Interface Session (6.77.0)

public interface Session extends DatabaseClient, AutoCloseable

A Session can be used to perform transactions that read and/or modify data in a Cloud Spanner database.

Sessions can only execute one transaction at a time. To execute multiple concurrent read-write/write-only transactions, create multiple sessions. Note that standalone reads and queries use a transaction internally, and count toward the one transaction limit.

It is a good idea to delete idle and/or unneeded sessions. Aside from explicit deletes, Cloud Spanner can delete sessions for which no operations are sent for more than an hour, or due to internal errors. If a session is deleted, requests to it return ErrorCode#NOT_FOUND.

Idle sessions can be kept alive by sending a trivial SQL query periodically, for example, SELECT 1.

Sessions are long-lived objects intended to be reused for many consecutive operations; a typical application will maintain a pool of sessions to use during its lifetime.

Since only one transaction can be performed at a time within any given session, instances require external synchronization; Session implementations are not required to be thread-safe.



public abstract ApiFuture<Empty> asyncClose()

Closes the session asynchronously and returns the ApiFuture that can be used to monitor the operation progress.

Type Description


public abstract void close()


public abstract String getName()

Returns the resource name associated with this session.

Type Description