Connection string options

Spanner connection strings support the following options:

Data Source

The project, instance and optionally database to use. The format is projects/{project}/instances/{instance}/databases/{database}, with the databases/{database} part being optional.


  • Data Source=projects/my_project/instances/my_instance
  • Data Source=projects/my_project/instances/my_instance/databases/my_database


A path to a JSON service account credential file to use. If this is not specified, the application default credentials will be used. (These are provided automatically when running on Google Cloud Platform, or a JSON service account credential file can be specified with the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable.)


  • CredentialFile=/path/to/credentials.json


When set to true (and when targeting .NET 4.5 or .NET Standard 2.0; the method doesn't exist in .NET Standard 1.x), SpannerDataReader.GetSchemaTable() will return available schema information for the query in the form of a DataTable. See the method documentation for details of the columns returned.


  • EnableGetSchemaTable=true


By default, null values returned by Spanner are handled in the following manner:

"Top-level" fields are always converted to DBNull.Value. This means that calling reader.GetString(0) for example will throw an InvalidCastException if the value is null. This is compatible with other ADO.NET providers.

Array and structure elements use the null value for the target type where possible (reference types and nullable value types), or throw an InvalidCastException if the target type is a non-nullable value type. For example, if an array field has values [1, NULL, 2] in Spanner, then requesting that field with reader.GetFieldValue<int[]>("field") will throw an exception, whereas reader.GetFieldValue<int?[]>("field") will return a nullable integer array where the second element is a null value.

When UseClrDefaultForNull is set to true, null values returned by Spanner will be converted into the default CLR value for the requested type. This was the behavior for Google.Cloud.Spanner.Data v1.0.


  • UseClrDefaultForNull=true


The default timeout used for SpannerCommand.CommandTimeout, SpannerTransaction.CommitTimeout, and other Spanner network operations. Defaults to 60 seconds.


  • Timeout=30


When set to False, a timeout of 0 means an indefinite timeout. When set to True, a timeout of 0 means an immediate timeout. Defaults to False.


  • AllowImmediateTimeouts=true


The maximum number of gRPC channels to use per connection using the same settings. Defaults to 4. This setting rarely needs to be modified.


  • MaximumGrpcChannels=8


The maximum number of concurrent streams per gRPC channel before using a new channel. Defaults to 20. This setting rarely needs to be modified.


  • MaxConcurrentStreamsLowWatermark=30

Host and Port

These control the Spanner service to connect to. These are primarily available for testing purposes.


  •; Port=1443


Controls the effect of the SPANNER_EMULATOR_HOST environment variable on which Spanner service the client connects to.

Possible values:

  • None (the default)
  • ProductionOnly
  • EmulatorOnly
  • EmulatorOrProduction

The effects of these values are described in detail in the EmulatorDetection enum documentation.


  • EmulatorDetection=EmulatorOrProduction


Option to configure the default CLR type to SpannerDbType mapping. This option is only used if the SpannerDbType and DbType of the SpannerParameter are not explicitly provided. Currently only decimal and DateTime CLR types are supported.

The valid type mappings for decimal are:

  • DecimalToFloat64 - decimal CLR type will map to SpannerDbType.Float64.
  • DecimalToNumeric - decimal CLR type will map to SpannerDbType.Numeric. This should be used while working with Google Standard SQL dialect only.
  • DecimalToPgNumeric - decimal CLR type will map to SpannerDbType.PgNumeric. This should be used while working with PostgreSQL dialect only.

The valid type mappings for DateTime are:

  • DateTimeToDate - DateTime CLR type will map to SpannerDbType.Date.
  • DateTimeToTimestamp - DateTime CLR type will map to SpannerDbType.Timestamp.

The mapping can be provided as comma separated values. For each CLR type, at most one mapping may be provided.


  • ClrToSpannerTypeDefaultMappings=DecimalToFloat64
  • ClrToSpannerTypeDefaultMappings=DecimalToNumeric,DateTimeToTimestamp


Option to configure the default SpannerDbType to CLR type mappings. This option is only used if the CLR type of the value being read is not explicitly provided while reading the data from the database, for example using an indexer: reader["fieldName"]. Currently only SpannerDbType.Date is supported.

The valid type mappings for SpannerDbType.Date are:

  • DateToDateTime - SpannerDbType.Date will map to DateTime.
  • DateToSpannerDate - SpannerDbType.Date will map to SpannerDate.


  • SpannerToClrTypeDefaultMappings=DateToDateTime
  • SpannerToClrTypeDefaultMappings=DateToSpannerDate