Class ReachabilityServiceGrpc.ReachabilityServiceBlockingStub (1.53.0)

public static final class ReachabilityServiceGrpc.ReachabilityServiceBlockingStub extends AbstractBlockingStub<ReachabilityServiceGrpc.ReachabilityServiceBlockingStub>

A stub to allow clients to do synchronous rpc calls to service ReachabilityService.

The Reachability service in the Google Cloud Network Management API provides services that analyze the reachability within a single Google Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network, between peered VPC networks, between VPC and on-premises networks, or between VPC networks and internet hosts. A reachability analysis is based on Google Cloud network configurations. You can use the analysis results to verify these configurations and to troubleshoot connectivity issues.


java.lang.Object > io.grpc.stub.AbstractStub > io.grpc.stub.AbstractBlockingStub > ReachabilityServiceGrpc.ReachabilityServiceBlockingStub


build(Channel channel, CallOptions callOptions)

protected ReachabilityServiceGrpc.ReachabilityServiceBlockingStub build(Channel channel, CallOptions callOptions)
Name Description
channel io.grpc.Channel
callOptions io.grpc.CallOptions
Type Description

createConnectivityTest(CreateConnectivityTestRequest request)

public Operation createConnectivityTest(CreateConnectivityTestRequest request)

Creates a new Connectivity Test. After you create a test, the reachability analysis is performed as part of the long running operation, which completes when the analysis completes. If the endpoint specifications in ConnectivityTest are invalid (for example, containing non-existent resources in the network, or you don't have read permissions to the network configurations of listed projects), then the reachability result returns a value of UNKNOWN. If the endpoint specifications in ConnectivityTest are incomplete, the reachability result returns a value of <code>AMBIGUOUS</code>. For more information, see the Connectivity Test documentation.

Name Description
request CreateConnectivityTestRequest
Type Description

deleteConnectivityTest(DeleteConnectivityTestRequest request)

public Operation deleteConnectivityTest(DeleteConnectivityTestRequest request)

Deletes a specific ConnectivityTest.

Name Description
request DeleteConnectivityTestRequest
Type Description

getConnectivityTest(GetConnectivityTestRequest request)

public ConnectivityTest getConnectivityTest(GetConnectivityTestRequest request)

Gets the details of a specific Connectivity Test.

Name Description
request GetConnectivityTestRequest
Type Description

listConnectivityTests(ListConnectivityTestsRequest request)

public ListConnectivityTestsResponse listConnectivityTests(ListConnectivityTestsRequest request)

Lists all Connectivity Tests owned by a project.

Name Description
request ListConnectivityTestsRequest
Type Description

rerunConnectivityTest(RerunConnectivityTestRequest request)

public Operation rerunConnectivityTest(RerunConnectivityTestRequest request)

Rerun an existing ConnectivityTest. After the user triggers the rerun, the reachability analysis is performed as part of the long running operation, which completes when the analysis completes. Even though the test configuration remains the same, the reachability result may change due to underlying network configuration changes. If the endpoint specifications in ConnectivityTest become invalid (for example, specified resources are deleted in the network, or you lost read permissions to the network configurations of listed projects), then the reachability result returns a value of UNKNOWN.

Name Description
request RerunConnectivityTestRequest
Type Description

updateConnectivityTest(UpdateConnectivityTestRequest request)

public Operation updateConnectivityTest(UpdateConnectivityTestRequest request)

Updates the configuration of an existing ConnectivityTest. After you update a test, the reachability analysis is performed as part of the long running operation, which completes when the analysis completes. The Reachability state in the test resource is updated with the new result. If the endpoint specifications in ConnectivityTest are invalid (for example, they contain non-existent resources in the network, or the user does not have read permissions to the network configurations of listed projects), then the reachability result returns a value of <code>UNKNOWN</code>. If the endpoint specifications in ConnectivityTest are incomplete, the reachability result returns a value of AMBIGUOUS. See the documentation in ConnectivityTest for for more details.

Name Description
request UpdateConnectivityTestRequest
Type Description