Class ResourceSearchResult.Builder (3.33.0)

public static final class ResourceSearchResult.Builder extends GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<ResourceSearchResult.Builder> implements ResourceSearchResultOrBuilder

A result of Resource Search, containing information of a cloud resource. Next ID: 34

Protobuf type

Static Methods


public static final Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor()
Type Description


addAllAttachedResources(Iterable<? extends AttachedResource> values)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder addAllAttachedResources(Iterable<? extends AttachedResource> values)

Attached resources of this resource. For example, an OSConfig Inventory is an attached resource of a Compute Instance. This field is repeated because a resource could have multiple attached resources.

This attached_resources field is not searchable. Some attributes of the attached resources are exposed in additional_attributes field, so as to allow users to search on them.

repeated attached_resources = 20;

Name Description
values Iterable<? extends>
Type Description

addAllEffectiveTags(Iterable<? extends EffectiveTagDetails> values)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder addAllEffectiveTags(Iterable<? extends EffectiveTagDetails> values)

The effective tags on this resource. All of the tags that are both attached to and inherited by a resource are collectively called the effective tags. For more information, see tag inheritance.

To search against the effective_tags:

  • Use a field query. Example:
    • effectiveTagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • effectiveTagKeys="123456789/env"
    • effectiveTagKeys:"env"
    • effectiveTagValues:"env"
    • effectiveTagValues:"env/prod"
    • effectiveTagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • effectiveTagValues="123456789/env/prod"
    • effectiveTagValueIds="tagValues/456"

repeated effective_tags = 30;

Name Description
values Iterable<? extends>
Type Description

addAllFolders(Iterable<String> values)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder addAllFolders(Iterable<String> values)

The folder(s) that this resource belongs to, in the form of folders/{FOLDER_NUMBER}. This field is available when the resource belongs to one or more folders.

To search against folders:

  • Use a field query. Example: folders:(123 OR 456)
  • Use a free text query. Example: 123
  • Specify the scope field as this folder in your search request.

repeated string folders = 17;

Name Description
values Iterable<String>

The folders to add.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

addAllKmsKeys(Iterable<String> values)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder addAllKmsKeys(Iterable<String> values)

The Cloud KMS CryptoKey names or CryptoKeyVersion names. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the kms_keys:

  • Use a field query. Example: kmsKeys:key
  • Use a free text query. Example: key

repeated string kms_keys = 28;

Name Description
values Iterable<String>

The kmsKeys to add.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

addAllNetworkTags(Iterable<String> values)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder addAllNetworkTags(Iterable<String> values)

Network tags associated with this resource. Like labels, network tags are a type of annotations used to group Google Cloud resources. See Labelling Google Cloud resources for more information. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the network_tags:

  • Use a field query. Example: networkTags:internal
  • Use a free text query. Example: internal

repeated string network_tags = 8;

Name Description
values Iterable<String>

The networkTags to add.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

addAllTagKeys(Iterable<String> values) (deprecated)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder addAllTagKeys(Iterable<String> values)

Deprecated. is deprecated. See google/cloud/asset/v1/assets.proto;l=604

This field is only present for the purpose of backward compatibility. Please use the tags field instead.

TagKey namespaced names, in the format of {ORG_ID}/{TAG_KEY_SHORT_NAME}. To search against the tagKeys:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • tagKeys="123456789/env"
    • tagKeys:"env"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • env

repeated string tag_keys = 23 [deprecated = true];

Name Description
values Iterable<String>

The tagKeys to add.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

addAllTagValueIds(Iterable<String> values) (deprecated)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder addAllTagValueIds(Iterable<String> values)

Deprecated. is deprecated. See google/cloud/asset/v1/assets.proto;l=634

This field is only present for the purpose of backward compatibility. Please use the tags field instead.

TagValue IDs, in the format of tagValues/{TAG_VALUE_ID}. To search against the tagValueIds:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagValueIds="tagValues/456"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • 456

repeated string tag_value_ids = 26 [deprecated = true];

Name Description
values Iterable<String>

The tagValueIds to add.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

addAllTagValues(Iterable<String> values) (deprecated)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder addAllTagValues(Iterable<String> values)

Deprecated. is deprecated. See google/cloud/asset/v1/assets.proto;l=621

This field is only present for the purpose of backward compatibility. Please use the tags field instead.

TagValue namespaced names, in the format of {ORG_ID}/{TAG_KEY_SHORT_NAME}/{TAG_VALUE_SHORT_NAME}. To search against the tagValues:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagValues:"env"
    • tagValues:"env/prod"
    • tagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • tagValues="123456789/env/prod"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • prod

repeated string tag_values = 25 [deprecated = true];

Name Description
values Iterable<String>

The tagValues to add.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

addAllTags(Iterable<? extends Tag> values)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder addAllTags(Iterable<? extends Tag> values)

The tags directly attached to this resource.

To search against the tags:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • tagKeys="123456789/env"
    • tagKeys:"env"
    • tagValues:"env"
    • tagValues:"env/prod"
    • tagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • tagValues="123456789/env/prod"
    • tagValueIds="tagValues/456"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • env/prod

repeated tags = 29;

Name Description
values Iterable<? extends>
Type Description

addAllVersionedResources(Iterable<? extends VersionedResource> values)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder addAllVersionedResources(Iterable<? extends VersionedResource> values)

Versioned resource representations of this resource. This is repeated because there could be multiple versions of resource representations during version migration.

This versioned_resources field is not searchable. Some attributes of the resource representations are exposed in additional_attributes field, so as to allow users to search on them.

repeated versioned_resources = 16;

Name Description
values Iterable<? extends>
Type Description

addAttachedResources(AttachedResource value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder addAttachedResources(AttachedResource value)

Attached resources of this resource. For example, an OSConfig Inventory is an attached resource of a Compute Instance. This field is repeated because a resource could have multiple attached resources.

This attached_resources field is not searchable. Some attributes of the attached resources are exposed in additional_attributes field, so as to allow users to search on them.

repeated attached_resources = 20;

Name Description
value AttachedResource
Type Description

addAttachedResources(AttachedResource.Builder builderForValue)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder addAttachedResources(AttachedResource.Builder builderForValue)

Attached resources of this resource. For example, an OSConfig Inventory is an attached resource of a Compute Instance. This field is repeated because a resource could have multiple attached resources.

This attached_resources field is not searchable. Some attributes of the attached resources are exposed in additional_attributes field, so as to allow users to search on them.

repeated attached_resources = 20;

Name Description
builderForValue AttachedResource.Builder
Type Description

addAttachedResources(int index, AttachedResource value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder addAttachedResources(int index, AttachedResource value)

Attached resources of this resource. For example, an OSConfig Inventory is an attached resource of a Compute Instance. This field is repeated because a resource could have multiple attached resources.

This attached_resources field is not searchable. Some attributes of the attached resources are exposed in additional_attributes field, so as to allow users to search on them.

repeated attached_resources = 20;

Name Description
index int
value AttachedResource
Type Description

addAttachedResources(int index, AttachedResource.Builder builderForValue)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder addAttachedResources(int index, AttachedResource.Builder builderForValue)

Attached resources of this resource. For example, an OSConfig Inventory is an attached resource of a Compute Instance. This field is repeated because a resource could have multiple attached resources.

This attached_resources field is not searchable. Some attributes of the attached resources are exposed in additional_attributes field, so as to allow users to search on them.

repeated attached_resources = 20;

Name Description
index int
builderForValue AttachedResource.Builder
Type Description


public AttachedResource.Builder addAttachedResourcesBuilder()

Attached resources of this resource. For example, an OSConfig Inventory is an attached resource of a Compute Instance. This field is repeated because a resource could have multiple attached resources.

This attached_resources field is not searchable. Some attributes of the attached resources are exposed in additional_attributes field, so as to allow users to search on them.

repeated attached_resources = 20;

Type Description

addAttachedResourcesBuilder(int index)

public AttachedResource.Builder addAttachedResourcesBuilder(int index)

Attached resources of this resource. For example, an OSConfig Inventory is an attached resource of a Compute Instance. This field is repeated because a resource could have multiple attached resources.

This attached_resources field is not searchable. Some attributes of the attached resources are exposed in additional_attributes field, so as to allow users to search on them.

repeated attached_resources = 20;

Name Description
index int
Type Description

addEffectiveTags(EffectiveTagDetails value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder addEffectiveTags(EffectiveTagDetails value)

The effective tags on this resource. All of the tags that are both attached to and inherited by a resource are collectively called the effective tags. For more information, see tag inheritance.

To search against the effective_tags:

  • Use a field query. Example:
    • effectiveTagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • effectiveTagKeys="123456789/env"
    • effectiveTagKeys:"env"
    • effectiveTagValues:"env"
    • effectiveTagValues:"env/prod"
    • effectiveTagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • effectiveTagValues="123456789/env/prod"
    • effectiveTagValueIds="tagValues/456"

repeated effective_tags = 30;

Name Description
value EffectiveTagDetails
Type Description

addEffectiveTags(EffectiveTagDetails.Builder builderForValue)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder addEffectiveTags(EffectiveTagDetails.Builder builderForValue)

The effective tags on this resource. All of the tags that are both attached to and inherited by a resource are collectively called the effective tags. For more information, see tag inheritance.

To search against the effective_tags:

  • Use a field query. Example:
    • effectiveTagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • effectiveTagKeys="123456789/env"
    • effectiveTagKeys:"env"
    • effectiveTagValues:"env"
    • effectiveTagValues:"env/prod"
    • effectiveTagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • effectiveTagValues="123456789/env/prod"
    • effectiveTagValueIds="tagValues/456"

repeated effective_tags = 30;

Name Description
builderForValue EffectiveTagDetails.Builder
Type Description

addEffectiveTags(int index, EffectiveTagDetails value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder addEffectiveTags(int index, EffectiveTagDetails value)

The effective tags on this resource. All of the tags that are both attached to and inherited by a resource are collectively called the effective tags. For more information, see tag inheritance.

To search against the effective_tags:

  • Use a field query. Example:
    • effectiveTagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • effectiveTagKeys="123456789/env"
    • effectiveTagKeys:"env"
    • effectiveTagValues:"env"
    • effectiveTagValues:"env/prod"
    • effectiveTagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • effectiveTagValues="123456789/env/prod"
    • effectiveTagValueIds="tagValues/456"

repeated effective_tags = 30;

Name Description
index int
value EffectiveTagDetails
Type Description

addEffectiveTags(int index, EffectiveTagDetails.Builder builderForValue)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder addEffectiveTags(int index, EffectiveTagDetails.Builder builderForValue)

The effective tags on this resource. All of the tags that are both attached to and inherited by a resource are collectively called the effective tags. For more information, see tag inheritance.

To search against the effective_tags:

  • Use a field query. Example:
    • effectiveTagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • effectiveTagKeys="123456789/env"
    • effectiveTagKeys:"env"
    • effectiveTagValues:"env"
    • effectiveTagValues:"env/prod"
    • effectiveTagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • effectiveTagValues="123456789/env/prod"
    • effectiveTagValueIds="tagValues/456"

repeated effective_tags = 30;

Name Description
index int
builderForValue EffectiveTagDetails.Builder
Type Description


public EffectiveTagDetails.Builder addEffectiveTagsBuilder()

The effective tags on this resource. All of the tags that are both attached to and inherited by a resource are collectively called the effective tags. For more information, see tag inheritance.

To search against the effective_tags:

  • Use a field query. Example:
    • effectiveTagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • effectiveTagKeys="123456789/env"
    • effectiveTagKeys:"env"
    • effectiveTagValues:"env"
    • effectiveTagValues:"env/prod"
    • effectiveTagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • effectiveTagValues="123456789/env/prod"
    • effectiveTagValueIds="tagValues/456"

repeated effective_tags = 30;

Type Description

addEffectiveTagsBuilder(int index)

public EffectiveTagDetails.Builder addEffectiveTagsBuilder(int index)

The effective tags on this resource. All of the tags that are both attached to and inherited by a resource are collectively called the effective tags. For more information, see tag inheritance.

To search against the effective_tags:

  • Use a field query. Example:
    • effectiveTagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • effectiveTagKeys="123456789/env"
    • effectiveTagKeys:"env"
    • effectiveTagValues:"env"
    • effectiveTagValues:"env/prod"
    • effectiveTagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • effectiveTagValues="123456789/env/prod"
    • effectiveTagValueIds="tagValues/456"

repeated effective_tags = 30;

Name Description
index int
Type Description

addFolders(String value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder addFolders(String value)

The folder(s) that this resource belongs to, in the form of folders/{FOLDER_NUMBER}. This field is available when the resource belongs to one or more folders.

To search against folders:

  • Use a field query. Example: folders:(123 OR 456)
  • Use a free text query. Example: 123
  • Specify the scope field as this folder in your search request.

repeated string folders = 17;

Name Description
value String

The folders to add.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

addFoldersBytes(ByteString value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder addFoldersBytes(ByteString value)

The folder(s) that this resource belongs to, in the form of folders/{FOLDER_NUMBER}. This field is available when the resource belongs to one or more folders.

To search against folders:

  • Use a field query. Example: folders:(123 OR 456)
  • Use a free text query. Example: 123
  • Specify the scope field as this folder in your search request.

repeated string folders = 17;

Name Description
value ByteString

The bytes of the folders to add.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

addKmsKeys(String value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder addKmsKeys(String value)

The Cloud KMS CryptoKey names or CryptoKeyVersion names. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the kms_keys:

  • Use a field query. Example: kmsKeys:key
  • Use a free text query. Example: key

repeated string kms_keys = 28;

Name Description
value String

The kmsKeys to add.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

addKmsKeysBytes(ByteString value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder addKmsKeysBytes(ByteString value)

The Cloud KMS CryptoKey names or CryptoKeyVersion names. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the kms_keys:

  • Use a field query. Example: kmsKeys:key
  • Use a free text query. Example: key

repeated string kms_keys = 28;

Name Description
value ByteString

The bytes of the kmsKeys to add.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

addNetworkTags(String value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder addNetworkTags(String value)

Network tags associated with this resource. Like labels, network tags are a type of annotations used to group Google Cloud resources. See Labelling Google Cloud resources for more information. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the network_tags:

  • Use a field query. Example: networkTags:internal
  • Use a free text query. Example: internal

repeated string network_tags = 8;

Name Description
value String

The networkTags to add.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

addNetworkTagsBytes(ByteString value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder addNetworkTagsBytes(ByteString value)

Network tags associated with this resource. Like labels, network tags are a type of annotations used to group Google Cloud resources. See Labelling Google Cloud resources for more information. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the network_tags:

  • Use a field query. Example: networkTags:internal
  • Use a free text query. Example: internal

repeated string network_tags = 8;

Name Description
value ByteString

The bytes of the networkTags to add.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

addRepeatedField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field, Object value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder addRepeatedField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field, Object value)
Name Description
field FieldDescriptor
value Object
Type Description

addTagKeys(String value) (deprecated)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder addTagKeys(String value)

Deprecated. is deprecated. See google/cloud/asset/v1/assets.proto;l=604

This field is only present for the purpose of backward compatibility. Please use the tags field instead.

TagKey namespaced names, in the format of {ORG_ID}/{TAG_KEY_SHORT_NAME}. To search against the tagKeys:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • tagKeys="123456789/env"
    • tagKeys:"env"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • env

repeated string tag_keys = 23 [deprecated = true];

Name Description
value String

The tagKeys to add.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

addTagKeysBytes(ByteString value) (deprecated)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder addTagKeysBytes(ByteString value)

Deprecated. is deprecated. See google/cloud/asset/v1/assets.proto;l=604

This field is only present for the purpose of backward compatibility. Please use the tags field instead.

TagKey namespaced names, in the format of {ORG_ID}/{TAG_KEY_SHORT_NAME}. To search against the tagKeys:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • tagKeys="123456789/env"
    • tagKeys:"env"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • env

repeated string tag_keys = 23 [deprecated = true];

Name Description
value ByteString

The bytes of the tagKeys to add.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

addTagValueIds(String value) (deprecated)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder addTagValueIds(String value)

Deprecated. is deprecated. See google/cloud/asset/v1/assets.proto;l=634

This field is only present for the purpose of backward compatibility. Please use the tags field instead.

TagValue IDs, in the format of tagValues/{TAG_VALUE_ID}. To search against the tagValueIds:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagValueIds="tagValues/456"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • 456

repeated string tag_value_ids = 26 [deprecated = true];

Name Description
value String

The tagValueIds to add.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

addTagValueIdsBytes(ByteString value) (deprecated)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder addTagValueIdsBytes(ByteString value)

Deprecated. is deprecated. See google/cloud/asset/v1/assets.proto;l=634

This field is only present for the purpose of backward compatibility. Please use the tags field instead.

TagValue IDs, in the format of tagValues/{TAG_VALUE_ID}. To search against the tagValueIds:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagValueIds="tagValues/456"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • 456

repeated string tag_value_ids = 26 [deprecated = true];

Name Description
value ByteString

The bytes of the tagValueIds to add.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

addTagValues(String value) (deprecated)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder addTagValues(String value)

Deprecated. is deprecated. See google/cloud/asset/v1/assets.proto;l=621

This field is only present for the purpose of backward compatibility. Please use the tags field instead.

TagValue namespaced names, in the format of {ORG_ID}/{TAG_KEY_SHORT_NAME}/{TAG_VALUE_SHORT_NAME}. To search against the tagValues:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagValues:"env"
    • tagValues:"env/prod"
    • tagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • tagValues="123456789/env/prod"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • prod

repeated string tag_values = 25 [deprecated = true];

Name Description
value String

The tagValues to add.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

addTagValuesBytes(ByteString value) (deprecated)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder addTagValuesBytes(ByteString value)

Deprecated. is deprecated. See google/cloud/asset/v1/assets.proto;l=621

This field is only present for the purpose of backward compatibility. Please use the tags field instead.

TagValue namespaced names, in the format of {ORG_ID}/{TAG_KEY_SHORT_NAME}/{TAG_VALUE_SHORT_NAME}. To search against the tagValues:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagValues:"env"
    • tagValues:"env/prod"
    • tagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • tagValues="123456789/env/prod"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • prod

repeated string tag_values = 25 [deprecated = true];

Name Description
value ByteString

The bytes of the tagValues to add.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

addTags(Tag value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder addTags(Tag value)

The tags directly attached to this resource.

To search against the tags:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • tagKeys="123456789/env"
    • tagKeys:"env"
    • tagValues:"env"
    • tagValues:"env/prod"
    • tagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • tagValues="123456789/env/prod"
    • tagValueIds="tagValues/456"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • env/prod

repeated tags = 29;

Name Description
value Tag
Type Description

addTags(Tag.Builder builderForValue)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder addTags(Tag.Builder builderForValue)

The tags directly attached to this resource.

To search against the tags:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • tagKeys="123456789/env"
    • tagKeys:"env"
    • tagValues:"env"
    • tagValues:"env/prod"
    • tagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • tagValues="123456789/env/prod"
    • tagValueIds="tagValues/456"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • env/prod

repeated tags = 29;

Name Description
builderForValue Tag.Builder
Type Description

addTags(int index, Tag value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder addTags(int index, Tag value)

The tags directly attached to this resource.

To search against the tags:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • tagKeys="123456789/env"
    • tagKeys:"env"
    • tagValues:"env"
    • tagValues:"env/prod"
    • tagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • tagValues="123456789/env/prod"
    • tagValueIds="tagValues/456"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • env/prod

repeated tags = 29;

Name Description
index int
value Tag
Type Description

addTags(int index, Tag.Builder builderForValue)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder addTags(int index, Tag.Builder builderForValue)

The tags directly attached to this resource.

To search against the tags:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • tagKeys="123456789/env"
    • tagKeys:"env"
    • tagValues:"env"
    • tagValues:"env/prod"
    • tagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • tagValues="123456789/env/prod"
    • tagValueIds="tagValues/456"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • env/prod

repeated tags = 29;

Name Description
index int
builderForValue Tag.Builder
Type Description


public Tag.Builder addTagsBuilder()

The tags directly attached to this resource.

To search against the tags:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • tagKeys="123456789/env"
    • tagKeys:"env"
    • tagValues:"env"
    • tagValues:"env/prod"
    • tagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • tagValues="123456789/env/prod"
    • tagValueIds="tagValues/456"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • env/prod

repeated tags = 29;

Type Description

addTagsBuilder(int index)

public Tag.Builder addTagsBuilder(int index)

The tags directly attached to this resource.

To search against the tags:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • tagKeys="123456789/env"
    • tagKeys:"env"
    • tagValues:"env"
    • tagValues:"env/prod"
    • tagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • tagValues="123456789/env/prod"
    • tagValueIds="tagValues/456"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • env/prod

repeated tags = 29;

Name Description
index int
Type Description

addVersionedResources(VersionedResource value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder addVersionedResources(VersionedResource value)

Versioned resource representations of this resource. This is repeated because there could be multiple versions of resource representations during version migration.

This versioned_resources field is not searchable. Some attributes of the resource representations are exposed in additional_attributes field, so as to allow users to search on them.

repeated versioned_resources = 16;

Name Description
value VersionedResource
Type Description

addVersionedResources(VersionedResource.Builder builderForValue)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder addVersionedResources(VersionedResource.Builder builderForValue)

Versioned resource representations of this resource. This is repeated because there could be multiple versions of resource representations during version migration.

This versioned_resources field is not searchable. Some attributes of the resource representations are exposed in additional_attributes field, so as to allow users to search on them.

repeated versioned_resources = 16;

Name Description
builderForValue VersionedResource.Builder
Type Description

addVersionedResources(int index, VersionedResource value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder addVersionedResources(int index, VersionedResource value)

Versioned resource representations of this resource. This is repeated because there could be multiple versions of resource representations during version migration.

This versioned_resources field is not searchable. Some attributes of the resource representations are exposed in additional_attributes field, so as to allow users to search on them.

repeated versioned_resources = 16;

Name Description
index int
value VersionedResource
Type Description

addVersionedResources(int index, VersionedResource.Builder builderForValue)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder addVersionedResources(int index, VersionedResource.Builder builderForValue)

Versioned resource representations of this resource. This is repeated because there could be multiple versions of resource representations during version migration.

This versioned_resources field is not searchable. Some attributes of the resource representations are exposed in additional_attributes field, so as to allow users to search on them.

repeated versioned_resources = 16;

Name Description
index int
builderForValue VersionedResource.Builder
Type Description


public VersionedResource.Builder addVersionedResourcesBuilder()

Versioned resource representations of this resource. This is repeated because there could be multiple versions of resource representations during version migration.

This versioned_resources field is not searchable. Some attributes of the resource representations are exposed in additional_attributes field, so as to allow users to search on them.

repeated versioned_resources = 16;

Type Description

addVersionedResourcesBuilder(int index)

public VersionedResource.Builder addVersionedResourcesBuilder(int index)

Versioned resource representations of this resource. This is repeated because there could be multiple versions of resource representations during version migration.

This versioned_resources field is not searchable. Some attributes of the resource representations are exposed in additional_attributes field, so as to allow users to search on them.

repeated versioned_resources = 16;

Name Description
index int
Type Description


public ResourceSearchResult build()
Type Description


public ResourceSearchResult buildPartial()
Type Description


public ResourceSearchResult.Builder clear()
Type Description


public ResourceSearchResult.Builder clearAdditionalAttributes()

The additional searchable attributes of this resource. The attributes may vary from one resource type to another. Examples: projectId for Project, dnsName for DNS ManagedZone. This field contains a subset of the resource metadata fields that are returned by the List or Get APIs provided by the corresponding Google Cloud service (e.g., Compute Engine). see API references and supported searchable attributes to see which fields are included.

You can search values of these fields through free text search. However, you should not consume the field programically as the field names and values may change as the Google Cloud service updates to a new incompatible API version.

To search against the additional_attributes:

  • Use a free text query to match the attributes values. Example: to search additional_attributes = { dnsName: "foobar" }, you can issue a query foobar.

.google.protobuf.Struct additional_attributes = 9;

Type Description


public ResourceSearchResult.Builder clearAssetType()

The type of this resource. Example:

To search against the asset_type:

  • Specify the asset_type field in your search request.

string asset_type = 2;

Type Description

This builder for chaining.


public ResourceSearchResult.Builder clearAttachedResources()

Attached resources of this resource. For example, an OSConfig Inventory is an attached resource of a Compute Instance. This field is repeated because a resource could have multiple attached resources.

This attached_resources field is not searchable. Some attributes of the attached resources are exposed in additional_attributes field, so as to allow users to search on them.

repeated attached_resources = 20;

Type Description


public ResourceSearchResult.Builder clearCreateTime()

The create timestamp of this resource, at which the resource was created. The granularity is in seconds. Timestamp.nanos will always be 0. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against create_time:

  • Use a field query.
    • value in seconds since unix epoch. Example: createTime > 1609459200
    • value in date string. Example: createTime > 2021-01-01
    • value in date-time string (must be quoted). Example: createTime > "2021-01-01T00:00:00"

.google.protobuf.Timestamp create_time = 11;

Type Description


public ResourceSearchResult.Builder clearDescription()

One or more paragraphs of text description of this resource. Maximum length could be up to 1M bytes. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the description:

  • Use a field query. Example: description:"important instance"
  • Use a free text query. Example: "important instance"

string description = 5;

Type Description

This builder for chaining.


public ResourceSearchResult.Builder clearDisplayName()

The display name of this resource. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the display_name:

  • Use a field query. Example: displayName:"My Instance"
  • Use a free text query. Example: "My Instance"

string display_name = 4;

Type Description

This builder for chaining.


public ResourceSearchResult.Builder clearEffectiveTags()

The effective tags on this resource. All of the tags that are both attached to and inherited by a resource are collectively called the effective tags. For more information, see tag inheritance.

To search against the effective_tags:

  • Use a field query. Example:
    • effectiveTagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • effectiveTagKeys="123456789/env"
    • effectiveTagKeys:"env"
    • effectiveTagValues:"env"
    • effectiveTagValues:"env/prod"
    • effectiveTagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • effectiveTagValues="123456789/env/prod"
    • effectiveTagValueIds="tagValues/456"

repeated effective_tags = 30;

Type Description

clearField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder clearField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field)
Name Description
field FieldDescriptor
Type Description


public ResourceSearchResult.Builder clearFolders()

The folder(s) that this resource belongs to, in the form of folders/{FOLDER_NUMBER}. This field is available when the resource belongs to one or more folders.

To search against folders:

  • Use a field query. Example: folders:(123 OR 456)
  • Use a free text query. Example: 123
  • Specify the scope field as this folder in your search request.

repeated string folders = 17;

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

clearKmsKey() (deprecated)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder clearKmsKey()

Deprecated. is deprecated. See google/cloud/asset/v1/assets.proto;l=471

The Cloud KMS CryptoKey name or CryptoKeyVersion name.

This field only presents for the purpose of backward compatibility. Please use the kms_keys field to retrieve Cloud KMS key information. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it and will only be populated for these resource types for backward compatible purposes.

To search against the kms_key:

  • Use a field query. Example: kmsKey:key
  • Use a free text query. Example: key

string kms_key = 10 [deprecated = true];

Type Description

This builder for chaining.


public ResourceSearchResult.Builder clearKmsKeys()

The Cloud KMS CryptoKey names or CryptoKeyVersion names. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the kms_keys:

  • Use a field query. Example: kmsKeys:key
  • Use a free text query. Example: key

repeated string kms_keys = 28;

Type Description

This builder for chaining.


public ResourceSearchResult.Builder clearLabels()
Type Description


public ResourceSearchResult.Builder clearLocation()

Location can be global, regional like us-east1, or zonal like us-west1-b. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the location:

  • Use a field query. Example: location:us-west*
  • Use a free text query. Example: us-west*

string location = 6;

Type Description

This builder for chaining.


public ResourceSearchResult.Builder clearName()

The full resource name of this resource. Example: // See Cloud Asset Inventory Resource Name Format for more information.

To search against the name:

  • Use a field query. Example: name:instance1
  • Use a free text query. Example: instance1

string name = 1;

Type Description

This builder for chaining.


public ResourceSearchResult.Builder clearNetworkTags()

Network tags associated with this resource. Like labels, network tags are a type of annotations used to group Google Cloud resources. See Labelling Google Cloud resources for more information. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the network_tags:

  • Use a field query. Example: networkTags:internal
  • Use a free text query. Example: internal

repeated string network_tags = 8;

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

clearOneof(Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder clearOneof(Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof)
Name Description
oneof OneofDescriptor
Type Description


public ResourceSearchResult.Builder clearOrganization()

The organization that this resource belongs to, in the form of organizations/{ORGANIZATION_NUMBER}. This field is available when the resource belongs to an organization.

To search against organization:

  • Use a field query. Example: organization:123
  • Use a free text query. Example: 123
  • Specify the scope field as this organization in your search request.

string organization = 18;

Type Description

This builder for chaining.


public ResourceSearchResult.Builder clearParentAssetType()

The type of this resource's immediate parent, if there is one.

To search against the parent_asset_type:

  • Use a field query. Example: parentAssetType:""
  • Use a free text query. Example:

string parent_asset_type = 103;

Type Description

This builder for chaining.


public ResourceSearchResult.Builder clearParentFullResourceName()

The full resource name of this resource's parent, if it has one. To search against the parent_full_resource_name:

  • Use a field query. Example: parentFullResourceName:"project-name"
  • Use a free text query. Example: project-name

string parent_full_resource_name = 19;

Type Description

This builder for chaining.


public ResourceSearchResult.Builder clearProject()

The project that this resource belongs to, in the form of projects/{PROJECT_NUMBER}. This field is available when the resource belongs to a project.

To search against project:

  • Use a field query. Example: project:12345
  • Use a free text query. Example: 12345
  • Specify the scope field as this project in your search request.

string project = 3;

Type Description

This builder for chaining.


public ResourceSearchResult.Builder clearRelationships()
Type Description


public ResourceSearchResult.Builder clearSccSecurityMarks()
Type Description


public ResourceSearchResult.Builder clearState()

The state of this resource. Different resources types have different state definitions that are mapped from various fields of different resource types. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

Example: If the resource is an instance provided by Compute Engine, its state will include PROVISIONING, STAGING, RUNNING, STOPPING, SUSPENDING, SUSPENDED, REPAIRING, and TERMINATED. See status definition in API Reference. If the resource is a project provided by Resource Manager, its state will include LIFECYCLE_STATE_UNSPECIFIED, ACTIVE, DELETE_REQUESTED and DELETE_IN_PROGRESS. See lifecycleState definition in API Reference.

To search against the state:

  • Use a field query. Example: state:RUNNING
  • Use a free text query. Example: RUNNING

string state = 13;

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

clearTagKeys() (deprecated)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder clearTagKeys()

Deprecated. is deprecated. See google/cloud/asset/v1/assets.proto;l=604

This field is only present for the purpose of backward compatibility. Please use the tags field instead.

TagKey namespaced names, in the format of {ORG_ID}/{TAG_KEY_SHORT_NAME}. To search against the tagKeys:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • tagKeys="123456789/env"
    • tagKeys:"env"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • env

repeated string tag_keys = 23 [deprecated = true];

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

clearTagValueIds() (deprecated)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder clearTagValueIds()

Deprecated. is deprecated. See google/cloud/asset/v1/assets.proto;l=634

This field is only present for the purpose of backward compatibility. Please use the tags field instead.

TagValue IDs, in the format of tagValues/{TAG_VALUE_ID}. To search against the tagValueIds:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagValueIds="tagValues/456"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • 456

repeated string tag_value_ids = 26 [deprecated = true];

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

clearTagValues() (deprecated)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder clearTagValues()

Deprecated. is deprecated. See google/cloud/asset/v1/assets.proto;l=621

This field is only present for the purpose of backward compatibility. Please use the tags field instead.

TagValue namespaced names, in the format of {ORG_ID}/{TAG_KEY_SHORT_NAME}/{TAG_VALUE_SHORT_NAME}. To search against the tagValues:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagValues:"env"
    • tagValues:"env/prod"
    • tagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • tagValues="123456789/env/prod"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • prod

repeated string tag_values = 25 [deprecated = true];

Type Description

This builder for chaining.


public ResourceSearchResult.Builder clearTags()

The tags directly attached to this resource.

To search against the tags:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • tagKeys="123456789/env"
    • tagKeys:"env"
    • tagValues:"env"
    • tagValues:"env/prod"
    • tagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • tagValues="123456789/env/prod"
    • tagValueIds="tagValues/456"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • env/prod

repeated tags = 29;

Type Description


public ResourceSearchResult.Builder clearUpdateTime()

The last update timestamp of this resource, at which the resource was last modified or deleted. The granularity is in seconds. Timestamp.nanos will always be 0. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against update_time:

  • Use a field query.
    • value in seconds since unix epoch. Example: updateTime < 1609459200
    • value in date string. Example: updateTime < 2021-01-01
    • value in date-time string (must be quoted). Example: updateTime < "2021-01-01T00:00:00"

.google.protobuf.Timestamp update_time = 12;

Type Description


public ResourceSearchResult.Builder clearVersionedResources()

Versioned resource representations of this resource. This is repeated because there could be multiple versions of resource representations during version migration.

This versioned_resources field is not searchable. Some attributes of the resource representations are exposed in additional_attributes field, so as to allow users to search on them.

repeated versioned_resources = 16;

Type Description


public ResourceSearchResult.Builder clone()
Type Description

containsLabels(String key)

public boolean containsLabels(String key)

Labels associated with this resource. See Labelling and grouping Google Cloud resources for more information. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the labels:

  • Use a field query:
    • query on any label's key or value. Example: labels:prod
    • query by a given label. Example: labels.env:prod
    • query by a given label's existence. Example: labels.env:*
  • Use a free text query. Example: prod

map<string, string> labels = 7;

Name Description
key String
Type Description

containsRelationships(String key)

public boolean containsRelationships(String key)

A map of related resources of this resource, keyed by the relationship type. A relationship type is in the format of {SourceType}{ACTION}{DestType}. Example: DISK_TO_INSTANCE, DISK_TO_NETWORK, INSTANCE_TO_INSTANCEGROUP. See supported relationship types.

map<string,> relationships = 21;

Name Description
key String
Type Description

containsSccSecurityMarks(String key)

public boolean containsSccSecurityMarks(String key)

The actual content of Security Command Center security marks associated with the asset.

Note that both staging & prod SecurityMarks are attached on prod resources. In CAS preprod/prod, both staging & prod SecurityMarks are ingested and returned in the following security_marks map. In that case, the prefix "staging." will be added to the keys of all the staging marks. To search against SCC SecurityMarks field:

  • Use a field query:
    • query by a given key value pair. Example:
    • query by a given key's existence. Example:*

map<string, string> scc_security_marks = 32;

Name Description
key String
Type Description


public Struct getAdditionalAttributes()

The additional searchable attributes of this resource. The attributes may vary from one resource type to another. Examples: projectId for Project, dnsName for DNS ManagedZone. This field contains a subset of the resource metadata fields that are returned by the List or Get APIs provided by the corresponding Google Cloud service (e.g., Compute Engine). see API references and supported searchable attributes to see which fields are included.

You can search values of these fields through free text search. However, you should not consume the field programically as the field names and values may change as the Google Cloud service updates to a new incompatible API version.

To search against the additional_attributes:

  • Use a free text query to match the attributes values. Example: to search additional_attributes = { dnsName: "foobar" }, you can issue a query foobar.

.google.protobuf.Struct additional_attributes = 9;

Type Description

The additionalAttributes.


public Struct.Builder getAdditionalAttributesBuilder()

The additional searchable attributes of this resource. The attributes may vary from one resource type to another. Examples: projectId for Project, dnsName for DNS ManagedZone. This field contains a subset of the resource metadata fields that are returned by the List or Get APIs provided by the corresponding Google Cloud service (e.g., Compute Engine). see API references and supported searchable attributes to see which fields are included.

You can search values of these fields through free text search. However, you should not consume the field programically as the field names and values may change as the Google Cloud service updates to a new incompatible API version.

To search against the additional_attributes:

  • Use a free text query to match the attributes values. Example: to search additional_attributes = { dnsName: "foobar" }, you can issue a query foobar.

.google.protobuf.Struct additional_attributes = 9;

Type Description


public StructOrBuilder getAdditionalAttributesOrBuilder()

The additional searchable attributes of this resource. The attributes may vary from one resource type to another. Examples: projectId for Project, dnsName for DNS ManagedZone. This field contains a subset of the resource metadata fields that are returned by the List or Get APIs provided by the corresponding Google Cloud service (e.g., Compute Engine). see API references and supported searchable attributes to see which fields are included.

You can search values of these fields through free text search. However, you should not consume the field programically as the field names and values may change as the Google Cloud service updates to a new incompatible API version.

To search against the additional_attributes:

  • Use a free text query to match the attributes values. Example: to search additional_attributes = { dnsName: "foobar" }, you can issue a query foobar.

.google.protobuf.Struct additional_attributes = 9;

Type Description


public String getAssetType()

The type of this resource. Example:

To search against the asset_type:

  • Specify the asset_type field in your search request.

string asset_type = 2;

Type Description

The assetType.


public ByteString getAssetTypeBytes()

The type of this resource. Example:

To search against the asset_type:

  • Specify the asset_type field in your search request.

string asset_type = 2;

Type Description

The bytes for assetType.

getAttachedResources(int index)

public AttachedResource getAttachedResources(int index)

Attached resources of this resource. For example, an OSConfig Inventory is an attached resource of a Compute Instance. This field is repeated because a resource could have multiple attached resources.

This attached_resources field is not searchable. Some attributes of the attached resources are exposed in additional_attributes field, so as to allow users to search on them.

repeated attached_resources = 20;

Name Description
index int
Type Description

getAttachedResourcesBuilder(int index)

public AttachedResource.Builder getAttachedResourcesBuilder(int index)

Attached resources of this resource. For example, an OSConfig Inventory is an attached resource of a Compute Instance. This field is repeated because a resource could have multiple attached resources.

This attached_resources field is not searchable. Some attributes of the attached resources are exposed in additional_attributes field, so as to allow users to search on them.

repeated attached_resources = 20;

Name Description
index int
Type Description


public List<AttachedResource.Builder> getAttachedResourcesBuilderList()

Attached resources of this resource. For example, an OSConfig Inventory is an attached resource of a Compute Instance. This field is repeated because a resource could have multiple attached resources.

This attached_resources field is not searchable. Some attributes of the attached resources are exposed in additional_attributes field, so as to allow users to search on them.

repeated attached_resources = 20;

Type Description


public int getAttachedResourcesCount()

Attached resources of this resource. For example, an OSConfig Inventory is an attached resource of a Compute Instance. This field is repeated because a resource could have multiple attached resources.

This attached_resources field is not searchable. Some attributes of the attached resources are exposed in additional_attributes field, so as to allow users to search on them.

repeated attached_resources = 20;

Type Description


public List<AttachedResource> getAttachedResourcesList()

Attached resources of this resource. For example, an OSConfig Inventory is an attached resource of a Compute Instance. This field is repeated because a resource could have multiple attached resources.

This attached_resources field is not searchable. Some attributes of the attached resources are exposed in additional_attributes field, so as to allow users to search on them.

repeated attached_resources = 20;

Type Description

getAttachedResourcesOrBuilder(int index)

public AttachedResourceOrBuilder getAttachedResourcesOrBuilder(int index)

Attached resources of this resource. For example, an OSConfig Inventory is an attached resource of a Compute Instance. This field is repeated because a resource could have multiple attached resources.

This attached_resources field is not searchable. Some attributes of the attached resources are exposed in additional_attributes field, so as to allow users to search on them.

repeated attached_resources = 20;

Name Description
index int
Type Description


public List<? extends AttachedResourceOrBuilder> getAttachedResourcesOrBuilderList()

Attached resources of this resource. For example, an OSConfig Inventory is an attached resource of a Compute Instance. This field is repeated because a resource could have multiple attached resources.

This attached_resources field is not searchable. Some attributes of the attached resources are exposed in additional_attributes field, so as to allow users to search on them.

repeated attached_resources = 20;

Type Description
List<? extends>


public Timestamp getCreateTime()

The create timestamp of this resource, at which the resource was created. The granularity is in seconds. Timestamp.nanos will always be 0. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against create_time:

  • Use a field query.
    • value in seconds since unix epoch. Example: createTime > 1609459200
    • value in date string. Example: createTime > 2021-01-01
    • value in date-time string (must be quoted). Example: createTime > "2021-01-01T00:00:00"

.google.protobuf.Timestamp create_time = 11;

Type Description

The createTime.


public Timestamp.Builder getCreateTimeBuilder()

The create timestamp of this resource, at which the resource was created. The granularity is in seconds. Timestamp.nanos will always be 0. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against create_time:

  • Use a field query.
    • value in seconds since unix epoch. Example: createTime > 1609459200
    • value in date string. Example: createTime > 2021-01-01
    • value in date-time string (must be quoted). Example: createTime > "2021-01-01T00:00:00"

.google.protobuf.Timestamp create_time = 11;

Type Description


public TimestampOrBuilder getCreateTimeOrBuilder()

The create timestamp of this resource, at which the resource was created. The granularity is in seconds. Timestamp.nanos will always be 0. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against create_time:

  • Use a field query.
    • value in seconds since unix epoch. Example: createTime > 1609459200
    • value in date string. Example: createTime > 2021-01-01
    • value in date-time string (must be quoted). Example: createTime > "2021-01-01T00:00:00"

.google.protobuf.Timestamp create_time = 11;

Type Description


public ResourceSearchResult getDefaultInstanceForType()
Type Description


public String getDescription()

One or more paragraphs of text description of this resource. Maximum length could be up to 1M bytes. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the description:

  • Use a field query. Example: description:"important instance"
  • Use a free text query. Example: "important instance"

string description = 5;

Type Description

The description.


public ByteString getDescriptionBytes()

One or more paragraphs of text description of this resource. Maximum length could be up to 1M bytes. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the description:

  • Use a field query. Example: description:"important instance"
  • Use a free text query. Example: "important instance"

string description = 5;

Type Description

The bytes for description.


public Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptorForType()
Type Description


public String getDisplayName()

The display name of this resource. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the display_name:

  • Use a field query. Example: displayName:"My Instance"
  • Use a free text query. Example: "My Instance"

string display_name = 4;

Type Description

The displayName.


public ByteString getDisplayNameBytes()

The display name of this resource. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the display_name:

  • Use a field query. Example: displayName:"My Instance"
  • Use a free text query. Example: "My Instance"

string display_name = 4;

Type Description

The bytes for displayName.

getEffectiveTags(int index)

public EffectiveTagDetails getEffectiveTags(int index)

The effective tags on this resource. All of the tags that are both attached to and inherited by a resource are collectively called the effective tags. For more information, see tag inheritance.

To search against the effective_tags:

  • Use a field query. Example:
    • effectiveTagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • effectiveTagKeys="123456789/env"
    • effectiveTagKeys:"env"
    • effectiveTagValues:"env"
    • effectiveTagValues:"env/prod"
    • effectiveTagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • effectiveTagValues="123456789/env/prod"
    • effectiveTagValueIds="tagValues/456"

repeated effective_tags = 30;

Name Description
index int
Type Description

getEffectiveTagsBuilder(int index)

public EffectiveTagDetails.Builder getEffectiveTagsBuilder(int index)

The effective tags on this resource. All of the tags that are both attached to and inherited by a resource are collectively called the effective tags. For more information, see tag inheritance.

To search against the effective_tags:

  • Use a field query. Example:
    • effectiveTagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • effectiveTagKeys="123456789/env"
    • effectiveTagKeys:"env"
    • effectiveTagValues:"env"
    • effectiveTagValues:"env/prod"
    • effectiveTagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • effectiveTagValues="123456789/env/prod"
    • effectiveTagValueIds="tagValues/456"

repeated effective_tags = 30;

Name Description
index int
Type Description


public List<EffectiveTagDetails.Builder> getEffectiveTagsBuilderList()

The effective tags on this resource. All of the tags that are both attached to and inherited by a resource are collectively called the effective tags. For more information, see tag inheritance.

To search against the effective_tags:

  • Use a field query. Example:
    • effectiveTagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • effectiveTagKeys="123456789/env"
    • effectiveTagKeys:"env"
    • effectiveTagValues:"env"
    • effectiveTagValues:"env/prod"
    • effectiveTagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • effectiveTagValues="123456789/env/prod"
    • effectiveTagValueIds="tagValues/456"

repeated effective_tags = 30;

Type Description


public int getEffectiveTagsCount()

The effective tags on this resource. All of the tags that are both attached to and inherited by a resource are collectively called the effective tags. For more information, see tag inheritance.

To search against the effective_tags:

  • Use a field query. Example:
    • effectiveTagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • effectiveTagKeys="123456789/env"
    • effectiveTagKeys:"env"
    • effectiveTagValues:"env"
    • effectiveTagValues:"env/prod"
    • effectiveTagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • effectiveTagValues="123456789/env/prod"
    • effectiveTagValueIds="tagValues/456"

repeated effective_tags = 30;

Type Description


public List<EffectiveTagDetails> getEffectiveTagsList()

The effective tags on this resource. All of the tags that are both attached to and inherited by a resource are collectively called the effective tags. For more information, see tag inheritance.

To search against the effective_tags:

  • Use a field query. Example:
    • effectiveTagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • effectiveTagKeys="123456789/env"
    • effectiveTagKeys:"env"
    • effectiveTagValues:"env"
    • effectiveTagValues:"env/prod"
    • effectiveTagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • effectiveTagValues="123456789/env/prod"
    • effectiveTagValueIds="tagValues/456"

repeated effective_tags = 30;

Type Description

getEffectiveTagsOrBuilder(int index)

public EffectiveTagDetailsOrBuilder getEffectiveTagsOrBuilder(int index)

The effective tags on this resource. All of the tags that are both attached to and inherited by a resource are collectively called the effective tags. For more information, see tag inheritance.

To search against the effective_tags:

  • Use a field query. Example:
    • effectiveTagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • effectiveTagKeys="123456789/env"
    • effectiveTagKeys:"env"
    • effectiveTagValues:"env"
    • effectiveTagValues:"env/prod"
    • effectiveTagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • effectiveTagValues="123456789/env/prod"
    • effectiveTagValueIds="tagValues/456"

repeated effective_tags = 30;

Name Description
index int
Type Description


public List<? extends EffectiveTagDetailsOrBuilder> getEffectiveTagsOrBuilderList()

The effective tags on this resource. All of the tags that are both attached to and inherited by a resource are collectively called the effective tags. For more information, see tag inheritance.

To search against the effective_tags:

  • Use a field query. Example:
    • effectiveTagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • effectiveTagKeys="123456789/env"
    • effectiveTagKeys:"env"
    • effectiveTagValues:"env"
    • effectiveTagValues:"env/prod"
    • effectiveTagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • effectiveTagValues="123456789/env/prod"
    • effectiveTagValueIds="tagValues/456"

repeated effective_tags = 30;

Type Description
List<? extends>

getFolders(int index)

public String getFolders(int index)

The folder(s) that this resource belongs to, in the form of folders/{FOLDER_NUMBER}. This field is available when the resource belongs to one or more folders.

To search against folders:

  • Use a field query. Example: folders:(123 OR 456)
  • Use a free text query. Example: 123
  • Specify the scope field as this folder in your search request.

repeated string folders = 17;

Name Description
index int

The index of the element to return.

Type Description

The folders at the given index.

getFoldersBytes(int index)

public ByteString getFoldersBytes(int index)

The folder(s) that this resource belongs to, in the form of folders/{FOLDER_NUMBER}. This field is available when the resource belongs to one or more folders.

To search against folders:

  • Use a field query. Example: folders:(123 OR 456)
  • Use a free text query. Example: 123
  • Specify the scope field as this folder in your search request.

repeated string folders = 17;

Name Description
index int

The index of the value to return.

Type Description

The bytes of the folders at the given index.


public int getFoldersCount()

The folder(s) that this resource belongs to, in the form of folders/{FOLDER_NUMBER}. This field is available when the resource belongs to one or more folders.

To search against folders:

  • Use a field query. Example: folders:(123 OR 456)
  • Use a free text query. Example: 123
  • Specify the scope field as this folder in your search request.

repeated string folders = 17;

Type Description

The count of folders.


public ProtocolStringList getFoldersList()

The folder(s) that this resource belongs to, in the form of folders/{FOLDER_NUMBER}. This field is available when the resource belongs to one or more folders.

To search against folders:

  • Use a field query. Example: folders:(123 OR 456)
  • Use a free text query. Example: 123
  • Specify the scope field as this folder in your search request.

repeated string folders = 17;

Type Description

A list containing the folders.

getKmsKey() (deprecated)

public String getKmsKey()

Deprecated. is deprecated. See google/cloud/asset/v1/assets.proto;l=471

The Cloud KMS CryptoKey name or CryptoKeyVersion name.

This field only presents for the purpose of backward compatibility. Please use the kms_keys field to retrieve Cloud KMS key information. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it and will only be populated for these resource types for backward compatible purposes.

To search against the kms_key:

  • Use a field query. Example: kmsKey:key
  • Use a free text query. Example: key

string kms_key = 10 [deprecated = true];

Type Description

The kmsKey.

getKmsKeyBytes() (deprecated)

public ByteString getKmsKeyBytes()

Deprecated. is deprecated. See google/cloud/asset/v1/assets.proto;l=471

The Cloud KMS CryptoKey name or CryptoKeyVersion name.

This field only presents for the purpose of backward compatibility. Please use the kms_keys field to retrieve Cloud KMS key information. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it and will only be populated for these resource types for backward compatible purposes.

To search against the kms_key:

  • Use a field query. Example: kmsKey:key
  • Use a free text query. Example: key

string kms_key = 10 [deprecated = true];

Type Description

The bytes for kmsKey.

getKmsKeys(int index)

public String getKmsKeys(int index)

The Cloud KMS CryptoKey names or CryptoKeyVersion names. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the kms_keys:

  • Use a field query. Example: kmsKeys:key
  • Use a free text query. Example: key

repeated string kms_keys = 28;

Name Description
index int

The index of the element to return.

Type Description

The kmsKeys at the given index.

getKmsKeysBytes(int index)

public ByteString getKmsKeysBytes(int index)

The Cloud KMS CryptoKey names or CryptoKeyVersion names. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the kms_keys:

  • Use a field query. Example: kmsKeys:key
  • Use a free text query. Example: key

repeated string kms_keys = 28;

Name Description
index int

The index of the value to return.

Type Description

The bytes of the kmsKeys at the given index.


public int getKmsKeysCount()

The Cloud KMS CryptoKey names or CryptoKeyVersion names. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the kms_keys:

  • Use a field query. Example: kmsKeys:key
  • Use a free text query. Example: key

repeated string kms_keys = 28;

Type Description

The count of kmsKeys.


public ProtocolStringList getKmsKeysList()

The Cloud KMS CryptoKey names or CryptoKeyVersion names. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the kms_keys:

  • Use a field query. Example: kmsKeys:key
  • Use a free text query. Example: key

repeated string kms_keys = 28;

Type Description

A list containing the kmsKeys.


public Map<String,String> getLabels()

Use #getLabelsMap() instead.

Type Description


public int getLabelsCount()

Labels associated with this resource. See Labelling and grouping Google Cloud resources for more information. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the labels:

  • Use a field query:
    • query on any label's key or value. Example: labels:prod
    • query by a given label. Example: labels.env:prod
    • query by a given label's existence. Example: labels.env:*
  • Use a free text query. Example: prod

map<string, string> labels = 7;

Type Description


public Map<String,String> getLabelsMap()

Labels associated with this resource. See Labelling and grouping Google Cloud resources for more information. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the labels:

  • Use a field query:
    • query on any label's key or value. Example: labels:prod
    • query by a given label. Example: labels.env:prod
    • query by a given label's existence. Example: labels.env:*
  • Use a free text query. Example: prod

map<string, string> labels = 7;

Type Description

getLabelsOrDefault(String key, String defaultValue)

public String getLabelsOrDefault(String key, String defaultValue)

Labels associated with this resource. See Labelling and grouping Google Cloud resources for more information. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the labels:

  • Use a field query:
    • query on any label's key or value. Example: labels:prod
    • query by a given label. Example: labels.env:prod
    • query by a given label's existence. Example: labels.env:*
  • Use a free text query. Example: prod

map<string, string> labels = 7;

Name Description
key String
defaultValue String
Type Description

getLabelsOrThrow(String key)

public String getLabelsOrThrow(String key)

Labels associated with this resource. See Labelling and grouping Google Cloud resources for more information. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the labels:

  • Use a field query:
    • query on any label's key or value. Example: labels:prod
    • query by a given label. Example: labels.env:prod
    • query by a given label's existence. Example: labels.env:*
  • Use a free text query. Example: prod

map<string, string> labels = 7;

Name Description
key String
Type Description


public String getLocation()

Location can be global, regional like us-east1, or zonal like us-west1-b. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the location:

  • Use a field query. Example: location:us-west*
  • Use a free text query. Example: us-west*

string location = 6;

Type Description

The location.


public ByteString getLocationBytes()

Location can be global, regional like us-east1, or zonal like us-west1-b. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the location:

  • Use a field query. Example: location:us-west*
  • Use a free text query. Example: us-west*

string location = 6;

Type Description

The bytes for location.


public Map<String,String> getMutableLabels()

Use alternate mutation accessors instead.

Type Description


public Map<String,RelatedResources> getMutableRelationships()

Use alternate mutation accessors instead.

Type Description


public Map<String,String> getMutableSccSecurityMarks()

Use alternate mutation accessors instead.

Type Description


public String getName()

The full resource name of this resource. Example: // See Cloud Asset Inventory Resource Name Format for more information.

To search against the name:

  • Use a field query. Example: name:instance1
  • Use a free text query. Example: instance1

string name = 1;

Type Description

The name.


public ByteString getNameBytes()

The full resource name of this resource. Example: // See Cloud Asset Inventory Resource Name Format for more information.

To search against the name:

  • Use a field query. Example: name:instance1
  • Use a free text query. Example: instance1

string name = 1;

Type Description

The bytes for name.

getNetworkTags(int index)

public String getNetworkTags(int index)

Network tags associated with this resource. Like labels, network tags are a type of annotations used to group Google Cloud resources. See Labelling Google Cloud resources for more information. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the network_tags:

  • Use a field query. Example: networkTags:internal
  • Use a free text query. Example: internal

repeated string network_tags = 8;

Name Description
index int

The index of the element to return.

Type Description

The networkTags at the given index.

getNetworkTagsBytes(int index)

public ByteString getNetworkTagsBytes(int index)

Network tags associated with this resource. Like labels, network tags are a type of annotations used to group Google Cloud resources. See Labelling Google Cloud resources for more information. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the network_tags:

  • Use a field query. Example: networkTags:internal
  • Use a free text query. Example: internal

repeated string network_tags = 8;

Name Description
index int

The index of the value to return.

Type Description

The bytes of the networkTags at the given index.


public int getNetworkTagsCount()

Network tags associated with this resource. Like labels, network tags are a type of annotations used to group Google Cloud resources. See Labelling Google Cloud resources for more information. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the network_tags:

  • Use a field query. Example: networkTags:internal
  • Use a free text query. Example: internal

repeated string network_tags = 8;

Type Description

The count of networkTags.


public ProtocolStringList getNetworkTagsList()

Network tags associated with this resource. Like labels, network tags are a type of annotations used to group Google Cloud resources. See Labelling Google Cloud resources for more information. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the network_tags:

  • Use a field query. Example: networkTags:internal
  • Use a free text query. Example: internal

repeated string network_tags = 8;

Type Description

A list containing the networkTags.


public String getOrganization()

The organization that this resource belongs to, in the form of organizations/{ORGANIZATION_NUMBER}. This field is available when the resource belongs to an organization.

To search against organization:

  • Use a field query. Example: organization:123
  • Use a free text query. Example: 123
  • Specify the scope field as this organization in your search request.

string organization = 18;

Type Description

The organization.


public ByteString getOrganizationBytes()

The organization that this resource belongs to, in the form of organizations/{ORGANIZATION_NUMBER}. This field is available when the resource belongs to an organization.

To search against organization:

  • Use a field query. Example: organization:123
  • Use a free text query. Example: 123
  • Specify the scope field as this organization in your search request.

string organization = 18;

Type Description

The bytes for organization.


public String getParentAssetType()

The type of this resource's immediate parent, if there is one.

To search against the parent_asset_type:

  • Use a field query. Example: parentAssetType:""
  • Use a free text query. Example:

string parent_asset_type = 103;

Type Description

The parentAssetType.


public ByteString getParentAssetTypeBytes()

The type of this resource's immediate parent, if there is one.

To search against the parent_asset_type:

  • Use a field query. Example: parentAssetType:""
  • Use a free text query. Example:

string parent_asset_type = 103;

Type Description

The bytes for parentAssetType.


public String getParentFullResourceName()

The full resource name of this resource's parent, if it has one. To search against the parent_full_resource_name:

  • Use a field query. Example: parentFullResourceName:"project-name"
  • Use a free text query. Example: project-name

string parent_full_resource_name = 19;

Type Description

The parentFullResourceName.


public ByteString getParentFullResourceNameBytes()

The full resource name of this resource's parent, if it has one. To search against the parent_full_resource_name:

  • Use a field query. Example: parentFullResourceName:"project-name"
  • Use a free text query. Example: project-name

string parent_full_resource_name = 19;

Type Description

The bytes for parentFullResourceName.


public String getProject()

The project that this resource belongs to, in the form of projects/{PROJECT_NUMBER}. This field is available when the resource belongs to a project.

To search against project:

  • Use a field query. Example: project:12345
  • Use a free text query. Example: 12345
  • Specify the scope field as this project in your search request.

string project = 3;

Type Description

The project.


public ByteString getProjectBytes()

The project that this resource belongs to, in the form of projects/{PROJECT_NUMBER}. This field is available when the resource belongs to a project.

To search against project:

  • Use a field query. Example: project:12345
  • Use a free text query. Example: 12345
  • Specify the scope field as this project in your search request.

string project = 3;

Type Description

The bytes for project.


public Map<String,RelatedResources> getRelationships()
Type Description


public int getRelationshipsCount()

A map of related resources of this resource, keyed by the relationship type. A relationship type is in the format of {SourceType}{ACTION}{DestType}. Example: DISK_TO_INSTANCE, DISK_TO_NETWORK, INSTANCE_TO_INSTANCEGROUP. See supported relationship types.

map<string,> relationships = 21;

Type Description


public Map<String,RelatedResources> getRelationshipsMap()

A map of related resources of this resource, keyed by the relationship type. A relationship type is in the format of {SourceType}{ACTION}{DestType}. Example: DISK_TO_INSTANCE, DISK_TO_NETWORK, INSTANCE_TO_INSTANCEGROUP. See supported relationship types.

map<string,> relationships = 21;

Type Description

getRelationshipsOrDefault(String key, RelatedResources defaultValue)

public RelatedResources getRelationshipsOrDefault(String key, RelatedResources defaultValue)

A map of related resources of this resource, keyed by the relationship type. A relationship type is in the format of {SourceType}{ACTION}{DestType}. Example: DISK_TO_INSTANCE, DISK_TO_NETWORK, INSTANCE_TO_INSTANCEGROUP. See supported relationship types.

map<string,> relationships = 21;

Name Description
key String
defaultValue RelatedResources
Type Description

getRelationshipsOrThrow(String key)

public RelatedResources getRelationshipsOrThrow(String key)

A map of related resources of this resource, keyed by the relationship type. A relationship type is in the format of {SourceType}{ACTION}{DestType}. Example: DISK_TO_INSTANCE, DISK_TO_NETWORK, INSTANCE_TO_INSTANCEGROUP. See supported relationship types.

map<string,> relationships = 21;

Name Description
key String
Type Description


public Map<String,String> getSccSecurityMarks()
Type Description


public int getSccSecurityMarksCount()

The actual content of Security Command Center security marks associated with the asset.

Note that both staging & prod SecurityMarks are attached on prod resources. In CAS preprod/prod, both staging & prod SecurityMarks are ingested and returned in the following security_marks map. In that case, the prefix "staging." will be added to the keys of all the staging marks. To search against SCC SecurityMarks field:

  • Use a field query:
    • query by a given key value pair. Example:
    • query by a given key's existence. Example:*

map<string, string> scc_security_marks = 32;

Type Description


public Map<String,String> getSccSecurityMarksMap()

The actual content of Security Command Center security marks associated with the asset.

Note that both staging & prod SecurityMarks are attached on prod resources. In CAS preprod/prod, both staging & prod SecurityMarks are ingested and returned in the following security_marks map. In that case, the prefix "staging." will be added to the keys of all the staging marks. To search against SCC SecurityMarks field:

  • Use a field query:
    • query by a given key value pair. Example:
    • query by a given key's existence. Example:*

map<string, string> scc_security_marks = 32;

Type Description

getSccSecurityMarksOrDefault(String key, String defaultValue)

public String getSccSecurityMarksOrDefault(String key, String defaultValue)

The actual content of Security Command Center security marks associated with the asset.

Note that both staging & prod SecurityMarks are attached on prod resources. In CAS preprod/prod, both staging & prod SecurityMarks are ingested and returned in the following security_marks map. In that case, the prefix "staging." will be added to the keys of all the staging marks. To search against SCC SecurityMarks field:

  • Use a field query:
    • query by a given key value pair. Example:
    • query by a given key's existence. Example:*

map<string, string> scc_security_marks = 32;

Name Description
key String
defaultValue String
Type Description

getSccSecurityMarksOrThrow(String key)

public String getSccSecurityMarksOrThrow(String key)

The actual content of Security Command Center security marks associated with the asset.

Note that both staging & prod SecurityMarks are attached on prod resources. In CAS preprod/prod, both staging & prod SecurityMarks are ingested and returned in the following security_marks map. In that case, the prefix "staging." will be added to the keys of all the staging marks. To search against SCC SecurityMarks field:

  • Use a field query:
    • query by a given key value pair. Example:
    • query by a given key's existence. Example:*

map<string, string> scc_security_marks = 32;

Name Description
key String
Type Description


public String getState()

The state of this resource. Different resources types have different state definitions that are mapped from various fields of different resource types. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

Example: If the resource is an instance provided by Compute Engine, its state will include PROVISIONING, STAGING, RUNNING, STOPPING, SUSPENDING, SUSPENDED, REPAIRING, and TERMINATED. See status definition in API Reference. If the resource is a project provided by Resource Manager, its state will include LIFECYCLE_STATE_UNSPECIFIED, ACTIVE, DELETE_REQUESTED and DELETE_IN_PROGRESS. See lifecycleState definition in API Reference.

To search against the state:

  • Use a field query. Example: state:RUNNING
  • Use a free text query. Example: RUNNING

string state = 13;

Type Description

The state.


public ByteString getStateBytes()

The state of this resource. Different resources types have different state definitions that are mapped from various fields of different resource types. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

Example: If the resource is an instance provided by Compute Engine, its state will include PROVISIONING, STAGING, RUNNING, STOPPING, SUSPENDING, SUSPENDED, REPAIRING, and TERMINATED. See status definition in API Reference. If the resource is a project provided by Resource Manager, its state will include LIFECYCLE_STATE_UNSPECIFIED, ACTIVE, DELETE_REQUESTED and DELETE_IN_PROGRESS. See lifecycleState definition in API Reference.

To search against the state:

  • Use a field query. Example: state:RUNNING
  • Use a free text query. Example: RUNNING

string state = 13;

Type Description

The bytes for state.

getTagKeys(int index) (deprecated)

public String getTagKeys(int index)

Deprecated. is deprecated. See google/cloud/asset/v1/assets.proto;l=604

This field is only present for the purpose of backward compatibility. Please use the tags field instead.

TagKey namespaced names, in the format of {ORG_ID}/{TAG_KEY_SHORT_NAME}. To search against the tagKeys:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • tagKeys="123456789/env"
    • tagKeys:"env"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • env

repeated string tag_keys = 23 [deprecated = true];

Name Description
index int

The index of the element to return.

Type Description

The tagKeys at the given index.

getTagKeysBytes(int index) (deprecated)

public ByteString getTagKeysBytes(int index)

Deprecated. is deprecated. See google/cloud/asset/v1/assets.proto;l=604

This field is only present for the purpose of backward compatibility. Please use the tags field instead.

TagKey namespaced names, in the format of {ORG_ID}/{TAG_KEY_SHORT_NAME}. To search against the tagKeys:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • tagKeys="123456789/env"
    • tagKeys:"env"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • env

repeated string tag_keys = 23 [deprecated = true];

Name Description
index int

The index of the value to return.

Type Description

The bytes of the tagKeys at the given index.

getTagKeysCount() (deprecated)

public int getTagKeysCount()

Deprecated. is deprecated. See google/cloud/asset/v1/assets.proto;l=604

This field is only present for the purpose of backward compatibility. Please use the tags field instead.

TagKey namespaced names, in the format of {ORG_ID}/{TAG_KEY_SHORT_NAME}. To search against the tagKeys:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • tagKeys="123456789/env"
    • tagKeys:"env"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • env

repeated string tag_keys = 23 [deprecated = true];

Type Description

The count of tagKeys.

getTagKeysList() (deprecated)

public ProtocolStringList getTagKeysList()

Deprecated. is deprecated. See google/cloud/asset/v1/assets.proto;l=604

This field is only present for the purpose of backward compatibility. Please use the tags field instead.

TagKey namespaced names, in the format of {ORG_ID}/{TAG_KEY_SHORT_NAME}. To search against the tagKeys:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • tagKeys="123456789/env"
    • tagKeys:"env"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • env

repeated string tag_keys = 23 [deprecated = true];

Type Description

A list containing the tagKeys.

getTagValueIds(int index) (deprecated)

public String getTagValueIds(int index)

Deprecated. is deprecated. See google/cloud/asset/v1/assets.proto;l=634

This field is only present for the purpose of backward compatibility. Please use the tags field instead.

TagValue IDs, in the format of tagValues/{TAG_VALUE_ID}. To search against the tagValueIds:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagValueIds="tagValues/456"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • 456

repeated string tag_value_ids = 26 [deprecated = true];

Name Description
index int

The index of the element to return.

Type Description

The tagValueIds at the given index.

getTagValueIdsBytes(int index) (deprecated)

public ByteString getTagValueIdsBytes(int index)

Deprecated. is deprecated. See google/cloud/asset/v1/assets.proto;l=634

This field is only present for the purpose of backward compatibility. Please use the tags field instead.

TagValue IDs, in the format of tagValues/{TAG_VALUE_ID}. To search against the tagValueIds:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagValueIds="tagValues/456"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • 456

repeated string tag_value_ids = 26 [deprecated = true];

Name Description
index int

The index of the value to return.

Type Description

The bytes of the tagValueIds at the given index.

getTagValueIdsCount() (deprecated)

public int getTagValueIdsCount()

Deprecated. is deprecated. See google/cloud/asset/v1/assets.proto;l=634

This field is only present for the purpose of backward compatibility. Please use the tags field instead.

TagValue IDs, in the format of tagValues/{TAG_VALUE_ID}. To search against the tagValueIds:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagValueIds="tagValues/456"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • 456

repeated string tag_value_ids = 26 [deprecated = true];

Type Description

The count of tagValueIds.

getTagValueIdsList() (deprecated)

public ProtocolStringList getTagValueIdsList()

Deprecated. is deprecated. See google/cloud/asset/v1/assets.proto;l=634

This field is only present for the purpose of backward compatibility. Please use the tags field instead.

TagValue IDs, in the format of tagValues/{TAG_VALUE_ID}. To search against the tagValueIds:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagValueIds="tagValues/456"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • 456

repeated string tag_value_ids = 26 [deprecated = true];

Type Description

A list containing the tagValueIds.

getTagValues(int index) (deprecated)

public String getTagValues(int index)

Deprecated. is deprecated. See google/cloud/asset/v1/assets.proto;l=621

This field is only present for the purpose of backward compatibility. Please use the tags field instead.

TagValue namespaced names, in the format of {ORG_ID}/{TAG_KEY_SHORT_NAME}/{TAG_VALUE_SHORT_NAME}. To search against the tagValues:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagValues:"env"
    • tagValues:"env/prod"
    • tagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • tagValues="123456789/env/prod"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • prod

repeated string tag_values = 25 [deprecated = true];

Name Description
index int

The index of the element to return.

Type Description

The tagValues at the given index.

getTagValuesBytes(int index) (deprecated)

public ByteString getTagValuesBytes(int index)

Deprecated. is deprecated. See google/cloud/asset/v1/assets.proto;l=621

This field is only present for the purpose of backward compatibility. Please use the tags field instead.

TagValue namespaced names, in the format of {ORG_ID}/{TAG_KEY_SHORT_NAME}/{TAG_VALUE_SHORT_NAME}. To search against the tagValues:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagValues:"env"
    • tagValues:"env/prod"
    • tagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • tagValues="123456789/env/prod"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • prod

repeated string tag_values = 25 [deprecated = true];

Name Description
index int

The index of the value to return.

Type Description

The bytes of the tagValues at the given index.

getTagValuesCount() (deprecated)

public int getTagValuesCount()

Deprecated. is deprecated. See google/cloud/asset/v1/assets.proto;l=621

This field is only present for the purpose of backward compatibility. Please use the tags field instead.

TagValue namespaced names, in the format of {ORG_ID}/{TAG_KEY_SHORT_NAME}/{TAG_VALUE_SHORT_NAME}. To search against the tagValues:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagValues:"env"
    • tagValues:"env/prod"
    • tagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • tagValues="123456789/env/prod"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • prod

repeated string tag_values = 25 [deprecated = true];

Type Description

The count of tagValues.

getTagValuesList() (deprecated)

public ProtocolStringList getTagValuesList()

Deprecated. is deprecated. See google/cloud/asset/v1/assets.proto;l=621

This field is only present for the purpose of backward compatibility. Please use the tags field instead.

TagValue namespaced names, in the format of {ORG_ID}/{TAG_KEY_SHORT_NAME}/{TAG_VALUE_SHORT_NAME}. To search against the tagValues:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagValues:"env"
    • tagValues:"env/prod"
    • tagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • tagValues="123456789/env/prod"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • prod

repeated string tag_values = 25 [deprecated = true];

Type Description

A list containing the tagValues.

getTags(int index)

public Tag getTags(int index)

The tags directly attached to this resource.

To search against the tags:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • tagKeys="123456789/env"
    • tagKeys:"env"
    • tagValues:"env"
    • tagValues:"env/prod"
    • tagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • tagValues="123456789/env/prod"
    • tagValueIds="tagValues/456"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • env/prod

repeated tags = 29;

Name Description
index int
Type Description

getTagsBuilder(int index)

public Tag.Builder getTagsBuilder(int index)

The tags directly attached to this resource.

To search against the tags:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • tagKeys="123456789/env"
    • tagKeys:"env"
    • tagValues:"env"
    • tagValues:"env/prod"
    • tagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • tagValues="123456789/env/prod"
    • tagValueIds="tagValues/456"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • env/prod

repeated tags = 29;

Name Description
index int
Type Description


public List<Tag.Builder> getTagsBuilderList()

The tags directly attached to this resource.

To search against the tags:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • tagKeys="123456789/env"
    • tagKeys:"env"
    • tagValues:"env"
    • tagValues:"env/prod"
    • tagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • tagValues="123456789/env/prod"
    • tagValueIds="tagValues/456"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • env/prod

repeated tags = 29;

Type Description


public int getTagsCount()

The tags directly attached to this resource.

To search against the tags:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • tagKeys="123456789/env"
    • tagKeys:"env"
    • tagValues:"env"
    • tagValues:"env/prod"
    • tagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • tagValues="123456789/env/prod"
    • tagValueIds="tagValues/456"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • env/prod

repeated tags = 29;

Type Description


public List<Tag> getTagsList()

The tags directly attached to this resource.

To search against the tags:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • tagKeys="123456789/env"
    • tagKeys:"env"
    • tagValues:"env"
    • tagValues:"env/prod"
    • tagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • tagValues="123456789/env/prod"
    • tagValueIds="tagValues/456"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • env/prod

repeated tags = 29;

Type Description

getTagsOrBuilder(int index)

public TagOrBuilder getTagsOrBuilder(int index)

The tags directly attached to this resource.

To search against the tags:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • tagKeys="123456789/env"
    • tagKeys:"env"
    • tagValues:"env"
    • tagValues:"env/prod"
    • tagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • tagValues="123456789/env/prod"
    • tagValueIds="tagValues/456"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • env/prod

repeated tags = 29;

Name Description
index int
Type Description


public List<? extends TagOrBuilder> getTagsOrBuilderList()

The tags directly attached to this resource.

To search against the tags:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • tagKeys="123456789/env"
    • tagKeys:"env"
    • tagValues:"env"
    • tagValues:"env/prod"
    • tagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • tagValues="123456789/env/prod"
    • tagValueIds="tagValues/456"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • env/prod

repeated tags = 29;

Type Description
List<? extends>


public Timestamp getUpdateTime()

The last update timestamp of this resource, at which the resource was last modified or deleted. The granularity is in seconds. Timestamp.nanos will always be 0. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against update_time:

  • Use a field query.
    • value in seconds since unix epoch. Example: updateTime < 1609459200
    • value in date string. Example: updateTime < 2021-01-01
    • value in date-time string (must be quoted). Example: updateTime < "2021-01-01T00:00:00"

.google.protobuf.Timestamp update_time = 12;

Type Description

The updateTime.


public Timestamp.Builder getUpdateTimeBuilder()

The last update timestamp of this resource, at which the resource was last modified or deleted. The granularity is in seconds. Timestamp.nanos will always be 0. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against update_time:

  • Use a field query.
    • value in seconds since unix epoch. Example: updateTime < 1609459200
    • value in date string. Example: updateTime < 2021-01-01
    • value in date-time string (must be quoted). Example: updateTime < "2021-01-01T00:00:00"

.google.protobuf.Timestamp update_time = 12;

Type Description


public TimestampOrBuilder getUpdateTimeOrBuilder()

The last update timestamp of this resource, at which the resource was last modified or deleted. The granularity is in seconds. Timestamp.nanos will always be 0. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against update_time:

  • Use a field query.
    • value in seconds since unix epoch. Example: updateTime < 1609459200
    • value in date string. Example: updateTime < 2021-01-01
    • value in date-time string (must be quoted). Example: updateTime < "2021-01-01T00:00:00"

.google.protobuf.Timestamp update_time = 12;

Type Description

getVersionedResources(int index)

public VersionedResource getVersionedResources(int index)

Versioned resource representations of this resource. This is repeated because there could be multiple versions of resource representations during version migration.

This versioned_resources field is not searchable. Some attributes of the resource representations are exposed in additional_attributes field, so as to allow users to search on them.

repeated versioned_resources = 16;

Name Description
index int
Type Description

getVersionedResourcesBuilder(int index)

public VersionedResource.Builder getVersionedResourcesBuilder(int index)

Versioned resource representations of this resource. This is repeated because there could be multiple versions of resource representations during version migration.

This versioned_resources field is not searchable. Some attributes of the resource representations are exposed in additional_attributes field, so as to allow users to search on them.

repeated versioned_resources = 16;

Name Description
index int
Type Description


public List<VersionedResource.Builder> getVersionedResourcesBuilderList()

Versioned resource representations of this resource. This is repeated because there could be multiple versions of resource representations during version migration.

This versioned_resources field is not searchable. Some attributes of the resource representations are exposed in additional_attributes field, so as to allow users to search on them.

repeated versioned_resources = 16;

Type Description


public int getVersionedResourcesCount()

Versioned resource representations of this resource. This is repeated because there could be multiple versions of resource representations during version migration.

This versioned_resources field is not searchable. Some attributes of the resource representations are exposed in additional_attributes field, so as to allow users to search on them.

repeated versioned_resources = 16;

Type Description


public List<VersionedResource> getVersionedResourcesList()

Versioned resource representations of this resource. This is repeated because there could be multiple versions of resource representations during version migration.

This versioned_resources field is not searchable. Some attributes of the resource representations are exposed in additional_attributes field, so as to allow users to search on them.

repeated versioned_resources = 16;

Type Description

getVersionedResourcesOrBuilder(int index)

public VersionedResourceOrBuilder getVersionedResourcesOrBuilder(int index)

Versioned resource representations of this resource. This is repeated because there could be multiple versions of resource representations during version migration.

This versioned_resources field is not searchable. Some attributes of the resource representations are exposed in additional_attributes field, so as to allow users to search on them.

repeated versioned_resources = 16;

Name Description
index int
Type Description


public List<? extends VersionedResourceOrBuilder> getVersionedResourcesOrBuilderList()

Versioned resource representations of this resource. This is repeated because there could be multiple versions of resource representations during version migration.

This versioned_resources field is not searchable. Some attributes of the resource representations are exposed in additional_attributes field, so as to allow users to search on them.

repeated versioned_resources = 16;

Type Description
List<? extends>


public boolean hasAdditionalAttributes()

The additional searchable attributes of this resource. The attributes may vary from one resource type to another. Examples: projectId for Project, dnsName for DNS ManagedZone. This field contains a subset of the resource metadata fields that are returned by the List or Get APIs provided by the corresponding Google Cloud service (e.g., Compute Engine). see API references and supported searchable attributes to see which fields are included.

You can search values of these fields through free text search. However, you should not consume the field programically as the field names and values may change as the Google Cloud service updates to a new incompatible API version.

To search against the additional_attributes:

  • Use a free text query to match the attributes values. Example: to search additional_attributes = { dnsName: "foobar" }, you can issue a query foobar.

.google.protobuf.Struct additional_attributes = 9;

Type Description

Whether the additionalAttributes field is set.


public boolean hasCreateTime()

The create timestamp of this resource, at which the resource was created. The granularity is in seconds. Timestamp.nanos will always be 0. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against create_time:

  • Use a field query.
    • value in seconds since unix epoch. Example: createTime > 1609459200
    • value in date string. Example: createTime > 2021-01-01
    • value in date-time string (must be quoted). Example: createTime > "2021-01-01T00:00:00"

.google.protobuf.Timestamp create_time = 11;

Type Description

Whether the createTime field is set.


public boolean hasUpdateTime()

The last update timestamp of this resource, at which the resource was last modified or deleted. The granularity is in seconds. Timestamp.nanos will always be 0. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against update_time:

  • Use a field query.
    • value in seconds since unix epoch. Example: updateTime < 1609459200
    • value in date string. Example: updateTime < 2021-01-01
    • value in date-time string (must be quoted). Example: updateTime < "2021-01-01T00:00:00"

.google.protobuf.Timestamp update_time = 12;

Type Description

Whether the updateTime field is set.


protected GeneratedMessageV3.FieldAccessorTable internalGetFieldAccessorTable()
Type Description

internalGetMapField(int number)

protected MapField internalGetMapField(int number)
Name Description
number int
Type Description

internalGetMutableMapField(int number)

protected MapField internalGetMutableMapField(int number)
Name Description
number int
Type Description


public final boolean isInitialized()
Type Description

mergeAdditionalAttributes(Struct value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder mergeAdditionalAttributes(Struct value)

The additional searchable attributes of this resource. The attributes may vary from one resource type to another. Examples: projectId for Project, dnsName for DNS ManagedZone. This field contains a subset of the resource metadata fields that are returned by the List or Get APIs provided by the corresponding Google Cloud service (e.g., Compute Engine). see API references and supported searchable attributes to see which fields are included.

You can search values of these fields through free text search. However, you should not consume the field programically as the field names and values may change as the Google Cloud service updates to a new incompatible API version.

To search against the additional_attributes:

  • Use a free text query to match the attributes values. Example: to search additional_attributes = { dnsName: "foobar" }, you can issue a query foobar.

.google.protobuf.Struct additional_attributes = 9;

Name Description
value Struct
Type Description

mergeCreateTime(Timestamp value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder mergeCreateTime(Timestamp value)

The create timestamp of this resource, at which the resource was created. The granularity is in seconds. Timestamp.nanos will always be 0. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against create_time:

  • Use a field query.
    • value in seconds since unix epoch. Example: createTime > 1609459200
    • value in date string. Example: createTime > 2021-01-01
    • value in date-time string (must be quoted). Example: createTime > "2021-01-01T00:00:00"

.google.protobuf.Timestamp create_time = 11;

Name Description
value Timestamp
Type Description

mergeFrom(ResourceSearchResult other)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder mergeFrom(ResourceSearchResult other)
Name Description
other ResourceSearchResult
Type Description

mergeFrom(CodedInputStream input, ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder mergeFrom(CodedInputStream input, ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
Name Description
input CodedInputStream
extensionRegistry ExtensionRegistryLite
Type Description
Type Description

mergeFrom(Message other)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder mergeFrom(Message other)
Name Description
other Message
Type Description

mergeUnknownFields(UnknownFieldSet unknownFields)

public final ResourceSearchResult.Builder mergeUnknownFields(UnknownFieldSet unknownFields)
Name Description
unknownFields UnknownFieldSet
Type Description

mergeUpdateTime(Timestamp value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder mergeUpdateTime(Timestamp value)

The last update timestamp of this resource, at which the resource was last modified or deleted. The granularity is in seconds. Timestamp.nanos will always be 0. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against update_time:

  • Use a field query.
    • value in seconds since unix epoch. Example: updateTime < 1609459200
    • value in date string. Example: updateTime < 2021-01-01
    • value in date-time string (must be quoted). Example: updateTime < "2021-01-01T00:00:00"

.google.protobuf.Timestamp update_time = 12;

Name Description
value Timestamp
Type Description

putAllLabels(Map<String,String> values)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder putAllLabels(Map<String,String> values)

Labels associated with this resource. See Labelling and grouping Google Cloud resources for more information. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the labels:

  • Use a field query:
    • query on any label's key or value. Example: labels:prod
    • query by a given label. Example: labels.env:prod
    • query by a given label's existence. Example: labels.env:*
  • Use a free text query. Example: prod

map<string, string> labels = 7;

Name Description
values Map<String,String>
Type Description

putAllRelationships(Map<String,RelatedResources> values)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder putAllRelationships(Map<String,RelatedResources> values)

A map of related resources of this resource, keyed by the relationship type. A relationship type is in the format of {SourceType}{ACTION}{DestType}. Example: DISK_TO_INSTANCE, DISK_TO_NETWORK, INSTANCE_TO_INSTANCEGROUP. See supported relationship types.

map<string,> relationships = 21;

Name Description
values Map<String,RelatedResources>
Type Description

putAllSccSecurityMarks(Map<String,String> values)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder putAllSccSecurityMarks(Map<String,String> values)

The actual content of Security Command Center security marks associated with the asset.

Note that both staging & prod SecurityMarks are attached on prod resources. In CAS preprod/prod, both staging & prod SecurityMarks are ingested and returned in the following security_marks map. In that case, the prefix "staging." will be added to the keys of all the staging marks. To search against SCC SecurityMarks field:

  • Use a field query:
    • query by a given key value pair. Example:
    • query by a given key's existence. Example:*

map<string, string> scc_security_marks = 32;

Name Description
values Map<String,String>
Type Description

putLabels(String key, String value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder putLabels(String key, String value)

Labels associated with this resource. See Labelling and grouping Google Cloud resources for more information. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the labels:

  • Use a field query:
    • query on any label's key or value. Example: labels:prod
    • query by a given label. Example: labels.env:prod
    • query by a given label's existence. Example: labels.env:*
  • Use a free text query. Example: prod

map<string, string> labels = 7;

Name Description
key String
value String
Type Description

putRelationships(String key, RelatedResources value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder putRelationships(String key, RelatedResources value)

A map of related resources of this resource, keyed by the relationship type. A relationship type is in the format of {SourceType}{ACTION}{DestType}. Example: DISK_TO_INSTANCE, DISK_TO_NETWORK, INSTANCE_TO_INSTANCEGROUP. See supported relationship types.

map<string,> relationships = 21;

Name Description
key String
value RelatedResources
Type Description

putSccSecurityMarks(String key, String value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder putSccSecurityMarks(String key, String value)

The actual content of Security Command Center security marks associated with the asset.

Note that both staging & prod SecurityMarks are attached on prod resources. In CAS preprod/prod, both staging & prod SecurityMarks are ingested and returned in the following security_marks map. In that case, the prefix "staging." will be added to the keys of all the staging marks. To search against SCC SecurityMarks field:

  • Use a field query:
    • query by a given key value pair. Example:
    • query by a given key's existence. Example:*

map<string, string> scc_security_marks = 32;

Name Description
key String
value String
Type Description

removeAttachedResources(int index)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder removeAttachedResources(int index)

Attached resources of this resource. For example, an OSConfig Inventory is an attached resource of a Compute Instance. This field is repeated because a resource could have multiple attached resources.

This attached_resources field is not searchable. Some attributes of the attached resources are exposed in additional_attributes field, so as to allow users to search on them.

repeated attached_resources = 20;

Name Description
index int
Type Description

removeEffectiveTags(int index)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder removeEffectiveTags(int index)

The effective tags on this resource. All of the tags that are both attached to and inherited by a resource are collectively called the effective tags. For more information, see tag inheritance.

To search against the effective_tags:

  • Use a field query. Example:
    • effectiveTagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • effectiveTagKeys="123456789/env"
    • effectiveTagKeys:"env"
    • effectiveTagValues:"env"
    • effectiveTagValues:"env/prod"
    • effectiveTagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • effectiveTagValues="123456789/env/prod"
    • effectiveTagValueIds="tagValues/456"

repeated effective_tags = 30;

Name Description
index int
Type Description

removeLabels(String key)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder removeLabels(String key)

Labels associated with this resource. See Labelling and grouping Google Cloud resources for more information. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the labels:

  • Use a field query:
    • query on any label's key or value. Example: labels:prod
    • query by a given label. Example: labels.env:prod
    • query by a given label's existence. Example: labels.env:*
  • Use a free text query. Example: prod

map<string, string> labels = 7;

Name Description
key String
Type Description

removeRelationships(String key)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder removeRelationships(String key)

A map of related resources of this resource, keyed by the relationship type. A relationship type is in the format of {SourceType}{ACTION}{DestType}. Example: DISK_TO_INSTANCE, DISK_TO_NETWORK, INSTANCE_TO_INSTANCEGROUP. See supported relationship types.

map<string,> relationships = 21;

Name Description
key String
Type Description

removeSccSecurityMarks(String key)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder removeSccSecurityMarks(String key)

The actual content of Security Command Center security marks associated with the asset.

Note that both staging & prod SecurityMarks are attached on prod resources. In CAS preprod/prod, both staging & prod SecurityMarks are ingested and returned in the following security_marks map. In that case, the prefix "staging." will be added to the keys of all the staging marks. To search against SCC SecurityMarks field:

  • Use a field query:
    • query by a given key value pair. Example:
    • query by a given key's existence. Example:*

map<string, string> scc_security_marks = 32;

Name Description
key String
Type Description

removeTags(int index)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder removeTags(int index)

The tags directly attached to this resource.

To search against the tags:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • tagKeys="123456789/env"
    • tagKeys:"env"
    • tagValues:"env"
    • tagValues:"env/prod"
    • tagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • tagValues="123456789/env/prod"
    • tagValueIds="tagValues/456"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • env/prod

repeated tags = 29;

Name Description
index int
Type Description

removeVersionedResources(int index)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder removeVersionedResources(int index)

Versioned resource representations of this resource. This is repeated because there could be multiple versions of resource representations during version migration.

This versioned_resources field is not searchable. Some attributes of the resource representations are exposed in additional_attributes field, so as to allow users to search on them.

repeated versioned_resources = 16;

Name Description
index int
Type Description

setAdditionalAttributes(Struct value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setAdditionalAttributes(Struct value)

The additional searchable attributes of this resource. The attributes may vary from one resource type to another. Examples: projectId for Project, dnsName for DNS ManagedZone. This field contains a subset of the resource metadata fields that are returned by the List or Get APIs provided by the corresponding Google Cloud service (e.g., Compute Engine). see API references and supported searchable attributes to see which fields are included.

You can search values of these fields through free text search. However, you should not consume the field programically as the field names and values may change as the Google Cloud service updates to a new incompatible API version.

To search against the additional_attributes:

  • Use a free text query to match the attributes values. Example: to search additional_attributes = { dnsName: "foobar" }, you can issue a query foobar.

.google.protobuf.Struct additional_attributes = 9;

Name Description
value Struct
Type Description

setAdditionalAttributes(Struct.Builder builderForValue)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setAdditionalAttributes(Struct.Builder builderForValue)

The additional searchable attributes of this resource. The attributes may vary from one resource type to another. Examples: projectId for Project, dnsName for DNS ManagedZone. This field contains a subset of the resource metadata fields that are returned by the List or Get APIs provided by the corresponding Google Cloud service (e.g., Compute Engine). see API references and supported searchable attributes to see which fields are included.

You can search values of these fields through free text search. However, you should not consume the field programically as the field names and values may change as the Google Cloud service updates to a new incompatible API version.

To search against the additional_attributes:

  • Use a free text query to match the attributes values. Example: to search additional_attributes = { dnsName: "foobar" }, you can issue a query foobar.

.google.protobuf.Struct additional_attributes = 9;

Name Description
builderForValue Builder
Type Description

setAssetType(String value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setAssetType(String value)

The type of this resource. Example:

To search against the asset_type:

  • Specify the asset_type field in your search request.

string asset_type = 2;

Name Description
value String

The assetType to set.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

setAssetTypeBytes(ByteString value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setAssetTypeBytes(ByteString value)

The type of this resource. Example:

To search against the asset_type:

  • Specify the asset_type field in your search request.

string asset_type = 2;

Name Description
value ByteString

The bytes for assetType to set.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

setAttachedResources(int index, AttachedResource value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setAttachedResources(int index, AttachedResource value)

Attached resources of this resource. For example, an OSConfig Inventory is an attached resource of a Compute Instance. This field is repeated because a resource could have multiple attached resources.

This attached_resources field is not searchable. Some attributes of the attached resources are exposed in additional_attributes field, so as to allow users to search on them.

repeated attached_resources = 20;

Name Description
index int
value AttachedResource
Type Description

setAttachedResources(int index, AttachedResource.Builder builderForValue)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setAttachedResources(int index, AttachedResource.Builder builderForValue)

Attached resources of this resource. For example, an OSConfig Inventory is an attached resource of a Compute Instance. This field is repeated because a resource could have multiple attached resources.

This attached_resources field is not searchable. Some attributes of the attached resources are exposed in additional_attributes field, so as to allow users to search on them.

repeated attached_resources = 20;

Name Description
index int
builderForValue AttachedResource.Builder
Type Description

setCreateTime(Timestamp value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setCreateTime(Timestamp value)

The create timestamp of this resource, at which the resource was created. The granularity is in seconds. Timestamp.nanos will always be 0. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against create_time:

  • Use a field query.
    • value in seconds since unix epoch. Example: createTime > 1609459200
    • value in date string. Example: createTime > 2021-01-01
    • value in date-time string (must be quoted). Example: createTime > "2021-01-01T00:00:00"

.google.protobuf.Timestamp create_time = 11;

Name Description
value Timestamp
Type Description

setCreateTime(Timestamp.Builder builderForValue)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setCreateTime(Timestamp.Builder builderForValue)

The create timestamp of this resource, at which the resource was created. The granularity is in seconds. Timestamp.nanos will always be 0. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against create_time:

  • Use a field query.
    • value in seconds since unix epoch. Example: createTime > 1609459200
    • value in date string. Example: createTime > 2021-01-01
    • value in date-time string (must be quoted). Example: createTime > "2021-01-01T00:00:00"

.google.protobuf.Timestamp create_time = 11;

Name Description
builderForValue Builder
Type Description

setDescription(String value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setDescription(String value)

One or more paragraphs of text description of this resource. Maximum length could be up to 1M bytes. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the description:

  • Use a field query. Example: description:"important instance"
  • Use a free text query. Example: "important instance"

string description = 5;

Name Description
value String

The description to set.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

setDescriptionBytes(ByteString value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setDescriptionBytes(ByteString value)

One or more paragraphs of text description of this resource. Maximum length could be up to 1M bytes. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the description:

  • Use a field query. Example: description:"important instance"
  • Use a free text query. Example: "important instance"

string description = 5;

Name Description
value ByteString

The bytes for description to set.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

setDisplayName(String value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setDisplayName(String value)

The display name of this resource. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the display_name:

  • Use a field query. Example: displayName:"My Instance"
  • Use a free text query. Example: "My Instance"

string display_name = 4;

Name Description
value String

The displayName to set.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

setDisplayNameBytes(ByteString value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setDisplayNameBytes(ByteString value)

The display name of this resource. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the display_name:

  • Use a field query. Example: displayName:"My Instance"
  • Use a free text query. Example: "My Instance"

string display_name = 4;

Name Description
value ByteString

The bytes for displayName to set.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

setEffectiveTags(int index, EffectiveTagDetails value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setEffectiveTags(int index, EffectiveTagDetails value)

The effective tags on this resource. All of the tags that are both attached to and inherited by a resource are collectively called the effective tags. For more information, see tag inheritance.

To search against the effective_tags:

  • Use a field query. Example:
    • effectiveTagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • effectiveTagKeys="123456789/env"
    • effectiveTagKeys:"env"
    • effectiveTagValues:"env"
    • effectiveTagValues:"env/prod"
    • effectiveTagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • effectiveTagValues="123456789/env/prod"
    • effectiveTagValueIds="tagValues/456"

repeated effective_tags = 30;

Name Description
index int
value EffectiveTagDetails
Type Description

setEffectiveTags(int index, EffectiveTagDetails.Builder builderForValue)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setEffectiveTags(int index, EffectiveTagDetails.Builder builderForValue)

The effective tags on this resource. All of the tags that are both attached to and inherited by a resource are collectively called the effective tags. For more information, see tag inheritance.

To search against the effective_tags:

  • Use a field query. Example:
    • effectiveTagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • effectiveTagKeys="123456789/env"
    • effectiveTagKeys:"env"
    • effectiveTagValues:"env"
    • effectiveTagValues:"env/prod"
    • effectiveTagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • effectiveTagValues="123456789/env/prod"
    • effectiveTagValueIds="tagValues/456"

repeated effective_tags = 30;

Name Description
index int
builderForValue EffectiveTagDetails.Builder
Type Description

setField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field, Object value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field, Object value)
Name Description
field FieldDescriptor
value Object
Type Description

setFolders(int index, String value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setFolders(int index, String value)

The folder(s) that this resource belongs to, in the form of folders/{FOLDER_NUMBER}. This field is available when the resource belongs to one or more folders.

To search against folders:

  • Use a field query. Example: folders:(123 OR 456)
  • Use a free text query. Example: 123
  • Specify the scope field as this folder in your search request.

repeated string folders = 17;

Name Description
index int

The index to set the value at.

value String

The folders to set.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

setKmsKey(String value) (deprecated)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setKmsKey(String value)

Deprecated. is deprecated. See google/cloud/asset/v1/assets.proto;l=471

The Cloud KMS CryptoKey name or CryptoKeyVersion name.

This field only presents for the purpose of backward compatibility. Please use the kms_keys field to retrieve Cloud KMS key information. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it and will only be populated for these resource types for backward compatible purposes.

To search against the kms_key:

  • Use a field query. Example: kmsKey:key
  • Use a free text query. Example: key

string kms_key = 10 [deprecated = true];

Name Description
value String

The kmsKey to set.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

setKmsKeyBytes(ByteString value) (deprecated)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setKmsKeyBytes(ByteString value)

Deprecated. is deprecated. See google/cloud/asset/v1/assets.proto;l=471

The Cloud KMS CryptoKey name or CryptoKeyVersion name.

This field only presents for the purpose of backward compatibility. Please use the kms_keys field to retrieve Cloud KMS key information. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it and will only be populated for these resource types for backward compatible purposes.

To search against the kms_key:

  • Use a field query. Example: kmsKey:key
  • Use a free text query. Example: key

string kms_key = 10 [deprecated = true];

Name Description
value ByteString

The bytes for kmsKey to set.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

setKmsKeys(int index, String value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setKmsKeys(int index, String value)

The Cloud KMS CryptoKey names or CryptoKeyVersion names. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the kms_keys:

  • Use a field query. Example: kmsKeys:key
  • Use a free text query. Example: key

repeated string kms_keys = 28;

Name Description
index int

The index to set the value at.

value String

The kmsKeys to set.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

setLocation(String value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setLocation(String value)

Location can be global, regional like us-east1, or zonal like us-west1-b. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the location:

  • Use a field query. Example: location:us-west*
  • Use a free text query. Example: us-west*

string location = 6;

Name Description
value String

The location to set.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

setLocationBytes(ByteString value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setLocationBytes(ByteString value)

Location can be global, regional like us-east1, or zonal like us-west1-b. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the location:

  • Use a field query. Example: location:us-west*
  • Use a free text query. Example: us-west*

string location = 6;

Name Description
value ByteString

The bytes for location to set.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

setName(String value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setName(String value)

The full resource name of this resource. Example: // See Cloud Asset Inventory Resource Name Format for more information.

To search against the name:

  • Use a field query. Example: name:instance1
  • Use a free text query. Example: instance1

string name = 1;

Name Description
value String

The name to set.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

setNameBytes(ByteString value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setNameBytes(ByteString value)

The full resource name of this resource. Example: // See Cloud Asset Inventory Resource Name Format for more information.

To search against the name:

  • Use a field query. Example: name:instance1
  • Use a free text query. Example: instance1

string name = 1;

Name Description
value ByteString

The bytes for name to set.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

setNetworkTags(int index, String value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setNetworkTags(int index, String value)

Network tags associated with this resource. Like labels, network tags are a type of annotations used to group Google Cloud resources. See Labelling Google Cloud resources for more information. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against the network_tags:

  • Use a field query. Example: networkTags:internal
  • Use a free text query. Example: internal

repeated string network_tags = 8;

Name Description
index int

The index to set the value at.

value String

The networkTags to set.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

setOrganization(String value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setOrganization(String value)

The organization that this resource belongs to, in the form of organizations/{ORGANIZATION_NUMBER}. This field is available when the resource belongs to an organization.

To search against organization:

  • Use a field query. Example: organization:123
  • Use a free text query. Example: 123
  • Specify the scope field as this organization in your search request.

string organization = 18;

Name Description
value String

The organization to set.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

setOrganizationBytes(ByteString value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setOrganizationBytes(ByteString value)

The organization that this resource belongs to, in the form of organizations/{ORGANIZATION_NUMBER}. This field is available when the resource belongs to an organization.

To search against organization:

  • Use a field query. Example: organization:123
  • Use a free text query. Example: 123
  • Specify the scope field as this organization in your search request.

string organization = 18;

Name Description
value ByteString

The bytes for organization to set.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

setParentAssetType(String value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setParentAssetType(String value)

The type of this resource's immediate parent, if there is one.

To search against the parent_asset_type:

  • Use a field query. Example: parentAssetType:""
  • Use a free text query. Example:

string parent_asset_type = 103;

Name Description
value String

The parentAssetType to set.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

setParentAssetTypeBytes(ByteString value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setParentAssetTypeBytes(ByteString value)

The type of this resource's immediate parent, if there is one.

To search against the parent_asset_type:

  • Use a field query. Example: parentAssetType:""
  • Use a free text query. Example:

string parent_asset_type = 103;

Name Description
value ByteString

The bytes for parentAssetType to set.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

setParentFullResourceName(String value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setParentFullResourceName(String value)

The full resource name of this resource's parent, if it has one. To search against the parent_full_resource_name:

  • Use a field query. Example: parentFullResourceName:"project-name"
  • Use a free text query. Example: project-name

string parent_full_resource_name = 19;

Name Description
value String

The parentFullResourceName to set.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

setParentFullResourceNameBytes(ByteString value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setParentFullResourceNameBytes(ByteString value)

The full resource name of this resource's parent, if it has one. To search against the parent_full_resource_name:

  • Use a field query. Example: parentFullResourceName:"project-name"
  • Use a free text query. Example: project-name

string parent_full_resource_name = 19;

Name Description
value ByteString

The bytes for parentFullResourceName to set.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

setProject(String value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setProject(String value)

The project that this resource belongs to, in the form of projects/{PROJECT_NUMBER}. This field is available when the resource belongs to a project.

To search against project:

  • Use a field query. Example: project:12345
  • Use a free text query. Example: 12345
  • Specify the scope field as this project in your search request.

string project = 3;

Name Description
value String

The project to set.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

setProjectBytes(ByteString value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setProjectBytes(ByteString value)

The project that this resource belongs to, in the form of projects/{PROJECT_NUMBER}. This field is available when the resource belongs to a project.

To search against project:

  • Use a field query. Example: project:12345
  • Use a free text query. Example: 12345
  • Specify the scope field as this project in your search request.

string project = 3;

Name Description
value ByteString

The bytes for project to set.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

setRepeatedField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field, int index, Object value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setRepeatedField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field, int index, Object value)
Name Description
field FieldDescriptor
index int
value Object
Type Description

setState(String value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setState(String value)

The state of this resource. Different resources types have different state definitions that are mapped from various fields of different resource types. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

Example: If the resource is an instance provided by Compute Engine, its state will include PROVISIONING, STAGING, RUNNING, STOPPING, SUSPENDING, SUSPENDED, REPAIRING, and TERMINATED. See status definition in API Reference. If the resource is a project provided by Resource Manager, its state will include LIFECYCLE_STATE_UNSPECIFIED, ACTIVE, DELETE_REQUESTED and DELETE_IN_PROGRESS. See lifecycleState definition in API Reference.

To search against the state:

  • Use a field query. Example: state:RUNNING
  • Use a free text query. Example: RUNNING

string state = 13;

Name Description
value String

The state to set.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

setStateBytes(ByteString value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setStateBytes(ByteString value)

The state of this resource. Different resources types have different state definitions that are mapped from various fields of different resource types. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

Example: If the resource is an instance provided by Compute Engine, its state will include PROVISIONING, STAGING, RUNNING, STOPPING, SUSPENDING, SUSPENDED, REPAIRING, and TERMINATED. See status definition in API Reference. If the resource is a project provided by Resource Manager, its state will include LIFECYCLE_STATE_UNSPECIFIED, ACTIVE, DELETE_REQUESTED and DELETE_IN_PROGRESS. See lifecycleState definition in API Reference.

To search against the state:

  • Use a field query. Example: state:RUNNING
  • Use a free text query. Example: RUNNING

string state = 13;

Name Description
value ByteString

The bytes for state to set.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

setTagKeys(int index, String value) (deprecated)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setTagKeys(int index, String value)

Deprecated. is deprecated. See google/cloud/asset/v1/assets.proto;l=604

This field is only present for the purpose of backward compatibility. Please use the tags field instead.

TagKey namespaced names, in the format of {ORG_ID}/{TAG_KEY_SHORT_NAME}. To search against the tagKeys:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • tagKeys="123456789/env"
    • tagKeys:"env"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • env

repeated string tag_keys = 23 [deprecated = true];

Name Description
index int

The index to set the value at.

value String

The tagKeys to set.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

setTagValueIds(int index, String value) (deprecated)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setTagValueIds(int index, String value)

Deprecated. is deprecated. See google/cloud/asset/v1/assets.proto;l=634

This field is only present for the purpose of backward compatibility. Please use the tags field instead.

TagValue IDs, in the format of tagValues/{TAG_VALUE_ID}. To search against the tagValueIds:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagValueIds="tagValues/456"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • 456

repeated string tag_value_ids = 26 [deprecated = true];

Name Description
index int

The index to set the value at.

value String

The tagValueIds to set.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

setTagValues(int index, String value) (deprecated)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setTagValues(int index, String value)

Deprecated. is deprecated. See google/cloud/asset/v1/assets.proto;l=621

This field is only present for the purpose of backward compatibility. Please use the tags field instead.

TagValue namespaced names, in the format of {ORG_ID}/{TAG_KEY_SHORT_NAME}/{TAG_VALUE_SHORT_NAME}. To search against the tagValues:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagValues:"env"
    • tagValues:"env/prod"
    • tagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • tagValues="123456789/env/prod"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • prod

repeated string tag_values = 25 [deprecated = true];

Name Description
index int

The index to set the value at.

value String

The tagValues to set.

Type Description

This builder for chaining.

setTags(int index, Tag value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setTags(int index, Tag value)

The tags directly attached to this resource.

To search against the tags:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • tagKeys="123456789/env"
    • tagKeys:"env"
    • tagValues:"env"
    • tagValues:"env/prod"
    • tagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • tagValues="123456789/env/prod"
    • tagValueIds="tagValues/456"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • env/prod

repeated tags = 29;

Name Description
index int
value Tag
Type Description

setTags(int index, Tag.Builder builderForValue)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setTags(int index, Tag.Builder builderForValue)

The tags directly attached to this resource.

To search against the tags:

  • Use a field query. Example:

    • tagKeys:"123456789/env*"
    • tagKeys="123456789/env"
    • tagKeys:"env"
    • tagValues:"env"
    • tagValues:"env/prod"
    • tagValues:"123456789/env/prod*"
    • tagValues="123456789/env/prod"
    • tagValueIds="tagValues/456"
  • Use a free text query. Example:

    • env/prod

repeated tags = 29;

Name Description
index int
builderForValue Tag.Builder
Type Description

setUnknownFields(UnknownFieldSet unknownFields)

public final ResourceSearchResult.Builder setUnknownFields(UnknownFieldSet unknownFields)
Name Description
unknownFields UnknownFieldSet
Type Description

setUpdateTime(Timestamp value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setUpdateTime(Timestamp value)

The last update timestamp of this resource, at which the resource was last modified or deleted. The granularity is in seconds. Timestamp.nanos will always be 0. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against update_time:

  • Use a field query.
    • value in seconds since unix epoch. Example: updateTime < 1609459200
    • value in date string. Example: updateTime < 2021-01-01
    • value in date-time string (must be quoted). Example: updateTime < "2021-01-01T00:00:00"

.google.protobuf.Timestamp update_time = 12;

Name Description
value Timestamp
Type Description

setUpdateTime(Timestamp.Builder builderForValue)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setUpdateTime(Timestamp.Builder builderForValue)

The last update timestamp of this resource, at which the resource was last modified or deleted. The granularity is in seconds. Timestamp.nanos will always be 0. This field is available only when the resource's Protobuf contains it.

To search against update_time:

  • Use a field query.
    • value in seconds since unix epoch. Example: updateTime < 1609459200
    • value in date string. Example: updateTime < 2021-01-01
    • value in date-time string (must be quoted). Example: updateTime < "2021-01-01T00:00:00"

.google.protobuf.Timestamp update_time = 12;

Name Description
builderForValue Builder
Type Description

setVersionedResources(int index, VersionedResource value)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setVersionedResources(int index, VersionedResource value)

Versioned resource representations of this resource. This is repeated because there could be multiple versions of resource representations during version migration.

This versioned_resources field is not searchable. Some attributes of the resource representations are exposed in additional_attributes field, so as to allow users to search on them.

repeated versioned_resources = 16;

Name Description
index int
value VersionedResource
Type Description

setVersionedResources(int index, VersionedResource.Builder builderForValue)

public ResourceSearchResult.Builder setVersionedResources(int index, VersionedResource.Builder builderForValue)

Versioned resource representations of this resource. This is repeated because there could be multiple versions of resource representations during version migration.

This versioned_resources field is not searchable. Some attributes of the resource representations are exposed in additional_attributes field, so as to allow users to search on them.

repeated versioned_resources = 16;

Name Description
index int
builderForValue VersionedResource.Builder
Type Description