Invoking with gRPC

This page shows Knative serving-specific details for developers who want to use gRPC to connect a Knative serving service with other services, for example, to provide simple, high performance communication between internal microservices. Knative serving supports both unary and streaming gRPC calls.

gRPC Unary

In a unary RPC call, the client sends a single request to the server and gets a single response back, similar to a normal function call:
rpc SayHello(HelloRequest) returns (HelloResponse);

gRPC Streaming

The following streaming options are available with gRPC. Server streaming RPCs where the client sends a request to the server and gets a stream to read containing a sequence of messages. The client reads the returned stream until there are no more messages.

rpc LotsOfReplies(HelloRequest) returns (stream HelloResponse);

Client streaming RPCs where the client writes a sequence of messages and sends them to the server in a stream. After the client finishes writing messages, it waits for the server to return its response.

rpc LotsOfGreetings(stream HelloRequest) returns (HelloResponse);

Bidirectional streaming RPCs where client and server send messages in two read-write streams that operate independently.

rpc BidiHello(stream HelloRequest) returns (stream HelloResponse);

Possible use cases include:

  • Communication between internal microservices.
  • High loads of data (gRPC uses protocol buffers, which are up to seven times faster than REST calls).
  • Only a simple service definition is needed, you don't want to write a full client library.

To integrate your service with gRPC,

  • Define the request messages and responses in a proto file and compile them.
  • Create a gRPC server to handle requests and return responses: it should listen to the PORT environment variable.
  • Create a client that sends requests and handles responses from the gRPC server.
  • Optionally, add authentication.
  • Build and deploy your service.

Defining and compiling messages in a proto file

There are no extra or Knative serving specific things to add to your proto definitions. Just as with any other use of gRPC, you use gRPC protocol buffers for service definitions and data serialization.

Creating a gRPC client

There are no extra or Knative serving specific things to add to a client that uses gRPC: follow the gRPC docs on using service definitions in client code, and the sample clients provided in the language-specific gRPC tutorials.

Listening for gRPC requests in a Knative serving service

The only special requirement for a gRPC server running in Knative serving is to listen at the port specified by the PORT environment variable as shown in the code:

func main() {
	log.Printf("grpc-ping: starting server...")

	port := os.Getenv("PORT")
	if port == "" {
		port = "8080"
		log.Printf("Defaulting to port %s", port)

	listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":"+port)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("net.Listen: %v", err)

	grpcServer := grpc.NewServer()
	pb.RegisterPingServiceServer(grpcServer, &pingService{})
	if err = grpcServer.Serve(listener); err != nil {

Opening a gRPC connection to a service

To open a gRPC connection to a service so you can send gRPC messages, you need to specify the host domain, which is the URL of the Knative serving service or the custom domain mapped to that service, along with the port 443, which is the port expected to be used by gRPC.


import (


// NewConn creates a new gRPC connection.
// host should be of the form domain:port, e.g.,
func NewConn(host string, insecure bool) (*grpc.ClientConn, error) {
	var opts []grpc.DialOption
	if host != "" {
		opts = append(opts, grpc.WithAuthority(host))

	if insecure {
		opts = append(opts, grpc.WithInsecure())
	} else {
		// Note: On the Windows platform, use of x509.SystemCertPool() requires
		// Go version 1.18 or higher.
		systemRoots, err := x509.SystemCertPool()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		cred := credentials.NewTLS(&tls.Config{
			RootCAs: systemRoots,
		opts = append(opts, grpc.WithTransportCredentials(cred))

	return grpc.Dial(host, opts...)

Sending gRPC requests without authentication

The following sample shows how to send a request without authentication, using a gRPC connection configured as mentioned previously.


import (

	pb ""

// pingRequest sends a new gRPC ping request to the server configured in the connection.
func pingRequest(conn *grpc.ClientConn, p *pb.Request) (*pb.Response, error) {
	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Second)
	defer cancel()

	client := pb.NewPingServiceClient(conn)
	return client.Send(ctx, p)