Regional high availability

Filestore is a fully managed Network Attached Storage (NAS) solution on Google Cloud. You can easily mount Filestore file shares onto Compute Engine VMs or access them from Google Kubernetes Engine clusters, allowing your containers to reference the same shared data. Filestore offers several service tiers to fulfill different use cases and workloads.

Filestore Enterprise features regional high availability with an SLA of 99.95%. If a zone failure occurs, Filestore Enterprise instances continue to serve data and accept new writes, making the zone failure transparent to clients.

Filestore regional HA

Filestore adopts the strict consistency policy required by NFS. When a client writes data, Filestore doesn't return an acknowledgment until the change is persisted so that subsequent reads return the correct data, even if a zone fails.

What's next

Learn how to create and manage a Filestore Enterprise tier instance.