Google Cloud Datastore v1 API - Class QueryExtensions (4.13.0)

public static class QueryExtensions

Reference documentation and code samples for the Google Cloud Datastore v1 API class QueryExtensions.

Extension methods around queries.


object > QueryExtensions






Add(MapField<string, GqlQueryParameter>, string, Value)

public static void Add(this MapField<string, GqlQueryParameter> parameters, string parameterName, Value value)

Adds a GQL parameter with the specified value.

Name Description
parameters MapFieldstringGqlQueryParameter

The mapping of GQL query parameters to add to. Must not be null.

parameterName string

The name of the parameter. Must not be null.

value Value

The value to add. May be null, which indicates a value with NullValue set.

Add(RepeatedField<GqlQueryParameter>, Value)

public static void Add(this RepeatedField<GqlQueryParameter> parameters, Value value)

Adds a GQL parameter with the specified value.

Name Description
parameters RepeatedFieldGqlQueryParameter

The list of positional GQL query parameters to add to. Must not be null.

value Value

The value to add. May be null, which indicates a value with NullValue set.

Add(RepeatedField<Projection>, string)

public static void Add(this RepeatedField<Projection> projections, string propertyName)

Adds a projection with the given property name to the repeated field. This enables projections to be specified in a query with a collection initializer in C# 6 and later.

Name Description
projections RepeatedFieldProjection

The collection of projections to add to. Must not be null.

propertyName string

The property to project. Must not be null.

Add(RepeatedField<PropertyOrder>, string)

public static void Add(this RepeatedField<PropertyOrder> orderings, string propertyName)

Adds an ascending ordering by property name. The ordering is implicitly ascending.

Name Description
orderings RepeatedFieldPropertyOrder

The ordering field to add the ordering to. Must not be null.

propertyName string

The name of the property to order by. Must not be null.

Add(RepeatedField<PropertyOrder>, string, Direction)

public static void Add(this RepeatedField<PropertyOrder> orderings, string propertyName, PropertyOrder.Types.Direction direction)

Adds an ordering by property name and direction.

Name Description
orderings RepeatedFieldPropertyOrder

The ordering field to add the ordering to. Must not be null.

propertyName string

The name of the property to order by. Must not be null.

direction PropertyOrderTypesDirection

The direction to order by. Must be Ascending or Descending.

Add(RepeatedField<PropertyReference>, string)

public static void Add(this RepeatedField<PropertyReference> propertyReferences, string propertyName)

Adds an entry to the list of property references. This enables repeated property reference fields (such as DistinctOn to be specified in a query with a collection initializer in C# 6 and later.

Name Description
propertyReferences RepeatedFieldPropertyReference

The collection of property references to add to. Must not be null.

propertyName string

The property to project. Must not be null.