Resource names


Many Google Cloud APIs deal with multiple resources. Historically there have been many different approaches to identifying these resources, but new APIs are coalescing around the idea of a single resource name which uniquely identifies that resource within an API.

A resource name is a path-like structure, typically alternating between fixed collection names and an identifier within that collection. Throughout this page, we will use the example of the Google Cloud Pub/Sub API, which is exposed by the Google.Cloud.PubSub.V1 NuGet package.

In Cloud Pub/Sub, a publisher creates a topic within a project, and a subscriber creates a subscription to that topic, also within a project. (The topic and subscription may be in different projects.) It is possible to list the topics or subscriptions within a project.

To make everything concrete, we'll consider three resources:

  • Project: projects/petstore
  • Topic: projects/petstore/topics/offers
  • Subscription: projects/petstore_web/subscriptions/pet_offers

(We've deliberately used a different project in the subscription to highlight that they don't have to be the same.)

Each resource name consistents of one or more resource IDs - the parts within an resource name that vary, and fixed parts of the name, typically collection names.

For example, within our topic resource name (projects/petstore/topics/offers) there are two resource IDs:

  • The project ID (petstore)
  • The topic ID (offers)

Generated resource name types

The full resource names above are the ones you would see and use in the underlying Pub/Sub API - just as strings. However, to make the client libraries easier to use correctly, a class is generated for each kind of resource name. The classes generated for the above resources are:

Note that ProjectName is a common resource name type, along with a few others (LocationName, OrganizationName, FolderName and BillingAccountName) present in GAX, so that the same resource name object can be used across multiple APIs.

Constructing an instance of a resource name type from its resource IDs is very simple: just call the constructor, or one of the factory methods. (Some resource names have multiple patterns, and the factory methods allow you to specify which pattern you're using).

Sometimes you may want to parse a resource name from its string form. Each resource name type has Parse and TryParse methods to allow this. Likewise, to obtain the string representation of a resource name (for example to save it to a database) you can just call ToString.

The resource name types are also used to augment the Protocol Buffer messages representing requests, responses and resources. This takes the form of additional properties which automatically parse and format the underlying string representation. Where resources have a Name property representing the string resource name, the additional property is simply the name of the type. For other uses of resource names, the extra property is just the name of the string property with a suffix of AsXyzName, where XyzName is the name of the generated type.

For example, Subscription has a SubscriptionName property. When that property is fetched, it parses the value retrieved from the Name property. Likewise, when the SubscriptionName property is set, the value is formatted and stored in Name.

API calls

API calls where the request uses a resource name are typically mapped to use the corresponding class. For example, to list all the topics in the projects/petstore project, you would use the PublisherServiceApiClient.ListTopics method:

var client = PublisherServiceApiClient.Create();
var topics = client.ListTopics(new ProjectName("petstore"));
foreach (Topic topic in topics)
// Output would include projects/petstore/topics/offers

Where API calls haven't been configured to use the resource name type, but instead accept a string, simply create the resource name instance anyway, and call ToString() to obtain the appropriate string representation.

We can't tell you when your application will need to use resource IDs and when it will need to use resource names, but we'd recommend using the terms "name" and "ID" in a manner consistent with the API terminology. The more you can use resource names in your code, the less parsing and formatting you'll need to perform, of course.