Supported Files

File Types

Document AI supports the following image types.

For information about file size and page limits, refer to the Quotas and Limits page.

Name File Extension(s) MIME Type
Portable Document Format (PDF) .pdf application/pdf
Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) .gif image/gif
Tag Image File Format (TIFF) .tiff, .tif image/tiff
Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) .jpg, .jpeg image/jpeg
Portable Network Graphics (PNG) .png image/png
Bitmap (BMP) .bmp image/bmp
WebP .webp image/webp
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) .html text/html

Note that some of these image formats are "lossy" (for example, JPEG). Reducing file sizes for lossy formats may result in a degradation of image quality and accuracy of results from Document AI.

Document scan resolution

For most accurate OCR results from Document AI, document scans should be a minimum of 200 dpi (dots per inch). 300 dpi and higher generally produce the best results. OCR accuracy is dependent on both the resolution and the minimum font size, along with other factors like document (and if handwritten, handwriting) quality, so testing is recommended. The image quality analysis feature can help evaluate resolution concerns.

NOTE: 2k x 3k pixels are required for the US driver's license back side image in order to read the barcode.