Google Cloud reCAPTCHA Enterprise v1 API - Class RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient (2.15.0)

public abstract class RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient

Reference documentation and code samples for the Google Cloud reCAPTCHA Enterprise v1 API class RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.

RecaptchaEnterpriseService client wrapper, for convenient use.


object > RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient






Service to determine the likelihood an event is legitimate.



public static string DefaultEndpoint { get; }

The default endpoint for the RecaptchaEnterpriseService service, which is a host of "" and a port of 443.

Property Value
Type Description


public static IReadOnlyList<string> DefaultScopes { get; }

The default RecaptchaEnterpriseService scopes.

Property Value
Type Description

The default RecaptchaEnterpriseService scopes are:


public virtual RecaptchaEnterpriseService.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient GrpcClient { get; }

The underlying gRPC RecaptchaEnterpriseService client

Property Value
Type Description


public static ServiceMetadata ServiceMetadata { get; }

The service metadata associated with this client type.

Property Value
Type Description


AddIpOverride(AddIpOverrideRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual AddIpOverrideResponse AddIpOverride(AddIpOverrideRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Adds an IP override to a key. The following restrictions hold:

  • The maximum number of IP overrides per key is 100.
  • For any conflict (such as IP already exists or IP part of an existing IP range), an error is returned.
Name Description
request AddIpOverrideRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

The RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
AddIpOverrideRequest request = new AddIpOverrideRequest
    KeyName = KeyName.FromProjectKey("[PROJECT]", "[KEY]"),
    IpOverrideData = new IpOverrideData(),
// Make the request
AddIpOverrideResponse response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.AddIpOverride(request);

AddIpOverride(KeyName, IpOverrideData, CallSettings)

public virtual AddIpOverrideResponse AddIpOverride(KeyName name, IpOverrideData ipOverrideData, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Adds an IP override to a key. The following restrictions hold:

  • The maximum number of IP overrides per key is 100.
  • For any conflict (such as IP already exists or IP part of an existing IP range), an error is returned.
Name Description
name KeyName

Required. The name of the key to which the IP override is added, in the format projects/{project}/keys/{key}.

ipOverrideData IpOverrideData

Required. IP override added to the key.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

The RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
KeyName name = KeyName.FromProjectKey("[PROJECT]", "[KEY]");
IpOverrideData ipOverrideData = new IpOverrideData();
// Make the request
AddIpOverrideResponse response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.AddIpOverride(name, ipOverrideData);

AddIpOverride(string, IpOverrideData, CallSettings)

public virtual AddIpOverrideResponse AddIpOverride(string name, IpOverrideData ipOverrideData, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Adds an IP override to a key. The following restrictions hold:

  • The maximum number of IP overrides per key is 100.
  • For any conflict (such as IP already exists or IP part of an existing IP range), an error is returned.
Name Description
name string

Required. The name of the key to which the IP override is added, in the format projects/{project}/keys/{key}.

ipOverrideData IpOverrideData

Required. IP override added to the key.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

The RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string name = "projects/[PROJECT]/keys/[KEY]";
IpOverrideData ipOverrideData = new IpOverrideData();
// Make the request
AddIpOverrideResponse response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.AddIpOverride(name, ipOverrideData);

AddIpOverrideAsync(AddIpOverrideRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<AddIpOverrideResponse> AddIpOverrideAsync(AddIpOverrideRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Adds an IP override to a key. The following restrictions hold:

  • The maximum number of IP overrides per key is 100.
  • For any conflict (such as IP already exists or IP part of an existing IP range), an error is returned.
Name Description
request AddIpOverrideRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
AddIpOverrideRequest request = new AddIpOverrideRequest
    KeyName = KeyName.FromProjectKey("[PROJECT]", "[KEY]"),
    IpOverrideData = new IpOverrideData(),
// Make the request
AddIpOverrideResponse response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.AddIpOverrideAsync(request);

AddIpOverrideAsync(AddIpOverrideRequest, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<AddIpOverrideResponse> AddIpOverrideAsync(AddIpOverrideRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Adds an IP override to a key. The following restrictions hold:

  • The maximum number of IP overrides per key is 100.
  • For any conflict (such as IP already exists or IP part of an existing IP range), an error is returned.
Name Description
request AddIpOverrideRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
AddIpOverrideRequest request = new AddIpOverrideRequest
    KeyName = KeyName.FromProjectKey("[PROJECT]", "[KEY]"),
    IpOverrideData = new IpOverrideData(),
// Make the request
AddIpOverrideResponse response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.AddIpOverrideAsync(request);

AddIpOverrideAsync(KeyName, IpOverrideData, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<AddIpOverrideResponse> AddIpOverrideAsync(KeyName name, IpOverrideData ipOverrideData, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Adds an IP override to a key. The following restrictions hold:

  • The maximum number of IP overrides per key is 100.
  • For any conflict (such as IP already exists or IP part of an existing IP range), an error is returned.
Name Description
name KeyName

Required. The name of the key to which the IP override is added, in the format projects/{project}/keys/{key}.

ipOverrideData IpOverrideData

Required. IP override added to the key.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
KeyName name = KeyName.FromProjectKey("[PROJECT]", "[KEY]");
IpOverrideData ipOverrideData = new IpOverrideData();
// Make the request
AddIpOverrideResponse response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.AddIpOverrideAsync(name, ipOverrideData);

AddIpOverrideAsync(KeyName, IpOverrideData, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<AddIpOverrideResponse> AddIpOverrideAsync(KeyName name, IpOverrideData ipOverrideData, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Adds an IP override to a key. The following restrictions hold:

  • The maximum number of IP overrides per key is 100.
  • For any conflict (such as IP already exists or IP part of an existing IP range), an error is returned.
Name Description
name KeyName

Required. The name of the key to which the IP override is added, in the format projects/{project}/keys/{key}.

ipOverrideData IpOverrideData

Required. IP override added to the key.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
KeyName name = KeyName.FromProjectKey("[PROJECT]", "[KEY]");
IpOverrideData ipOverrideData = new IpOverrideData();
// Make the request
AddIpOverrideResponse response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.AddIpOverrideAsync(name, ipOverrideData);

AddIpOverrideAsync(string, IpOverrideData, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<AddIpOverrideResponse> AddIpOverrideAsync(string name, IpOverrideData ipOverrideData, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Adds an IP override to a key. The following restrictions hold:

  • The maximum number of IP overrides per key is 100.
  • For any conflict (such as IP already exists or IP part of an existing IP range), an error is returned.
Name Description
name string

Required. The name of the key to which the IP override is added, in the format projects/{project}/keys/{key}.

ipOverrideData IpOverrideData

Required. IP override added to the key.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string name = "projects/[PROJECT]/keys/[KEY]";
IpOverrideData ipOverrideData = new IpOverrideData();
// Make the request
AddIpOverrideResponse response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.AddIpOverrideAsync(name, ipOverrideData);

AddIpOverrideAsync(string, IpOverrideData, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<AddIpOverrideResponse> AddIpOverrideAsync(string name, IpOverrideData ipOverrideData, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Adds an IP override to a key. The following restrictions hold:

  • The maximum number of IP overrides per key is 100.
  • For any conflict (such as IP already exists or IP part of an existing IP range), an error is returned.
Name Description
name string

Required. The name of the key to which the IP override is added, in the format projects/{project}/keys/{key}.

ipOverrideData IpOverrideData

Required. IP override added to the key.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string name = "projects/[PROJECT]/keys/[KEY]";
IpOverrideData ipOverrideData = new IpOverrideData();
// Make the request
AddIpOverrideResponse response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.AddIpOverrideAsync(name, ipOverrideData);

AnnotateAssessment(AnnotateAssessmentRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual AnnotateAssessmentResponse AnnotateAssessment(AnnotateAssessmentRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Annotates a previously created Assessment to provide additional information on whether the event turned out to be authentic or fraudulent.

Name Description
request AnnotateAssessmentRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

The RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
AnnotateAssessmentRequest request = new AnnotateAssessmentRequest
    AssessmentName = AssessmentName.FromProjectAssessment("[PROJECT]", "[ASSESSMENT]"),
    Annotation = AnnotateAssessmentRequest.Types.Annotation.Unspecified,
    Reasons =
    HashedAccountId = ByteString.Empty,
    TransactionEvent = new TransactionEvent(),
    AccountId = "",
// Make the request
AnnotateAssessmentResponse response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.AnnotateAssessment(request);

AnnotateAssessment(AssessmentName, Annotation, CallSettings)

public virtual AnnotateAssessmentResponse AnnotateAssessment(AssessmentName name, AnnotateAssessmentRequest.Types.Annotation annotation, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Annotates a previously created Assessment to provide additional information on whether the event turned out to be authentic or fraudulent.

Name Description
name AssessmentName

Required. The resource name of the Assessment, in the format projects/{project}/assessments/{assessment}.

annotation AnnotateAssessmentRequestTypesAnnotation

Optional. The annotation that is assigned to the Event. This field can be left empty to provide reasons that apply to an event without concluding whether the event is legitimate or fraudulent.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

The RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
AssessmentName name = AssessmentName.FromProjectAssessment("[PROJECT]", "[ASSESSMENT]");
AnnotateAssessmentRequest.Types.Annotation annotation = AnnotateAssessmentRequest.Types.Annotation.Unspecified;
// Make the request
AnnotateAssessmentResponse response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.AnnotateAssessment(name, annotation);

AnnotateAssessment(string, Annotation, CallSettings)

public virtual AnnotateAssessmentResponse AnnotateAssessment(string name, AnnotateAssessmentRequest.Types.Annotation annotation, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Annotates a previously created Assessment to provide additional information on whether the event turned out to be authentic or fraudulent.

Name Description
name string

Required. The resource name of the Assessment, in the format projects/{project}/assessments/{assessment}.

annotation AnnotateAssessmentRequestTypesAnnotation

Optional. The annotation that is assigned to the Event. This field can be left empty to provide reasons that apply to an event without concluding whether the event is legitimate or fraudulent.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

The RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string name = "projects/[PROJECT]/assessments/[ASSESSMENT]";
AnnotateAssessmentRequest.Types.Annotation annotation = AnnotateAssessmentRequest.Types.Annotation.Unspecified;
// Make the request
AnnotateAssessmentResponse response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.AnnotateAssessment(name, annotation);

AnnotateAssessmentAsync(AnnotateAssessmentRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<AnnotateAssessmentResponse> AnnotateAssessmentAsync(AnnotateAssessmentRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Annotates a previously created Assessment to provide additional information on whether the event turned out to be authentic or fraudulent.

Name Description
request AnnotateAssessmentRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
AnnotateAssessmentRequest request = new AnnotateAssessmentRequest
    AssessmentName = AssessmentName.FromProjectAssessment("[PROJECT]", "[ASSESSMENT]"),
    Annotation = AnnotateAssessmentRequest.Types.Annotation.Unspecified,
    Reasons =
    HashedAccountId = ByteString.Empty,
    TransactionEvent = new TransactionEvent(),
    AccountId = "",
// Make the request
AnnotateAssessmentResponse response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.AnnotateAssessmentAsync(request);

AnnotateAssessmentAsync(AnnotateAssessmentRequest, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<AnnotateAssessmentResponse> AnnotateAssessmentAsync(AnnotateAssessmentRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Annotates a previously created Assessment to provide additional information on whether the event turned out to be authentic or fraudulent.

Name Description
request AnnotateAssessmentRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
AnnotateAssessmentRequest request = new AnnotateAssessmentRequest
    AssessmentName = AssessmentName.FromProjectAssessment("[PROJECT]", "[ASSESSMENT]"),
    Annotation = AnnotateAssessmentRequest.Types.Annotation.Unspecified,
    Reasons =
    HashedAccountId = ByteString.Empty,
    TransactionEvent = new TransactionEvent(),
    AccountId = "",
// Make the request
AnnotateAssessmentResponse response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.AnnotateAssessmentAsync(request);

AnnotateAssessmentAsync(AssessmentName, Annotation, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<AnnotateAssessmentResponse> AnnotateAssessmentAsync(AssessmentName name, AnnotateAssessmentRequest.Types.Annotation annotation, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Annotates a previously created Assessment to provide additional information on whether the event turned out to be authentic or fraudulent.

Name Description
name AssessmentName

Required. The resource name of the Assessment, in the format projects/{project}/assessments/{assessment}.

annotation AnnotateAssessmentRequestTypesAnnotation

Optional. The annotation that is assigned to the Event. This field can be left empty to provide reasons that apply to an event without concluding whether the event is legitimate or fraudulent.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
AssessmentName name = AssessmentName.FromProjectAssessment("[PROJECT]", "[ASSESSMENT]");
AnnotateAssessmentRequest.Types.Annotation annotation = AnnotateAssessmentRequest.Types.Annotation.Unspecified;
// Make the request
AnnotateAssessmentResponse response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.AnnotateAssessmentAsync(name, annotation);

AnnotateAssessmentAsync(AssessmentName, Annotation, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<AnnotateAssessmentResponse> AnnotateAssessmentAsync(AssessmentName name, AnnotateAssessmentRequest.Types.Annotation annotation, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Annotates a previously created Assessment to provide additional information on whether the event turned out to be authentic or fraudulent.

Name Description
name AssessmentName

Required. The resource name of the Assessment, in the format projects/{project}/assessments/{assessment}.

annotation AnnotateAssessmentRequestTypesAnnotation

Optional. The annotation that is assigned to the Event. This field can be left empty to provide reasons that apply to an event without concluding whether the event is legitimate or fraudulent.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
AssessmentName name = AssessmentName.FromProjectAssessment("[PROJECT]", "[ASSESSMENT]");
AnnotateAssessmentRequest.Types.Annotation annotation = AnnotateAssessmentRequest.Types.Annotation.Unspecified;
// Make the request
AnnotateAssessmentResponse response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.AnnotateAssessmentAsync(name, annotation);

AnnotateAssessmentAsync(string, Annotation, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<AnnotateAssessmentResponse> AnnotateAssessmentAsync(string name, AnnotateAssessmentRequest.Types.Annotation annotation, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Annotates a previously created Assessment to provide additional information on whether the event turned out to be authentic or fraudulent.

Name Description
name string

Required. The resource name of the Assessment, in the format projects/{project}/assessments/{assessment}.

annotation AnnotateAssessmentRequestTypesAnnotation

Optional. The annotation that is assigned to the Event. This field can be left empty to provide reasons that apply to an event without concluding whether the event is legitimate or fraudulent.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string name = "projects/[PROJECT]/assessments/[ASSESSMENT]";
AnnotateAssessmentRequest.Types.Annotation annotation = AnnotateAssessmentRequest.Types.Annotation.Unspecified;
// Make the request
AnnotateAssessmentResponse response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.AnnotateAssessmentAsync(name, annotation);

AnnotateAssessmentAsync(string, Annotation, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<AnnotateAssessmentResponse> AnnotateAssessmentAsync(string name, AnnotateAssessmentRequest.Types.Annotation annotation, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Annotates a previously created Assessment to provide additional information on whether the event turned out to be authentic or fraudulent.

Name Description
name string

Required. The resource name of the Assessment, in the format projects/{project}/assessments/{assessment}.

annotation AnnotateAssessmentRequestTypesAnnotation

Optional. The annotation that is assigned to the Event. This field can be left empty to provide reasons that apply to an event without concluding whether the event is legitimate or fraudulent.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string name = "projects/[PROJECT]/assessments/[ASSESSMENT]";
AnnotateAssessmentRequest.Types.Annotation annotation = AnnotateAssessmentRequest.Types.Annotation.Unspecified;
// Make the request
AnnotateAssessmentResponse response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.AnnotateAssessmentAsync(name, annotation);


public static RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient Create()

Synchronously creates a RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient using the default credentials, endpoint and settings. To specify custom credentials or other settings, use RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClientBuilder.

Type Description

The created RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.

CreateAssessment(ProjectName, Assessment, CallSettings)

public virtual Assessment CreateAssessment(ProjectName parent, Assessment assessment, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Creates an Assessment of the likelihood an event is legitimate.

Name Description
parent ProjectName

Required. The name of the project in which the assessment is created, in the format projects/{project}.

assessment Assessment

Required. The assessment details.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

The RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ProjectName parent = ProjectName.FromProject("[PROJECT]");
Assessment assessment = new Assessment();
// Make the request
Assessment response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAssessment(parent, assessment);

CreateAssessment(CreateAssessmentRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual Assessment CreateAssessment(CreateAssessmentRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Creates an Assessment of the likelihood an event is legitimate.

Name Description
request CreateAssessmentRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

The RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
CreateAssessmentRequest request = new CreateAssessmentRequest
    ParentAsProjectName = ProjectName.FromProject("[PROJECT]"),
    Assessment = new Assessment(),
// Make the request
Assessment response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAssessment(request);

CreateAssessment(string, Assessment, CallSettings)

public virtual Assessment CreateAssessment(string parent, Assessment assessment, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Creates an Assessment of the likelihood an event is legitimate.

Name Description
parent string

Required. The name of the project in which the assessment is created, in the format projects/{project}.

assessment Assessment

Required. The assessment details.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

The RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string parent = "projects/[PROJECT]";
Assessment assessment = new Assessment();
// Make the request
Assessment response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAssessment(parent, assessment);

CreateAssessmentAsync(ProjectName, Assessment, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<Assessment> CreateAssessmentAsync(ProjectName parent, Assessment assessment, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Creates an Assessment of the likelihood an event is legitimate.

Name Description
parent ProjectName

Required. The name of the project in which the assessment is created, in the format projects/{project}.

assessment Assessment

Required. The assessment details.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ProjectName parent = ProjectName.FromProject("[PROJECT]");
Assessment assessment = new Assessment();
// Make the request
Assessment response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAssessmentAsync(parent, assessment);

CreateAssessmentAsync(ProjectName, Assessment, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<Assessment> CreateAssessmentAsync(ProjectName parent, Assessment assessment, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Creates an Assessment of the likelihood an event is legitimate.

Name Description
parent ProjectName

Required. The name of the project in which the assessment is created, in the format projects/{project}.

assessment Assessment

Required. The assessment details.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ProjectName parent = ProjectName.FromProject("[PROJECT]");
Assessment assessment = new Assessment();
// Make the request
Assessment response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAssessmentAsync(parent, assessment);

CreateAssessmentAsync(CreateAssessmentRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<Assessment> CreateAssessmentAsync(CreateAssessmentRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Creates an Assessment of the likelihood an event is legitimate.

Name Description
request CreateAssessmentRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
CreateAssessmentRequest request = new CreateAssessmentRequest
    ParentAsProjectName = ProjectName.FromProject("[PROJECT]"),
    Assessment = new Assessment(),
// Make the request
Assessment response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAssessmentAsync(request);

CreateAssessmentAsync(CreateAssessmentRequest, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<Assessment> CreateAssessmentAsync(CreateAssessmentRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Creates an Assessment of the likelihood an event is legitimate.

Name Description
request CreateAssessmentRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
CreateAssessmentRequest request = new CreateAssessmentRequest
    ParentAsProjectName = ProjectName.FromProject("[PROJECT]"),
    Assessment = new Assessment(),
// Make the request
Assessment response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAssessmentAsync(request);

CreateAssessmentAsync(string, Assessment, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<Assessment> CreateAssessmentAsync(string parent, Assessment assessment, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Creates an Assessment of the likelihood an event is legitimate.

Name Description
parent string

Required. The name of the project in which the assessment is created, in the format projects/{project}.

assessment Assessment

Required. The assessment details.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string parent = "projects/[PROJECT]";
Assessment assessment = new Assessment();
// Make the request
Assessment response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAssessmentAsync(parent, assessment);

CreateAssessmentAsync(string, Assessment, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<Assessment> CreateAssessmentAsync(string parent, Assessment assessment, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Creates an Assessment of the likelihood an event is legitimate.

Name Description
parent string

Required. The name of the project in which the assessment is created, in the format projects/{project}.

assessment Assessment

Required. The assessment details.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string parent = "projects/[PROJECT]";
Assessment assessment = new Assessment();
// Make the request
Assessment response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAssessmentAsync(parent, assessment);


public static Task<RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient> CreateAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Asynchronously creates a RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient using the default credentials, endpoint and settings. To specify custom credentials or other settings, use RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClientBuilder.

Name Description
cancellationToken CancellationToken

The CancellationToken to use while creating the client.

Type Description

The task representing the created RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.

CreateFirewallPolicy(ProjectName, FirewallPolicy, CallSettings)

public virtual FirewallPolicy CreateFirewallPolicy(ProjectName parent, FirewallPolicy firewallPolicy, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Creates a new FirewallPolicy, specifying conditions at which reCAPTCHA Enterprise actions can be executed. A project may have a maximum of 1000 policies.

Name Description
parent ProjectName

Required. The name of the project this policy will apply to, in the format projects/{project}.

firewallPolicy FirewallPolicy

Required. Information to create the policy.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

The RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ProjectName parent = ProjectName.FromProject("[PROJECT]");
FirewallPolicy firewallPolicy = new FirewallPolicy();
// Make the request
FirewallPolicy response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateFirewallPolicy(parent, firewallPolicy);

CreateFirewallPolicy(CreateFirewallPolicyRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual FirewallPolicy CreateFirewallPolicy(CreateFirewallPolicyRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Creates a new FirewallPolicy, specifying conditions at which reCAPTCHA Enterprise actions can be executed. A project may have a maximum of 1000 policies.

Name Description
request CreateFirewallPolicyRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

The RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
CreateFirewallPolicyRequest request = new CreateFirewallPolicyRequest
    ParentAsProjectName = ProjectName.FromProject("[PROJECT]"),
    FirewallPolicy = new FirewallPolicy(),
// Make the request
FirewallPolicy response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateFirewallPolicy(request);

CreateFirewallPolicy(string, FirewallPolicy, CallSettings)

public virtual FirewallPolicy CreateFirewallPolicy(string parent, FirewallPolicy firewallPolicy, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Creates a new FirewallPolicy, specifying conditions at which reCAPTCHA Enterprise actions can be executed. A project may have a maximum of 1000 policies.

Name Description
parent string

Required. The name of the project this policy will apply to, in the format projects/{project}.

firewallPolicy FirewallPolicy

Required. Information to create the policy.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

The RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string parent = "projects/[PROJECT]";
FirewallPolicy firewallPolicy = new FirewallPolicy();
// Make the request
FirewallPolicy response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateFirewallPolicy(parent, firewallPolicy);

CreateFirewallPolicyAsync(ProjectName, FirewallPolicy, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<FirewallPolicy> CreateFirewallPolicyAsync(ProjectName parent, FirewallPolicy firewallPolicy, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Creates a new FirewallPolicy, specifying conditions at which reCAPTCHA Enterprise actions can be executed. A project may have a maximum of 1000 policies.

Name Description
parent ProjectName

Required. The name of the project this policy will apply to, in the format projects/{project}.

firewallPolicy FirewallPolicy

Required. Information to create the policy.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ProjectName parent = ProjectName.FromProject("[PROJECT]");
FirewallPolicy firewallPolicy = new FirewallPolicy();
// Make the request
FirewallPolicy response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateFirewallPolicyAsync(parent, firewallPolicy);

CreateFirewallPolicyAsync(ProjectName, FirewallPolicy, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<FirewallPolicy> CreateFirewallPolicyAsync(ProjectName parent, FirewallPolicy firewallPolicy, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Creates a new FirewallPolicy, specifying conditions at which reCAPTCHA Enterprise actions can be executed. A project may have a maximum of 1000 policies.

Name Description
parent ProjectName

Required. The name of the project this policy will apply to, in the format projects/{project}.

firewallPolicy FirewallPolicy

Required. Information to create the policy.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ProjectName parent = ProjectName.FromProject("[PROJECT]");
FirewallPolicy firewallPolicy = new FirewallPolicy();
// Make the request
FirewallPolicy response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateFirewallPolicyAsync(parent, firewallPolicy);

CreateFirewallPolicyAsync(CreateFirewallPolicyRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<FirewallPolicy> CreateFirewallPolicyAsync(CreateFirewallPolicyRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Creates a new FirewallPolicy, specifying conditions at which reCAPTCHA Enterprise actions can be executed. A project may have a maximum of 1000 policies.

Name Description
request CreateFirewallPolicyRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
CreateFirewallPolicyRequest request = new CreateFirewallPolicyRequest
    ParentAsProjectName = ProjectName.FromProject("[PROJECT]"),
    FirewallPolicy = new FirewallPolicy(),
// Make the request
FirewallPolicy response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateFirewallPolicyAsync(request);

CreateFirewallPolicyAsync(CreateFirewallPolicyRequest, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<FirewallPolicy> CreateFirewallPolicyAsync(CreateFirewallPolicyRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Creates a new FirewallPolicy, specifying conditions at which reCAPTCHA Enterprise actions can be executed. A project may have a maximum of 1000 policies.

Name Description
request CreateFirewallPolicyRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
CreateFirewallPolicyRequest request = new CreateFirewallPolicyRequest
    ParentAsProjectName = ProjectName.FromProject("[PROJECT]"),
    FirewallPolicy = new FirewallPolicy(),
// Make the request
FirewallPolicy response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateFirewallPolicyAsync(request);

CreateFirewallPolicyAsync(string, FirewallPolicy, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<FirewallPolicy> CreateFirewallPolicyAsync(string parent, FirewallPolicy firewallPolicy, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Creates a new FirewallPolicy, specifying conditions at which reCAPTCHA Enterprise actions can be executed. A project may have a maximum of 1000 policies.

Name Description
parent string

Required. The name of the project this policy will apply to, in the format projects/{project}.

firewallPolicy FirewallPolicy

Required. Information to create the policy.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string parent = "projects/[PROJECT]";
FirewallPolicy firewallPolicy = new FirewallPolicy();
// Make the request
FirewallPolicy response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateFirewallPolicyAsync(parent, firewallPolicy);

CreateFirewallPolicyAsync(string, FirewallPolicy, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<FirewallPolicy> CreateFirewallPolicyAsync(string parent, FirewallPolicy firewallPolicy, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Creates a new FirewallPolicy, specifying conditions at which reCAPTCHA Enterprise actions can be executed. A project may have a maximum of 1000 policies.

Name Description
parent string

Required. The name of the project this policy will apply to, in the format projects/{project}.

firewallPolicy FirewallPolicy

Required. Information to create the policy.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string parent = "projects/[PROJECT]";
FirewallPolicy firewallPolicy = new FirewallPolicy();
// Make the request
FirewallPolicy response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateFirewallPolicyAsync(parent, firewallPolicy);

CreateKey(ProjectName, Key, CallSettings)

public virtual Key CreateKey(ProjectName parent, Key key, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Creates a new reCAPTCHA Enterprise key.

Name Description
parent ProjectName

Required. The name of the project in which the key is created, in the format projects/{project}.

key Key

Required. Information to create a reCAPTCHA Enterprise key.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

The RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ProjectName parent = ProjectName.FromProject("[PROJECT]");
Key key = new Key();
// Make the request
Key response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateKey(parent, key);

CreateKey(CreateKeyRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual Key CreateKey(CreateKeyRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Creates a new reCAPTCHA Enterprise key.

Name Description
request CreateKeyRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

The RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
CreateKeyRequest request = new CreateKeyRequest
    ParentAsProjectName = ProjectName.FromProject("[PROJECT]"),
    Key = new Key(),
// Make the request
Key response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateKey(request);

CreateKey(string, Key, CallSettings)

public virtual Key CreateKey(string parent, Key key, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Creates a new reCAPTCHA Enterprise key.

Name Description
parent string

Required. The name of the project in which the key is created, in the format projects/{project}.

key Key

Required. Information to create a reCAPTCHA Enterprise key.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

The RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string parent = "projects/[PROJECT]";
Key key = new Key();
// Make the request
Key response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateKey(parent, key);

CreateKeyAsync(ProjectName, Key, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<Key> CreateKeyAsync(ProjectName parent, Key key, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Creates a new reCAPTCHA Enterprise key.

Name Description
parent ProjectName

Required. The name of the project in which the key is created, in the format projects/{project}.

key Key

Required. Information to create a reCAPTCHA Enterprise key.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ProjectName parent = ProjectName.FromProject("[PROJECT]");
Key key = new Key();
// Make the request
Key response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateKeyAsync(parent, key);

CreateKeyAsync(ProjectName, Key, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<Key> CreateKeyAsync(ProjectName parent, Key key, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Creates a new reCAPTCHA Enterprise key.

Name Description
parent ProjectName

Required. The name of the project in which the key is created, in the format projects/{project}.

key Key

Required. Information to create a reCAPTCHA Enterprise key.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ProjectName parent = ProjectName.FromProject("[PROJECT]");
Key key = new Key();
// Make the request
Key response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateKeyAsync(parent, key);

CreateKeyAsync(CreateKeyRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<Key> CreateKeyAsync(CreateKeyRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Creates a new reCAPTCHA Enterprise key.

Name Description
request CreateKeyRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
CreateKeyRequest request = new CreateKeyRequest
    ParentAsProjectName = ProjectName.FromProject("[PROJECT]"),
    Key = new Key(),
// Make the request
Key response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateKeyAsync(request);

CreateKeyAsync(CreateKeyRequest, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<Key> CreateKeyAsync(CreateKeyRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Creates a new reCAPTCHA Enterprise key.

Name Description
request CreateKeyRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
CreateKeyRequest request = new CreateKeyRequest
    ParentAsProjectName = ProjectName.FromProject("[PROJECT]"),
    Key = new Key(),
// Make the request
Key response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateKeyAsync(request);

CreateKeyAsync(string, Key, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<Key> CreateKeyAsync(string parent, Key key, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Creates a new reCAPTCHA Enterprise key.

Name Description
parent string

Required. The name of the project in which the key is created, in the format projects/{project}.

key Key

Required. Information to create a reCAPTCHA Enterprise key.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string parent = "projects/[PROJECT]";
Key key = new Key();
// Make the request
Key response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateKeyAsync(parent, key);

CreateKeyAsync(string, Key, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<Key> CreateKeyAsync(string parent, Key key, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Creates a new reCAPTCHA Enterprise key.

Name Description
parent string

Required. The name of the project in which the key is created, in the format projects/{project}.

key Key

Required. Information to create a reCAPTCHA Enterprise key.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string parent = "projects/[PROJECT]";
Key key = new Key();
// Make the request
Key response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateKeyAsync(parent, key);

DeleteFirewallPolicy(DeleteFirewallPolicyRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual void DeleteFirewallPolicy(DeleteFirewallPolicyRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Deletes the specified firewall policy.

Name Description
request DeleteFirewallPolicyRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
DeleteFirewallPolicyRequest request = new DeleteFirewallPolicyRequest
    FirewallPolicyName = FirewallPolicyName.FromProjectFirewallpolicy("[PROJECT]", "[FIREWALLPOLICY]"),
// Make the request

DeleteFirewallPolicy(FirewallPolicyName, CallSettings)

public virtual void DeleteFirewallPolicy(FirewallPolicyName name, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Deletes the specified firewall policy.

Name Description
name FirewallPolicyName

Required. The name of the policy to be deleted, in the format projects/{project}/firewallpolicies/{firewallpolicy}.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
FirewallPolicyName name = FirewallPolicyName.FromProjectFirewallpolicy("[PROJECT]", "[FIREWALLPOLICY]");
// Make the request

DeleteFirewallPolicy(string, CallSettings)

public virtual void DeleteFirewallPolicy(string name, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Deletes the specified firewall policy.

Name Description
name string

Required. The name of the policy to be deleted, in the format projects/{project}/firewallpolicies/{firewallpolicy}.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string name = "projects/[PROJECT]/firewallpolicies/[FIREWALLPOLICY]";
// Make the request

DeleteFirewallPolicyAsync(DeleteFirewallPolicyRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual Task DeleteFirewallPolicyAsync(DeleteFirewallPolicyRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Deletes the specified firewall policy.

Name Description
request DeleteFirewallPolicyRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
DeleteFirewallPolicyRequest request = new DeleteFirewallPolicyRequest
    FirewallPolicyName = FirewallPolicyName.FromProjectFirewallpolicy("[PROJECT]", "[FIREWALLPOLICY]"),
// Make the request
await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.DeleteFirewallPolicyAsync(request);

DeleteFirewallPolicyAsync(DeleteFirewallPolicyRequest, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task DeleteFirewallPolicyAsync(DeleteFirewallPolicyRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Deletes the specified firewall policy.

Name Description
request DeleteFirewallPolicyRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
DeleteFirewallPolicyRequest request = new DeleteFirewallPolicyRequest
    FirewallPolicyName = FirewallPolicyName.FromProjectFirewallpolicy("[PROJECT]", "[FIREWALLPOLICY]"),
// Make the request
await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.DeleteFirewallPolicyAsync(request);

DeleteFirewallPolicyAsync(FirewallPolicyName, CallSettings)

public virtual Task DeleteFirewallPolicyAsync(FirewallPolicyName name, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Deletes the specified firewall policy.

Name Description
name FirewallPolicyName

Required. The name of the policy to be deleted, in the format projects/{project}/firewallpolicies/{firewallpolicy}.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
FirewallPolicyName name = FirewallPolicyName.FromProjectFirewallpolicy("[PROJECT]", "[FIREWALLPOLICY]");
// Make the request
await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.DeleteFirewallPolicyAsync(name);

DeleteFirewallPolicyAsync(FirewallPolicyName, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task DeleteFirewallPolicyAsync(FirewallPolicyName name, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Deletes the specified firewall policy.

Name Description
name FirewallPolicyName

Required. The name of the policy to be deleted, in the format projects/{project}/firewallpolicies/{firewallpolicy}.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
FirewallPolicyName name = FirewallPolicyName.FromProjectFirewallpolicy("[PROJECT]", "[FIREWALLPOLICY]");
// Make the request
await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.DeleteFirewallPolicyAsync(name);

DeleteFirewallPolicyAsync(string, CallSettings)

public virtual Task DeleteFirewallPolicyAsync(string name, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Deletes the specified firewall policy.

Name Description
name string

Required. The name of the policy to be deleted, in the format projects/{project}/firewallpolicies/{firewallpolicy}.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string name = "projects/[PROJECT]/firewallpolicies/[FIREWALLPOLICY]";
// Make the request
await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.DeleteFirewallPolicyAsync(name);

DeleteFirewallPolicyAsync(string, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task DeleteFirewallPolicyAsync(string name, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Deletes the specified firewall policy.

Name Description
name string

Required. The name of the policy to be deleted, in the format projects/{project}/firewallpolicies/{firewallpolicy}.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string name = "projects/[PROJECT]/firewallpolicies/[FIREWALLPOLICY]";
// Make the request
await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.DeleteFirewallPolicyAsync(name);

DeleteKey(DeleteKeyRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual void DeleteKey(DeleteKeyRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Deletes the specified key.

Name Description
request DeleteKeyRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
DeleteKeyRequest request = new DeleteKeyRequest
    KeyName = KeyName.FromProjectKey("[PROJECT]", "[KEY]"),
// Make the request

DeleteKey(KeyName, CallSettings)

public virtual void DeleteKey(KeyName name, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Deletes the specified key.

Name Description
name KeyName

Required. The name of the key to be deleted, in the format projects/{project}/keys/{key}.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
KeyName name = KeyName.FromProjectKey("[PROJECT]", "[KEY]");
// Make the request

DeleteKey(string, CallSettings)

public virtual void DeleteKey(string name, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Deletes the specified key.

Name Description
name string

Required. The name of the key to be deleted, in the format projects/{project}/keys/{key}.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string name = "projects/[PROJECT]/keys/[KEY]";
// Make the request

DeleteKeyAsync(DeleteKeyRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual Task DeleteKeyAsync(DeleteKeyRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Deletes the specified key.

Name Description
request DeleteKeyRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
DeleteKeyRequest request = new DeleteKeyRequest
    KeyName = KeyName.FromProjectKey("[PROJECT]", "[KEY]"),
// Make the request
await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.DeleteKeyAsync(request);

DeleteKeyAsync(DeleteKeyRequest, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task DeleteKeyAsync(DeleteKeyRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Deletes the specified key.

Name Description
request DeleteKeyRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
DeleteKeyRequest request = new DeleteKeyRequest
    KeyName = KeyName.FromProjectKey("[PROJECT]", "[KEY]"),
// Make the request
await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.DeleteKeyAsync(request);

DeleteKeyAsync(KeyName, CallSettings)

public virtual Task DeleteKeyAsync(KeyName name, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Deletes the specified key.

Name Description
name KeyName

Required. The name of the key to be deleted, in the format projects/{project}/keys/{key}.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
KeyName name = KeyName.FromProjectKey("[PROJECT]", "[KEY]");
// Make the request
await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.DeleteKeyAsync(name);

DeleteKeyAsync(KeyName, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task DeleteKeyAsync(KeyName name, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Deletes the specified key.

Name Description
name KeyName

Required. The name of the key to be deleted, in the format projects/{project}/keys/{key}.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
KeyName name = KeyName.FromProjectKey("[PROJECT]", "[KEY]");
// Make the request
await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.DeleteKeyAsync(name);

DeleteKeyAsync(string, CallSettings)

public virtual Task DeleteKeyAsync(string name, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Deletes the specified key.

Name Description
name string

Required. The name of the key to be deleted, in the format projects/{project}/keys/{key}.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string name = "projects/[PROJECT]/keys/[KEY]";
// Make the request
await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.DeleteKeyAsync(name);

DeleteKeyAsync(string, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task DeleteKeyAsync(string name, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Deletes the specified key.

Name Description
name string

Required. The name of the key to be deleted, in the format projects/{project}/keys/{key}.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string name = "projects/[PROJECT]/keys/[KEY]";
// Make the request
await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.DeleteKeyAsync(name);

GetFirewallPolicy(FirewallPolicyName, CallSettings)

public virtual FirewallPolicy GetFirewallPolicy(FirewallPolicyName name, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Returns the specified firewall policy.

Name Description
name FirewallPolicyName

Required. The name of the requested policy, in the format projects/{project}/firewallpolicies/{firewallpolicy}.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

The RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
FirewallPolicyName name = FirewallPolicyName.FromProjectFirewallpolicy("[PROJECT]", "[FIREWALLPOLICY]");
// Make the request
FirewallPolicy response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.GetFirewallPolicy(name);

GetFirewallPolicy(GetFirewallPolicyRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual FirewallPolicy GetFirewallPolicy(GetFirewallPolicyRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Returns the specified firewall policy.

Name Description
request GetFirewallPolicyRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

The RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
GetFirewallPolicyRequest request = new GetFirewallPolicyRequest
    FirewallPolicyName = FirewallPolicyName.FromProjectFirewallpolicy("[PROJECT]", "[FIREWALLPOLICY]"),
// Make the request
FirewallPolicy response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.GetFirewallPolicy(request);

GetFirewallPolicy(string, CallSettings)

public virtual FirewallPolicy GetFirewallPolicy(string name, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Returns the specified firewall policy.

Name Description
name string

Required. The name of the requested policy, in the format projects/{project}/firewallpolicies/{firewallpolicy}.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

The RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string name = "projects/[PROJECT]/firewallpolicies/[FIREWALLPOLICY]";
// Make the request
FirewallPolicy response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.GetFirewallPolicy(name);

GetFirewallPolicyAsync(FirewallPolicyName, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<FirewallPolicy> GetFirewallPolicyAsync(FirewallPolicyName name, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Returns the specified firewall policy.

Name Description
name FirewallPolicyName

Required. The name of the requested policy, in the format projects/{project}/firewallpolicies/{firewallpolicy}.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
FirewallPolicyName name = FirewallPolicyName.FromProjectFirewallpolicy("[PROJECT]", "[FIREWALLPOLICY]");
// Make the request
FirewallPolicy response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.GetFirewallPolicyAsync(name);

GetFirewallPolicyAsync(FirewallPolicyName, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<FirewallPolicy> GetFirewallPolicyAsync(FirewallPolicyName name, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Returns the specified firewall policy.

Name Description
name FirewallPolicyName

Required. The name of the requested policy, in the format projects/{project}/firewallpolicies/{firewallpolicy}.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
FirewallPolicyName name = FirewallPolicyName.FromProjectFirewallpolicy("[PROJECT]", "[FIREWALLPOLICY]");
// Make the request
FirewallPolicy response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.GetFirewallPolicyAsync(name);

GetFirewallPolicyAsync(GetFirewallPolicyRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<FirewallPolicy> GetFirewallPolicyAsync(GetFirewallPolicyRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Returns the specified firewall policy.

Name Description
request GetFirewallPolicyRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
GetFirewallPolicyRequest request = new GetFirewallPolicyRequest
    FirewallPolicyName = FirewallPolicyName.FromProjectFirewallpolicy("[PROJECT]", "[FIREWALLPOLICY]"),
// Make the request
FirewallPolicy response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.GetFirewallPolicyAsync(request);

GetFirewallPolicyAsync(GetFirewallPolicyRequest, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<FirewallPolicy> GetFirewallPolicyAsync(GetFirewallPolicyRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Returns the specified firewall policy.

Name Description
request GetFirewallPolicyRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
GetFirewallPolicyRequest request = new GetFirewallPolicyRequest
    FirewallPolicyName = FirewallPolicyName.FromProjectFirewallpolicy("[PROJECT]", "[FIREWALLPOLICY]"),
// Make the request
FirewallPolicy response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.GetFirewallPolicyAsync(request);

GetFirewallPolicyAsync(string, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<FirewallPolicy> GetFirewallPolicyAsync(string name, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Returns the specified firewall policy.

Name Description
name string

Required. The name of the requested policy, in the format projects/{project}/firewallpolicies/{firewallpolicy}.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string name = "projects/[PROJECT]/firewallpolicies/[FIREWALLPOLICY]";
// Make the request
FirewallPolicy response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.GetFirewallPolicyAsync(name);

GetFirewallPolicyAsync(string, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<FirewallPolicy> GetFirewallPolicyAsync(string name, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Returns the specified firewall policy.

Name Description
name string

Required. The name of the requested policy, in the format projects/{project}/firewallpolicies/{firewallpolicy}.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string name = "projects/[PROJECT]/firewallpolicies/[FIREWALLPOLICY]";
// Make the request
FirewallPolicy response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.GetFirewallPolicyAsync(name);

GetKey(GetKeyRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual Key GetKey(GetKeyRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Returns the specified key.

Name Description
request GetKeyRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

The RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
GetKeyRequest request = new GetKeyRequest
    KeyName = KeyName.FromProjectKey("[PROJECT]", "[KEY]"),
// Make the request
Key response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.GetKey(request);

GetKey(KeyName, CallSettings)

public virtual Key GetKey(KeyName name, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Returns the specified key.

Name Description
name KeyName

Required. The name of the requested key, in the format projects/{project}/keys/{key}.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

The RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
KeyName name = KeyName.FromProjectKey("[PROJECT]", "[KEY]");
// Make the request
Key response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.GetKey(name);

GetKey(string, CallSettings)

public virtual Key GetKey(string name, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Returns the specified key.

Name Description
name string

Required. The name of the requested key, in the format projects/{project}/keys/{key}.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

The RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string name = "projects/[PROJECT]/keys/[KEY]";
// Make the request
Key response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.GetKey(name);

GetKeyAsync(GetKeyRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<Key> GetKeyAsync(GetKeyRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Returns the specified key.

Name Description
request GetKeyRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
GetKeyRequest request = new GetKeyRequest
    KeyName = KeyName.FromProjectKey("[PROJECT]", "[KEY]"),
// Make the request
Key response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.GetKeyAsync(request);

GetKeyAsync(GetKeyRequest, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<Key> GetKeyAsync(GetKeyRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Returns the specified key.

Name Description
request GetKeyRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
GetKeyRequest request = new GetKeyRequest
    KeyName = KeyName.FromProjectKey("[PROJECT]", "[KEY]"),
// Make the request
Key response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.GetKeyAsync(request);

GetKeyAsync(KeyName, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<Key> GetKeyAsync(KeyName name, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Returns the specified key.

Name Description
name KeyName

Required. The name of the requested key, in the format projects/{project}/keys/{key}.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
KeyName name = KeyName.FromProjectKey("[PROJECT]", "[KEY]");
// Make the request
Key response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.GetKeyAsync(name);

GetKeyAsync(KeyName, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<Key> GetKeyAsync(KeyName name, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Returns the specified key.

Name Description
name KeyName

Required. The name of the requested key, in the format projects/{project}/keys/{key}.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
KeyName name = KeyName.FromProjectKey("[PROJECT]", "[KEY]");
// Make the request
Key response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.GetKeyAsync(name);

GetKeyAsync(string, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<Key> GetKeyAsync(string name, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Returns the specified key.

Name Description
name string

Required. The name of the requested key, in the format projects/{project}/keys/{key}.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string name = "projects/[PROJECT]/keys/[KEY]";
// Make the request
Key response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.GetKeyAsync(name);

GetKeyAsync(string, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<Key> GetKeyAsync(string name, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Returns the specified key.

Name Description
name string

Required. The name of the requested key, in the format projects/{project}/keys/{key}.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string name = "projects/[PROJECT]/keys/[KEY]";
// Make the request
Key response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.GetKeyAsync(name);

GetMetrics(GetMetricsRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual Metrics GetMetrics(GetMetricsRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Get some aggregated metrics for a Key. This data can be used to build dashboards.

Name Description
request GetMetricsRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

The RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
GetMetricsRequest request = new GetMetricsRequest
    MetricsName = MetricsName.FromProjectKey("[PROJECT]", "[KEY]"),
// Make the request
Metrics response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.GetMetrics(request);

GetMetrics(MetricsName, CallSettings)

public virtual Metrics GetMetrics(MetricsName name, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Get some aggregated metrics for a Key. This data can be used to build dashboards.

Name Description
name MetricsName

Required. The name of the requested metrics, in the format projects/{project}/keys/{key}/metrics.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

The RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
MetricsName name = MetricsName.FromProjectKey("[PROJECT]", "[KEY]");
// Make the request
Metrics response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.GetMetrics(name);

GetMetrics(string, CallSettings)

public virtual Metrics GetMetrics(string name, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Get some aggregated metrics for a Key. This data can be used to build dashboards.

Name Description
name string

Required. The name of the requested metrics, in the format projects/{project}/keys/{key}/metrics.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

The RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string name = "projects/[PROJECT]/keys/[KEY]/metrics";
// Make the request
Metrics response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.GetMetrics(name);

GetMetricsAsync(GetMetricsRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<Metrics> GetMetricsAsync(GetMetricsRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Get some aggregated metrics for a Key. This data can be used to build dashboards.

Name Description
request GetMetricsRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
GetMetricsRequest request = new GetMetricsRequest
    MetricsName = MetricsName.FromProjectKey("[PROJECT]", "[KEY]"),
// Make the request
Metrics response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.GetMetricsAsync(request);

GetMetricsAsync(GetMetricsRequest, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<Metrics> GetMetricsAsync(GetMetricsRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Get some aggregated metrics for a Key. This data can be used to build dashboards.

Name Description
request GetMetricsRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
GetMetricsRequest request = new GetMetricsRequest
    MetricsName = MetricsName.FromProjectKey("[PROJECT]", "[KEY]"),
// Make the request
Metrics response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.GetMetricsAsync(request);

GetMetricsAsync(MetricsName, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<Metrics> GetMetricsAsync(MetricsName name, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Get some aggregated metrics for a Key. This data can be used to build dashboards.

Name Description
name MetricsName

Required. The name of the requested metrics, in the format projects/{project}/keys/{key}/metrics.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
MetricsName name = MetricsName.FromProjectKey("[PROJECT]", "[KEY]");
// Make the request
Metrics response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.GetMetricsAsync(name);

GetMetricsAsync(MetricsName, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<Metrics> GetMetricsAsync(MetricsName name, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Get some aggregated metrics for a Key. This data can be used to build dashboards.

Name Description
name MetricsName

Required. The name of the requested metrics, in the format projects/{project}/keys/{key}/metrics.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
MetricsName name = MetricsName.FromProjectKey("[PROJECT]", "[KEY]");
// Make the request
Metrics response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.GetMetricsAsync(name);

GetMetricsAsync(string, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<Metrics> GetMetricsAsync(string name, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Get some aggregated metrics for a Key. This data can be used to build dashboards.

Name Description
name string

Required. The name of the requested metrics, in the format projects/{project}/keys/{key}/metrics.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string name = "projects/[PROJECT]/keys/[KEY]/metrics";
// Make the request
Metrics response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.GetMetricsAsync(name);

GetMetricsAsync(string, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<Metrics> GetMetricsAsync(string name, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Get some aggregated metrics for a Key. This data can be used to build dashboards.

Name Description
name string

Required. The name of the requested metrics, in the format projects/{project}/keys/{key}/metrics.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string name = "projects/[PROJECT]/keys/[KEY]/metrics";
// Make the request
Metrics response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.GetMetricsAsync(name);

ListFirewallPolicies(ProjectName, string, int?, CallSettings)

public virtual PagedEnumerable<ListFirewallPoliciesResponse, FirewallPolicy> ListFirewallPolicies(ProjectName parent, string pageToken = null, int? pageSize = null, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Returns the list of all firewall policies that belong to a project.

Name Description
parent ProjectName

Required. The name of the project to list the policies for, in the format projects/{project}.

pageToken string

The token returned from the previous request. A value of null or an empty string retrieves the first page.

pageSize int

The size of page to request. The response will not be larger than this, but may be smaller. A value of null or 0 uses a server-defined page size.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A pageable sequence of FirewallPolicy resources.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ProjectName parent = ProjectName.FromProject("[PROJECT]");
// Make the request
PagedEnumerable<ListFirewallPoliciesResponse, FirewallPolicy> response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.ListFirewallPolicies(parent);

// Iterate over all response items, lazily performing RPCs as required
foreach (FirewallPolicy item in response)
    // Do something with each item

// Or iterate over pages (of server-defined size), performing one RPC per page
foreach (ListFirewallPoliciesResponse page in response.AsRawResponses())
    // Do something with each page of items
    Console.WriteLine("A page of results:");
    foreach (FirewallPolicy item in page)
        // Do something with each item

// Or retrieve a single page of known size (unless it's the final page), performing as many RPCs as required
int pageSize = 10;
Page<FirewallPolicy> singlePage = response.ReadPage(pageSize);
// Do something with the page of items
Console.WriteLine($"A page of {pageSize} results (unless it's the final page):");
foreach (FirewallPolicy item in singlePage)
    // Do something with each item
// Store the pageToken, for when the next page is required.
string nextPageToken = singlePage.NextPageToken;

ListFirewallPolicies(ListFirewallPoliciesRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual PagedEnumerable<ListFirewallPoliciesResponse, FirewallPolicy> ListFirewallPolicies(ListFirewallPoliciesRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Returns the list of all firewall policies that belong to a project.

Name Description
request ListFirewallPoliciesRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A pageable sequence of FirewallPolicy resources.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ListFirewallPoliciesRequest request = new ListFirewallPoliciesRequest
    ParentAsProjectName = ProjectName.FromProject("[PROJECT]"),
// Make the request
PagedEnumerable<ListFirewallPoliciesResponse, FirewallPolicy> response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.ListFirewallPolicies(request);

// Iterate over all response items, lazily performing RPCs as required
foreach (FirewallPolicy item in response)
    // Do something with each item

// Or iterate over pages (of server-defined size), performing one RPC per page
foreach (ListFirewallPoliciesResponse page in response.AsRawResponses())
    // Do something with each page of items
    Console.WriteLine("A page of results:");
    foreach (FirewallPolicy item in page)
        // Do something with each item

// Or retrieve a single page of known size (unless it's the final page), performing as many RPCs as required
int pageSize = 10;
Page<FirewallPolicy> singlePage = response.ReadPage(pageSize);
// Do something with the page of items
Console.WriteLine($"A page of {pageSize} results (unless it's the final page):");
foreach (FirewallPolicy item in singlePage)
    // Do something with each item
// Store the pageToken, for when the next page is required.
string nextPageToken = singlePage.NextPageToken;

ListFirewallPolicies(string, string, int?, CallSettings)

public virtual PagedEnumerable<ListFirewallPoliciesResponse, FirewallPolicy> ListFirewallPolicies(string parent, string pageToken = null, int? pageSize = null, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Returns the list of all firewall policies that belong to a project.

Name Description
parent string

Required. The name of the project to list the policies for, in the format projects/{project}.

pageToken string

The token returned from the previous request. A value of null or an empty string retrieves the first page.

pageSize int

The size of page to request. The response will not be larger than this, but may be smaller. A value of null or 0 uses a server-defined page size.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A pageable sequence of FirewallPolicy resources.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string parent = "projects/[PROJECT]";
// Make the request
PagedEnumerable<ListFirewallPoliciesResponse, FirewallPolicy> response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.ListFirewallPolicies(parent);

// Iterate over all response items, lazily performing RPCs as required
foreach (FirewallPolicy item in response)
    // Do something with each item

// Or iterate over pages (of server-defined size), performing one RPC per page
foreach (ListFirewallPoliciesResponse page in response.AsRawResponses())
    // Do something with each page of items
    Console.WriteLine("A page of results:");
    foreach (FirewallPolicy item in page)
        // Do something with each item

// Or retrieve a single page of known size (unless it's the final page), performing as many RPCs as required
int pageSize = 10;
Page<FirewallPolicy> singlePage = response.ReadPage(pageSize);
// Do something with the page of items
Console.WriteLine($"A page of {pageSize} results (unless it's the final page):");
foreach (FirewallPolicy item in singlePage)
    // Do something with each item
// Store the pageToken, for when the next page is required.
string nextPageToken = singlePage.NextPageToken;

ListFirewallPoliciesAsync(ProjectName, string, int?, CallSettings)

public virtual PagedAsyncEnumerable<ListFirewallPoliciesResponse, FirewallPolicy> ListFirewallPoliciesAsync(ProjectName parent, string pageToken = null, int? pageSize = null, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Returns the list of all firewall policies that belong to a project.

Name Description
parent ProjectName

Required. The name of the project to list the policies for, in the format projects/{project}.

pageToken string

The token returned from the previous request. A value of null or an empty string retrieves the first page.

pageSize int

The size of page to request. The response will not be larger than this, but may be smaller. A value of null or 0 uses a server-defined page size.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A pageable asynchronous sequence of FirewallPolicy resources.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ProjectName parent = ProjectName.FromProject("[PROJECT]");
// Make the request
PagedAsyncEnumerable<ListFirewallPoliciesResponse, FirewallPolicy> response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.ListFirewallPoliciesAsync(parent);

// Iterate over all response items, lazily performing RPCs as required
await response.ForEachAsync((FirewallPolicy item) =>
    // Do something with each item

// Or iterate over pages (of server-defined size), performing one RPC per page
await response.AsRawResponses().ForEachAsync((ListFirewallPoliciesResponse page) =>
    // Do something with each page of items
    Console.WriteLine("A page of results:");
    foreach (FirewallPolicy item in page)
        // Do something with each item

// Or retrieve a single page of known size (unless it's the final page), performing as many RPCs as required
int pageSize = 10;
Page<FirewallPolicy> singlePage = await response.ReadPageAsync(pageSize);
// Do something with the page of items
Console.WriteLine($"A page of {pageSize} results (unless it's the final page):");
foreach (FirewallPolicy item in singlePage)
    // Do something with each item
// Store the pageToken, for when the next page is required.
string nextPageToken = singlePage.NextPageToken;

ListFirewallPoliciesAsync(ListFirewallPoliciesRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual PagedAsyncEnumerable<ListFirewallPoliciesResponse, FirewallPolicy> ListFirewallPoliciesAsync(ListFirewallPoliciesRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Returns the list of all firewall policies that belong to a project.

Name Description
request ListFirewallPoliciesRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A pageable asynchronous sequence of FirewallPolicy resources.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ListFirewallPoliciesRequest request = new ListFirewallPoliciesRequest
    ParentAsProjectName = ProjectName.FromProject("[PROJECT]"),
// Make the request
PagedAsyncEnumerable<ListFirewallPoliciesResponse, FirewallPolicy> response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.ListFirewallPoliciesAsync(request);

// Iterate over all response items, lazily performing RPCs as required
await response.ForEachAsync((FirewallPolicy item) =>
    // Do something with each item

// Or iterate over pages (of server-defined size), performing one RPC per page
await response.AsRawResponses().ForEachAsync((ListFirewallPoliciesResponse page) =>
    // Do something with each page of items
    Console.WriteLine("A page of results:");
    foreach (FirewallPolicy item in page)
        // Do something with each item

// Or retrieve a single page of known size (unless it's the final page), performing as many RPCs as required
int pageSize = 10;
Page<FirewallPolicy> singlePage = await response.ReadPageAsync(pageSize);
// Do something with the page of items
Console.WriteLine($"A page of {pageSize} results (unless it's the final page):");
foreach (FirewallPolicy item in singlePage)
    // Do something with each item
// Store the pageToken, for when the next page is required.
string nextPageToken = singlePage.NextPageToken;

ListFirewallPoliciesAsync(string, string, int?, CallSettings)

public virtual PagedAsyncEnumerable<ListFirewallPoliciesResponse, FirewallPolicy> ListFirewallPoliciesAsync(string parent, string pageToken = null, int? pageSize = null, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Returns the list of all firewall policies that belong to a project.

Name Description
parent string

Required. The name of the project to list the policies for, in the format projects/{project}.

pageToken string

The token returned from the previous request. A value of null or an empty string retrieves the first page.

pageSize int

The size of page to request. The response will not be larger than this, but may be smaller. A value of null or 0 uses a server-defined page size.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A pageable asynchronous sequence of FirewallPolicy resources.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string parent = "projects/[PROJECT]";
// Make the request
PagedAsyncEnumerable<ListFirewallPoliciesResponse, FirewallPolicy> response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.ListFirewallPoliciesAsync(parent);

// Iterate over all response items, lazily performing RPCs as required
await response.ForEachAsync((FirewallPolicy item) =>
    // Do something with each item

// Or iterate over pages (of server-defined size), performing one RPC per page
await response.AsRawResponses().ForEachAsync((ListFirewallPoliciesResponse page) =>
    // Do something with each page of items
    Console.WriteLine("A page of results:");
    foreach (FirewallPolicy item in page)
        // Do something with each item

// Or retrieve a single page of known size (unless it's the final page), performing as many RPCs as required
int pageSize = 10;
Page<FirewallPolicy> singlePage = await response.ReadPageAsync(pageSize);
// Do something with the page of items
Console.WriteLine($"A page of {pageSize} results (unless it's the final page):");
foreach (FirewallPolicy item in singlePage)
    // Do something with each item
// Store the pageToken, for when the next page is required.
string nextPageToken = singlePage.NextPageToken;

ListKeys(ProjectName, string, int?, CallSettings)

public virtual PagedEnumerable<ListKeysResponse, Key> ListKeys(ProjectName parent, string pageToken = null, int? pageSize = null, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Returns the list of all keys that belong to a project.

Name Description
parent ProjectName

Required. The name of the project that contains the keys that are listed, in the format projects/{project}.

pageToken string

The token returned from the previous request. A value of null or an empty string retrieves the first page.

pageSize int

The size of page to request. The response will not be larger than this, but may be smaller. A value of null or 0 uses a server-defined page size.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A pageable sequence of Key resources.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ProjectName parent = ProjectName.FromProject("[PROJECT]");
// Make the request
PagedEnumerable<ListKeysResponse, Key> response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.ListKeys(parent);

// Iterate over all response items, lazily performing RPCs as required
foreach (Key item in response)
    // Do something with each item

// Or iterate over pages (of server-defined size), performing one RPC per page
foreach (ListKeysResponse page in response.AsRawResponses())
    // Do something with each page of items
    Console.WriteLine("A page of results:");
    foreach (Key item in page)
        // Do something with each item

// Or retrieve a single page of known size (unless it's the final page), performing as many RPCs as required
int pageSize = 10;
Page<Key> singlePage = response.ReadPage(pageSize);
// Do something with the page of items
Console.WriteLine($"A page of {pageSize} results (unless it's the final page):");
foreach (Key item in singlePage)
    // Do something with each item
// Store the pageToken, for when the next page is required.
string nextPageToken = singlePage.NextPageToken;

ListKeys(ListKeysRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual PagedEnumerable<ListKeysResponse, Key> ListKeys(ListKeysRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Returns the list of all keys that belong to a project.

Name Description
request ListKeysRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A pageable sequence of Key resources.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ListKeysRequest request = new ListKeysRequest
    ParentAsProjectName = ProjectName.FromProject("[PROJECT]"),
// Make the request
PagedEnumerable<ListKeysResponse, Key> response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.ListKeys(request);

// Iterate over all response items, lazily performing RPCs as required
foreach (Key item in response)
    // Do something with each item

// Or iterate over pages (of server-defined size), performing one RPC per page
foreach (ListKeysResponse page in response.AsRawResponses())
    // Do something with each page of items
    Console.WriteLine("A page of results:");
    foreach (Key item in page)
        // Do something with each item

// Or retrieve a single page of known size (unless it's the final page), performing as many RPCs as required
int pageSize = 10;
Page<Key> singlePage = response.ReadPage(pageSize);
// Do something with the page of items
Console.WriteLine($"A page of {pageSize} results (unless it's the final page):");
foreach (Key item in singlePage)
    // Do something with each item
// Store the pageToken, for when the next page is required.
string nextPageToken = singlePage.NextPageToken;

ListKeys(string, string, int?, CallSettings)

public virtual PagedEnumerable<ListKeysResponse, Key> ListKeys(string parent, string pageToken = null, int? pageSize = null, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Returns the list of all keys that belong to a project.

Name Description
parent string

Required. The name of the project that contains the keys that are listed, in the format projects/{project}.

pageToken string

The token returned from the previous request. A value of null or an empty string retrieves the first page.

pageSize int

The size of page to request. The response will not be larger than this, but may be smaller. A value of null or 0 uses a server-defined page size.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A pageable sequence of Key resources.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string parent = "projects/[PROJECT]";
// Make the request
PagedEnumerable<ListKeysResponse, Key> response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.ListKeys(parent);

// Iterate over all response items, lazily performing RPCs as required
foreach (Key item in response)
    // Do something with each item

// Or iterate over pages (of server-defined size), performing one RPC per page
foreach (ListKeysResponse page in response.AsRawResponses())
    // Do something with each page of items
    Console.WriteLine("A page of results:");
    foreach (Key item in page)
        // Do something with each item

// Or retrieve a single page of known size (unless it's the final page), performing as many RPCs as required
int pageSize = 10;
Page<Key> singlePage = response.ReadPage(pageSize);
// Do something with the page of items
Console.WriteLine($"A page of {pageSize} results (unless it's the final page):");
foreach (Key item in singlePage)
    // Do something with each item
// Store the pageToken, for when the next page is required.
string nextPageToken = singlePage.NextPageToken;

ListKeysAsync(ProjectName, string, int?, CallSettings)

public virtual PagedAsyncEnumerable<ListKeysResponse, Key> ListKeysAsync(ProjectName parent, string pageToken = null, int? pageSize = null, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Returns the list of all keys that belong to a project.

Name Description
parent ProjectName

Required. The name of the project that contains the keys that are listed, in the format projects/{project}.

pageToken string

The token returned from the previous request. A value of null or an empty string retrieves the first page.

pageSize int

The size of page to request. The response will not be larger than this, but may be smaller. A value of null or 0 uses a server-defined page size.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A pageable asynchronous sequence of Key resources.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ProjectName parent = ProjectName.FromProject("[PROJECT]");
// Make the request
PagedAsyncEnumerable<ListKeysResponse, Key> response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.ListKeysAsync(parent);

// Iterate over all response items, lazily performing RPCs as required
await response.ForEachAsync((Key item) =>
    // Do something with each item

// Or iterate over pages (of server-defined size), performing one RPC per page
await response.AsRawResponses().ForEachAsync((ListKeysResponse page) =>
    // Do something with each page of items
    Console.WriteLine("A page of results:");
    foreach (Key item in page)
        // Do something with each item

// Or retrieve a single page of known size (unless it's the final page), performing as many RPCs as required
int pageSize = 10;
Page<Key> singlePage = await response.ReadPageAsync(pageSize);
// Do something with the page of items
Console.WriteLine($"A page of {pageSize} results (unless it's the final page):");
foreach (Key item in singlePage)
    // Do something with each item
// Store the pageToken, for when the next page is required.
string nextPageToken = singlePage.NextPageToken;

ListKeysAsync(ListKeysRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual PagedAsyncEnumerable<ListKeysResponse, Key> ListKeysAsync(ListKeysRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Returns the list of all keys that belong to a project.

Name Description
request ListKeysRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A pageable asynchronous sequence of Key resources.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ListKeysRequest request = new ListKeysRequest
    ParentAsProjectName = ProjectName.FromProject("[PROJECT]"),
// Make the request
PagedAsyncEnumerable<ListKeysResponse, Key> response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.ListKeysAsync(request);

// Iterate over all response items, lazily performing RPCs as required
await response.ForEachAsync((Key item) =>
    // Do something with each item

// Or iterate over pages (of server-defined size), performing one RPC per page
await response.AsRawResponses().ForEachAsync((ListKeysResponse page) =>
    // Do something with each page of items
    Console.WriteLine("A page of results:");
    foreach (Key item in page)
        // Do something with each item

// Or retrieve a single page of known size (unless it's the final page), performing as many RPCs as required
int pageSize = 10;
Page<Key> singlePage = await response.ReadPageAsync(pageSize);
// Do something with the page of items
Console.WriteLine($"A page of {pageSize} results (unless it's the final page):");
foreach (Key item in singlePage)
    // Do something with each item
// Store the pageToken, for when the next page is required.
string nextPageToken = singlePage.NextPageToken;

ListKeysAsync(string, string, int?, CallSettings)

public virtual PagedAsyncEnumerable<ListKeysResponse, Key> ListKeysAsync(string parent, string pageToken = null, int? pageSize = null, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Returns the list of all keys that belong to a project.

Name Description
parent string

Required. The name of the project that contains the keys that are listed, in the format projects/{project}.

pageToken string

The token returned from the previous request. A value of null or an empty string retrieves the first page.

pageSize int

The size of page to request. The response will not be larger than this, but may be smaller. A value of null or 0 uses a server-defined page size.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A pageable asynchronous sequence of Key resources.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string parent = "projects/[PROJECT]";
// Make the request
PagedAsyncEnumerable<ListKeysResponse, Key> response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.ListKeysAsync(parent);

// Iterate over all response items, lazily performing RPCs as required
await response.ForEachAsync((Key item) =>
    // Do something with each item

// Or iterate over pages (of server-defined size), performing one RPC per page
await response.AsRawResponses().ForEachAsync((ListKeysResponse page) =>
    // Do something with each page of items
    Console.WriteLine("A page of results:");
    foreach (Key item in page)
        // Do something with each item

// Or retrieve a single page of known size (unless it's the final page), performing as many RPCs as required
int pageSize = 10;
Page<Key> singlePage = await response.ReadPageAsync(pageSize);
// Do something with the page of items
Console.WriteLine($"A page of {pageSize} results (unless it's the final page):");
foreach (Key item in singlePage)
    // Do something with each item
// Store the pageToken, for when the next page is required.
string nextPageToken = singlePage.NextPageToken;

ListRelatedAccountGroupMemberships(ListRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual PagedEnumerable<ListRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsResponse, RelatedAccountGroupMembership> ListRelatedAccountGroupMemberships(ListRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Get memberships in a group of related accounts.

Name Description
request ListRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A pageable sequence of RelatedAccountGroupMembership resources.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ListRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsRequest request = new ListRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsRequest
    ParentAsRelatedAccountGroupName = RelatedAccountGroupName.FromProjectRelatedaccountgroup("[PROJECT]", "[RELATEDACCOUNTGROUP]"),
// Make the request
PagedEnumerable<ListRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsResponse, RelatedAccountGroupMembership> response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.ListRelatedAccountGroupMemberships(request);

// Iterate over all response items, lazily performing RPCs as required
foreach (RelatedAccountGroupMembership item in response)
    // Do something with each item

// Or iterate over pages (of server-defined size), performing one RPC per page
foreach (ListRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsResponse page in response.AsRawResponses())
    // Do something with each page of items
    Console.WriteLine("A page of results:");
    foreach (RelatedAccountGroupMembership item in page)
        // Do something with each item

// Or retrieve a single page of known size (unless it's the final page), performing as many RPCs as required
int pageSize = 10;
Page<RelatedAccountGroupMembership> singlePage = response.ReadPage(pageSize);
// Do something with the page of items
Console.WriteLine($"A page of {pageSize} results (unless it's the final page):");
foreach (RelatedAccountGroupMembership item in singlePage)
    // Do something with each item
// Store the pageToken, for when the next page is required.
string nextPageToken = singlePage.NextPageToken;

ListRelatedAccountGroupMemberships(RelatedAccountGroupName, string, int?, CallSettings)

public virtual PagedEnumerable<ListRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsResponse, RelatedAccountGroupMembership> ListRelatedAccountGroupMemberships(RelatedAccountGroupName parent, string pageToken = null, int? pageSize = null, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Get memberships in a group of related accounts.

Name Description
parent RelatedAccountGroupName

Required. The resource name for the related account group in the format projects/{project}/relatedaccountgroups/{relatedaccountgroup}.

pageToken string

The token returned from the previous request. A value of null or an empty string retrieves the first page.

pageSize int

The size of page to request. The response will not be larger than this, but may be smaller. A value of null or 0 uses a server-defined page size.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A pageable sequence of RelatedAccountGroupMembership resources.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
RelatedAccountGroupName parent = RelatedAccountGroupName.FromProjectRelatedaccountgroup("[PROJECT]", "[RELATEDACCOUNTGROUP]");
// Make the request
PagedEnumerable<ListRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsResponse, RelatedAccountGroupMembership> response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.ListRelatedAccountGroupMemberships(parent);

// Iterate over all response items, lazily performing RPCs as required
foreach (RelatedAccountGroupMembership item in response)
    // Do something with each item

// Or iterate over pages (of server-defined size), performing one RPC per page
foreach (ListRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsResponse page in response.AsRawResponses())
    // Do something with each page of items
    Console.WriteLine("A page of results:");
    foreach (RelatedAccountGroupMembership item in page)
        // Do something with each item

// Or retrieve a single page of known size (unless it's the final page), performing as many RPCs as required
int pageSize = 10;
Page<RelatedAccountGroupMembership> singlePage = response.ReadPage(pageSize);
// Do something with the page of items
Console.WriteLine($"A page of {pageSize} results (unless it's the final page):");
foreach (RelatedAccountGroupMembership item in singlePage)
    // Do something with each item
// Store the pageToken, for when the next page is required.
string nextPageToken = singlePage.NextPageToken;

ListRelatedAccountGroupMemberships(string, string, int?, CallSettings)

public virtual PagedEnumerable<ListRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsResponse, RelatedAccountGroupMembership> ListRelatedAccountGroupMemberships(string parent, string pageToken = null, int? pageSize = null, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Get memberships in a group of related accounts.

Name Description
parent string

Required. The resource name for the related account group in the format projects/{project}/relatedaccountgroups/{relatedaccountgroup}.

pageToken string

The token returned from the previous request. A value of null or an empty string retrieves the first page.

pageSize int

The size of page to request. The response will not be larger than this, but may be smaller. A value of null or 0 uses a server-defined page size.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A pageable sequence of RelatedAccountGroupMembership resources.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string parent = "projects/[PROJECT]/relatedaccountgroups/[RELATEDACCOUNTGROUP]";
// Make the request
PagedEnumerable<ListRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsResponse, RelatedAccountGroupMembership> response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.ListRelatedAccountGroupMemberships(parent);

// Iterate over all response items, lazily performing RPCs as required
foreach (RelatedAccountGroupMembership item in response)
    // Do something with each item

// Or iterate over pages (of server-defined size), performing one RPC per page
foreach (ListRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsResponse page in response.AsRawResponses())
    // Do something with each page of items
    Console.WriteLine("A page of results:");
    foreach (RelatedAccountGroupMembership item in page)
        // Do something with each item

// Or retrieve a single page of known size (unless it's the final page), performing as many RPCs as required
int pageSize = 10;
Page<RelatedAccountGroupMembership> singlePage = response.ReadPage(pageSize);
// Do something with the page of items
Console.WriteLine($"A page of {pageSize} results (unless it's the final page):");
foreach (RelatedAccountGroupMembership item in singlePage)
    // Do something with each item
// Store the pageToken, for when the next page is required.
string nextPageToken = singlePage.NextPageToken;

ListRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsAsync(ListRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual PagedAsyncEnumerable<ListRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsResponse, RelatedAccountGroupMembership> ListRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsAsync(ListRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Get memberships in a group of related accounts.

Name Description
request ListRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A pageable asynchronous sequence of RelatedAccountGroupMembership resources.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ListRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsRequest request = new ListRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsRequest
    ParentAsRelatedAccountGroupName = RelatedAccountGroupName.FromProjectRelatedaccountgroup("[PROJECT]", "[RELATEDACCOUNTGROUP]"),
// Make the request
PagedAsyncEnumerable<ListRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsResponse, RelatedAccountGroupMembership> response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.ListRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsAsync(request);

// Iterate over all response items, lazily performing RPCs as required
await response.ForEachAsync((RelatedAccountGroupMembership item) =>
    // Do something with each item

// Or iterate over pages (of server-defined size), performing one RPC per page
await response.AsRawResponses().ForEachAsync((ListRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsResponse page) =>
    // Do something with each page of items
    Console.WriteLine("A page of results:");
    foreach (RelatedAccountGroupMembership item in page)
        // Do something with each item

// Or retrieve a single page of known size (unless it's the final page), performing as many RPCs as required
int pageSize = 10;
Page<RelatedAccountGroupMembership> singlePage = await response.ReadPageAsync(pageSize);
// Do something with the page of items
Console.WriteLine($"A page of {pageSize} results (unless it's the final page):");
foreach (RelatedAccountGroupMembership item in singlePage)
    // Do something with each item
// Store the pageToken, for when the next page is required.
string nextPageToken = singlePage.NextPageToken;

ListRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsAsync(RelatedAccountGroupName, string, int?, CallSettings)

public virtual PagedAsyncEnumerable<ListRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsResponse, RelatedAccountGroupMembership> ListRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsAsync(RelatedAccountGroupName parent, string pageToken = null, int? pageSize = null, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Get memberships in a group of related accounts.

Name Description
parent RelatedAccountGroupName

Required. The resource name for the related account group in the format projects/{project}/relatedaccountgroups/{relatedaccountgroup}.

pageToken string

The token returned from the previous request. A value of null or an empty string retrieves the first page.

pageSize int

The size of page to request. The response will not be larger than this, but may be smaller. A value of null or 0 uses a server-defined page size.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A pageable asynchronous sequence of RelatedAccountGroupMembership resources.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
RelatedAccountGroupName parent = RelatedAccountGroupName.FromProjectRelatedaccountgroup("[PROJECT]", "[RELATEDACCOUNTGROUP]");
// Make the request
PagedAsyncEnumerable<ListRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsResponse, RelatedAccountGroupMembership> response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.ListRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsAsync(parent);

// Iterate over all response items, lazily performing RPCs as required
await response.ForEachAsync((RelatedAccountGroupMembership item) =>
    // Do something with each item

// Or iterate over pages (of server-defined size), performing one RPC per page
await response.AsRawResponses().ForEachAsync((ListRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsResponse page) =>
    // Do something with each page of items
    Console.WriteLine("A page of results:");
    foreach (RelatedAccountGroupMembership item in page)
        // Do something with each item

// Or retrieve a single page of known size (unless it's the final page), performing as many RPCs as required
int pageSize = 10;
Page<RelatedAccountGroupMembership> singlePage = await response.ReadPageAsync(pageSize);
// Do something with the page of items
Console.WriteLine($"A page of {pageSize} results (unless it's the final page):");
foreach (RelatedAccountGroupMembership item in singlePage)
    // Do something with each item
// Store the pageToken, for when the next page is required.
string nextPageToken = singlePage.NextPageToken;

ListRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsAsync(string, string, int?, CallSettings)

public virtual PagedAsyncEnumerable<ListRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsResponse, RelatedAccountGroupMembership> ListRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsAsync(string parent, string pageToken = null, int? pageSize = null, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Get memberships in a group of related accounts.

Name Description
parent string

Required. The resource name for the related account group in the format projects/{project}/relatedaccountgroups/{relatedaccountgroup}.

pageToken string

The token returned from the previous request. A value of null or an empty string retrieves the first page.

pageSize int

The size of page to request. The response will not be larger than this, but may be smaller. A value of null or 0 uses a server-defined page size.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A pageable asynchronous sequence of RelatedAccountGroupMembership resources.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string parent = "projects/[PROJECT]/relatedaccountgroups/[RELATEDACCOUNTGROUP]";
// Make the request
PagedAsyncEnumerable<ListRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsResponse, RelatedAccountGroupMembership> response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.ListRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsAsync(parent);

// Iterate over all response items, lazily performing RPCs as required
await response.ForEachAsync((RelatedAccountGroupMembership item) =>
    // Do something with each item

// Or iterate over pages (of server-defined size), performing one RPC per page
await response.AsRawResponses().ForEachAsync((ListRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsResponse page) =>
    // Do something with each page of items
    Console.WriteLine("A page of results:");
    foreach (RelatedAccountGroupMembership item in page)
        // Do something with each item

// Or retrieve a single page of known size (unless it's the final page), performing as many RPCs as required
int pageSize = 10;
Page<RelatedAccountGroupMembership> singlePage = await response.ReadPageAsync(pageSize);
// Do something with the page of items
Console.WriteLine($"A page of {pageSize} results (unless it's the final page):");
foreach (RelatedAccountGroupMembership item in singlePage)
    // Do something with each item
// Store the pageToken, for when the next page is required.
string nextPageToken = singlePage.NextPageToken;

ListRelatedAccountGroups(ProjectName, string, int?, CallSettings)

public virtual PagedEnumerable<ListRelatedAccountGroupsResponse, RelatedAccountGroup> ListRelatedAccountGroups(ProjectName parent, string pageToken = null, int? pageSize = null, CallSettings callSettings = null)

List groups of related accounts.

Name Description
parent ProjectName

Required. The name of the project to list related account groups from, in the format projects/{project}.

pageToken string

The token returned from the previous request. A value of null or an empty string retrieves the first page.

pageSize int

The size of page to request. The response will not be larger than this, but may be smaller. A value of null or 0 uses a server-defined page size.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A pageable sequence of RelatedAccountGroup resources.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ProjectName parent = ProjectName.FromProject("[PROJECT]");
// Make the request
PagedEnumerable<ListRelatedAccountGroupsResponse, RelatedAccountGroup> response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.ListRelatedAccountGroups(parent);

// Iterate over all response items, lazily performing RPCs as required
foreach (RelatedAccountGroup item in response)
    // Do something with each item

// Or iterate over pages (of server-defined size), performing one RPC per page
foreach (ListRelatedAccountGroupsResponse page in response.AsRawResponses())
    // Do something with each page of items
    Console.WriteLine("A page of results:");
    foreach (RelatedAccountGroup item in page)
        // Do something with each item

// Or retrieve a single page of known size (unless it's the final page), performing as many RPCs as required
int pageSize = 10;
Page<RelatedAccountGroup> singlePage = response.ReadPage(pageSize);
// Do something with the page of items
Console.WriteLine($"A page of {pageSize} results (unless it's the final page):");
foreach (RelatedAccountGroup item in singlePage)
    // Do something with each item
// Store the pageToken, for when the next page is required.
string nextPageToken = singlePage.NextPageToken;

ListRelatedAccountGroups(ListRelatedAccountGroupsRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual PagedEnumerable<ListRelatedAccountGroupsResponse, RelatedAccountGroup> ListRelatedAccountGroups(ListRelatedAccountGroupsRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

List groups of related accounts.

Name Description
request ListRelatedAccountGroupsRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A pageable sequence of RelatedAccountGroup resources.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ListRelatedAccountGroupsRequest request = new ListRelatedAccountGroupsRequest
    ParentAsProjectName = ProjectName.FromProject("[PROJECT]"),
// Make the request
PagedEnumerable<ListRelatedAccountGroupsResponse, RelatedAccountGroup> response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.ListRelatedAccountGroups(request);

// Iterate over all response items, lazily performing RPCs as required
foreach (RelatedAccountGroup item in response)
    // Do something with each item

// Or iterate over pages (of server-defined size), performing one RPC per page
foreach (ListRelatedAccountGroupsResponse page in response.AsRawResponses())
    // Do something with each page of items
    Console.WriteLine("A page of results:");
    foreach (RelatedAccountGroup item in page)
        // Do something with each item

// Or retrieve a single page of known size (unless it's the final page), performing as many RPCs as required
int pageSize = 10;
Page<RelatedAccountGroup> singlePage = response.ReadPage(pageSize);
// Do something with the page of items
Console.WriteLine($"A page of {pageSize} results (unless it's the final page):");
foreach (RelatedAccountGroup item in singlePage)
    // Do something with each item
// Store the pageToken, for when the next page is required.
string nextPageToken = singlePage.NextPageToken;

ListRelatedAccountGroups(string, string, int?, CallSettings)

public virtual PagedEnumerable<ListRelatedAccountGroupsResponse, RelatedAccountGroup> ListRelatedAccountGroups(string parent, string pageToken = null, int? pageSize = null, CallSettings callSettings = null)

List groups of related accounts.

Name Description
parent string

Required. The name of the project to list related account groups from, in the format projects/{project}.

pageToken string

The token returned from the previous request. A value of null or an empty string retrieves the first page.

pageSize int

The size of page to request. The response will not be larger than this, but may be smaller. A value of null or 0 uses a server-defined page size.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A pageable sequence of RelatedAccountGroup resources.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string parent = "projects/[PROJECT]";
// Make the request
PagedEnumerable<ListRelatedAccountGroupsResponse, RelatedAccountGroup> response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.ListRelatedAccountGroups(parent);

// Iterate over all response items, lazily performing RPCs as required
foreach (RelatedAccountGroup item in response)
    // Do something with each item

// Or iterate over pages (of server-defined size), performing one RPC per page
foreach (ListRelatedAccountGroupsResponse page in response.AsRawResponses())
    // Do something with each page of items
    Console.WriteLine("A page of results:");
    foreach (RelatedAccountGroup item in page)
        // Do something with each item

// Or retrieve a single page of known size (unless it's the final page), performing as many RPCs as required
int pageSize = 10;
Page<RelatedAccountGroup> singlePage = response.ReadPage(pageSize);
// Do something with the page of items
Console.WriteLine($"A page of {pageSize} results (unless it's the final page):");
foreach (RelatedAccountGroup item in singlePage)
    // Do something with each item
// Store the pageToken, for when the next page is required.
string nextPageToken = singlePage.NextPageToken;

ListRelatedAccountGroupsAsync(ProjectName, string, int?, CallSettings)

public virtual PagedAsyncEnumerable<ListRelatedAccountGroupsResponse, RelatedAccountGroup> ListRelatedAccountGroupsAsync(ProjectName parent, string pageToken = null, int? pageSize = null, CallSettings callSettings = null)

List groups of related accounts.

Name Description
parent ProjectName

Required. The name of the project to list related account groups from, in the format projects/{project}.

pageToken string

The token returned from the previous request. A value of null or an empty string retrieves the first page.

pageSize int

The size of page to request. The response will not be larger than this, but may be smaller. A value of null or 0 uses a server-defined page size.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A pageable asynchronous sequence of RelatedAccountGroup resources.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ProjectName parent = ProjectName.FromProject("[PROJECT]");
// Make the request
PagedAsyncEnumerable<ListRelatedAccountGroupsResponse, RelatedAccountGroup> response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.ListRelatedAccountGroupsAsync(parent);

// Iterate over all response items, lazily performing RPCs as required
await response.ForEachAsync((RelatedAccountGroup item) =>
    // Do something with each item

// Or iterate over pages (of server-defined size), performing one RPC per page
await response.AsRawResponses().ForEachAsync((ListRelatedAccountGroupsResponse page) =>
    // Do something with each page of items
    Console.WriteLine("A page of results:");
    foreach (RelatedAccountGroup item in page)
        // Do something with each item

// Or retrieve a single page of known size (unless it's the final page), performing as many RPCs as required
int pageSize = 10;
Page<RelatedAccountGroup> singlePage = await response.ReadPageAsync(pageSize);
// Do something with the page of items
Console.WriteLine($"A page of {pageSize} results (unless it's the final page):");
foreach (RelatedAccountGroup item in singlePage)
    // Do something with each item
// Store the pageToken, for when the next page is required.
string nextPageToken = singlePage.NextPageToken;

ListRelatedAccountGroupsAsync(ListRelatedAccountGroupsRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual PagedAsyncEnumerable<ListRelatedAccountGroupsResponse, RelatedAccountGroup> ListRelatedAccountGroupsAsync(ListRelatedAccountGroupsRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

List groups of related accounts.

Name Description
request ListRelatedAccountGroupsRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A pageable asynchronous sequence of RelatedAccountGroup resources.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ListRelatedAccountGroupsRequest request = new ListRelatedAccountGroupsRequest
    ParentAsProjectName = ProjectName.FromProject("[PROJECT]"),
// Make the request
PagedAsyncEnumerable<ListRelatedAccountGroupsResponse, RelatedAccountGroup> response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.ListRelatedAccountGroupsAsync(request);

// Iterate over all response items, lazily performing RPCs as required
await response.ForEachAsync((RelatedAccountGroup item) =>
    // Do something with each item

// Or iterate over pages (of server-defined size), performing one RPC per page
await response.AsRawResponses().ForEachAsync((ListRelatedAccountGroupsResponse page) =>
    // Do something with each page of items
    Console.WriteLine("A page of results:");
    foreach (RelatedAccountGroup item in page)
        // Do something with each item

// Or retrieve a single page of known size (unless it's the final page), performing as many RPCs as required
int pageSize = 10;
Page<RelatedAccountGroup> singlePage = await response.ReadPageAsync(pageSize);
// Do something with the page of items
Console.WriteLine($"A page of {pageSize} results (unless it's the final page):");
foreach (RelatedAccountGroup item in singlePage)
    // Do something with each item
// Store the pageToken, for when the next page is required.
string nextPageToken = singlePage.NextPageToken;

ListRelatedAccountGroupsAsync(string, string, int?, CallSettings)

public virtual PagedAsyncEnumerable<ListRelatedAccountGroupsResponse, RelatedAccountGroup> ListRelatedAccountGroupsAsync(string parent, string pageToken = null, int? pageSize = null, CallSettings callSettings = null)

List groups of related accounts.

Name Description
parent string

Required. The name of the project to list related account groups from, in the format projects/{project}.

pageToken string

The token returned from the previous request. A value of null or an empty string retrieves the first page.

pageSize int

The size of page to request. The response will not be larger than this, but may be smaller. A value of null or 0 uses a server-defined page size.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A pageable asynchronous sequence of RelatedAccountGroup resources.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string parent = "projects/[PROJECT]";
// Make the request
PagedAsyncEnumerable<ListRelatedAccountGroupsResponse, RelatedAccountGroup> response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.ListRelatedAccountGroupsAsync(parent);

// Iterate over all response items, lazily performing RPCs as required
await response.ForEachAsync((RelatedAccountGroup item) =>
    // Do something with each item

// Or iterate over pages (of server-defined size), performing one RPC per page
await response.AsRawResponses().ForEachAsync((ListRelatedAccountGroupsResponse page) =>
    // Do something with each page of items
    Console.WriteLine("A page of results:");
    foreach (RelatedAccountGroup item in page)
        // Do something with each item

// Or retrieve a single page of known size (unless it's the final page), performing as many RPCs as required
int pageSize = 10;
Page<RelatedAccountGroup> singlePage = await response.ReadPageAsync(pageSize);
// Do something with the page of items
Console.WriteLine($"A page of {pageSize} results (unless it's the final page):");
foreach (RelatedAccountGroup item in singlePage)
    // Do something with each item
// Store the pageToken, for when the next page is required.
string nextPageToken = singlePage.NextPageToken;

MigrateKey(MigrateKeyRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual Key MigrateKey(MigrateKeyRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Migrates an existing key from reCAPTCHA to reCAPTCHA Enterprise. Once a key is migrated, it can be used from either product. SiteVerify requests are billed as CreateAssessment calls. You must be authenticated as one of the current owners of the reCAPTCHA Key, and your user must have the reCAPTCHA Enterprise Admin IAM role in the destination project.

Name Description
request MigrateKeyRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

The RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
MigrateKeyRequest request = new MigrateKeyRequest
    KeyName = KeyName.FromProjectKey("[PROJECT]", "[KEY]"),
    SkipBillingCheck = false,
// Make the request
Key response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.MigrateKey(request);

MigrateKeyAsync(MigrateKeyRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<Key> MigrateKeyAsync(MigrateKeyRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Migrates an existing key from reCAPTCHA to reCAPTCHA Enterprise. Once a key is migrated, it can be used from either product. SiteVerify requests are billed as CreateAssessment calls. You must be authenticated as one of the current owners of the reCAPTCHA Key, and your user must have the reCAPTCHA Enterprise Admin IAM role in the destination project.

Name Description
request MigrateKeyRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
MigrateKeyRequest request = new MigrateKeyRequest
    KeyName = KeyName.FromProjectKey("[PROJECT]", "[KEY]"),
    SkipBillingCheck = false,
// Make the request
Key response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.MigrateKeyAsync(request);

MigrateKeyAsync(MigrateKeyRequest, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<Key> MigrateKeyAsync(MigrateKeyRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Migrates an existing key from reCAPTCHA to reCAPTCHA Enterprise. Once a key is migrated, it can be used from either product. SiteVerify requests are billed as CreateAssessment calls. You must be authenticated as one of the current owners of the reCAPTCHA Key, and your user must have the reCAPTCHA Enterprise Admin IAM role in the destination project.

Name Description
request MigrateKeyRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
MigrateKeyRequest request = new MigrateKeyRequest
    KeyName = KeyName.FromProjectKey("[PROJECT]", "[KEY]"),
    SkipBillingCheck = false,
// Make the request
Key response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.MigrateKeyAsync(request);

ReorderFirewallPolicies(ProjectName, IEnumerable<FirewallPolicyName>, CallSettings)

public virtual ReorderFirewallPoliciesResponse ReorderFirewallPolicies(ProjectName parent, IEnumerable<FirewallPolicyName> names, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Reorders all firewall policies.

Name Description
parent ProjectName

Required. The name of the project to list the policies for, in the format projects/{project}.

names IEnumerableFirewallPolicyName

Required. A list containing all policy names, in the new order. Each name is in the format projects/{project}/firewallpolicies/{firewallpolicy}.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

The RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ProjectName parent = ProjectName.FromProject("[PROJECT]");
IEnumerable<FirewallPolicyName> names = new FirewallPolicyName[]
    FirewallPolicyName.FromProjectFirewallpolicy("[PROJECT]", "[FIREWALLPOLICY]"),
// Make the request
ReorderFirewallPoliciesResponse response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.ReorderFirewallPolicies(parent, names);

ReorderFirewallPolicies(ReorderFirewallPoliciesRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual ReorderFirewallPoliciesResponse ReorderFirewallPolicies(ReorderFirewallPoliciesRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Reorders all firewall policies.

Name Description
request ReorderFirewallPoliciesRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

The RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ReorderFirewallPoliciesRequest request = new ReorderFirewallPoliciesRequest
    ParentAsProjectName = ProjectName.FromProject("[PROJECT]"),
    FirewallPolicyNames =
        FirewallPolicyName.FromProjectFirewallpolicy("[PROJECT]", "[FIREWALLPOLICY]"),
// Make the request
ReorderFirewallPoliciesResponse response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.ReorderFirewallPolicies(request);

ReorderFirewallPolicies(string, IEnumerable<string>, CallSettings)

public virtual ReorderFirewallPoliciesResponse ReorderFirewallPolicies(string parent, IEnumerable<string> names, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Reorders all firewall policies.

Name Description
parent string

Required. The name of the project to list the policies for, in the format projects/{project}.

names IEnumerablestring

Required. A list containing all policy names, in the new order. Each name is in the format projects/{project}/firewallpolicies/{firewallpolicy}.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

The RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string parent = "projects/[PROJECT]";
IEnumerable<string> names = new string[]
// Make the request
ReorderFirewallPoliciesResponse response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.ReorderFirewallPolicies(parent, names);

ReorderFirewallPoliciesAsync(ProjectName, IEnumerable<FirewallPolicyName>, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<ReorderFirewallPoliciesResponse> ReorderFirewallPoliciesAsync(ProjectName parent, IEnumerable<FirewallPolicyName> names, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Reorders all firewall policies.

Name Description
parent ProjectName

Required. The name of the project to list the policies for, in the format projects/{project}.

names IEnumerableFirewallPolicyName

Required. A list containing all policy names, in the new order. Each name is in the format projects/{project}/firewallpolicies/{firewallpolicy}.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ProjectName parent = ProjectName.FromProject("[PROJECT]");
IEnumerable<FirewallPolicyName> names = new FirewallPolicyName[]
    FirewallPolicyName.FromProjectFirewallpolicy("[PROJECT]", "[FIREWALLPOLICY]"),
// Make the request
ReorderFirewallPoliciesResponse response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.ReorderFirewallPoliciesAsync(parent, names);

ReorderFirewallPoliciesAsync(ProjectName, IEnumerable<FirewallPolicyName>, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<ReorderFirewallPoliciesResponse> ReorderFirewallPoliciesAsync(ProjectName parent, IEnumerable<FirewallPolicyName> names, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Reorders all firewall policies.

Name Description
parent ProjectName

Required. The name of the project to list the policies for, in the format projects/{project}.

names IEnumerableFirewallPolicyName

Required. A list containing all policy names, in the new order. Each name is in the format projects/{project}/firewallpolicies/{firewallpolicy}.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ProjectName parent = ProjectName.FromProject("[PROJECT]");
IEnumerable<FirewallPolicyName> names = new FirewallPolicyName[]
    FirewallPolicyName.FromProjectFirewallpolicy("[PROJECT]", "[FIREWALLPOLICY]"),
// Make the request
ReorderFirewallPoliciesResponse response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.ReorderFirewallPoliciesAsync(parent, names);

ReorderFirewallPoliciesAsync(ReorderFirewallPoliciesRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<ReorderFirewallPoliciesResponse> ReorderFirewallPoliciesAsync(ReorderFirewallPoliciesRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Reorders all firewall policies.

Name Description
request ReorderFirewallPoliciesRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ReorderFirewallPoliciesRequest request = new ReorderFirewallPoliciesRequest
    ParentAsProjectName = ProjectName.FromProject("[PROJECT]"),
    FirewallPolicyNames =
        FirewallPolicyName.FromProjectFirewallpolicy("[PROJECT]", "[FIREWALLPOLICY]"),
// Make the request
ReorderFirewallPoliciesResponse response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.ReorderFirewallPoliciesAsync(request);

ReorderFirewallPoliciesAsync(ReorderFirewallPoliciesRequest, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<ReorderFirewallPoliciesResponse> ReorderFirewallPoliciesAsync(ReorderFirewallPoliciesRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Reorders all firewall policies.

Name Description
request ReorderFirewallPoliciesRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
ReorderFirewallPoliciesRequest request = new ReorderFirewallPoliciesRequest
    ParentAsProjectName = ProjectName.FromProject("[PROJECT]"),
    FirewallPolicyNames =
        FirewallPolicyName.FromProjectFirewallpolicy("[PROJECT]", "[FIREWALLPOLICY]"),
// Make the request
ReorderFirewallPoliciesResponse response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.ReorderFirewallPoliciesAsync(request);

ReorderFirewallPoliciesAsync(string, IEnumerable<string>, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<ReorderFirewallPoliciesResponse> ReorderFirewallPoliciesAsync(string parent, IEnumerable<string> names, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Reorders all firewall policies.

Name Description
parent string

Required. The name of the project to list the policies for, in the format projects/{project}.

names IEnumerablestring

Required. A list containing all policy names, in the new order. Each name is in the format projects/{project}/firewallpolicies/{firewallpolicy}.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string parent = "projects/[PROJECT]";
IEnumerable<string> names = new string[]
// Make the request
ReorderFirewallPoliciesResponse response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.ReorderFirewallPoliciesAsync(parent, names);

ReorderFirewallPoliciesAsync(string, IEnumerable<string>, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<ReorderFirewallPoliciesResponse> ReorderFirewallPoliciesAsync(string parent, IEnumerable<string> names, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Reorders all firewall policies.

Name Description
parent string

Required. The name of the project to list the policies for, in the format projects/{project}.

names IEnumerablestring

Required. A list containing all policy names, in the new order. Each name is in the format projects/{project}/firewallpolicies/{firewallpolicy}.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string parent = "projects/[PROJECT]";
IEnumerable<string> names = new string[]
// Make the request
ReorderFirewallPoliciesResponse response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.ReorderFirewallPoliciesAsync(parent, names);

RetrieveLegacySecretKey(KeyName, CallSettings)

public virtual RetrieveLegacySecretKeyResponse RetrieveLegacySecretKey(KeyName key, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Returns the secret key related to the specified public key. You must use the legacy secret key only in a 3rd party integration with legacy reCAPTCHA.

Name Description
key KeyName

Required. The public key name linked to the requested secret key in the format projects/{project}/keys/{key}.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

The RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
KeyName key = KeyName.FromProjectKey("[PROJECT]", "[KEY]");
// Make the request
RetrieveLegacySecretKeyResponse response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.RetrieveLegacySecretKey(key);

RetrieveLegacySecretKey(RetrieveLegacySecretKeyRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual RetrieveLegacySecretKeyResponse RetrieveLegacySecretKey(RetrieveLegacySecretKeyRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Returns the secret key related to the specified public key. You must use the legacy secret key only in a 3rd party integration with legacy reCAPTCHA.

Name Description
request RetrieveLegacySecretKeyRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

The RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
RetrieveLegacySecretKeyRequest request = new RetrieveLegacySecretKeyRequest
    KeyAsKeyName = KeyName.FromProjectKey("[PROJECT]", "[KEY]"),
// Make the request
RetrieveLegacySecretKeyResponse response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.RetrieveLegacySecretKey(request);

RetrieveLegacySecretKey(string, CallSettings)

public virtual RetrieveLegacySecretKeyResponse RetrieveLegacySecretKey(string key, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Returns the secret key related to the specified public key. You must use the legacy secret key only in a 3rd party integration with legacy reCAPTCHA.

Name Description
key string

Required. The public key name linked to the requested secret key in the format projects/{project}/keys/{key}.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

The RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string key = "projects/[PROJECT]/keys/[KEY]";
// Make the request
RetrieveLegacySecretKeyResponse response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.RetrieveLegacySecretKey(key);

RetrieveLegacySecretKeyAsync(KeyName, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<RetrieveLegacySecretKeyResponse> RetrieveLegacySecretKeyAsync(KeyName key, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Returns the secret key related to the specified public key. You must use the legacy secret key only in a 3rd party integration with legacy reCAPTCHA.

Name Description
key KeyName

Required. The public key name linked to the requested secret key in the format projects/{project}/keys/{key}.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
KeyName key = KeyName.FromProjectKey("[PROJECT]", "[KEY]");
// Make the request
RetrieveLegacySecretKeyResponse response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.RetrieveLegacySecretKeyAsync(key);

RetrieveLegacySecretKeyAsync(KeyName, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<RetrieveLegacySecretKeyResponse> RetrieveLegacySecretKeyAsync(KeyName key, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Returns the secret key related to the specified public key. You must use the legacy secret key only in a 3rd party integration with legacy reCAPTCHA.

Name Description
key KeyName

Required. The public key name linked to the requested secret key in the format projects/{project}/keys/{key}.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
KeyName key = KeyName.FromProjectKey("[PROJECT]", "[KEY]");
// Make the request
RetrieveLegacySecretKeyResponse response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.RetrieveLegacySecretKeyAsync(key);

RetrieveLegacySecretKeyAsync(RetrieveLegacySecretKeyRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<RetrieveLegacySecretKeyResponse> RetrieveLegacySecretKeyAsync(RetrieveLegacySecretKeyRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Returns the secret key related to the specified public key. You must use the legacy secret key only in a 3rd party integration with legacy reCAPTCHA.

Name Description
request RetrieveLegacySecretKeyRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
RetrieveLegacySecretKeyRequest request = new RetrieveLegacySecretKeyRequest
    KeyAsKeyName = KeyName.FromProjectKey("[PROJECT]", "[KEY]"),
// Make the request
RetrieveLegacySecretKeyResponse response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.RetrieveLegacySecretKeyAsync(request);

RetrieveLegacySecretKeyAsync(RetrieveLegacySecretKeyRequest, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<RetrieveLegacySecretKeyResponse> RetrieveLegacySecretKeyAsync(RetrieveLegacySecretKeyRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Returns the secret key related to the specified public key. You must use the legacy secret key only in a 3rd party integration with legacy reCAPTCHA.

Name Description
request RetrieveLegacySecretKeyRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
RetrieveLegacySecretKeyRequest request = new RetrieveLegacySecretKeyRequest
    KeyAsKeyName = KeyName.FromProjectKey("[PROJECT]", "[KEY]"),
// Make the request
RetrieveLegacySecretKeyResponse response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.RetrieveLegacySecretKeyAsync(request);

RetrieveLegacySecretKeyAsync(string, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<RetrieveLegacySecretKeyResponse> RetrieveLegacySecretKeyAsync(string key, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Returns the secret key related to the specified public key. You must use the legacy secret key only in a 3rd party integration with legacy reCAPTCHA.

Name Description
key string

Required. The public key name linked to the requested secret key in the format projects/{project}/keys/{key}.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string key = "projects/[PROJECT]/keys/[KEY]";
// Make the request
RetrieveLegacySecretKeyResponse response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.RetrieveLegacySecretKeyAsync(key);

RetrieveLegacySecretKeyAsync(string, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<RetrieveLegacySecretKeyResponse> RetrieveLegacySecretKeyAsync(string key, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Returns the secret key related to the specified public key. You must use the legacy secret key only in a 3rd party integration with legacy reCAPTCHA.

Name Description
key string

Required. The public key name linked to the requested secret key in the format projects/{project}/keys/{key}.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
string key = "projects/[PROJECT]/keys/[KEY]";
// Make the request
RetrieveLegacySecretKeyResponse response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.RetrieveLegacySecretKeyAsync(key);

SearchRelatedAccountGroupMemberships(ProjectName, ByteString, string, int?, CallSettings)

public virtual PagedEnumerable<SearchRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsResponse, RelatedAccountGroupMembership> SearchRelatedAccountGroupMemberships(ProjectName project, ByteString hashedAccountId, string pageToken = null, int? pageSize = null, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Search group memberships related to a given account.

Name Description
project ProjectName

Required. The name of the project to search related account group memberships from. Specify the project name in the following format: projects/{project}.

hashedAccountId ByteString

Optional. Deprecated: use account_id instead. The unique stable hashed account identifier used to search connections. The identifier should correspond to a hashed_account_id provided in a previous CreateAssessment or AnnotateAssessment call. Either hashed_account_id or account_id must be set, but not both.

pageToken string

The token returned from the previous request. A value of null or an empty string retrieves the first page.

pageSize int

The size of page to request. The response will not be larger than this, but may be smaller. A value of null or 0 uses a server-defined page size.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A pageable sequence of RelatedAccountGroupMembership resources.

            // Create client
            RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
            // Initialize request argument(s)
            ProjectName project = ProjectName.FromProject("[PROJECT]");
            ByteString hashedAccountId = ByteString.Empty;
            // Make the request
#pragma warning disable CS0612
            PagedEnumerable<SearchRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsResponse, RelatedAccountGroupMembership> response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.SearchRelatedAccountGroupMemberships(project, hashedAccountId);
#pragma warning restore CS0612

            // Iterate over all response items, lazily performing RPCs as required
            foreach (RelatedAccountGroupMembership item in response)
                // Do something with each item

            // Or iterate over pages (of server-defined size), performing one RPC per page
            foreach (SearchRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsResponse page in response.AsRawResponses())
                // Do something with each page of items
                Console.WriteLine("A page of results:");
                foreach (RelatedAccountGroupMembership item in page)
                    // Do something with each item

            // Or retrieve a single page of known size (unless it's the final page), performing as many RPCs as required
            int pageSize = 10;
            Page<RelatedAccountGroupMembership> singlePage = response.ReadPage(pageSize);
            // Do something with the page of items
            Console.WriteLine($"A page of {pageSize} results (unless it's the final page):");
            foreach (RelatedAccountGroupMembership item in singlePage)
                // Do something with each item
            // Store the pageToken, for when the next page is required.
            string nextPageToken = singlePage.NextPageToken;

SearchRelatedAccountGroupMemberships(SearchRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual PagedEnumerable<SearchRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsResponse, RelatedAccountGroupMembership> SearchRelatedAccountGroupMemberships(SearchRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Search group memberships related to a given account.

Name Description
request SearchRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A pageable sequence of RelatedAccountGroupMembership resources.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
SearchRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsRequest request = new SearchRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsRequest
    ProjectAsProjectName = ProjectName.FromProject("[PROJECT]"),
    AccountId = "",
// Make the request
PagedEnumerable<SearchRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsResponse, RelatedAccountGroupMembership> response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.SearchRelatedAccountGroupMemberships(request);

// Iterate over all response items, lazily performing RPCs as required
foreach (RelatedAccountGroupMembership item in response)
    // Do something with each item

// Or iterate over pages (of server-defined size), performing one RPC per page
foreach (SearchRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsResponse page in response.AsRawResponses())
    // Do something with each page of items
    Console.WriteLine("A page of results:");
    foreach (RelatedAccountGroupMembership item in page)
        // Do something with each item

// Or retrieve a single page of known size (unless it's the final page), performing as many RPCs as required
int pageSize = 10;
Page<RelatedAccountGroupMembership> singlePage = response.ReadPage(pageSize);
// Do something with the page of items
Console.WriteLine($"A page of {pageSize} results (unless it's the final page):");
foreach (RelatedAccountGroupMembership item in singlePage)
    // Do something with each item
// Store the pageToken, for when the next page is required.
string nextPageToken = singlePage.NextPageToken;

SearchRelatedAccountGroupMemberships(string, ByteString, string, int?, CallSettings)

public virtual PagedEnumerable<SearchRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsResponse, RelatedAccountGroupMembership> SearchRelatedAccountGroupMemberships(string project, ByteString hashedAccountId, string pageToken = null, int? pageSize = null, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Search group memberships related to a given account.

Name Description
project string

Required. The name of the project to search related account group memberships from. Specify the project name in the following format: projects/{project}.

hashedAccountId ByteString

Optional. Deprecated: use account_id instead. The unique stable hashed account identifier used to search connections. The identifier should correspond to a hashed_account_id provided in a previous CreateAssessment or AnnotateAssessment call. Either hashed_account_id or account_id must be set, but not both.

pageToken string

The token returned from the previous request. A value of null or an empty string retrieves the first page.

pageSize int

The size of page to request. The response will not be larger than this, but may be smaller. A value of null or 0 uses a server-defined page size.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A pageable sequence of RelatedAccountGroupMembership resources.

            // Create client
            RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
            // Initialize request argument(s)
            string project = "projects/[PROJECT]";
            ByteString hashedAccountId = ByteString.Empty;
            // Make the request
#pragma warning disable CS0612
            PagedEnumerable<SearchRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsResponse, RelatedAccountGroupMembership> response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.SearchRelatedAccountGroupMemberships(project, hashedAccountId);
#pragma warning restore CS0612

            // Iterate over all response items, lazily performing RPCs as required
            foreach (RelatedAccountGroupMembership item in response)
                // Do something with each item

            // Or iterate over pages (of server-defined size), performing one RPC per page
            foreach (SearchRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsResponse page in response.AsRawResponses())
                // Do something with each page of items
                Console.WriteLine("A page of results:");
                foreach (RelatedAccountGroupMembership item in page)
                    // Do something with each item

            // Or retrieve a single page of known size (unless it's the final page), performing as many RPCs as required
            int pageSize = 10;
            Page<RelatedAccountGroupMembership> singlePage = response.ReadPage(pageSize);
            // Do something with the page of items
            Console.WriteLine($"A page of {pageSize} results (unless it's the final page):");
            foreach (RelatedAccountGroupMembership item in singlePage)
                // Do something with each item
            // Store the pageToken, for when the next page is required.
            string nextPageToken = singlePage.NextPageToken;

SearchRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsAsync(ProjectName, ByteString, string, int?, CallSettings)

public virtual PagedAsyncEnumerable<SearchRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsResponse, RelatedAccountGroupMembership> SearchRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsAsync(ProjectName project, ByteString hashedAccountId, string pageToken = null, int? pageSize = null, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Search group memberships related to a given account.

Name Description
project ProjectName

Required. The name of the project to search related account group memberships from. Specify the project name in the following format: projects/{project}.

hashedAccountId ByteString

Optional. Deprecated: use account_id instead. The unique stable hashed account identifier used to search connections. The identifier should correspond to a hashed_account_id provided in a previous CreateAssessment or AnnotateAssessment call. Either hashed_account_id or account_id must be set, but not both.

pageToken string

The token returned from the previous request. A value of null or an empty string retrieves the first page.

pageSize int

The size of page to request. The response will not be larger than this, but may be smaller. A value of null or 0 uses a server-defined page size.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A pageable asynchronous sequence of RelatedAccountGroupMembership resources.

            // Create client
            RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
            // Initialize request argument(s)
            ProjectName project = ProjectName.FromProject("[PROJECT]");
            ByteString hashedAccountId = ByteString.Empty;
            // Make the request
#pragma warning disable CS0612
            PagedAsyncEnumerable<SearchRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsResponse, RelatedAccountGroupMembership> response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.SearchRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsAsync(project, hashedAccountId);
#pragma warning restore CS0612

            // Iterate over all response items, lazily performing RPCs as required
            await response.ForEachAsync((RelatedAccountGroupMembership item) =>
                // Do something with each item

            // Or iterate over pages (of server-defined size), performing one RPC per page
            await response.AsRawResponses().ForEachAsync((SearchRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsResponse page) =>
                // Do something with each page of items
                Console.WriteLine("A page of results:");
                foreach (RelatedAccountGroupMembership item in page)
                    // Do something with each item

            // Or retrieve a single page of known size (unless it's the final page), performing as many RPCs as required
            int pageSize = 10;
            Page<RelatedAccountGroupMembership> singlePage = await response.ReadPageAsync(pageSize);
            // Do something with the page of items
            Console.WriteLine($"A page of {pageSize} results (unless it's the final page):");
            foreach (RelatedAccountGroupMembership item in singlePage)
                // Do something with each item
            // Store the pageToken, for when the next page is required.
            string nextPageToken = singlePage.NextPageToken;

SearchRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsAsync(SearchRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual PagedAsyncEnumerable<SearchRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsResponse, RelatedAccountGroupMembership> SearchRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsAsync(SearchRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Search group memberships related to a given account.

Name Description
request SearchRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A pageable asynchronous sequence of RelatedAccountGroupMembership resources.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
SearchRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsRequest request = new SearchRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsRequest
    ProjectAsProjectName = ProjectName.FromProject("[PROJECT]"),
    AccountId = "",
// Make the request
PagedAsyncEnumerable<SearchRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsResponse, RelatedAccountGroupMembership> response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.SearchRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsAsync(request);

// Iterate over all response items, lazily performing RPCs as required
await response.ForEachAsync((RelatedAccountGroupMembership item) =>
    // Do something with each item

// Or iterate over pages (of server-defined size), performing one RPC per page
await response.AsRawResponses().ForEachAsync((SearchRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsResponse page) =>
    // Do something with each page of items
    Console.WriteLine("A page of results:");
    foreach (RelatedAccountGroupMembership item in page)
        // Do something with each item

// Or retrieve a single page of known size (unless it's the final page), performing as many RPCs as required
int pageSize = 10;
Page<RelatedAccountGroupMembership> singlePage = await response.ReadPageAsync(pageSize);
// Do something with the page of items
Console.WriteLine($"A page of {pageSize} results (unless it's the final page):");
foreach (RelatedAccountGroupMembership item in singlePage)
    // Do something with each item
// Store the pageToken, for when the next page is required.
string nextPageToken = singlePage.NextPageToken;

SearchRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsAsync(string, ByteString, string, int?, CallSettings)

public virtual PagedAsyncEnumerable<SearchRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsResponse, RelatedAccountGroupMembership> SearchRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsAsync(string project, ByteString hashedAccountId, string pageToken = null, int? pageSize = null, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Search group memberships related to a given account.

Name Description
project string

Required. The name of the project to search related account group memberships from. Specify the project name in the following format: projects/{project}.

hashedAccountId ByteString

Optional. Deprecated: use account_id instead. The unique stable hashed account identifier used to search connections. The identifier should correspond to a hashed_account_id provided in a previous CreateAssessment or AnnotateAssessment call. Either hashed_account_id or account_id must be set, but not both.

pageToken string

The token returned from the previous request. A value of null or an empty string retrieves the first page.

pageSize int

The size of page to request. The response will not be larger than this, but may be smaller. A value of null or 0 uses a server-defined page size.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A pageable asynchronous sequence of RelatedAccountGroupMembership resources.

            // Create client
            RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
            // Initialize request argument(s)
            string project = "projects/[PROJECT]";
            ByteString hashedAccountId = ByteString.Empty;
            // Make the request
#pragma warning disable CS0612
            PagedAsyncEnumerable<SearchRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsResponse, RelatedAccountGroupMembership> response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.SearchRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsAsync(project, hashedAccountId);
#pragma warning restore CS0612

            // Iterate over all response items, lazily performing RPCs as required
            await response.ForEachAsync((RelatedAccountGroupMembership item) =>
                // Do something with each item

            // Or iterate over pages (of server-defined size), performing one RPC per page
            await response.AsRawResponses().ForEachAsync((SearchRelatedAccountGroupMembershipsResponse page) =>
                // Do something with each page of items
                Console.WriteLine("A page of results:");
                foreach (RelatedAccountGroupMembership item in page)
                    // Do something with each item

            // Or retrieve a single page of known size (unless it's the final page), performing as many RPCs as required
            int pageSize = 10;
            Page<RelatedAccountGroupMembership> singlePage = await response.ReadPageAsync(pageSize);
            // Do something with the page of items
            Console.WriteLine($"A page of {pageSize} results (unless it's the final page):");
            foreach (RelatedAccountGroupMembership item in singlePage)
                // Do something with each item
            // Store the pageToken, for when the next page is required.
            string nextPageToken = singlePage.NextPageToken;


public static Task ShutdownDefaultChannelsAsync()

Shuts down any channels automatically created by Create() and CreateAsync(CancellationToken). Channels which weren't automatically created are not affected.

Type Description

A task representing the asynchronous shutdown operation.


After calling this method, further calls to Create() and CreateAsync(CancellationToken) will create new channels, which could in turn be shut down by another call to this method.

UpdateFirewallPolicy(FirewallPolicy, FieldMask, CallSettings)

public virtual FirewallPolicy UpdateFirewallPolicy(FirewallPolicy firewallPolicy, FieldMask updateMask, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Updates the specified firewall policy.

Name Description
firewallPolicy FirewallPolicy

Required. The policy to update.

updateMask FieldMask

Optional. The mask to control which fields of the policy get updated. If the mask is not present, all fields are updated.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

The RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
FirewallPolicy firewallPolicy = new FirewallPolicy();
FieldMask updateMask = new FieldMask();
// Make the request
FirewallPolicy response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.UpdateFirewallPolicy(firewallPolicy, updateMask);

UpdateFirewallPolicy(UpdateFirewallPolicyRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual FirewallPolicy UpdateFirewallPolicy(UpdateFirewallPolicyRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Updates the specified firewall policy.

Name Description
request UpdateFirewallPolicyRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

The RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
UpdateFirewallPolicyRequest request = new UpdateFirewallPolicyRequest
    FirewallPolicy = new FirewallPolicy(),
    UpdateMask = new FieldMask(),
// Make the request
FirewallPolicy response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.UpdateFirewallPolicy(request);

UpdateFirewallPolicyAsync(FirewallPolicy, FieldMask, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<FirewallPolicy> UpdateFirewallPolicyAsync(FirewallPolicy firewallPolicy, FieldMask updateMask, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Updates the specified firewall policy.

Name Description
firewallPolicy FirewallPolicy

Required. The policy to update.

updateMask FieldMask

Optional. The mask to control which fields of the policy get updated. If the mask is not present, all fields are updated.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
FirewallPolicy firewallPolicy = new FirewallPolicy();
FieldMask updateMask = new FieldMask();
// Make the request
FirewallPolicy response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.UpdateFirewallPolicyAsync(firewallPolicy, updateMask);

UpdateFirewallPolicyAsync(FirewallPolicy, FieldMask, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<FirewallPolicy> UpdateFirewallPolicyAsync(FirewallPolicy firewallPolicy, FieldMask updateMask, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Updates the specified firewall policy.

Name Description
firewallPolicy FirewallPolicy

Required. The policy to update.

updateMask FieldMask

Optional. The mask to control which fields of the policy get updated. If the mask is not present, all fields are updated.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
FirewallPolicy firewallPolicy = new FirewallPolicy();
FieldMask updateMask = new FieldMask();
// Make the request
FirewallPolicy response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.UpdateFirewallPolicyAsync(firewallPolicy, updateMask);

UpdateFirewallPolicyAsync(UpdateFirewallPolicyRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<FirewallPolicy> UpdateFirewallPolicyAsync(UpdateFirewallPolicyRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Updates the specified firewall policy.

Name Description
request UpdateFirewallPolicyRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
UpdateFirewallPolicyRequest request = new UpdateFirewallPolicyRequest
    FirewallPolicy = new FirewallPolicy(),
    UpdateMask = new FieldMask(),
// Make the request
FirewallPolicy response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.UpdateFirewallPolicyAsync(request);

UpdateFirewallPolicyAsync(UpdateFirewallPolicyRequest, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<FirewallPolicy> UpdateFirewallPolicyAsync(UpdateFirewallPolicyRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Updates the specified firewall policy.

Name Description
request UpdateFirewallPolicyRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
UpdateFirewallPolicyRequest request = new UpdateFirewallPolicyRequest
    FirewallPolicy = new FirewallPolicy(),
    UpdateMask = new FieldMask(),
// Make the request
FirewallPolicy response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.UpdateFirewallPolicyAsync(request);

UpdateKey(Key, FieldMask, CallSettings)

public virtual Key UpdateKey(Key key, FieldMask updateMask, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Updates the specified key.

Name Description
key Key

Required. The key to update.

updateMask FieldMask

Optional. The mask to control which fields of the key get updated. If the mask is not present, all fields are updated.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

The RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
Key key = new Key();
FieldMask updateMask = new FieldMask();
// Make the request
Key response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.UpdateKey(key, updateMask);

UpdateKey(UpdateKeyRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual Key UpdateKey(UpdateKeyRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Updates the specified key.

Name Description
request UpdateKeyRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

The RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Initialize request argument(s)
UpdateKeyRequest request = new UpdateKeyRequest
    Key = new Key(),
    UpdateMask = new FieldMask(),
// Make the request
Key response = recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.UpdateKey(request);

UpdateKeyAsync(Key, FieldMask, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<Key> UpdateKeyAsync(Key key, FieldMask updateMask, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Updates the specified key.

Name Description
key Key

Required. The key to update.

updateMask FieldMask

Optional. The mask to control which fields of the key get updated. If the mask is not present, all fields are updated.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
Key key = new Key();
FieldMask updateMask = new FieldMask();
// Make the request
Key response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.UpdateKeyAsync(key, updateMask);

UpdateKeyAsync(Key, FieldMask, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<Key> UpdateKeyAsync(Key key, FieldMask updateMask, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Updates the specified key.

Name Description
key Key

Required. The key to update.

updateMask FieldMask

Optional. The mask to control which fields of the key get updated. If the mask is not present, all fields are updated.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
Key key = new Key();
FieldMask updateMask = new FieldMask();
// Make the request
Key response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.UpdateKeyAsync(key, updateMask);

UpdateKeyAsync(UpdateKeyRequest, CallSettings)

public virtual Task<Key> UpdateKeyAsync(UpdateKeyRequest request, CallSettings callSettings = null)

Updates the specified key.

Name Description
request UpdateKeyRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

callSettings CallSettings

If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
UpdateKeyRequest request = new UpdateKeyRequest
    Key = new Key(),
    UpdateMask = new FieldMask(),
// Make the request
Key response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.UpdateKeyAsync(request);

UpdateKeyAsync(UpdateKeyRequest, CancellationToken)

public virtual Task<Key> UpdateKeyAsync(UpdateKeyRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Updates the specified key.

Name Description
request UpdateKeyRequest

The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken to use for this RPC.

Type Description

A Task containing the RPC response.

// Create client
RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient = await RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.CreateAsync();
// Initialize request argument(s)
UpdateKeyRequest request = new UpdateKeyRequest
    Key = new Key(),
    UpdateMask = new FieldMask(),
// Make the request
Key response = await recaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.UpdateKeyAsync(request);