Registering a Kubernetes cluster outside Google Cloud requires the following steps in addition to completing the general prerequisites.
Ensure network connectivity
To successfully register your cluster, you need to ensure that the domains below are reachable from your Kubernetes cluster.
resolves metadata regarding the Google Cloud project the cluster is being connected
to obtain short-lived OAuth tokens for agent operations
to establish the channel used to receive requests from Google Cloud and issues
to create Google Cloud-side Fleet membership resources that corresponds to the cluster you're connecting with Google
to authenticate service tokens from incoming Google Cloud service
to pull the GKE Connect Agent image.
If you want to register the cluster using fleet Workload Identity, the following domains also must be reachable:
If you're using a proxy for Connect, you must also update the proxy's allowlist with the relevant domains.
If you use gcloud to register your Kubernetes cluster, these domains also need to be reachable in the environment where you run the gcloud commands.
Using VPC Service Controls
If you want to use VPC Service Controls for additional data security in your application, you need to ensure that the following services are in your service perimeter:
- Resource Manager API (
) - GKE Connect API (
) - Fleet API (
If you want to register your cluster with fleet Workload Identity enabled, you also need the following services:
- IAM Service Account Credentials API (
) - Security Token Service API (
You also need to set up private connectivity for access to the relevant APIs. You can find out how to do this in Setting up private connectivity.
Set up identity
All manual cluster registration options outside Google Cloud require you to configure authentication to Google. This can be either:
- Fleet Workload Identity (recommended where available). You can find out more about the advantages of enabling fleet Workload Identity in Use fleet Workload Identity.
- A Google Cloud service account
Attached clusters can be registered with fleet Workload Identity enabled if the cluster meets our Attached cluster prerequisites, as described below. Otherwise, register attached clusters with a Google Cloud service account for authentication. The next section shows you how to create a service account.
Create a Google Cloud service account using gcloud
To manually register a cluster using a Google Cloud service account, you need a JSON file containing the service account credentials. To follow the principle of least privilege, we recommend that you create a distinct service account for each Kubernetes cluster that you register, and only bind IAM roles to it for the corresponding cluster.
To create this file, perform the following steps:
Create a service account by running the following command:
gcloud iam service-accounts create SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME --project=FLEET_HOST_PROJECT_ID
List all of a project's service accounts by running the following command:
gcloud iam service-accounts list --project=FLEET_HOST_PROJECT_ID
If you are creating a distinct service account for each Kubernetes cluster that you register, bind the gkehub.connect IAM role to the service account for its corresponding cluster with an IAM Condition on the cluster's membership name:
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${FLEET_HOST_PROJECT_ID} \
--member="serviceAccount:${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}@${FLEET_HOST_PROJECT_ID}" \
--role="roles/gkehub.connect" \
--condition " == \
Otherwise, bind the role to the service account for all clusters in the project without the condition.
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${FLEET_HOST_PROJECT_ID} \
--member="serviceAccount:SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME @${FLEET_HOST_PROJECT_ID}" \
Download the service account's private key JSON file. You use this file when you Register a cluster:
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create LOCAL_KEY_PATH \
- FLEET_HOST_PROJECT_ID is the Google Cloud project ID in which you want to register clusters. Learn how to find this value.
- SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME is the display name that you choose for the [Service Account].
- MEMBERSHIP_NAME is the membership name that you choose to uniquely represent the cluster while registering it.
- LOCAL_KEY_PATH is a local filepath where you'd like to
save the service account's private key, a JSON file. We recommend that
you name the file using the service account name and your project ID,
such as
Attached cluster prerequisites
Depending on the type of third-party Kubernetes cluster you want to register as an attached cluster, you may have to meet some additional requirements to install the Connect Agent and/or use fleet Workload Identity.
Configure Security Context Constraints (SCC) (OpenShift clusters)
On OpenShift OKE and OKD clusters, administrators can use SCCs to control permissions for pods. To allow installing Connect Agent in your cluster, you need to create a custom SCC.
The following sample SCC definition specifies the set of conditions that Connect Agent must run with in order to be accepted into the cluster:
# Connect Agent SCC apiVersion: kind: SecurityContextConstraints metadata: name: gke-connect-scc allowPrivilegeEscalation: false # This is redundant with non-root + disallow privilege escalation, # but we provide it for defense in depth. requiredDropCapabilities: - ALL runAsUser: type: MustRunAsNonRoot seLinuxContext: type: RunAsAny supplementalGroups: type: MustRunAs ranges: - min: 1 max: 65535 fsGroup: type: MustRunAs ranges: - min: 1 max: 65535 volumes: - secret - projected readOnlyRootFilesystem: true seccompProfiles: - docker/default users: groups: # Grants all service accounts in the gke-connect namespace access to this SCC - system:serviceaccounts:gke-connect
Assuming that you've saved your SCC definition as gke-connect-scc.yaml
, use the OpenShift oc
command line tool to create the gke-connect-scc
SCC for your cluster, as follows:
$ oc create -f gke-connect-scc.yaml
To verify that the custom SCC has been created, run the following oc
$ oc get scc | grep gke-connect-scc
Fleet Workload Identity requirements
You can register attached clusters with fleet Workload Identity enabled if your platform creates a public OIDC endpoint for your cluster (or allows you to create one), or if you have Kubernetes service account issuer discovery enabled for the cluster. If you can't meet these requirements, you must register attached clusters with a Google Cloud service account for authentication.
For specific cluster types, see the following:
- OpenShift clusters: Can be registered with fleet Workload Identity enabled after you have configured your custom SCC, as described above.
- kind clusters: Require service account issuer discovery to be enabled to use fleet Workload Identity. This is enabled by default from Kubernetes version 1.20. If you need to enable this feature, follow the instructions in Service account token volume projection. Service account issuer discovery is enabled automatically when service account token volume project is enabled.
What's next?
Follow the instructions to register a cluster.