Identity federation: products and limitations


This page provides details of limitations and the level of support for each Google Cloud product that can use Workforce Identity Federation or Workload Identity Federation, collectively identity federation.

Workforce Identity Federation

Workforce Identity Federation lets your workforce—employees, vendors, partners, and other users—access Google Cloud products by using an identity provider (IdP). Your workforce can access Google Cloud through the Google Cloud Workforce Identity Federation console, also known as the console (federated), the Google Cloud CLI, or a Google Cloud API.

Workforce Identity Federation limitations for the console (federated), the Google Cloud CLI, and Google Cloud API are listed in UI and API entries for each product.

Workload Identity Federation

Workload Identity Federation lets your workloads programmatically access Google Cloud products by using workload-provided identities such as IAM roles for AWS workloads, Kubernetes service accounts for GKE workloads, or GitHub identities for your deployment pipelines.

Workload Identity Federation limitations for the Google Cloud CLI and Google Cloud APIs, collectively API limitations, are listed in Google Cloud API limitations entries for each product, later in this document.

VPC Service Controls users: Because service perimeter ingress and egress rules for workloads support only service accounts, Workload Identity Federation workloads can access resources that are within a perimeter only through service account impersonation. Learn how to use service account impersonation for federated workloads.

Google Cloud products and limitations

The table in this section lists products, their level of support for identity federation, limitations, and other information.


The limitations table is organized in the following way:

  • Product: The product name.

  • Identity federation launch stage: Refers to the launch stage of the product's support for identity federation. Launch stage doesn't refer to the launch stage of the product itself. If the product is unsupported by identity federation, the launch stage is listed as Unsupported.

  • Columns that describe supported products:

    • Google Cloud API: The product's identity federation-related limitations that are associated with API methods and the gcloud CLI commands that access those methods.

    • Console (federated): The product's workforce identity federation-related console (federated) UI limitations.

    • Other: The product's identity federation-related limitations that aren't Google Cloud API or console (federated) limitations.

  • Columns that describe unsupported products:

    • Alternatives: For products that don't support identity federation, this column describes alternative products that support identity federation and provide similar features.

List of products and limitations

Product Identity federation launch stage Limitations

Access Approval

Console (federated): No known limitations
Google Cloud API: No known limitations
Other: No known limitations

Access Context Manager

Console (federated): No known limitations
Google Cloud API: v1alpha APIs aren't available for federated identities.
Other: No known limitations

Access Transparency

Console (federated): No known limitations
Google Cloud API: No known limitations
Other: No known limitations

Agent Assist

Console (federated): In order to use Virtual Agent Handoff with a Dialogflow ES agent, API callers cannot use Workforce Identity Federation for logging in.
Google Cloud API: Agent Assist import of conversation transcripts to conversation datasets does not support Workforce Identity Federation.
Other: No known limitations

AlloyDB for PostgreSQL

Console (federated): The following fleet health features aren't supported while using Workforce Identity Federation:
  • Performance and Backups summary cards
  • Data in the clusters table, such as CPU percentage and Memory Available
Google Cloud API: No known limitations
Other: No known limitations

Anti Money Laundering AI

Console (federated): No known limitations
Google Cloud API: No known limitations
Other: No known limitations

API Gateway

Alternatives: No alternatives available


Console (federated):
  • The Classic Apigee UI isn't supported for Workforce Identity Federation users. Buttons to switch to the Classic Apigee UI aren't available. The following features that can only be accessed using the Classic Apigee UI aren't supported for Workforce Identity Federation users:

    • Apigee API Monetization
    • Developer analysis
    • End User analysis
    • Integrated portals
  • Features in Preview aren't supported for Workforce Identity Federation users. This includes the following features:

    • Abuse detection
    • API hub
    • Gemini Code Assist with Apigee
    • Looker Studio integration
    • Risk assessment
    • Security actions
    • Shadow API discovery
  • Local development with Apigee in Cloud Code isn't supported for Workforce Identity Federation users.

Google Cloud API:
Other: No known limitations

Apigee API hub

Console (federated): No known limitations
Google Cloud API: No known limitations
Other: No known limitations

APIs and Services

Console (federated):
Google Cloud API: No known limitations
Other: No known limitations

App Engine

Alternatives: Google recommends that you use Cloud Run as an alternative.

App Hub

Console (federated): No known limitations
Google Cloud API: No known limitations
Other: No known limitations

Application Integration

Console (federated): No known limitations
Google Cloud API: No known limitations
Other: No known limitations

Artifact Registry

Console (federated): No known limitations
Google Cloud API: No known limitations
  • Container Registry doesn't support identity federation. There is an information banner in the settings page in Container Registry transition .

Assured Workloads

Console (federated): No known limitations
Google Cloud API: No known limitations
Other: No known limitations

Backup and DR Service

Console (federated): No known limitations
Google Cloud API: No known limitations
Other: No known limitations


Console (federated): No known limitations
Google Cloud API: No known limitations
Other: No known limitations


Console (federated): Saving queries isn't supported.
Google Cloud API:
  • BigQuery Migration Service doesn't support identity federation.
  • Other:


    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Binary Authorization

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Blockchain Analytics

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Blockchain Node Engine

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Carbon Footprint

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Certificate Authority Service

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Certificate Manager

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Channel Services

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Cloud Asset Inventory

    Console (federated): In the IAM policy tab, the Analyze Full Access button is unavailable for Workforce Identity Federation users.
    Google Cloud API:

    When using the analyzeIamPolicy or the analyzeIamPolicyLongrunning method, federated identities might receive incomplete analysis results because of the following:

    • Federated identities can't check the membership of Google groups in allow policies. As a result, when federated identities analyze access for a principal, the query results don't include permissions and roles that the principal has due to their membership in a group.
    • When analyzing access, federated identities can't enable the expand_groups option.

    analyzeMove isn't supported by identity federation.

    Other: No known limitations

    Cloud Billing

    Console (federated):
    Google Cloud API:
    Other: No known limitations

    Cloud Build

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Cloud CDN

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Cloud Code

    Alternatives: No alternatives available

    Cloud Composer

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    • Cloud Composer supports Workforce Identity Federation only for environments created in Composer version 2.1.11 or later and Airflow version 2.4.3 or later. Upgrading an environment from an earlier version does not enable Workforce Identity Federation support.
    • Email messages sent from Airflow only include the Airflow UI link that is accessible by Google accounts. To access Airflow UI as a Workforce Identity Federation user, the link must be manually updated (changed to the URL for Workforce Identity Federation ).
    • Cloud Storage limitations apply to Cloud Composer environment bucket.

    Cloud Console

    Console (federated): Workforce Identity Federation users can only access the Google Cloud Workforce Identity Federation console, also known as the console (federated) . They cannot access the Google Cloud console. The console (federated) provides limited access to only those Google Cloud products that support Workforce Identity Federation. For more information, see About the console (federated) . Additionally, the console (federated) has the following limitations:
    • Language preference is selected at sign-on and can't be updated within the console.
    • Product notifications, updates and offers can't be enabled on the communication preferences page.
    • Personalization based on your Google Cloud console activity is unsupported.
    • The Transparency and Control Center page is unavailable.
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: Workforce Identity Federation users aren't eligible for Google Cloud Free Trial.

    Cloud Customer Care

    Console (federated):
    • Due to the limitations of Cloud Billing for Workforce Identity Federation , billing related support is accessible only to the organization's administrator through the Google Cloud account used to set up the billing account.
    • Workforce Identity Federation users can upload—but not download—support case-related files. These files are visible to the Support Engineers who handle your cases.
    • Contact details (e.g. Email Address) cannot be changed for Workforce Identity Federation users once interaction with Support has started.
    Google Cloud API: Cloud Support API doesn't support identity federation.
    Other: No known limitations

    Cloud Data Fusion

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Cloud Deploy

    Console (federated): Cloud Storage buckets must have uniform bucket-level access enabled to view Cloud Deploy artifacts.
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: Cloud Storage buckets created through Cloud Deploy have uniform bucket-level access enabled.

    Cloud Deployment Manager

    Alternatives: No alternatives available

    Cloud DNS

    Console (federated): The Cloud Domains page isn't available.
    Google Cloud API: Cloud DNS has a limitation on the number of name server shards. To learn more, see Name server limits . Before allocating the final name server shard, Cloud DNS verifies ownership of the domain, which cannot be performed by federated identities.
    Other: No known limitations

    Cloud Domains

    Alternatives: No alternatives available

    Cloud Endpoints

    Alternatives: No alternatives available

    Cloud Fleet Routing

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Cloud Healthcare API

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Cloud HSM

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Cloud Intrusion Detection System

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Cloud Key Management Service

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Cloud Load Balancing

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Cloud Logging

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Cloud Mobile App

    Alternatives: No alternatives available

    Cloud Monitoring

    Console (federated):
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: The legacy Cloud Monitoring agent doesn't support sending metrics with identity federation. Instead, Workforce Identity Federation users can install the Ops Agent .

    Cloud NAT

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Cloud Next Generation Firewall

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Cloud Profiler

    Alternatives: No alternatives available

    Cloud Run

    Console (federated):
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: The IAM permission run.routes.invoke , which manages access to Cloud Run service endpoints, doesn't support Workforce Identity Federation.

    Cloud Run functions

    Console (federated):
    • Existing VPC connectors aren't listed for Workforce Identity Federation. You must create them manually.
    • Build worker pools aren't supported for Workforce Identity Federation.
    • Pre-deployment testing isn't supported for Workforce Identity Federation.
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Cloud Scheduler

    Console (federated):
    • The App Engine Cron Jobs tab isn't available for Workforce Identity Federation users.
    • The App Engine option in the target type configuration isn't available for Workforce Identity Federation users.
    Google Cloud API: The Cloud Scheduler API doesn't support identity federation for jobs that have their target attribute set to appEngineHttpTarget . To send a job to an App Engine target using identity federation, create your job with the target type set to httpTarget and the uri field set to the full URI path of your App Engine target.
    Other: No known limitations

    Cloud Service Mesh

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: In-cluster control plane doesn't support identity federation.
    Other: No known limitations

    Cloud Shell

    Alternatives: Google recommends that you use Cloud Workstations as an alternative.

    Cloud Source Repositories

    Alternatives: No alternatives available

    Cloud SQL

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations

    Cloud Storage

    Console (federated):
    • Viewing object details requires uniform bucket-level access to be enabled for the bucket.
    • Process with Cloud Run functions isn't supported.
    • Scan with Cloud Data Loss Prevention isn't supported.
    Google Cloud API:
    Other: Google Cloud access tokens that are based on Workforce Identity Federation credentials cannot be downscoped with Credential Access Boundaries .

    Cloud Talent Solution

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Cloud Tasks

    Console (federated): The App Engine routing override option isn't available for Workforce Identity Federation users.
    Google Cloud API: The Cloud Tasks API doesn't support identity federation for tasks that have App Engine targets—for example:
    • App Engine queues: Since App Engine queues (queues that are created using a queue.yaml or queue.xml file) contain only tasks with App Engine targets, tasks in these queues aren't supported.
    • Regular queues: For regular Cloud Tasks queues, tasks with HTTP targets are supported. Tasks with App Engine targets aren't supported (even though the queue isn't an App Engine queue).
    Other: No known limitations

    Cloud Trace

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Cloud Translation

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: The following features don't support Workforce Identity Federation:
    Other: No known limitations

    Cloud Vision API

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Cloud Workstations

    Console (federated): Workforce Identity Federation users who want to launch a Cloud Workstations must either use the Google Cloud console or the Workstations API. To use the Workstation API, see Connect to the workstation in your browser .
    Workforce Identity Federation doesn't support re-authentication by directly accessing an existing Workstation, for example, if you've bookmarked your Workstation in the past. Instead, Workforce Identity Federation users can re-authenticate as described earlier in this section.
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Compute Engine

    Console (federated): To use SSH-in-browser , you must set up google.posix_username attribute mappings .
    Google Cloud API:
    Other: No known limitations

    Confidential Space

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Contact Center AI Insights

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Contact Center AI Platform

    Console (federated): CCAI Platform cannot be set up by a Workforce Identity Federation user through the CCAI Platform console.
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: To set up CCAI Platform through the gcloud CLI, Workforce Identity Federation users must contact Customer Care.

    Context-Aware Access

    Console (federated):
    • In Add principals to the Google Cloud console & APIs , the Group ID text field doesn't support autocomplete or provide validation for Workforce Identity Federation users.
    • For Workforce Identity Federation users, Google Groups are identified by their IDs rather than their names.
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Data Catalog

    Console (federated): In the edit steward dialog on the entry details page, contact suggestions aren't shown.
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Database Migration Service

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations


    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: google.dataflow.v1beta3.SqlValidator.Validate : Dataflow SQL Validator APIs don't support identity federation.
    Other: No known limitations


    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations


    Console (federated):
    Google Cloud API: Exploration of related environments and sessions APIs on Dataplex aren't supported by identity federation.
    Other: No known limitations


    Console (federated):
    • Workforce Identity Federation users can perform create, view, update, and delete operations in Cluster, Jobs, and Batches list pages. Workflows, Autoscaling policies, and component exchange aren't available to Workforce Identity Federation.
    • Cluster create functionality is available, except for Dataproc on GKE cluster creation, Dataproc Compute Engine cluster with personal authentication, or with Component Gateway enabled.
    • The Output section in the Batch and Job detail page isn't available for Workforce Identity Federation users.
    • The Recommend Alert section in the Cluster and Job list page isn't available for Workforce Identity Federation users.
    Google Cloud API: The following methods don't support identity federation:
    Other: No known limitations

    Dataproc Metastore

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations


    Console (federated): Key Visualizer doesn't support Workforce Identity Federation.
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations


    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations


    Console (federated): Dialogflow ES is not supported in the Google Cloud console for Workforce Identity Federation users.
    Google Cloud API: Workforce Identity Federation is supported only on Dialogflow CX APIs.
    Other: No known limitations

    Document AI

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Endpoint Verification

    Alternatives: No alternatives available

    Enterprise Knowledge Graph

    Alternatives: No alternatives available

    Error Reporting

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations


    Console (federated): Although you can use an existing workflow as an Eventarc trigger destination, Workforce Identity Federation users can't create new workflows.
    Google Cloud API: Third-party event publishing using a ChannelConnection resource isn't supported for identity federation.
    Other: No known limitations


    Console (federated): Billing information isn't visible on the Instance create , Instance edit , and Restore backup to New instance pages.
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations


    Console (federated):
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations


    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: Gemini for Google Cloud license management doesn't support Workforce Identity Federation.

    GKE Enterprise

    Console (federated):
    • When you log into any external (GKE Enterprise) clusters, the option Use your Google identity isn't available for Workforce Identity Federation.
    • When you create or attach any external (GKE Enterprise) clusters, you won't automatically be added as an administrator for Workforce Identity Federation.
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: gkeadm , gkectl and bmctl don't support Workforce Identity Federation.

    Google Cloud Armor

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Google Cloud Managed Service for Apache Kafka

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: Authentication to open source Apache Kafka APIs through the OAuthBearer mechanism is not supported for clients using Workload Identity Federation for GKE. As an alternative, link Kubernetes ServiceAccounts to IAM .

    Google Cloud Marketplace

    Console (federated):
    • Cloud Marketplace contains links to Google domains that might not support Workforce Identity Federation.
    • The Launch button is disabled for all VM products that use Deployment Manager because Deployment Manager doesn't support Workforce Identity Federation.
    • SaaS sign-up and SSO login don't support Workforce Identity Federation.
    • Producer Portal doesn't support Workforce Identity Federation.
    • Request Procurement doesn't support Workforce Identity Federation.
    • Service Catalog doesn't support Workforce Identity Federation.
    Google Cloud API: Partner API doesn't support Workforce Identity Federation.
    Other: Customers don't receive notifications if no email address is provided by Billing Account Admins or Product Owners.

    Google Cloud Migration Center

    Console (federated):
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Google Cloud NetApp Volumes

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Google Cloud SDK

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: The Ruby and PHP The Cloud Client Libraries do not support Workforce Identity Federation.

    Google Distributed Cloud

    Alternatives: No alternatives available

    Google Earth Engine

    Alternatives: No alternatives available

    Google Kubernetes Engine

    Console (federated): Container Registry tab isn't available for Workforce Identity Federation. Artifact Registry is available.
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Google Security Operations

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Hybrid Connectivity

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Identity and Access Management

    Console (federated):
    • The Name column within the IAM table doesn't show display names for Google identities.
    • When adding new principals to allow policies, the Add principals text field supports only autocompletion for service accounts.
    • The Add exempted principal text field in the Audit Logs page supports only autocompletion for service accounts.
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Identity-Aware Proxy

    Console (federated):
    • In the Applications tab, the Method column is disabled, and users cannot use external identities for authorization.
    • In the Applications tab, App Engine resources cannot be listed.
    • The Go to OAuth configuration item in the action menu isn't available.
    • In the Applications tab, on-premises connectors cannot be added or listed.
    Google Cloud API: Federated identities for IAP TCP forwarding resources are supported only in the gcloud CLI.
    Other: No known limitations

    Identity Platform

    Console (federated): Enabling Identity Platform through the Google Cloud Workforce Identity Federation console is not supported. Workforce Identity Federation administrators must enable Identity Platform either through the Firebase Authentication console or by logging into the Google Cloud console using a Cloud Identity or Workspace account before Workforce Identity Federation users can access Identity Platform through the console (federated).
    Google Cloud API: InitializeIdentityPlatform doesn't support identity federation.
    Other: No known limitations

    Immersive Stream for XR

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Integration Connectors

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Key Access Justifications

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Knative serving

    Console (federated):
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: When using Workforce Identity Federation, Knative serving requires a cluster with managed Cloud Service Mesh.

    Live Stream API

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Looker (Google Cloud core)

    Console (federated): Workforce Identity Federation users can create, update, and delete instances, but they cannot access individual instances.
    Google Cloud API: Identity federation users can only manage instances—for example, creating, updating, and deleting an instance—but they cannot access individual instances.
    Other: No known limitations

    Looker Studio

    Alternatives: No alternatives available

    Managed Service for Microsoft Active Directory

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: Workforce Identity Federation users can't use IAP TCP forwarding to access the Active Directory management VM .

    Media CDN

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations


    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: The following APIs support identity federation:
    Other: No known limitations

    Migrate to Containers

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Migrate to Virtual Machines

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Network Connectivity Center

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Network Intelligence Center

    Console (federated): Firewall Insights cannot be exported to JSON or CSV.
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Network Service Tiers

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Organization Policy Service

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Personalized Service Health

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Policy Intelligence

    Console (federated):

    The following Policy Intelligence features have limitations for Workforce Identity Federation users who use the Google Cloud Workforce Identity Federation console:

    • Policy Troubleshooter : Workforce Identity Federation users can't troubleshoot access in the console (federated).
    • Policy Analyzer : Workforce Identity Federation users can't analyze access in the console (federated).
    • Policy Simulator : Workforce Identity Federation users can't simulate changes to an allow policy within the console (federated).
    • IAM Recommender : Workforce Identity Federation users can't view recommendations in the console (federated).
    Google Cloud API:

    The following Policy Intelligence features have API limitations for federated identities:

    • Policy Troubleshooter : Federated identities can't check the membership of Google groups in allow and deny policies, or the membership of Cloud Identity accounts (domains) in deny policies. When federated identities call the iam.troubleshoot method, role bindings and deny rules that contain groups or domains have an access result of Unknown , unless the role binding or deny rule also explicitly includes the principal.
    • When calling the analyzeIamPolicy or the analyzeIamPolicyLongrunning method, federated identities might receive incomplete analysis results because of the following:

      • Federated identities can't check the membership of Google groups in allow policies. As a result, when federated identities analyze access for a principal, the query results don't include permissions and roles that the principal has due to their membership in a group.
      • When analyzing access, federated identities can't enable the expand-groups option.

      Federated identities can't use the following API methods:

    • Policy Simulator : Federated identities can't use the Policy Simulator API ( ).
    • Activity Analyzer : Federated identities can't use the Policy Analyzer API ( ).
    • IAM Recommender : Federated identities can't use the Recommender API ( ).
    Other: No known limitations

    Private Service Connect

    Console (federated): When publishing a service, DNS configuration is not available.
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations


    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: Pub/Sub Lite API doesn't have endpoints that support identity federation.
    Other: No known limitations


    Console (federated):
    • Multi-factor authentication through email cannot be configured by Workforce Identity Federation users. For assistance, contact sales .
    • The demonstration website in Cloud Shell isn't supported for Workforce Identity Federation users.
    Google Cloud API: MigrateKey isn't supported for federated identities.
    Other: No known limitations


    Console (federated): Exporting recommendations to BigQuery isn't supported by Workforce Identity Federation.
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: Recommender can recommend products and features that are not supported by Workforce Identity Federation.

    Resource Manager

    Console (federated):
    • Workforce Identity Federation users can only view and operate on the organization for which Workforce Identity Federation was configured. Other organizations to which the users are added are not displayed in the Google Cloud console.
    • Wait times for certain operations to be reflected in the UI are long—for example, creating a project or folder.
    Google Cloud API: The Organizations API doesn't support identity federation.
    Other: No known limitations

    Retail API

    Console (federated):
    Google Cloud API: The following methods don't support identity federtation:
    Other: No known limitations

    Secret Manager

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Secure Source Manager

    Alternatives: No alternatives available

    Security Command Center

    Console (federated): The following features are unavailable for Workforce Identity Federation users:
    • Exporting findings to a CSV file
    • Exporting findings to Cloud Storage
    • Send feedback button
    • Google SecOps export settings cannot be managed in the federated environment, so, in the Continuous Exports page, the Google SecOps banner is unavailable.
    • Warning dialog communicating that the enablement state is inherited by default in the Service Enablement page
    • The Security posture service cannot be managed using Google Cloud console.
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Sensitive Data Protection

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Serverless VPC Access

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Service Directory

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Service Infrastructure

    Console (federated): Managing quota in Cloud Endpoints is not supported.
    Google Cloud API: Service Management API : Creating a managed service doesn't support identity federation. To verify domain ownership and create a managed service, do the following:
    1. Add a service account to domain owners using Site Verification API .
    2. Impersonate this service account to create a managed service.
    Other: No known limitations


    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Speaker ID

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations


    Console (federated): Only the v2 UI pages support Workforce Identity Federation.
    Google Cloud API: Only the v2 API supports identity federation.
    Other: No known limitations

    Storage Transfer Service

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations


    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Transcoder API

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Transfer Appliance

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Translation Hub

    Alternatives: No alternatives available

    Vertex AI

    Console (federated): When Workforce Identity Federation users create a new model monitoring job, Vertex AI doesn't prefill the alert email input with their email address.
    Google Cloud API: Vertex AI doesn't send email messages to Workforce Identity Federation users.
    Other: Colab Enterprise doesn't support Workforce Identity Federation.

    Vertex AI Agent Builder

    Console (federated):
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Vertex AI Vision

    Console (federated): Video stream playback doesn't work for Workforce Identity Federation users.
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Vertex AI Workbench

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API:
    Other: No known limitations

    Video Intelligence API

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    Video Stitcher API

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: Identity federation is not supported for LiveConfig and Slate resources when Google Ad Manager (GAM) fields are set.
    Other: No known limitations

    Virtual Private Cloud

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations

    VPC Service Controls

    Console (federated): Autocomplete suggestions aren't supported when adding user identities in the following fields:
    Google Cloud API:
    Other: No known limitations

    Web Risk

    Console (federated): No known limitations
    Google Cloud API: No known limitations
    Other: No known limitations


    Console (federated): The Grant button, which grants the Workforce Identity Federation user the Service Account User ( roles/iam.serviceAccountUser ) role on the project, is inactive.
    Google Cloud API: The Workflows and Workflow Executions APIs support identity federation; however, when invoking other services during a workflow execution, identity federation isn't supported.
    Other: No known limitations