public final class ErrorAnalysisAnnotation extends GeneratedMessageV3 implements ErrorAnalysisAnnotationOrBuilder
Model error analysis for each annotation.
Protobuf type
Inherited Members<ListT>makeMutableCopy(ListT)
Static Fields
public static final int ATTRIBUTED_ITEMS_FIELD_NUMBER
Field Value |
Type | Description |
int | |
public static final int OUTLIER_SCORE_FIELD_NUMBER
Field Value |
Type | Description |
int | |
public static final int OUTLIER_THRESHOLD_FIELD_NUMBER
Field Value |
Type | Description |
int | |
public static final int QUERY_TYPE_FIELD_NUMBER
Field Value |
Type | Description |
int | |
Static Methods
public static ErrorAnalysisAnnotation getDefaultInstance()
public static final Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor()
public static ErrorAnalysisAnnotation.Builder newBuilder()
public static ErrorAnalysisAnnotation.Builder newBuilder(ErrorAnalysisAnnotation prototype)
public static ErrorAnalysisAnnotation parseDelimitedFrom(InputStream input)
public static ErrorAnalysisAnnotation parseDelimitedFrom(InputStream input, ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
public static ErrorAnalysisAnnotation parseFrom(byte[] data)
Parameter |
Name | Description |
data | byte[]
public static ErrorAnalysisAnnotation parseFrom(byte[] data, ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
public static ErrorAnalysisAnnotation parseFrom(ByteString data)
public static ErrorAnalysisAnnotation parseFrom(ByteString data, ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
public static ErrorAnalysisAnnotation parseFrom(CodedInputStream input)
public static ErrorAnalysisAnnotation parseFrom(CodedInputStream input, ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
public static ErrorAnalysisAnnotation parseFrom(InputStream input)
public static ErrorAnalysisAnnotation parseFrom(InputStream input, ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
public static ErrorAnalysisAnnotation parseFrom(ByteBuffer data)
public static ErrorAnalysisAnnotation parseFrom(ByteBuffer data, ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
public static Parser<ErrorAnalysisAnnotation> parser()
public boolean equals(Object obj)
Parameter |
Name | Description |
obj | Object
public ErrorAnalysisAnnotation.AttributedItem getAttributedItems(int index)
Attributed items for a given annotation, typically representing neighbors
from the training sets constrained by the query type.
repeated attributed_items = 1;
Parameter |
Name | Description |
index | int
public int getAttributedItemsCount()
Attributed items for a given annotation, typically representing neighbors
from the training sets constrained by the query type.
repeated attributed_items = 1;
Returns |
Type | Description |
int | |
public List<ErrorAnalysisAnnotation.AttributedItem> getAttributedItemsList()
Attributed items for a given annotation, typically representing neighbors
from the training sets constrained by the query type.
repeated attributed_items = 1;
public ErrorAnalysisAnnotation.AttributedItemOrBuilder getAttributedItemsOrBuilder(int index)
Attributed items for a given annotation, typically representing neighbors
from the training sets constrained by the query type.
repeated attributed_items = 1;
Parameter |
Name | Description |
index | int
public List<? extends ErrorAnalysisAnnotation.AttributedItemOrBuilder> getAttributedItemsOrBuilderList()
Attributed items for a given annotation, typically representing neighbors
from the training sets constrained by the query type.
repeated attributed_items = 1;
Returns |
Type | Description |
List<? extends> | |
public ErrorAnalysisAnnotation getDefaultInstanceForType()
public double getOutlierScore()
The outlier score of this annotated item. Usually defined as the min of all
distances from attributed items.
double outlier_score = 3;
Returns |
Type | Description |
double | The outlierScore.
public double getOutlierThreshold()
The threshold used to determine if this annotation is an outlier or not.
double outlier_threshold = 4;
Returns |
Type | Description |
double | The outlierThreshold.
public Parser<ErrorAnalysisAnnotation> getParserForType()
public ErrorAnalysisAnnotation.QueryType getQueryType()
The query type used for finding the attributed items. query_type = 2;
public int getQueryTypeValue()
The query type used for finding the attributed items. query_type = 2;
Returns |
Type | Description |
int | The enum numeric value on the wire for queryType.
public int getSerializedSize()
Returns |
Type | Description |
int | |
public final UnknownFieldSet getUnknownFields()
Returns |
Type | Description |
int | |
protected GeneratedMessageV3.FieldAccessorTable internalGetFieldAccessorTable()
public final boolean isInitialized()
public ErrorAnalysisAnnotation.Builder newBuilderForType()
protected ErrorAnalysisAnnotation.Builder newBuilderForType(GeneratedMessageV3.BuilderParent parent)
protected Object newInstance(GeneratedMessageV3.UnusedPrivateParameter unused)
public ErrorAnalysisAnnotation.Builder toBuilder()
public void writeTo(CodedOutputStream output)