Upgrading Knative serving on VMware to fleets

Learn how to migrate Knative serving on VMware to use fleets so that you can upgrade to Anthos Version 1.8.

Knative serving is now a separate experience from the managed Cloud Run product and is now provided as a fleet component in your clusters. Installing Knative serving on VMware features as a component of your fleet enables you to manage and upgrade your installation independently of other fleet components.

At a high-level, to migrate your Knative serving on VMware installation to use a fleet, you must:

  • Configure your Knative serving on VMware installation to meet the fleet requirements.
  • Enable the Knative serving feature component in your fleet.

Note that the Kubernetes API server is not impacted during this migration.

For details about how to perform a new installation of Knative serving on VMware, see Installing Knative serving on VMware.

Before you begin

You must meet the following requirements:

  • These steps require that your Knative serving on VMware cluster is registered to a fleet and is visible in the Google Cloud console:

    Go to GKE clusters

  • Your installation of Knative serving on VMware is on a cluster running Anthos Version 1.7 or earlier.

  • Istio is no longer supported in Anthos 1.8. Cloud Service Mesh version 1.18 must be installed in your fleet and your installation of Knative serving must be configured before you upgrade that cluster to Version 1.8.

    See the Cloud Service Mesh instructions for details about installing on Google Distributed Cloud.

    Note that Cloud Service Mesh requires that your cluster uses a machine type that has at least four vCPUs, such as e2-standard-4. If you need to change your cluster's machine type, see Migrating workloads to different machine types.

  • There are two options for migrating Knative serving to Cloud Service Mesh, you can either:

    • Obtain a new external IP address to which you configure the load balancer.

    • Reuse your existing load balancer IP address.

  • Ensure that your command-line environment is configured and up-to-date.

Migrate to fleets

In order to upgrade Anthos to Version 1.8, you must first perform the following steps to ensure that your existing Knative serving on VMware installation is migrated to using the fleet component.

Access your admin cluster

Obtain the path and file name of your admin cluster's kubeconfig file and then create the ADMIN_KUBECONFIG environment variable:


Replace [ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG] with the path and file name to the kubeconfig file of your admin cluster.

Configure each user cluster

  1. Create the following local environment variables for the user cluster:

    1. Create the USER_KUBECONFIG environment variable with the path of your user cluster's kubeconfig file:


      Replace [USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG] with the path and file name to the kubeconfig file of your user cluster.

    2. Create environment variables for the following configurations:

      • ID of your Google Cloud project.
      • Location of your Google Cloud resources.
      • Name of the user cluster.
      export PROJECT_ID=$(kubectl get configmaps --namespace knative-serving config-observability --output jsonpath="{.data['metrics\.stackdriver-project-id']}")
      export CLUSTER_LOCATION=$(kubectl get configmaps --namespace knative-serving config-observability --output jsonpath="{.data['metrics\.stackdriver-gcp-location']}")
      export CLUSTER_NAME=$(kubectl get configmaps --namespace knative-serving config-observability --output jsonpath="{.data['metrics\.stackdriver-cluster-name']}")
  2. Remove the cloudrun configuration from the OnPremUserCluster custom resource of your user cluster:

    1. Verify that cloudRun is set in OnPremUserCluster:

      $ kubectl get onpremusercluster \
        "${CLUSTER_NAME}" \
        --namespace "${CLUSTER_NAME}-gke-onprem-mgmt" \
        --kubeconfig="${ADMIN_KUBECONFIG}" \


    2. Remove cloudRun from OnPremUserCluster:

      kubectl patch onpremusercluster \
        "${CLUSTER_NAME}" \
        --namespace "${CLUSTER_NAME}-gke-onprem-mgmt" \
        --kubeconfig="${ADMIN_KUBECONFIG}" \
        --type="merge" \
        --patch '{"spec": {"cloudRun": null}}'
    3. Validate that cloudRun was successfully removed from OnPremUserCluster by running the same get command and verifying that no configuration is returned:

      kubectl get onpremusercluster \
        "${CLUSTER_NAME}" \
        --namespace "${CLUSTER_NAME}-gke-onprem-mgmt" \
        --kubeconfig="${ADMIN_KUBECONFIG}" \

      There should be no output to your terminal.

  3. Update the create-config secret of your user cluster:

    1. Create a local YAML copy of the create-config file:

      kubectl get secret create-config \
        --kubeconfig="${ADMIN_KUBECONFIG}" \
        --namespace "${CLUSTER_NAME}" \
        --output=jsonpath={.data.cfg} \
        | base64 -d > "${CLUSTER_NAME}_create_secret.yaml"
    2. Open the ${CLUSTER_NAME}_create_secret.yaml file that you just created in an editor and then remove the cloudrun field from under spec.

    3. Base64 encode the ${CLUSTER_NAME}_cluster_create_secret.yaml file into a .b64 file:

      cat "${CLUSTER_NAME}_create_secret.yaml" | base64 -w0 > "${CLUSTER_NAME}_create_secret.b64"
    4. In your editor, open the local .b64 file that you just created and then copy the string from under the data.cfg attribute for use in the next step.

      You must ensure that you copy only the contents from the cfg attribute. For example, do not include any newlines (\n).

    5. Run the following command to edit the secret on your user cluster:

      kubectl edit secret create-config --kubeconfig="${ADMIN_KUBECONFIG}" \
        --namespace "${CLUSTER_NAME}"
    6. In the editor that opens, replace the data[cfg] field with the the string that you copied from the local .b64 file and then save your changes.

    7. Verify that your changes are deployed to your user cluster and that the cloudrun attribute was successfully removed from the create-config secrets:

      kubectl get secret create-config \
        --kubeconfig="${ADMIN_KUBECONFIG}" \
        --namespace ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
        --output=jsonpath={.data.cfg} \
        | base64 -d
  4. Configure the knative-serving namespace in your user cluster:

    1. Delete the cloudrun-operator operator from the knative-serving namespace:

      kubectl delete deployments.apps --kubeconfig=${USER_KUBECONFIG} --namespace knative-serving cloudrun-operator
    2. Patch the config-network configmap in the knative-serving namespace:

      kubectl patch configmap --kubeconfig=${USER_KUBECONFIG} --namespace knative-serving config-network --patch '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"knative.dev/example-checksum": null}}}'
  5. Remove the cloudrun.enabled configuration from the user cluster's configuration file user-config.yaml of your Google Distributed Cloud installation.

    The following attributes must be deleted from within your user-config.yaml file:

      enabled: true

    When you perform the cluster upgrade to Anthos Version 1.8, this configuration change gets deployed.

  6. If you have multiple user clusters, you must repeat all the steps in this "Configure each user cluster" section for each user cluster.

Configure your fleet component

  1. Enable the Knative serving component in your fleet:

    gcloud container fleet cloudrun enable --project=$PROJECT_ID

    For details and additional options, see the gcloud container fleet cloudrun enable reference.

  2. Optional: Verify that the Knative serving feature component is enabled:

    View if the Knative serving component is Enabled in the Google Cloud console:

    Go to Feature Manager

    View if the appdevexperience state is ENABLED:

    gcloud container fleet features list --project=$PROJECT_ID

    For details and additional options, see the gcloud container fleet features list reference.


    NAME               STATE
    appdevexperience   ENABLED
  3. Deploy the CloudRun custom resource to install Knative serving on VMware on each of your user clusters. By default, the latest version of Knative serving is deployed.

    Run the following kubectl apply command to deploy the default configuration of the CloudRun custom resource:

    cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    apiVersion: operator.run.cloud.google.com/v1alpha1
    kind: CloudRun
      name: cloud-run
          projectid: $PROJECT_ID
          gcpzone: $CLUSTER_LOCATION
          clustername: $CLUSTER_NAME
          secretname: "stackdriver-service-account-key"
          secretkey: "key.json"

Configure Cloud Service Mesh

Configure the Cloud Service Mesh load balancer for each of your user clusters.

You can configure the ingress gateway of Cloud Service Mesh by either configuring a new external IP address or reusing your existing IP address:

  • With the new external IP address that you obtained, you configure the load balancer by following the steps in the Cloud Service Mesh documentation.

    Note that this option ensures that your Knative serving services are restarted without interruption.

  • Alternative: Use the following steps to configure the Cloud Service Mesh load balancer to your existing IP address.

    1. Configure the gateway of your services to Cloud Service Mesh by running the following commands:

      export CURRENT_INGRESS_IP=$(kubectl get service --namespace gke-system istio-ingress --output jsonpath='{.spec.loadBalancerIP}')
      kubectl patch service --namespace istio-system istio-ingressgateway --patch "{\"spec\":{\"loadBalancerIP\": \"$CURRENT_INGRESS_IP\"}}"
      kubectl patch service --namespace gke-system istio-ingress --patch "{\"spec\":{\"loadBalancerIP\": null}}"
    2. Remove the current Istio configuration settings:

      kubectl patch configmap --namespace knative-serving config-istio --patch '{"data":{"local-gateway.cluster-local-gateway": null}}'
      kubectl patch configmap --namespace knative-serving config-istio --patch '{"data":{"gateway.gke-system-gateway": null}}'

Verify migration

You can check to see if the appdevexperience-operator is up and running to verify that your Knative serving on VMware has been successfully migrated to your fleet.

For each user cluster, run the following command:

 kubectl get deployment -n appdevexperience appdevexperience-operator

The appdevexperience-operator operator should show 1/1 as ready, for example:

 NAME                        READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
 appdevexperience-operator   1/1     1            1           1h

If the operator fails to achieve the ready state, you can view your cluster's workloads page in the Google Cloud console to identify resource issues:

Go to Google Kubernetes Engine workloads

Upgrade your cluster

Now that you have migrated your Knative serving on VMware installation to use the fleet component, you can upgrade your cluster to Anthos Version 1.8. Follow the detailed instructions in Upgrading GKE On-Prem.


Upgrade process of your user cluster fails to complete

The cluster-local-gateway pod in thegke-system namespace might prevent your user cluster from completing the upgrade to Anthos Version 1.8. The cluster-local-gateway pod is no longer needed and can be safely removed.

To manually assist the upgrade process, you can manually remove the cluster-local-gateway pod by scaling down your deployment replicas to 0. For example:

  1. Scale down the cluster-local-gateway:

    kubectl scale deployment cluster-local-gateway --replicas 0 --namespace gke-system

    The cluster-local-gateway pod in thegke-system namespace and all workloads in the knative-serving namespace are removed.

  2. Wait for the upgrade process to complete.

Learn more about scaling deployments.