Interface VpnGatewayVpnGatewayInterfaceOrBuilder (1.57.0)

public interface VpnGatewayVpnGatewayInterfaceOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder





public abstract int getId()

[Output Only] Numeric identifier for this VPN interface associated with the VPN gateway.

optional uint32 id = 3355;

Type Description

The id.


public abstract String getInterconnectAttachment()

URL of the VLAN attachment (interconnectAttachment) resource for this VPN gateway interface. When the value of this field is present, the VPN gateway is used for HA VPN over Cloud Interconnect; all egress or ingress traffic for this VPN gateway interface goes through the specified VLAN attachment resource.

optional string interconnect_attachment = 308135284;

Type Description

The interconnectAttachment.


public abstract ByteString getInterconnectAttachmentBytes()

URL of the VLAN attachment (interconnectAttachment) resource for this VPN gateway interface. When the value of this field is present, the VPN gateway is used for HA VPN over Cloud Interconnect; all egress or ingress traffic for this VPN gateway interface goes through the specified VLAN attachment resource.

optional string interconnect_attachment = 308135284;

Type Description

The bytes for interconnectAttachment.


public abstract String getIpAddress()

[Output Only] IP address for this VPN interface associated with the VPN gateway. The IP address could be either a regional external IP address or a regional internal IP address. The two IP addresses for a VPN gateway must be all regional external or regional internal IP addresses. There cannot be a mix of regional external IP addresses and regional internal IP addresses. For HA VPN over Cloud Interconnect, the IP addresses for both interfaces could either be regional internal IP addresses or regional external IP addresses. For regular (non HA VPN over Cloud Interconnect) HA VPN tunnels, the IP address must be a regional external IP address.

optional string ip_address = 406272220;

Type Description

The ipAddress.


public abstract ByteString getIpAddressBytes()

[Output Only] IP address for this VPN interface associated with the VPN gateway. The IP address could be either a regional external IP address or a regional internal IP address. The two IP addresses for a VPN gateway must be all regional external or regional internal IP addresses. There cannot be a mix of regional external IP addresses and regional internal IP addresses. For HA VPN over Cloud Interconnect, the IP addresses for both interfaces could either be regional internal IP addresses or regional external IP addresses. For regular (non HA VPN over Cloud Interconnect) HA VPN tunnels, the IP address must be a regional external IP address.

optional string ip_address = 406272220;

Type Description

The bytes for ipAddress.


public abstract String getIpv6Address()

[Output Only] IPv6 address for this VPN interface associated with the VPN gateway. The IPv6 address must be a regional external IPv6 address. The format is RFC 5952 format (e.g. 2001:db8::2d9:51:0:0).

optional string ipv6_address = 341563804;

Type Description

The ipv6Address.


public abstract ByteString getIpv6AddressBytes()

[Output Only] IPv6 address for this VPN interface associated with the VPN gateway. The IPv6 address must be a regional external IPv6 address. The format is RFC 5952 format (e.g. 2001:db8::2d9:51:0:0).

optional string ipv6_address = 341563804;

Type Description

The bytes for ipv6Address.


public abstract boolean hasId()

[Output Only] Numeric identifier for this VPN interface associated with the VPN gateway.

optional uint32 id = 3355;

Type Description

Whether the id field is set.


public abstract boolean hasInterconnectAttachment()

URL of the VLAN attachment (interconnectAttachment) resource for this VPN gateway interface. When the value of this field is present, the VPN gateway is used for HA VPN over Cloud Interconnect; all egress or ingress traffic for this VPN gateway interface goes through the specified VLAN attachment resource.

optional string interconnect_attachment = 308135284;

Type Description

Whether the interconnectAttachment field is set.


public abstract boolean hasIpAddress()

[Output Only] IP address for this VPN interface associated with the VPN gateway. The IP address could be either a regional external IP address or a regional internal IP address. The two IP addresses for a VPN gateway must be all regional external or regional internal IP addresses. There cannot be a mix of regional external IP addresses and regional internal IP addresses. For HA VPN over Cloud Interconnect, the IP addresses for both interfaces could either be regional internal IP addresses or regional external IP addresses. For regular (non HA VPN over Cloud Interconnect) HA VPN tunnels, the IP address must be a regional external IP address.

optional string ip_address = 406272220;

Type Description

Whether the ipAddress field is set.


public abstract boolean hasIpv6Address()

[Output Only] IPv6 address for this VPN interface associated with the VPN gateway. The IPv6 address must be a regional external IPv6 address. The format is RFC 5952 format (e.g. 2001:db8::2d9:51:0:0).

optional string ipv6_address = 341563804;

Type Description

Whether the ipv6Address field is set.