Google Cloud Spanner v1 API - Class PartialResultSet (5.0.0-beta01)

public sealed class PartialResultSet : IMessage<PartialResultSet>, IEquatable<PartialResultSet>, IDeepCloneable<PartialResultSet>, IBufferMessage, IMessage

Reference documentation and code samples for the Google Cloud Spanner v1 API class PartialResultSet.

Partial results from a streaming read or SQL query. Streaming reads and SQL queries better tolerate large result sets, large rows, and large values, but are a little trickier to consume.


object > PartialResultSet







public PartialResultSet()


public PartialResultSet(PartialResultSet other)



public bool ChunkedValue { get; set; }

If true, then the final value in [values][google.spanner.v1.PartialResultSet.values] is chunked, and must be combined with more values from subsequent PartialResultSets to obtain a complete field value.

Property Value


public ResultSetMetadata Metadata { get; set; }

Metadata about the result set, such as row type information. Only present in the first response.

Property Value


public ByteString ResumeToken { get; set; }

Streaming calls might be interrupted for a variety of reasons, such as TCP connection loss. If this occurs, the stream of results can be resumed by re-sending the original request and including resume_token. Note that executing any other transaction in the same session invalidates the token.

Property Value


public ResultSetStats Stats { get; set; }

Query plan and execution statistics for the statement that produced this streaming result set. These can be requested by setting [ExecuteSqlRequest.query_mode][google.spanner.v1.ExecuteSqlRequest.query_mode] and are sent only once with the last response in the stream. This field will also be present in the last response for DML statements.

Property Value


public RepeatedField<Value> Values { get; }

A streamed result set consists of a stream of values, which might be split into many PartialResultSet messages to accommodate large rows and/or large values. Every N complete values defines a row, where N is equal to the number of entries in [metadata.row_type.fields][google.spanner.v1.StructType.fields].

Most values are encoded based on type as described [here][google.spanner.v1.TypeCode].

It is possible that the last value in values is "chunked", meaning that the rest of the value is sent in subsequent PartialResultSet(s). This is denoted by the [chunked_value][google.spanner.v1.PartialResultSet.chunked_value] field. Two or more chunked values can be merged to form a complete value as follows:

  • bool/number/null: cannot be chunked
  • string: concatenate the strings
  • list: concatenate the lists. If the last element in a list is a string, list, or object, merge it with the first element in the next list by applying these rules recursively.
  • object: concatenate the (field name, field value) pairs. If a field name is duplicated, then apply these rules recursively to merge the field values.

Some examples of merging:

# Strings are concatenated.
"foo", "bar" => "foobar"

# Lists of non-strings are concatenated.
[2, 3], [4] => [2, 3, 4]

# Lists are concatenated, but the last and first elements are merged
# because they are strings.
["a", "b"], ["c", "d"] => ["a", "bc", "d"]

# Lists are concatenated, but the last and first elements are merged
# because they are lists. Recursively, the last and first elements
# of the inner lists are merged because they are strings.
["a", ["b", "c"]], [["d"], "e"] => ["a", ["b", "cd"], "e"]

# Non-overlapping object fields are combined.
{"a": "1"}, {"b": "2"} => {"a": "1", "b": 2"}

# Overlapping object fields are merged.
{"a": "1"}, {"a": "2"} => {"a": "12"}

# Examples of merging objects containing lists of strings.
{"a": ["1"]}, {"a": ["2"]} => {"a": ["12"]}

For a more complete example, suppose a streaming SQL query is yielding a result set whose rows contain a single string field. The following PartialResultSets might be yielded:

  "metadata": { ... }
  "values": ["Hello", "W"]
  "chunked_value": true
  "resume_token": "Af65..."
  "values": ["orl"]
  "chunked_value": true
  "resume_token": "Bqp2..."
  "values": ["d"]
  "resume_token": "Zx1B..."

This sequence of PartialResultSets encodes two rows, one containing the field value "Hello", and a second containing the field value "World" = "W" + "orl" + "d".

Property Value