where the traffic originated from, such as 'United States' or 'Germany'.
Closed connections |
DELTA , INT64 , 1
l4_proxy_rule |
Number of connections that were terminated over TCP proxy or SSL proxy load balancer. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 210 seconds.
client_country :
Country of the client where the traffic originated from, such as 'United States' or 'Germany'.
New connections |
DELTA , INT64 , 1
l4_proxy_rule |
Number of connections that were opened over TCP proxy or SSL proxy load balancer. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 210 seconds.
client_country :
Country of the client where the traffic originated from, such as 'United States' or 'Germany'.
Proxy-only addresses |
GAUGE , INT64 , 1
gce_subnetwork |
The current number of proxy-only addresses by state. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 120 seconds.
state :
State of the address, one of [used, free].
Closed connections |
DELTA , INT64 , 1
tcp_ssl_proxy_rule |
Number of connections that were terminated over TCP proxy or SSL proxy load balancer. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 210 seconds.
proxy_continent :
Continent of the SSL proxy that handles the connection: 'America', 'Europe' or 'Asia'.
client_country :
Country of the client that opened the TCP/SSL connection (for example, 'United States', 'Germany').
Egress bytes |
DELTA , INT64 , By
tcp_ssl_proxy_rule |
Number of bytes sent from VM to client using proxy. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 210 seconds.
proxy_continent :
Continent of the proxy that handles the connection: 'America', 'Europe' or 'Asia'.
client_country :
Country of the client that opened the TCP/SSL connection (for example, 'United States', 'Germany').
Frontend RTT |
tcp_ssl_proxy_rule |
A distribution of the smoothed RTT (in ms) measured by the proxy's TCP stack, each minute application layer bytes pass from proxy to client. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 210 seconds.
proxy_continent :
Continent of the SSL proxy that handles the connection: 'America', 'Europe' or 'Asia'.
client_country :
Country of the client that opened the TCP/SSL connection (for example, 'United States', 'Germany').
Ingress bytes |
DELTA , INT64 , By
tcp_ssl_proxy_rule |
Number of bytes sent from client to VM using proxy. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 210 seconds.
proxy_continent :
Continent of the proxy that handles the connection: 'America', 'Europe' or 'Asia'.
client_country :
Country of the client that opened the TCP/SSL connection (for example, 'United States', 'Germany').
New connections opened |
DELTA , INT64 , 1
tcp_ssl_proxy_rule |
Number of connections that were created over TCP proxy or SSL proxy load balancer. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 210 seconds.
proxy_continent :
Continent of the SSL proxy that handles the connection: 'America', 'Europe' or 'Asia'.
client_country :
Country of the client that opened the TCP/SSL connection (for example, 'United States', 'Germany').
Open Connections |
GAUGE , INT64 , 1
tcp_ssl_proxy_rule |
Current number of outstanding connections through the TCP proxy or SSL proxy load balancer. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 210 seconds.
proxy_continent :
Continent of the SSL proxy that handles the connection: 'America', 'Europe' or 'Asia'.
client_country :
Country of the client that opened the TCP/SSL connection (for example, 'United States', 'Germany').
Table generated at 2025-03-06 15:20:27 UTC.