Version history

Version 2.7.0, released 2021-09-23

Version 2.6.0, released 2021-08-10

  • Commit 61c5c17: chore: Remove unused fields in PublisherClient
  • Commit c75f979: Update PubSub ConfigureAwait warning disablement
  • Commit 5fede56: feat: Add method signature for Subscriber.Pull without the deprecated return_immediately field.
  • Commit 887ec05: feat: Adding subscription properties to streaming pull response in third party pubsub.proto.

Version 2.5.0, released 2021-05-26

Version 2.4.0, released 2021-02-24

Version 2.3.0, released 2021-01-25

Version 2.2.0, released 2020-12-02

  • Commit 0ce91bb: feat: Enable server side flow control by default with the option to turn it off (see below)
  • Commit 0790924: fix: Add gRPC compatibility constructors
  • Commit 0ca05f5: chore: Regenerate all APIs using protoc 3.13 and Grpc.Tools 2.31

As of this release, flow control settings are enforced at the client and are also sent to the Cloud Pub/Sub server but not enforced on the server side yet. Server side flow control is on track to be enabled by the 2nd week of December 2020. Users that face issues with server side flow control can disable it by setting SubscriberClient.Settings.UseLegacyFlowControl# to true which will result in the enforcement of client side flow control only.

Version 2.1.0, released 2020-08-03

Version 2.0.0, released 2020-04-09

  • Commit 26de65c: Fix: Fix comment around default AckDeadline
  • Commit b872180: docs: treat a dummy example URL as a string literal instead of a link
  • Commit ab949d1: Feature: experimental Subscription.Filter property

First GA release targeting GAX 3.0.0.

Version 2.0.0-beta02, released 2020-03-18

  • Commit 2096b6d: Feature: Subscription.RetryPolicy
  • Commit e4226b7:
    • Regenerate Google.Cloud.PubSub.V1 (issue 4515)
    • PullRequest.ReturnImmediately is now obsolete
    • ListTopicSnapshots methods have new overloads accepting a topic name
    • GetSnapshot methods have new overloads accepting a snapshot name

Additionally, dependencies have been updated to target GAX 3.0.0.

Version 2.0.0-beta01, released 2020-02-18

This is the first prerelease targeting GAX v3. Please see the breaking changes guide for details of changes to both GAX and code generation.

Additional significant changes in this release:

Version 1.2.0-beta01, released 2020-01-06

Version 1.1.0, released 2019-12-10

Note that support is present in the code for ordering keys, but it's currently disabled; it will be enabled in a future release.

Version 1.0.0, released 2018-10-08

Initial GA release.