Class InstancesGrpc.InstancesStub (2.48.0)

public static final class InstancesGrpc.InstancesStub extends AbstractAsyncStub<InstancesGrpc.InstancesStub>

A stub to allow clients to do asynchronous rpc calls to service Instances.

Manages instances of a version.


java.lang.Object > io.grpc.stub.AbstractStub > io.grpc.stub.AbstractAsyncStub > InstancesGrpc.InstancesStub


build(Channel channel, CallOptions callOptions)

protected InstancesGrpc.InstancesStub build(Channel channel, CallOptions callOptions)
Name Description
channel io.grpc.Channel
callOptions io.grpc.CallOptions
Type Description

debugInstance(DebugInstanceRequest request, StreamObserver<Operation> responseObserver)

public void debugInstance(DebugInstanceRequest request, StreamObserver<Operation> responseObserver)

Enables debugging on a VM instance. This allows you to use the SSH command to connect to the virtual machine where the instance lives. While in "debug mode", the instance continues to serve live traffic. You should delete the instance when you are done debugging and then allow the system to take over and determine if another instance should be started. Only applicable for instances in App Engine flexible environment.

Name Description
request DebugInstanceRequest
responseObserver io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<Operation>

deleteInstance(DeleteInstanceRequest request, StreamObserver<Operation> responseObserver)

public void deleteInstance(DeleteInstanceRequest request, StreamObserver<Operation> responseObserver)

Stops a running instance. The instance might be automatically recreated based on the scaling settings of the version. For more information, see "How Instances are Managed" (standard environment | flexible environment). To ensure that instances are not re-created and avoid getting billed, you can stop all instances within the target version by changing the serving status of the version to STOPPED with the method.

Name Description
request DeleteInstanceRequest
responseObserver io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<Operation>

getInstance(GetInstanceRequest request, StreamObserver<Instance> responseObserver)

public void getInstance(GetInstanceRequest request, StreamObserver<Instance> responseObserver)

Gets instance information.

Name Description
request GetInstanceRequest
responseObserver io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<Instance>

listInstances(ListInstancesRequest request, StreamObserver<ListInstancesResponse> responseObserver)

public void listInstances(ListInstancesRequest request, StreamObserver<ListInstancesResponse> responseObserver)

Lists the instances of a version. Tip: To aggregate details about instances over time, see the Stackdriver Monitoring API.

Name Description
request ListInstancesRequest
responseObserver io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<ListInstancesResponse>