
The detailed evaluation of a particular Consent.

JSON representation
  "evaluationResult": enum(EvaluationResult)


The evaluation result.


Indicates the evaluation result of a particular Consent.

EVALUATION_RESULT_UNSPECIFIED No evaluation result specified. This option is invalid.
NOT_APPLICABLE The Consent is not applicable to the requested access determination. For example, the Consent does not apply to the user for which the access determination is requested, or it has a state of REVOKED, or it has expired.
NO_MATCHING_POLICY The Consent does not have a policy that matches the resourceAttributes of the evaluated resource.
NO_SATISFIED_POLICY The Consent has at least one policy that matches the resourceAttributes of the evaluated resource, but no authorizationRule was satisfied.
HAS_SATISFIED_POLICY The Consent has at least one policy that matches the resourceAttributes of the evaluated resource, and at least one authorizationRule was satisfied.