Cloud Tools for Eclipse release notes

This page documents production updates to Cloud Tools for Eclipse. You can check this page for announcements about new or updated features, bug fixes, known issues, and deprecated functionality.

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June 07, 2023


Plugin credentials are now managed by gcloud CLI application default credentials.

November 29, 2022


Added Privacy and Terms of Service statements.

August 09, 2021


Fixed an issue where avatar images of logged-in accounts were not being displayed.

February 27, 2020


Cloud client libraries that have dependencies in the Google Android Maven repository can now be resolved.

Eclipse 4.7 is no longer supported. This is the last release that supports Eclipse 4.8. The minimum Eclipse version for the next release of Cloud Tools for Eclipse will be 4.9.

December 11, 2019


The App Engine project wizards include a new, optional page for choosing libraries to add to the project.

App Engine Projects configured for the no longer available Java 7 runtime are now treated as errors and cannot be deployed.

The Dataflow project wizard now automatically configures projects to use Java 8.

This is the last release that supports Eclipse 4.7 and 4.8. The minimum Eclipse version for the next release of Cloud Tools for Eclipse will likely be 4.9.

June 26, 2019


The debugger works again with the local development server.

Dataflow projects do not work with Java 9 or later. If you are running Eclipse with Java 11 and use the new Dataflow project wizard, you need to manually configure the project to use Java 8 before it will run.

June 20, 2019


You cannot debug applications running in the local development server.

The new Dataflow project wizards now generate Java 8 projects.

App Engine Standard projects now use Objectify 6 instead of Objectify 5.

More Google Cloud client libraries have been added.

Cosmetic improvements to the Dataflow run configuration dialog.

The MockHttpServletResponse class has fewer warnings.

Icons in menus and the welcome pages do not appear in some environments.

January 14, 2019


The deprecated App Engine standard Java 7 runtime will soon be removed from production. In this release of Cloud Tools for Eclipse, the new project wizards only generate Java 8 App Engine projects. A warning dialog is displayed when attempting to deploy a Java 7 project. Warning markers are shown on Java 7 and Java 6 projects. Quick fixes are available to convert Java 7 and Java 6 projects to Java 8 projects.

Quick fixes in the source editor have a larger target area including start and end-tags.

An uncommon null pointer exception that could occur when a project was deleted has been fixed.

min-instances can now be set to zero in appengine-web.xml for automatic scaling.

If you downgrade or remove the runtime element in appengine-web.xml, you may see multiple build errors until you clean or rebuild the entire project.

July 10, 2018


Additional configuration information is generated for new App Engine flexible environment projects that include Objectify 6.0.

The welcome screen items have been rewritten and expanded.

The managed Cloud SDK installer is more robust when a Cloud SDK update is rolled back.

June 01, 2018


The Eclipse Project Explorer includes a new App Engine content block for easy access to appengine-web.xml, web.xml, cron.xml, dos.xml, and other configuration information.

datastore-indexes.xml files that are automatically generated by the locally running dev_appserver can now be merged into the indexes.xml file when the server stops.

Objectify 6.0 is now supported in the App Engine flexible environment. Objectify 5.x is used in the App Engine standard environment.

Shortened the path to the managed Cloud SDK on Windows to try to stay under the 255 character limit.

April 05, 2018


The google-cloud-java bill of materials is now included and used in the pom.xml files for new App Engine projects.

The App Engine SDK library ( is no longer included in the App Engine standard runtime definition. To use classes from this jar, you must explicitly include this library in your project. Select your project in the Package Explorer and from the context menu select Build Path > Add Libraries > Google Cloud Platform Libraries > App Engine API and press Finish. If you have an existing Maven project that depends on this library, remove <scope>provided</scope> from the appengine-sdk-1.0-api dependency in your pom.xml. The App Engine SDK jar will be removed from the server runtime in the future.

March 12, 2018


Cloud Tools for Eclipse can now automatically download and maintain the Cloud SDK if the SDK is not found locally. You can learn more about this feature in the Managing the SDK for Your Project guide, including how you can update the SDK management preference.

The Eclipse status bar now displays the Google Cloud service status.

Cloud Tools for Eclipse no longer supports Eclipse 4.5 Mars. Eclipse 4.6 Neon is now the minimum required version.

Cloud Tools for Eclipse marks the App Engine standard Java 7 runtime as deprecated.

Fixed a bug that local servers cannot be stopped in certain situations.

Fixed an issue that JARs downloaded while creating an App Engine project are sometimes corrupted.

January 31, 2018


New projects now use the latest available release versions of the Maven App Engine plugin and the Google Cloud Libraries for Java.

Fixed a bug that sometimes caused local servers to hang on launch.

December 07, 2017


YEdit and Dockerfile Editor are now optional installs, alongside the core Cloud Tools for Eclipse.

Service keys can be added to the local run for access to cloud services.

You can add and remove Cloud Libraries for Java from Eclipse projects.

Converted projects now default to Java 8 and the java8 runtime.

Deployment is more reliable for users with access to many hundreds of Google Cloud projects.

October 30, 2017


App Engine standard environment projects that depend on classes from appengine-api-1.0-sdk.jar should no longer encounter NoClassDefFoundErrors when running on the local server.

When adding a Google library to a project for which no GA release version exists, Eclipse now picks the most recent beta or alpha version.

The "Google APIs" library has been renamed "Google Cloud Client Libraries for Java" to more accurately describe its contents.

October 19, 2017


Maven projects that package a runnable JAR—for example, Spring Boot or Spark Java applications—can be deployed to the App Engine flexible environment Java runtime.

Individual WAR files and runnable JAR archives can be deployed to the App Engine flexible environment, whether created by Eclipse or not.

All google-cloud-java libraries can be added to Java 8 Eclipse projects and Java 7 non-App Engine projects. The subset of these libraries that work in the App Engine standard Java 7 runtime can be added to Java 7 App Engine projects.

Google managed library jars are now added to a single Google APIs container, rather than separate library containers.

Java 8 and Servlet 3.1 are now the default environment in the new project wizards. New projects should start with Java 8.

In native projects the App Engine SDK ( is now included in the App Engine standard runtime definition, as it is in the server runtime.

The App Engine standard runtime no longer includes JSTL (jstl:jstl) to allow alternative implementations. If you need to add JSTL to an existing project, you can download the Apache Standard Tag Library jar from Maven Central and place it in your project's WEB-INF/lib directory.

App Engine standard environment projects that depend on classes from appengine-api-1.0-sdk.jar may encounter NoClassDefFoundErrors when running on the local server. Deployment and production environments are not affected.

To work around this in a Maven project, remove remove <scope>provided</scope> from the appengine-api-1.0-sdk dependency element in pom.xml. In a non-Maven project, copy the appengine-api-1.0-sdk.jar into the WEB-INF/lib folder and refresh the project. You can download this jar from Maven Central.

Adding the Endpoints library to your project will add a dependency on the Servlet API 2.5, even in Java 8 projects that already depend on the Servlet API 3.1.

If your existing projects have the old style Google API library container, you'll need to upgrade them to the single "Google APIs" container. Select the project and use the context menu to select Configure > Update Project for Cloud Tools for Eclipse.

September 13, 2017


New project templates use HTML 5, Servlet 3.1, UTF-8 encoding, and Endpoints 2.0 where appropriate.

The Cloud Dataflow new project wizard appears on the toolbar button and works with the latest archetypes and SDK versions.

August 07, 2017


Cloud Dataflow is now supported.

You can filter Google Cloud Platform projects by name or project ID in the Project selector dialogs.

App Engine Standard Maven projects are now recognized when imported into Eclipse.

Maven based projects no longer use a separate wizard or archetypes. Maven is now added by selecting a checkbox in the New App Engine Standard Project wizard.

June 12, 2017


The App Engine flexible environment Java 8 runtime is now supported. You can create and deploy new flex projects. You can import and convert existing Java servlet projects for use in the flexible environment. Apps can be run locally by installing the Eclipse Jetty Integration.

Conversion of GPE projects that use the API manager results in fewer (hopefully zero) build errors.

May 17, 2017


Java 8 is supported by the local server. To enable this set the Java facet version to 1.8 in the Eclipse project properties and add <runtime>java8</runtime> to appengine-web.xml. You can deploy a Java 8 Eclipse project to the App Engine standard environment if and only if the Google Cloud project you're deploying to is whitelisted for Java 8 support.

Login now shows profile pictures.

Resolved several issues that could lead to NullPointerExceptions.

April 12, 2017


Autocomplete in appengine-web.xml.

You can run multiple local servers at the same time on different ports.

The correct admin server URL is displayed in the Eclipse console.

April 04, 2017


cron.xml, datastore-indexes.xml, dispatch.xml, dos.xml, and/or queue.xml can now be deployed from within the IDE.

New Submit issue or feedback... menu item for in-app bug reporting.

webapp folders are not configured as Java packages when converting an existing project.

Installing Cloud Tools for Eclipse no longer uninstalls the Android Developer Tools.

Pre-quick fix versions of XML files now appear in Eclipse's local history.

March 16, 2017


You can now add libraries to an Eclipse project after new project creation.

The deploy dialog includes a refresh button.

The JSTL jar is now added by default.

Applying a quick fix to an appengine-web.xml file with unsaved changes does not overwrite those changes.

If a project has build errors, Run As > App Engine prompts before running the server.

March 01, 2017


This is the same as Beta 16, only served from a new stable URL.

February 23, 2017

1.0 Beta 16 RC 1

Run As > App Engine waits for a modified file to be saved before it launches the local server.

When running a local server, the console says that the admin server can be found at http://localhost:59027/_ah/admin. This is incorrect. The admin server is found at http://localhost:8000/.

Applying a quick fix to an appengine-web.xml file with unsaved changes will overwrite those changes. Please save all changes before applying a quick fix.

If a project has build errors, Run As > App Engine does not prompt before running the server.

February 16, 2017

1.0 Beta 15

The deployed App Engine application is automatically opened in a web browser.

When available, names are displayed in the accounts panel along with email addresses.

You can choose from a list of available Google Cloud projects when deploying, rather than having to type a project ID.

Warn user when appengine-web.xml contains an application element.

Run As > App Engine does not wait for a modified file to be saved before it launches the local server.

No more deadlocks (we hope) when creating new projects in milestone 5 of Eclipse Oxygen or Eclipse Neon 4.6.3 beta.

February 06, 2017

1.0 Beta 11

Recognize when Maven central is unreachable and warn the user, rather than creating an unbuildable project.

The latest milestone 5 of Eclipse Oxygen and beta of Neon 4.6.3 can deadlock when creating new projects. This does not occur in Eclipse 4.5 Mars or Neon 4.6.2 and earlier.

January 30, 2017

1.0 Beta 10

One click conversion of existing App Engine Eclipse projects, including Maven and GPE projects, to Cloud Tools for Eclipse projects.

The legacy Google Plugin for Eclipse is once again automatically uninstalled when Cloud Tools for Eclipse is installed.

Creating a new App Engine project when you can't connect to Maven Central — for example, because Wi-Fi is turned off — results in an unbuildable project.

January 18, 2017

1.0 Beta 9

Toolbar dropdown menu for performing App Engine tasks including generating new projects, running locally, and deploying.

Added a favicon.ico to the generated App Engine native project.

Projects can launch as long as you've selected a file from the project in the Package or Project Explorer. You no longer need to select the entire project.

Cannot detect the version of the Cloud SDK installed by various Linux package managers. If this causes problems, you can download a zip of the Cloud SDK and point Cloud Tools for Eclipse to that.

The legacy Google Plugin for Eclipse is not automatically uninstalled when Cloud Tools for Eclipse is installed. You should manually uninstall it before installing Cloud Tools for Eclipse.

January 09, 2017

1.0 Beta 8

Fixed several race conditions.

More complete autodetection of existing Cloud SDK installation on Linux.

Service elements in the non-Maven new project wizard.

December 20, 2016

1.0 Beta 7

Redesigned, simplified dialogs and new project wizards.

Context menu item for one-click run on local server.

Simplified import of existing GPE and other Eclipse servlet projects.

December 09, 2016

1.0 Beta 6

Cloud SDK minimum version is now 133.

GPE must be uninstalled before installing Cloud Tools for Eclipse.

Customized help in the new project wizards.

Tool tips.

December 07, 2016

1.0 Beta 5

Look for the Cloud SDK in the LOCALAPPDATA directory on Windows.

Warn user when the Cloud SDK is too old (currently 130 or earlier).

New App Engine icons.

Progress monitors in the new project wizards more accurately track progress.

November 23, 2016

1.0 Beta 4

The plugin is now signed with the Google private key.

Now runs on any flavor of Eclipse 4.5 or later. Eclipse for Java EE is no longer required.

November 03, 2016

1.0 Beta 1

New App Engine Project Wizards.

Local run and debug in an App Engine emulator.

Deployment to App Engine standard environment.

The plugin is not yet signed. You will see a warning when installing from the update site.