Class UpdateSpaceRequest.Builder (0.15.0)

public static final class UpdateSpaceRequest.Builder extends GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<UpdateSpaceRequest.Builder> implements UpdateSpaceRequestOrBuilder

A request to update a single space.

Protobuf type

Static Methods


public static final Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor()
Type Description


addRepeatedField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field, Object value)

public UpdateSpaceRequest.Builder addRepeatedField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field, Object value)
Name Description
field FieldDescriptor
value Object
Type Description


public UpdateSpaceRequest build()
Type Description


public UpdateSpaceRequest buildPartial()
Type Description


public UpdateSpaceRequest.Builder clear()
Type Description

clearField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field)

public UpdateSpaceRequest.Builder clearField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field)
Name Description
field FieldDescriptor
Type Description

clearOneof(Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof)

public UpdateSpaceRequest.Builder clearOneof(Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof)
Name Description
oneof OneofDescriptor
Type Description


public UpdateSpaceRequest.Builder clearSpace()

Required. Space with fields to be updated. must be populated in the form of spaces/{space}. Only fields specified by update_mask are updated. space = 1 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];

Type Description


public UpdateSpaceRequest.Builder clearUpdateMask()

Required. The updated field paths, comma separated if there are multiple.

Currently supported field paths:

  • display_name (Only supports changing the display name of a space with the SPACE type, or when also including the space_type mask to change a GROUP_CHAT space type to SPACE. Trying to update the display name of a GROUP_CHAT or a DIRECT_MESSAGE space results in an invalid argument error. If you receive the error message ALREADY_EXISTS when updating the displayName, try a different displayName. An existing space within the Google Workspace organization might already use this display name.)

  • space_type (Only supports changing a GROUP_CHAT space type to SPACE. Include display_name together with space_type in the update mask and ensure that the specified space has a non-empty display name and the SPACE space type. Including the space_type mask and the SPACE type in the specified space when updating the display name is optional if the existing space already has the SPACE type. Trying to update the space type in other ways results in an invalid argument error). space_type is not supported with admin access.

  • space_details

  • space_history_state (Supports turning history on or off for the space if the organization allows users to change their history setting. Warning: mutually exclusive with all other field paths.) space_history_state is not supported with admin access.

  • access_settings.audience (Supports changing the access setting of who can discover the space, join the space, and preview the messages in space. If no audience is specified in the access setting, the space's access setting is updated to private. Warning: mutually exclusive with all other field paths.) access_settings.audience is not supported with admin access.

  • Developer Preview: Supports changing the permission settings of a space, supported field paths include: permission_settings.manage_members_and_groups, permission_settings.modify_space_details, permission_settings.toggle_history, permission_settings.use_at_mention_all, permission_settings.manage_apps, permission_settings.manage_webhooks, permission_settings.reply_messages (Warning: mutually exclusive with all other non-permission settings field paths). permission_settings is not supported with admin access.

.google.protobuf.FieldMask update_mask = 2;

Type Description


public UpdateSpaceRequest.Builder clearUseAdminAccess()

When true, the method runs using the user's Google Workspace administrator privileges.

The calling user must be a Google Workspace administrator with the manage chat and spaces conversations privilege.

Requires the chat.admin.spaces OAuth 2.0 scope.

Some FieldMask values are not supported using admin access. For details, see the description of update_mask.

bool use_admin_access = 3;

Type Description

This builder for chaining.


public UpdateSpaceRequest.Builder clone()
Type Description


public UpdateSpaceRequest getDefaultInstanceForType()
Type Description


public Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptorForType()
Type Description


public Space getSpace()

Required. Space with fields to be updated. must be populated in the form of spaces/{space}. Only fields specified by update_mask are updated. space = 1 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];

Type Description

The space.


public Space.Builder getSpaceBuilder()

Required. Space with fields to be updated. must be populated in the form of spaces/{space}. Only fields specified by update_mask are updated. space = 1 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];

Type Description


public SpaceOrBuilder getSpaceOrBuilder()

Required. Space with fields to be updated. must be populated in the form of spaces/{space}. Only fields specified by update_mask are updated. space = 1 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];

Type Description


public FieldMask getUpdateMask()

Required. The updated field paths, comma separated if there are multiple.

Currently supported field paths:

  • display_name (Only supports changing the display name of a space with the SPACE type, or when also including the space_type mask to change a GROUP_CHAT space type to SPACE. Trying to update the display name of a GROUP_CHAT or a DIRECT_MESSAGE space results in an invalid argument error. If you receive the error message ALREADY_EXISTS when updating the displayName, try a different displayName. An existing space within the Google Workspace organization might already use this display name.)

  • space_type (Only supports changing a GROUP_CHAT space type to SPACE. Include display_name together with space_type in the update mask and ensure that the specified space has a non-empty display name and the SPACE space type. Including the space_type mask and the SPACE type in the specified space when updating the display name is optional if the existing space already has the SPACE type. Trying to update the space type in other ways results in an invalid argument error). space_type is not supported with admin access.

  • space_details

  • space_history_state (Supports turning history on or off for the space if the organization allows users to change their history setting. Warning: mutually exclusive with all other field paths.) space_history_state is not supported with admin access.

  • access_settings.audience (Supports changing the access setting of who can discover the space, join the space, and preview the messages in space. If no audience is specified in the access setting, the space's access setting is updated to private. Warning: mutually exclusive with all other field paths.) access_settings.audience is not supported with admin access.

  • Developer Preview: Supports changing the permission settings of a space, supported field paths include: permission_settings.manage_members_and_groups, permission_settings.modify_space_details, permission_settings.toggle_history, permission_settings.use_at_mention_all, permission_settings.manage_apps, permission_settings.manage_webhooks, permission_settings.reply_messages (Warning: mutually exclusive with all other non-permission settings field paths). permission_settings is not supported with admin access.

.google.protobuf.FieldMask update_mask = 2;

Type Description

The updateMask.


public FieldMask.Builder getUpdateMaskBuilder()

Required. The updated field paths, comma separated if there are multiple.

Currently supported field paths:

  • display_name (Only supports changing the display name of a space with the SPACE type, or when also including the space_type mask to change a GROUP_CHAT space type to SPACE. Trying to update the display name of a GROUP_CHAT or a DIRECT_MESSAGE space results in an invalid argument error. If you receive the error message ALREADY_EXISTS when updating the displayName, try a different displayName. An existing space within the Google Workspace organization might already use this display name.)

  • space_type (Only supports changing a GROUP_CHAT space type to SPACE. Include display_name together with space_type in the update mask and ensure that the specified space has a non-empty display name and the SPACE space type. Including the space_type mask and the SPACE type in the specified space when updating the display name is optional if the existing space already has the SPACE type. Trying to update the space type in other ways results in an invalid argument error). space_type is not supported with admin access.

  • space_details

  • space_history_state (Supports turning history on or off for the space if the organization allows users to change their history setting. Warning: mutually exclusive with all other field paths.) space_history_state is not supported with admin access.

  • access_settings.audience (Supports changing the access setting of who can discover the space, join the space, and preview the messages in space. If no audience is specified in the access setting, the space's access setting is updated to private. Warning: mutually exclusive with all other field paths.) access_settings.audience is not supported with admin access.

  • Developer Preview: Supports changing the permission settings of a space, supported field paths include: permission_settings.manage_members_and_groups, permission_settings.modify_space_details, permission_settings.toggle_history, permission_settings.use_at_mention_all, permission_settings.manage_apps, permission_settings.manage_webhooks, permission_settings.reply_messages (Warning: mutually exclusive with all other non-permission settings field paths). permission_settings is not supported with admin access.

.google.protobuf.FieldMask update_mask = 2;

Type Description


public FieldMaskOrBuilder getUpdateMaskOrBuilder()

Required. The updated field paths, comma separated if there are multiple.

Currently supported field paths:

  • display_name (Only supports changing the display name of a space with the SPACE type, or when also including the space_type mask to change a GROUP_CHAT space type to SPACE. Trying to update the display name of a GROUP_CHAT or a DIRECT_MESSAGE space results in an invalid argument error. If you receive the error message ALREADY_EXISTS when updating the displayName, try a different displayName. An existing space within the Google Workspace organization might already use this display name.)

  • space_type (Only supports changing a GROUP_CHAT space type to SPACE. Include display_name together with space_type in the update mask and ensure that the specified space has a non-empty display name and the SPACE space type. Including the space_type mask and the SPACE type in the specified space when updating the display name is optional if the existing space already has the SPACE type. Trying to update the space type in other ways results in an invalid argument error). space_type is not supported with admin access.

  • space_details

  • space_history_state (Supports turning history on or off for the space if the organization allows users to change their history setting. Warning: mutually exclusive with all other field paths.) space_history_state is not supported with admin access.

  • access_settings.audience (Supports changing the access setting of who can discover the space, join the space, and preview the messages in space. If no audience is specified in the access setting, the space's access setting is updated to private. Warning: mutually exclusive with all other field paths.) access_settings.audience is not supported with admin access.

  • Developer Preview: Supports changing the permission settings of a space, supported field paths include: permission_settings.manage_members_and_groups, permission_settings.modify_space_details, permission_settings.toggle_history, permission_settings.use_at_mention_all, permission_settings.manage_apps, permission_settings.manage_webhooks, permission_settings.reply_messages (Warning: mutually exclusive with all other non-permission settings field paths). permission_settings is not supported with admin access.

.google.protobuf.FieldMask update_mask = 2;

Type Description


public boolean getUseAdminAccess()

When true, the method runs using the user's Google Workspace administrator privileges.

The calling user must be a Google Workspace administrator with the manage chat and spaces conversations privilege.

Requires the chat.admin.spaces OAuth 2.0 scope.

Some FieldMask values are not supported using admin access. For details, see the description of update_mask.

bool use_admin_access = 3;

Type Description

The useAdminAccess.


public boolean hasSpace()

Required. Space with fields to be updated. must be populated in the form of spaces/{space}. Only fields specified by update_mask are updated. space = 1 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];

Type Description

Whether the space field is set.


public boolean hasUpdateMask()

Required. The updated field paths, comma separated if there are multiple.

Currently supported field paths:

  • display_name (Only supports changing the display name of a space with the SPACE type, or when also including the space_type mask to change a GROUP_CHAT space type to SPACE. Trying to update the display name of a GROUP_CHAT or a DIRECT_MESSAGE space results in an invalid argument error. If you receive the error message ALREADY_EXISTS when updating the displayName, try a different displayName. An existing space within the Google Workspace organization might already use this display name.)

  • space_type (Only supports changing a GROUP_CHAT space type to SPACE. Include display_name together with space_type in the update mask and ensure that the specified space has a non-empty display name and the SPACE space type. Including the space_type mask and the SPACE type in the specified space when updating the display name is optional if the existing space already has the SPACE type. Trying to update the space type in other ways results in an invalid argument error). space_type is not supported with admin access.

  • space_details

  • space_history_state (Supports turning history on or off for the space if the organization allows users to change their history setting. Warning: mutually exclusive with all other field paths.) space_history_state is not supported with admin access.

  • access_settings.audience (Supports changing the access setting of who can discover the space, join the space, and preview the messages in space. If no audience is specified in the access setting, the space's access setting is updated to private. Warning: mutually exclusive with all other field paths.) access_settings.audience is not supported with admin access.

  • Developer Preview: Supports changing the permission settings of a space, supported field paths include: permission_settings.manage_members_and_groups, permission_settings.modify_space_details, permission_settings.toggle_history, permission_settings.use_at_mention_all, permission_settings.manage_apps, permission_settings.manage_webhooks, permission_settings.reply_messages (Warning: mutually exclusive with all other non-permission settings field paths). permission_settings is not supported with admin access.

.google.protobuf.FieldMask update_mask = 2;

Type Description

Whether the updateMask field is set.


protected GeneratedMessageV3.FieldAccessorTable internalGetFieldAccessorTable()
Type Description


public final boolean isInitialized()
Type Description

mergeFrom(UpdateSpaceRequest other)

public UpdateSpaceRequest.Builder mergeFrom(UpdateSpaceRequest other)
Name Description
other UpdateSpaceRequest
Type Description

mergeFrom(CodedInputStream input, ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)

public UpdateSpaceRequest.Builder mergeFrom(CodedInputStream input, ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
Name Description
input CodedInputStream
extensionRegistry ExtensionRegistryLite
Type Description
Type Description

mergeFrom(Message other)

public UpdateSpaceRequest.Builder mergeFrom(Message other)
Name Description
other Message
Type Description

mergeSpace(Space value)

public UpdateSpaceRequest.Builder mergeSpace(Space value)

Required. Space with fields to be updated. must be populated in the form of spaces/{space}. Only fields specified by update_mask are updated. space = 1 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];

Name Description
value Space
Type Description

mergeUnknownFields(UnknownFieldSet unknownFields)

public final UpdateSpaceRequest.Builder mergeUnknownFields(UnknownFieldSet unknownFields)
Name Description
unknownFields UnknownFieldSet
Type Description

mergeUpdateMask(FieldMask value)

public UpdateSpaceRequest.Builder mergeUpdateMask(FieldMask value)

Required. The updated field paths, comma separated if there are multiple.

Currently supported field paths:

  • display_name (Only supports changing the display name of a space with the SPACE type, or when also including the space_type mask to change a GROUP_CHAT space type to SPACE. Trying to update the display name of a GROUP_CHAT or a DIRECT_MESSAGE space results in an invalid argument error. If you receive the error message ALREADY_EXISTS when updating the displayName, try a different displayName. An existing space within the Google Workspace organization might already use this display name.)

  • space_type (Only supports changing a GROUP_CHAT space type to SPACE. Include display_name together with space_type in the update mask and ensure that the specified space has a non-empty display name and the SPACE space type. Including the space_type mask and the SPACE type in the specified space when updating the display name is optional if the existing space already has the SPACE type. Trying to update the space type in other ways results in an invalid argument error). space_type is not supported with admin access.

  • space_details

  • space_history_state (Supports turning history on or off for the space if the organization allows users to change their history setting. Warning: mutually exclusive with all other field paths.) space_history_state is not supported with admin access.

  • access_settings.audience (Supports changing the access setting of who can discover the space, join the space, and preview the messages in space. If no audience is specified in the access setting, the space's access setting is updated to private. Warning: mutually exclusive with all other field paths.) access_settings.audience is not supported with admin access.

  • Developer Preview: Supports changing the permission settings of a space, supported field paths include: permission_settings.manage_members_and_groups, permission_settings.modify_space_details, permission_settings.toggle_history, permission_settings.use_at_mention_all, permission_settings.manage_apps, permission_settings.manage_webhooks, permission_settings.reply_messages (Warning: mutually exclusive with all other non-permission settings field paths). permission_settings is not supported with admin access.

.google.protobuf.FieldMask update_mask = 2;

Name Description
value FieldMask
Type Description

setField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field, Object value)

public UpdateSpaceRequest.Builder setField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field, Object value)
Name Description
field FieldDescriptor
value Object
Type Description

setRepeatedField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field, int index, Object value)

public UpdateSpaceRequest.Builder setRepeatedField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field, int index, Object value)
Name Description
field FieldDescriptor
index int
value Object
Type Description

setSpace(Space value)

public UpdateSpaceRequest.Builder setSpace(Space value)

Required. Space with fields to be updated. must be populated in the form of spaces/{space}. Only fields specified by update_mask are updated. space = 1 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];

Name Description
value Space
Type Description

setSpace(Space.Builder builderForValue)

public UpdateSpaceRequest.Builder setSpace(Space.Builder builderForValue)

Required. Space with fields to be updated. must be populated in the form of spaces/{space}. Only fields specified by update_mask are updated. space = 1 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];

Name Description
builderForValue Space.Builder
Type Description

setUnknownFields(UnknownFieldSet unknownFields)

public final UpdateSpaceRequest.Builder setUnknownFields(UnknownFieldSet unknownFields)
Name Description
unknownFields UnknownFieldSet
Type Description

setUpdateMask(FieldMask value)

public UpdateSpaceRequest.Builder setUpdateMask(FieldMask value)

Required. The updated field paths, comma separated if there are multiple.

Currently supported field paths:

  • display_name (Only supports changing the display name of a space with the SPACE type, or when also including the space_type mask to change a GROUP_CHAT space type to SPACE. Trying to update the display name of a GROUP_CHAT or a DIRECT_MESSAGE space results in an invalid argument error. If you receive the error message ALREADY_EXISTS when updating the displayName, try a different displayName. An existing space within the Google Workspace organization might already use this display name.)

  • space_type (Only supports changing a GROUP_CHAT space type to SPACE. Include display_name together with space_type in the update mask and ensure that the specified space has a non-empty display name and the SPACE space type. Including the space_type mask and the SPACE type in the specified space when updating the display name is optional if the existing space already has the SPACE type. Trying to update the space type in other ways results in an invalid argument error). space_type is not supported with admin access.

  • space_details

  • space_history_state (Supports turning history on or off for the space if the organization allows users to change their history setting. Warning: mutually exclusive with all other field paths.) space_history_state is not supported with admin access.

  • access_settings.audience (Supports changing the access setting of who can discover the space, join the space, and preview the messages in space. If no audience is specified in the access setting, the space's access setting is updated to private. Warning: mutually exclusive with all other field paths.) access_settings.audience is not supported with admin access.

  • Developer Preview: Supports changing the permission settings of a space, supported field paths include: permission_settings.manage_members_and_groups, permission_settings.modify_space_details, permission_settings.toggle_history, permission_settings.use_at_mention_all, permission_settings.manage_apps, permission_settings.manage_webhooks, permission_settings.reply_messages (Warning: mutually exclusive with all other non-permission settings field paths). permission_settings is not supported with admin access.

.google.protobuf.FieldMask update_mask = 2;

Name Description
value FieldMask
Type Description

setUpdateMask(FieldMask.Builder builderForValue)

public UpdateSpaceRequest.Builder setUpdateMask(FieldMask.Builder builderForValue)

Required. The updated field paths, comma separated if there are multiple.

Currently supported field paths:

  • display_name (Only supports changing the display name of a space with the SPACE type, or when also including the space_type mask to change a GROUP_CHAT space type to SPACE. Trying to update the display name of a GROUP_CHAT or a DIRECT_MESSAGE space results in an invalid argument error. If you receive the error message ALREADY_EXISTS when updating the displayName, try a different displayName. An existing space within the Google Workspace organization might already use this display name.)

  • space_type (Only supports changing a GROUP_CHAT space type to SPACE. Include display_name together with space_type in the update mask and ensure that the specified space has a non-empty display name and the SPACE space type. Including the space_type mask and the SPACE type in the specified space when updating the display name is optional if the existing space already has the SPACE type. Trying to update the space type in other ways results in an invalid argument error). space_type is not supported with admin access.

  • space_details

  • space_history_state (Supports turning history on or off for the space if the organization allows users to change their history setting. Warning: mutually exclusive with all other field paths.) space_history_state is not supported with admin access.

  • access_settings.audience (Supports changing the access setting of who can discover the space, join the space, and preview the messages in space. If no audience is specified in the access setting, the space's access setting is updated to private. Warning: mutually exclusive with all other field paths.) access_settings.audience is not supported with admin access.

  • Developer Preview: Supports changing the permission settings of a space, supported field paths include: permission_settings.manage_members_and_groups, permission_settings.modify_space_details, permission_settings.toggle_history, permission_settings.use_at_mention_all, permission_settings.manage_apps, permission_settings.manage_webhooks, permission_settings.reply_messages (Warning: mutually exclusive with all other non-permission settings field paths). permission_settings is not supported with admin access.

.google.protobuf.FieldMask update_mask = 2;

Name Description
builderForValue Builder
Type Description

setUseAdminAccess(boolean value)

public UpdateSpaceRequest.Builder setUseAdminAccess(boolean value)

When true, the method runs using the user's Google Workspace administrator privileges.

The calling user must be a Google Workspace administrator with the manage chat and spaces conversations privilege.

Requires the chat.admin.spaces OAuth 2.0 scope.

Some FieldMask values are not supported using admin access. For details, see the description of update_mask.

bool use_admin_access = 3;

Name Description
value boolean

The useAdminAccess to set.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.