Managing membership expirations

This page explains how to update and retrieve expiration settings for group memberships, and the expiration notifications group owners receive.

Membership expiration allows group owners, group managers, Google Workspace Super Admins, or Workspace Delegated Admins with group admin privileges to manage groups and groups-based access to resources. Access can be limited based on membership staleness or temporary need without manually removing members. The Groups API enables membership expiration for the following use cases:

  • Time-limited access to resources (for example, to allow someone to help troubleshoot a problem in production)
  • Temporary membership in a communications group (for example, to briefly include a person into a team group on a long-term project)

Expirations can be applied to all types of group members (including users, groups, and service accounts) if they have a MEMBER role. When you set an expiration for a member that is a group, that expiration becomes the default expiration for all child members of that group unless the child member has a direct membership in the parent group with an individual expiration already applied. The expiration also applies to all new members of the child group going forward.

Before you begin

Set up authentication and install the client libraries. See Setting up the Cloud Identity Groups API to learn how.

Adding a membership with expiration

See Managing Google Group memberships for Google Groups or Managing identity-mapped group memberships to learn how.

Updating the expiration of a membership

To update the expiration of a membership, call groups.memberships.modifyMembershipRoles() with the ID of the parent group, the ID of the membership, and an UpdateMembershipRolesParams resource. Because members can have more than one MembershipRole in a group, you must specify which role will have the expiration. Currently only the MEMBER role may have an expiration applied to it.

Sample request body

  "updateRolesParams": [
      "fieldMask": "expiry_detail.expire_time",
      "membershipRole": {
        "expiryDetail": {
          "expireTime": "2021-10-02T15:01:23Z"
        "name": "MEMBER"

Retrieving a membership expiration

To retrieve the membership expiration of a membership, call groups.memberships.get() with the ID of the parent group and the ID of the membership.

Email notifications

Email notifications are automatically sent to all group owners when memberships are about to expire. Notifications are sent 72 hours before expiration or immediately if the membership will expire before 72 hours when it is set. The notifications are sent in each group owner's preferred language, as defined by the domain administrator in the Google Admin console or by the group owner individually.