Class SearchProfilesRequest (2.0.0-beta07)

public sealed class SearchProfilesRequest : IMessage<SearchProfilesRequest>, IEquatable<SearchProfilesRequest>, IDeepCloneable<SearchProfilesRequest>, IBufferMessage, IMessage

The request body of the SearchProfiles call.


Object > SearchProfilesRequest







public SearchProfilesRequest()


public SearchProfilesRequest(SearchProfilesRequest other)



public bool CaseSensitiveSort { get; set; }

When sort by field is based on alphabetical order, sort values case sensitively (based on ASCII) when the value is set to true. Default value is case in-sensitive sort (false).

Property Value


public bool DisableSpellCheck { get; set; }

This flag controls the spell-check feature. If false, the service attempts to correct a misspelled query.

For example, "enginee" is corrected to "engineer".

Property Value


public RepeatedField<HistogramQuery> HistogramQueries { get; }

A list of expressions specifies histogram requests against matching profiles for [SearchProfilesRequest][].

The expression syntax looks like a function definition with parameters.

Function syntax: function_name(histogram_facet[, list of buckets])

Data types:

  • Histogram facet: facet names with format [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]+.
  • String: string like "any string with backslash escape for quote(&quot;)."
  • Number: whole number and floating point number like 10, -1 and -0.01.
  • List: list of elements with comma(,) separator surrounded by square brackets. For example, [1, 2, 3] and ["one", "two", "three"].

Built-in constants:

  • MIN (minimum number similar to java Double.MIN_VALUE)
  • MAX (maximum number similar to java Double.MAX_VALUE)

Built-in functions:

  • bucket(start, end[, label]) Bucket build-in function creates a bucket with range of [start, end). Note that the end is exclusive. For example, bucket(1, MAX, "positive number") or bucket(1, 10).

Histogram Facets:

  • admin1: Admin1 is a global placeholder for referring to state, province, or the particular term a country uses to define the geographic structure below the country level. Examples include states codes such as "CA", "IL", "NY", and provinces, such as "BC".
  • locality: Locality is a global placeholder for referring to city, town, or the particular term a country uses to define the geographic structure below the admin1 level. Examples include city names such as "Mountain View" and "New York".
  • extended_locality: Extended locality is concatenated version of admin1 and locality with comma separator. For example, "Mountain View, CA" and "New York, NY".
  • postal_code: Postal code of profile which follows locale code.
  • country: Country code (ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 code) of profile, such as US, JP, GB.
  • job_title: Normalized job titles specified in EmploymentHistory.
  • company_name: Normalized company name of profiles to match on.
  • institution: The school name. For example, "MIT", "University of California, Berkeley"
  • degree: Highest education degree in ISCED code. Each value in degree covers a specific level of education, without any expansion to upper nor lower levels of education degree.
  • experience_in_months: experience in months. 0 means 0 month to 1 month (exclusive).
  • application_date: The application date specifies application start dates. See [ApplicationDateFilter][] for more details.
  • application_outcome_notes: The application outcome reason specifies the reasons behind the outcome of the job application. See [ApplicationOutcomeNotesFilter][] for more details.
  • application_job_title: The application job title specifies the job applied for in the application. See [ApplicationJobFilter][] for more details.
  • hirable_status: Hirable status specifies the profile's hirable status.
  • string_custom_attribute: String custom attributes. Values can be accessed via square bracket notation like string_custom_attribute["key1"].
  • numeric_custom_attribute: Numeric custom attributes. Values can be accessed via square bracket notation like numeric_custom_attribute["key1"].

Example expressions:

  • count(admin1)
  • count(experience_in_months, [bucket(0, 12, "1 year"), bucket(12, 36, "1-3 years"), bucket(36, MAX, "3+ years")])
  • count(string_custom_attribute["assigned_recruiter"])
  • count(numeric_custom_attribute["favorite_number"], [bucket(MIN, 0, "negative"), bucket(0, MAX, "non-negative")])
Property Value


public int Offset { get; set; }

An integer that specifies the current offset (that is, starting result) in search results. This field is only considered if [page_token][] is unset.

The maximum allowed value is 5000. Otherwise an error is thrown.

For example, 0 means to search from the first profile, and 10 means to search from the 11th profile. This can be used for pagination, for example pageSize = 10 and offset = 10 means to search from the second page.

Property Value


public string OrderBy { get; set; }

The criteria that determines how search results are sorted. Defaults is "relevance desc" if no value is specified.

Supported options are:

  • "relevance desc": By descending relevance, as determined by the API algorithms.
  • "update_date desc": Sort by [Profile.update_time][] in descending order (recently updated profiles first).
  • "create_date desc": Sort by [Profile.create_time][] in descending order (recently created profiles first).
  • "first_name": Sort by [PersonName.PersonStructuredName.given_name][] in ascending order.
  • "first_name desc": Sort by [PersonName.PersonStructuredName.given_name][] in descending order.
  • "last_name": Sort by [PersonName.PersonStructuredName.family_name][] in ascending order.
  • "last_name desc": Sort by [PersonName.PersonStructuredName.family_name][] in ascending order.
Property Value


public int PageSize { get; set; }

A limit on the number of profiles returned in the search results. A value above the default value 10 can increase search response time.

The maximum value allowed is 100. Otherwise an error is thrown.

Property Value


public string PageToken { get; set; }

The pageToken, similar to offset enables users of the API to paginate through the search results. To retrieve the first page of results, set the pageToken to empty. The search response includes a [nextPageToken][] field that can be used to populate the pageToken field for the next page of results. Using pageToken instead of offset increases the performance of the API, especially compared to larger offset values.

Property Value


public string Parent { get; set; }

Required. The resource name of the tenant to search within.

The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}". For example, "projects/foo/tenants/bar".

Property Value


public TenantName ParentAsTenantName { get; set; }

TenantName-typed view over the Parent resource name property.

Property Value


public ProfileQuery ProfileQuery { get; set; }

Search query to execute. See [ProfileQuery][] for more details.

Property Value


public RequestMetadata RequestMetadata { get; set; }

Required. The meta information collected about the profile search user. This is used to improve the search quality of the service. These values are provided by users, and must be precise and consistent.

Property Value


public string ResultSetId { get; set; }

An id that uniquely identifies the result set of a [SearchProfiles][] call. The id should be retrieved from the [SearchProfilesResponse][] message returned from a previous invocation of [SearchProfiles][].

A result set is an ordered list of search results.

If this field is not set, a new result set is computed based on the [profile_query][]. A new [result_set_id][] is returned as a handle to access this result set.

If this field is set, the service will ignore the resource and [profile_query][] values, and simply retrieve a page of results from the corresponding result set. In this case, one and only one of [page_token][] or [offset][] must be set.

A typical use case is to invoke [SearchProfilesRequest][] without this field, then use the resulting [result_set_id][] in [SearchProfilesResponse][] to page through the results.

Property Value


public bool StrictKeywordsSearch { get; set; }

This flag is used to indicate whether the service will attempt to understand synonyms and terms related to the search query or treat the query "as is" when it generates a set of results. By default this flag is set to false, thus allowing expanded results to also be returned. For example a search for "software engineer" might also return candidates who have experience in jobs similar to software engineer positions. By setting this flag to true, the service will only attempt to deliver candidates has software engineer in his/her global fields by treating "software engineer" as a keyword.

It is recommended to provide a feature in the UI (such as a checkbox) to allow recruiters to set this flag to true if they intend to search for longer boolean strings.

Property Value