Pesquisa DICOM para estudos usando parâmetros de consulta/tags DICOM

Use parâmetros de consulta para pesquisar por tag DICOM, como PatientName.

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Exemplo de código


Antes de testar esta amostra, siga as instruções de configuração do Go no Guia de início rápido da API Cloud Healthcare: como usar bibliotecas de cliente. Para mais informações, consulte a documentação de referência da API Go da API Cloud Healthcare.

Para autenticar na API Cloud Healthcare, configure o Application Default Credentials. Para mais informações, consulte Configurar a autenticação para um ambiente de desenvolvimento local.

import (

	healthcare ""

// queryParamOpt is a googleapi.Option (
// that adds query parameters to an API call.
type queryParamOpt struct {
	key, value string

func (qp queryParamOpt) Get() (string, string) { return qp.key, qp.value }

// dicomWebSearchStudies refines a DICOMweb studies search by appending DICOM tags to the request.
func dicomWebSearchStudies(w io.Writer, projectID, location, datasetID, dicomStoreID, dicomWebPath string) error {
	// projectID := "my-project"
	// location := "us-central1"
	// datasetID := "my-dataset"
	// dicomStoreID := "my-dicom-store"
	// dicomWebPath := "studies"
	ctx := context.Background()

	healthcareService, err := healthcare.NewService(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("healthcare.NewService: %w", err)

	storesService := healthcareService.Projects.Locations.Datasets.DicomStores

	name := fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s/datasets/%s/dicomStores/%s", projectID, location, datasetID, dicomStoreID)

	call := storesService.SearchForStudies(name, dicomWebPath)
	// Refine your search by appending DICOM tags to the
	// request in the form of query parameters. This sample
	// searches for studies containing a patient's name.
	patientName := queryParamOpt{key: "PatientName", value: "Sally Zhang"}
	resp, err := call.Do(patientName)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Get: %w", err)

	defer resp.Body.Close()

	respBytes, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("ioutil.ReadAll: %w", err)

	if resp.StatusCode > 299 {
		return fmt.Errorf("SearchForStudies: status %d %s: %s", resp.StatusCode, resp.Status, respBytes)
	respString := string(respBytes)
	if len(respString) > 0 {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Found studies: %s\n", respString)
	} else {
		fmt.Println("No studies found.")

	return nil


Antes de testar esta amostra, siga as instruções de configuração do Java no Guia de início rápido da API Cloud Healthcare: como usar bibliotecas de cliente. Para mais informações, consulte a documentação de referência da API Java da API Cloud Healthcare.

Para autenticar na API Cloud Healthcare, configure o Application Default Credentials. Para mais informações, consulte Configurar a autenticação para um ambiente de desenvolvimento local.

import java.util.Collections;

public class DicomWebSearchStudies {
  private static final String DICOM_NAME = "projects/%s/locations/%s/datasets/%s/dicomStores/%s";
  private static final JsonFactory JSON_FACTORY = new GsonFactory();
  private static final NetHttpTransport HTTP_TRANSPORT = new NetHttpTransport();

  public static void dicomWebSearchStudies(String dicomStoreName) throws IOException {
    // String dicomStoreName =
    //    String.format(
    //        DICOM_NAME, "your-project-id", "your-region-id", "your-dataset-id", "your-dicom-id");

    // Initialize the client, which will be used to interact with the service.
    CloudHealthcare client = createClient();

    DicomStores.SearchForStudies request =
            .searchForStudies(dicomStoreName, "studies")
            // Refine your search by appending DICOM tags to the
            // request in the form of query parameters. This sample
            // searches for studies containing a patient's name.
            .set("PatientName", "Sally Zhang");

    // Execute the request and process the results.
    HttpResponse response = request.executeUnparsed();
    System.out.println("Studies found: \n" + response.toString());

  private static CloudHealthcare createClient() throws IOException {
    // Use Application Default Credentials (ADC) to authenticate the requests
    // For more information see
    GoogleCredentials credential =

    // Create a HttpRequestInitializer, which will provide a baseline configuration to all requests.
    HttpRequestInitializer requestInitializer =
        request -> {
          new HttpCredentialsAdapter(credential).initialize(request);
          request.setConnectTimeout(60000); // 1 minute connect timeout
          request.setReadTimeout(60000); // 1 minute read timeout

    // Build the client for interacting with the service.
    return new CloudHealthcare.Builder(HTTP_TRANSPORT, JSON_FACTORY, requestInitializer)


Antes de testar esta amostra, siga as instruções de configuração do Node.js no Guia de início rápido da API Cloud Healthcare: como usar bibliotecas de cliente. Para mais informações, consulte a documentação de referência da API Node.js da API Cloud Healthcare.

Para autenticar na API Cloud Healthcare, configure o Application Default Credentials. Para mais informações, consulte Configurar a autenticação para um ambiente de desenvolvimento local.

const google = require('@googleapis/healthcare');
const healthcare ={
  version: 'v1',
  auth: new google.auth.GoogleAuth({
    scopes: [''],

const dicomWebSearchStudies = async () => {
  // TODO(developer): uncomment these lines before running the sample
  // const cloudRegion = 'us-central1';
  // const projectId = 'adjective-noun-123';
  // const datasetId = 'my-dataset';
  // const dicomStoreId = 'my-dicom-store';
  const parent = `projects/${projectId}/locations/${cloudRegion}/datasets/${datasetId}/dicomStores/${dicomStoreId}`;
  const dicomWebPath = 'studies';
  const request = {parent, dicomWebPath};

  const studies =
    await healthcare.projects.locations.datasets.dicomStores.searchForStudies(
        // Refine your search by appending DICOM tags to the
        // request in the form of query parameters. This sample
        // searches for studies containing a patient's name.
        params: {PatientName: 'Sally Zhang'},
        headers: {Accept: 'application/dicom+json'},

  console.log(`Found ${} studies:`);



Antes de testar esta amostra, siga as instruções de configuração do Python no Guia de início rápido da API Cloud Healthcare: como usar bibliotecas de cliente. Para mais informações, consulte a documentação de referência da API Python da API Cloud Healthcare.

Para autenticar na API Cloud Healthcare, configure o Application Default Credentials. Para mais informações, consulte Configurar a autenticação para um ambiente de desenvolvimento local.

def dicomweb_search_studies(project_id, location, dataset_id, dicom_store_id):
    """Handles the GET requests specified in the DICOMweb standard.

    before running the sample."""

    # Imports the google.auth.transport.requests transport
    from google.auth.transport import requests

    # Imports a module to allow authentication using Application Default Credentials (ADC)
    import google.auth

    # Gets credentials from the environment. google.auth.default() returns credentials and the
    # associated project ID, but in this sample, the project ID is passed in manually.
    credentials, _ = google.auth.default()

    scoped_credentials = credentials.with_scopes(
    # Creates a requests Session object with the credentials.
    session = requests.AuthorizedSession(scoped_credentials)

    # URL to the Cloud Healthcare API endpoint and version
    base_url = ""

    # TODO(developer): Uncomment these lines and replace with your values.
    # project_id = 'my-project'  # replace with your GCP project ID
    # location = 'us-central1'  # replace with the parent dataset's location
    # dataset_id = 'my-dataset'  # replace with the parent dataset's ID
    # dicom_store_id = 'my-dicom-store' # replace with the DICOM store ID
    url = f"{base_url}/projects/{project_id}/locations/{location}"

    dicomweb_path = "{}/datasets/{}/dicomStores/{}/dicomWeb/studies".format(
        url, dataset_id, dicom_store_id

    # Refine your search by appending DICOM tags to the
    # request in the form of query parameters. This sample
    # searches for studies containing a patient's name.
    params = {"PatientName": "Sally Zhang"}

    response = session.get(dicomweb_path, params=params)


    print(f"Studies found: response is {response}")

    # Uncomment the following lines to process the response as JSON.
    # patients = response.json()
    # print('Patients found matching query:')
    # print(json.dumps(patients, indent=2))

    # return patients

A seguir

Para pesquisar e filtrar exemplos de código de outros produtos do Google Cloud, consulte a pesquisa de exemplos de código do Google Cloud.