Service for managing Agents
CreateAgent |
Creates an agent in the specified location. Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the training documentation.
DeleteAgent |
Deletes the specified agent.
ExportAgent |
Exports the specified agent to a binary file. This method is a long-running operation. The returned
GetAgent |
Retrieves the specified agent.
GetAgentValidationResult |
Gets the latest agent validation result. Agent validation is performed when ValidateAgent is called.
GetGenerativeSettings |
Gets the generative settings for the agent.
ListAgents |
Returns the list of all agents in the specified location.
RestoreAgent |
Restores the specified agent from a binary file. Replaces the current agent with a new one. Note that all existing resources in agent (e.g. intents, entity types, flows) will be removed. This method is a long-running operation. The returned
Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the training documentation.
UpdateAgent |
Updates the specified agent. Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the training documentation.
UpdateGenerativeSettings |
Updates the generative settings for the agent.
ValidateAgent |
Validates the specified agent and creates or updates validation results. The agent in draft version is validated. Please call this API after the training is completed to get the complete validation results.
Service for managing Changelogs
GetChangelog |
Retrieves the specified Changelog.
ListChangelogs |
Returns the list of Changelogs.
Service for managing conversation history.
DeleteConversation |
Deletes the specified conversation.
GetConversation |
Retrieves the specified conversation.
ListConversations |
Returns the list of all conversations.
Service for managing Deployments
GetDeployment |
Retrieves the specified
ListDeployments |
Returns the list of all deployments in the specified
Service for managing EntityTypes
CreateEntityType |
Creates an entity type in the specified agent.
DeleteEntityType |
Deletes the specified entity type. Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the training documentation.
ExportEntityTypes |
Exports the selected entity types.
GetEntityType |
Retrieves the specified entity type.
ImportEntityTypes |
Imports the specified entitytypes into the agent.
ListEntityTypes |
Returns the list of all entity types in the specified agent.
UpdateEntityType |
Updates the specified entity type. Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the training documentation.
Service for managing Environments
CreateEnvironment |
Creates an This method is a long-running operation. The returned
DeleteEnvironment |
Deletes the specified
DeployFlow |
Deploys a flow to the specified This method is a long-running operation. The returned
GetEnvironment |
Retrieves the specified
ListContinuousTestResults |
Fetches a list of continuous test results for a given environment.
ListEnvironments |
Returns the list of all environments in the specified
LookupEnvironmentHistory |
Looks up the history of the specified
RunContinuousTest |
Kicks off a continuous test under the specified This method is a long-running operation. The returned
UpdateEnvironment |
Updates the specified This method is a long-running operation. The returned
Service for managing Examples
CreateExample |
Creates an example in the specified playbook.
DeleteExample |
Deletes the specified example.
GetExample |
Retrieves the specified example.
ListExamples |
Returns a list of examples in the specified playbook.
UpdateExample |
Update the specified example.
Service for managing Experiments
CreateExperiment |
Creates an
DeleteExperiment |
Deletes the specified
GetExperiment |
Retrieves the specified
ListExperiments |
Returns the list of all experiments in the specified
StartExperiment |
Starts the specified
StopExperiment |
Stops the specified
UpdateExperiment |
Updates the specified
Service for managing Flows
CreateFlow |
Creates a flow in the specified agent. Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the training documentation.
DeleteFlow |
Deletes a specified flow.
ExportFlow |
Exports the specified flow to a binary file. This method is a long-running operation. The returned
Note that resources (e.g. intents, entities, webhooks) that the flow references will also be exported.
GetFlow |
Retrieves the specified flow.
GetFlowValidationResult |
Gets the latest flow validation result. Flow validation is performed when ValidateFlow is called.
ImportFlow |
Imports the specified flow to the specified agent from a binary file. This method is a long-running operation. The returned
Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the training documentation.
ListFlows |
Returns the list of all flows in the specified agent.
TrainFlow |
Trains the specified flow. Note that only the flow in 'draft' environment is trained. This method is a long-running operation. The returned
Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the training documentation.
UpdateFlow |
Updates the specified flow. Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the training documentation.
ValidateFlow |
Validates the specified flow and creates or updates validation results. Please call this API after the training is completed to get the complete validation results.
Service for managing Generators
CreateGenerator |
Creates a generator in the specified agent.
DeleteGenerator |
Deletes the specified generators.
GetGenerator |
Retrieves the specified generator.
ListGenerators |
Returns the list of all generators in the specified agent.
UpdateGenerator |
Update the specified generator.
Service for managing Intents
CreateIntent |
Creates an intent in the specified agent. Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the training documentation.
DeleteIntent |
Deletes the specified intent. Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the training documentation.
ExportIntents |
Exports the selected intents. This method is a long-running operation. The returned
GetIntent |
Retrieves the specified intent.
ImportIntents |
Imports the specified intents into the agent. This method is a long-running operation. The returned
ListIntents |
Returns the list of all intents in the specified agent.
UpdateIntent |
Updates the specified intent. Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the training documentation.
Service for managing Pages
CreatePage |
Creates a page in the specified flow.
DeletePage |
Deletes the specified page.
GetPage |
Retrieves the specified page.
ListPages |
Returns the list of all pages in the specified flow.
UpdatePage |
Updates the specified page.
Service for managing Playbooks
CreatePlaybook |
Creates a playbook in a specified agent.
CreatePlaybookVersion |
Creates a version for the specified Playbook.
DeletePlaybook |
Deletes a specified playbook.
DeletePlaybookVersion |
Deletes the specified version of the Playbook.
GetPlaybook |
Retrieves the specified Playbook.
GetPlaybookVersion |
Retrieves the specified version of the Playbook.
ListPlaybookVersions |
Lists versions for the specified Playbook.
ListPlaybooks |
Returns a list of playbooks in the specified agent.
UpdatePlaybook |
Updates the specified Playbook.
Service for managing security settings for Dialogflow.
CreateSecuritySettings |
Create security settings in the specified location.
DeleteSecuritySettings |
Deletes the specified
GetSecuritySettings |
Retrieves the specified
ListSecuritySettings |
Returns the list of all security settings in the specified location.
UpdateSecuritySettings |
Updates the specified
Service for managing SessionEntityTypes
CreateSessionEntityType |
Creates a session entity type.
DeleteSessionEntityType |
Deletes the specified session entity type.
GetSessionEntityType |
Retrieves the specified session entity type.
ListSessionEntityTypes |
Returns the list of all session entity types in the specified session.
UpdateSessionEntityType |
Updates the specified session entity type.
A session represents an interaction with a user. You retrieve user input and pass it to the DetectIntent
method to determine user intent and respond.
DetectIntent |
Processes a natural language query and returns structured, actionable data as a result. This method is not idempotent, because it may cause session entity types to be updated, which in turn might affect results of future queries. Note: Always use agent versions for production traffic. See Versions and environments.
FulfillIntent |
Fulfills a matched intent returned by
MatchIntent |
Returns preliminary intent match results, doesn't change the session status.
ServerStreamingDetectIntent |
Processes a natural language query and returns structured, actionable data as a result through server-side streaming. Server-side streaming allows Dialogflow to send partial responses earlier in a single request.
StreamingDetectIntent |
Processes a natural language query in audio format in a streaming fashion and returns structured, actionable data as a result. This method is only available via the gRPC API (not REST). Note: Always use agent versions for production traffic. See Versions and environments.
SubmitAnswerFeedback |
Updates the feedback received from the user for a single turn of the bot response.
Service for managing Test Cases
and Test Case Results
BatchDeleteTestCases |
Batch deletes test cases.
BatchRunTestCases |
Kicks off a batch run of test cases. This method is a long-running operation. The returned
CalculateCoverage |
Calculates the test coverage for an agent.
CreateTestCase |
Creates a test case for the given agent.
ExportTestCases |
Exports the test cases under the agent to a Cloud Storage bucket or a local file. Filter can be applied to export a subset of test cases. This method is a long-running operation. The returned
GetTestCase |
Gets a test case.
GetTestCaseResult |
Gets a test case result.
ImportTestCases |
Imports the test cases from a Cloud Storage bucket or a local file. It always creates new test cases and won't overwrite any existing ones. The provided ID in the imported test case is neglected. This method is a long-running operation. The returned
ListTestCaseResults |
Fetches the list of run results for the given test case. A maximum of 100 results are kept for each test case.
ListTestCases |
Fetches a list of test cases for a given agent.
RunTestCase |
Kicks off a test case run. This method is a long-running operation. The returned
UpdateTestCase |
Updates the specified test case.
Service for managing Tools
CreateTool |
Creates a
CreateToolVersion |
Creates a version for the specified
DeleteTool |
Deletes a specified
DeleteToolVersion |
Deletes the specified version of the
ExportTools |
Exports the selected tools.
GetTool |
Retrieves the specified
GetToolVersion |
Retrieves the specified version of the
ListToolVersions |
List versions of the specified
ListTools |
Returns a list of
RestoreToolVersion |
Retrieves the specified version of the Tool and stores it as the current tool draft, returning the tool with resources updated.
UpdateTool |
Update the specified
Service for managing TransitionRouteGroups
CreateTransitionRouteGroup |
Creates an Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the training documentation.
DeleteTransitionRouteGroup |
Deletes the specified Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the training documentation.
GetTransitionRouteGroup |
Retrieves the specified
ListTransitionRouteGroups |
Returns the list of all transition route groups in the specified flow.
UpdateTransitionRouteGroup |
Updates the specified Note: You should always train a flow prior to sending it queries. See the training documentation.
Service for managing Versions
CompareVersions |
Compares the specified base version with target version.
CreateVersion |
Creates a This method is a long-running operation. The returned
DeleteVersion |
Deletes the specified
GetVersion |
Retrieves the specified
ListVersions |
Returns the list of all versions in the specified
LoadVersion |
Loads resources in the specified version to the draft flow. This method is a long-running operation. The returned
UpdateVersion |
Updates the specified
Service for managing Webhooks
CreateWebhook |
Creates a webhook in the specified agent.
DeleteWebhook |
Deletes the specified webhook.
GetWebhook |
Retrieves the specified webhook.
ListWebhooks |
Returns the list of all webhooks in the specified agent.
UpdateWebhook |
Updates the specified webhook.
Action performed by end user or Dialogflow agent in the conversation.
Fields | |
Union field action . Action details. action can be only one of the following: |
user_utterance |
Optional. Agent obtained a message from the customer. |
agent_utterance |
Optional. Action performed by the agent as a message. |
tool_use |
Optional. Action performed on behalf of the agent by calling a plugin tool. |
playbook_invocation |
Optional. Action performed on behalf of the agent by invoking a child playbook. |
flow_invocation |
Optional. Action performed on behalf of the agent by invoking a CX flow. |
Hierarchical advanced settings for agent/flow/page/fulfillment/parameter. Settings exposed at lower level overrides the settings exposed at higher level. Overriding occurs at the sub-setting level. For example, the playback_interruption_settings at fulfillment level only overrides the playback_interruption_settings at the agent level, leaving other settings at the agent level unchanged.
DTMF settings does not override each other. DTMF settings set at different levels define DTMF detections running in parallel.
Hierarchy: Agent->Flow->Page->Fulfillment/Parameter.
Fields | |
audio_export_gcs_destination |
If present, incoming audio is exported by Dialogflow to the configured Google Cloud Storage destination. Exposed at the following levels: - Agent level - Flow level |
speech_settings |
Settings for speech to text detection. Exposed at the following levels: - Agent level - Flow level - Page level - Parameter level |
dtmf_settings |
Settings for DTMF. Exposed at the following levels: - Agent level - Flow level - Page level - Parameter level. |
logging_settings |
Settings for logging. Settings for Dialogflow History, Contact Center messages, StackDriver logs, and speech logging. Exposed at the following levels: - Agent level. |
Define behaviors for DTMF (dual tone multi frequency).
Fields | |
enabled |
If true, incoming audio is processed for DTMF (dual tone multi frequency) events. For example, if the caller presses a button on their telephone keypad and DTMF processing is enabled, Dialogflow will detect the event (e.g. a "3" was pressed) in the incoming audio and pass the event to the bot to drive business logic (e.g. when 3 is pressed, return the account balance). |
max_digits |
Max length of DTMF digits. |
finish_digit |
The digit that terminates a DTMF digit sequence. |
interdigit_timeout_duration |
Interdigit timeout setting for matching dtmf input to regex. |
endpointing_timeout_duration |
Endpoint timeout setting for matching dtmf input to regex. |
Define behaviors on logging.
Fields | |
enable_stackdriver_logging |
Enables Google Cloud Logging. |
enable_interaction_logging |
Enables DF Interaction logging. |
enable_consent_based_redaction |
Enables consent-based end-user input redaction, if true, a pre-defined session parameter |
Define behaviors of speech to text detection.
Fields | |
endpointer_sensitivity |
Sensitivity of the speech model that detects the end of speech. Scale from 0 to 100. |
no_speech_timeout |
Timeout before detecting no speech. |
use_timeout_based_endpointing |
Use timeout based endpointing, interpreting endpointer sensitivity as seconds of timeout value. |
models |
Mapping from language to Speech-to-Text model. The mapped Speech-to-Text model will be selected for requests from its corresponding language. For more information, see Speech models. |
Agents are best described as Natural Language Understanding (NLU) modules that transform user requests into actionable data. You can include agents in your app, product, or service to determine user intent and respond to the user in a natural way.
After you create an agent, you can add Intents
, Entity Types
, Flows
, Fulfillments
, Webhooks
, TransitionRouteGroups
and so on to manage the conversation flows.
Fields | |
name |
The unique identifier of the agent. Required for the |
display_name |
Required. The human-readable name of the agent, unique within the location. |
default_language_code |
Required. Immutable. The default language of the agent as a language tag. See Language Support for a list of the currently supported language codes. This field cannot be set by the |
supported_language_codes[] |
The list of all languages supported by the agent (except for the |
time_zone |
Required. The time zone of the agent from the time zone database, e.g., America/New_York, Europe/Paris. |
description |
The description of the agent. The maximum length is 500 characters. If exceeded, the request is rejected. |
avatar_uri |
The URI of the agent's avatar. Avatars are used throughout the Dialogflow console and in the self-hosted Web Demo integration. |
speech_to_text_settings |
Speech recognition related settings. |
security_settings |
Name of the |
enable_stackdriver_logging |
Indicates if stackdriver logging is enabled for the agent. Please use |
enable_spell_correction |
Indicates if automatic spell correction is enabled in detect intent requests. |
enable_multi_language_training |
Optional. Enable training multi-lingual models for this agent. These models will be trained on all the languages supported by the agent. |
locked |
Indicates whether the agent is locked for changes. If the agent is locked, modifications to the agent will be rejected except for [RestoreAgent][]. |
advanced_settings |
Hierarchical advanced settings for this agent. The settings exposed at the lower level overrides the settings exposed at the higher level. |
git_integration_settings |
Git integration settings for this agent. |
bigquery_export_settings |
Optional. The BigQuery export settings for this agent. The conversation data will be exported to BigQuery tables if it is enabled. By default, BigQuery export settings will not be exported with agent. You need to set |
text_to_speech_settings |
Settings on instructing the speech synthesizer on how to generate the output audio content. |
answer_feedback_settings |
Optional. Answer feedback collection settings. |
personalization_settings |
Optional. Settings for end user personalization. |
client_certificate_settings |
Optional. Settings for custom client certificates. |
Union field session_entry_resource . The resource to start the conversations with for the agent. session_entry_resource can be only one of the following: |
start_flow |
Name of the start flow in this agent. A start flow will be automatically created when the agent is created, and can only be deleted by deleting the agent. Format: |
start_playbook |
Name of the start playbook in this agent. A start playbook will be automatically created when the agent is created, and can only be deleted by deleting the agent. Format: |
gen_app_builder_settings |
Gen App Builder-related agent-level settings. |
satisfies_pzs |
Optional. Output only. A read only boolean field reflecting Zone Separation status of the agent. |
satisfies_pzi |
Optional. Output only. A read only boolean field reflecting Zone Isolation status of the agent. |
Settings for answer feedback collection.
Fields | |
enable_answer_feedback |
Optional. If enabled, end users will be able to provide |
Settings for custom client certificates.
Fields | |
ssl_certificate |
Required. The ssl certificate encoded in PEM format. This string must include the begin header and end footer lines. |
private_key |
Required. The name of the SecretManager secret version resource storing the private key encoded in PEM format. Format: |
passphrase |
Optional. The name of the SecretManager secret version resource storing the passphrase. 'passphrase' should be left unset if the private key is not encrypted. Format: |
Settings for Gen App Builder.
Fields | |
engine |
Required. The full name of the Gen App Builder engine related to this agent if there is one. Format: |
Settings for connecting to Git repository for an agent.
Fields | |
Union field git_settings . The git settings to specific systems. git_settings can be only one of the following: |
github_settings |
GitHub settings. |
git_connection_settings |
Git connection settings. |
Integration settings for a Git service hosted on Cloud Run.
Fields | |
display_name |
Required. Display name for the repository |
repository_uri |
Required. Git server reporitory URI. |
tracking_branch |
Required. Default branch of the repository. |
branches[] |
Optional. List of branches configured for the repository. |
Union field git_authentication . Support auth types. git_authentication can be only one of the following: |
access_token_secret |
The name of the SecretManager secret version resource storing the git access token. Format: |
Settings of integration with GitHub.
Fields | |
display_name |
The unique repository display name for the GitHub repository. |
repository_uri |
The GitHub repository URI related to the agent. |
tracking_branch |
The branch of the GitHub repository tracked for this agent. |
access_token |
The access token used to authenticate the access to the GitHub repository. |
branches[] |
A list of branches configured to be used from Dialogflow. |
Settings for end user personalization.
Fields | |
default_end_user_metadata |
Optional. Default end user metadata, used when processing DetectIntent requests. Recommended to be filled as a template instead of hard-coded value, for example { "age": "$session.params.age" }. The data will be merged with the |
AgentUtterance represents one message sent by the agent.
Fields | |
text |
Required. Message content in text. |
The response message for Agents.GetAgentValidationResult
Fields | |
name |
The unique identifier of the agent validation result. Format: |
flow_validation_results[] |
Contains all flow validation results. |
Stores information about feedback provided by users about a response.
Fields | |
rating |
Optional. Rating from user for the specific Dialogflow response. |
rating_reason |
Optional. In case of thumbs down rating provided, users can optionally provide context about the rating. |
custom_rating |
Optional. Custom rating from the user about the provided answer, with maximum length of 1024 characters. For example, client could use a customized JSON object to indicate the rating. |
Represents thumbs up/down rating provided by user about a response.
Enums | |
Rating not specified. |
Thumbs up feedback from user. |
Thumbs down feedback from user. |
Stores extra information about why users provided thumbs down rating.
Fields | |
reason_labels[] |
Optional. Custom reason labels for thumbs down rating provided by the user. The maximum number of labels allowed is 10 and the maximum length of a single label is 128 characters. |
feedback |
Optional. Additional feedback about the rating. This field can be populated without choosing a predefined |
Audio encoding of the audio content sent in the conversational query request. Refer to the Cloud Speech API documentation for more details.
Enums | |
Not specified. |
Uncompressed 16-bit signed little-endian samples (Linear PCM). |
FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) is the recommended encoding because it is lossless (therefore recognition is not compromised) and requires only about half the bandwidth of LINEAR16 . FLAC stream encoding supports 16-bit and 24-bit samples, however, not all fields in STREAMINFO are supported. |
8-bit samples that compand 14-bit audio samples using G.711 PCMU/mu-law. |
Adaptive Multi-Rate Narrowband codec. sample_rate_hertz must be 8000. |
Adaptive Multi-Rate Wideband codec. sample_rate_hertz must be 16000. |
Opus encoded audio frames in Ogg container (OggOpus). sample_rate_hertz must be 16000. |
Although the use of lossy encodings is not recommended, if a very low bitrate encoding is required, OGG_OPUS is highly preferred over Speex encoding. The Speex encoding supported by Dialogflow API has a header byte in each block, as in MIME type audio/x-speex-with-header-byte . It is a variant of the RTP Speex encoding defined in RFC 5574. The stream is a sequence of blocks, one block per RTP packet. Each block starts with a byte containing the length of the block, in bytes, followed by one or more frames of Speex data, padded to an integral number of bytes (octets) as specified in RFC 5574. In other words, each RTP header is replaced with a single byte containing the block length. Only Speex wideband is supported. sample_rate_hertz must be 16000. |
8-bit samples that compand 13-bit audio samples using G.711 PCMU/a-law. |
Represents the natural speech audio to be processed.
Fields | |
config |
Required. Instructs the speech recognizer how to process the speech audio. |
audio |
The natural language speech audio to be processed. A single request can contain up to 2 minutes of speech audio data. The For non-streaming audio detect intent, both |
Configuration of the barge-in behavior. Barge-in instructs the API to return a detected utterance at a proper time while the client is playing back the response audio from a previous request. When the client sees the utterance, it should stop the playback and immediately get ready for receiving the responses for the current request.
The barge-in handling requires the client to start streaming audio input as soon as it starts playing back the audio from the previous response. The playback is modeled into two phases:
No barge-in phase: which goes first and during which speech detection should not be carried out.
Barge-in phase: which follows the no barge-in phase and during which the API starts speech detection and may inform the client that an utterance has been detected. Note that no-speech event is not expected in this phase.
The client provides this configuration in terms of the durations of those two phases. The durations are measured in terms of the audio length from the start of the input audio.
No-speech event is a response with END_OF_UTTERANCE without any transcript following up.
Fields | |
no_barge_in_duration |
Duration that is not eligible for barge-in at the beginning of the input audio. |
total_duration |
Total duration for the playback at the beginning of the input audio. |
The request message for TestCases.BatchDeleteTestCases
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The agent to delete test cases from. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
names[] |
Required. Format of test case names: |
Metadata returned for the TestCases.BatchRunTestCases
long running operation.
Fields | |
errors[] |
The test errors. |
The request message for TestCases.BatchRunTestCases
Fields | |
parent |
Required. Agent name. Format: |
environment |
Optional. If not set, draft environment is assumed. Format: |
test_cases[] |
Required. Format: |
The response message for TestCases.BatchRunTestCases
Fields | |
results[] |
The test case results. The detailed |
The settings of BigQuery export.
Fields | |
enabled |
The field to indicate whether the BigQuery export is enabled. |
bigquery_table |
The BigQuery table to export. Format: |
Boost specification to boost certain documents. A copy of, field documentation is available at
Fields | |
condition_boost_specs[] |
Optional. Condition boost specifications. If a document matches multiple conditions in the specifications, boost scores from these specifications are all applied and combined in a non-linear way. Maximum number of specifications is 20. |
Boost applies to documents which match a condition.
Fields | |
condition |
Optional. An expression which specifies a boost condition. The syntax and supported fields are the same as a filter expression. Examples:
boost |
Optional. Strength of the condition boost, which should be in [-1, 1]. Negative boost means demotion. Default is 0.0. Setting to 1.0 gives the document a big promotion. However, it does not necessarily mean that the boosted document will be the top result at all times, nor that other documents will be excluded. Results could still be shown even when none of them matches the condition. And results that are significantly more relevant to the search query can still trump your heavily favored but irrelevant documents. Setting to -1.0 gives the document a big demotion. However, results that are deeply relevant might still be shown. The document will have an upstream battle to get a fairly high ranking, but it is not blocked out completely. Setting to 0.0 means no boost applied. The boosting condition is ignored. |
boost_control_spec |
Optional. Complex specification for custom ranking based on customer defined attribute value. |
Specification for custom ranking based on customer specified attribute value. It provides more controls for customized ranking than the simple (condition, boost) combination above.
Fields | |
field_name |
Optional. The name of the field whose value will be used to determine the boost amount. |
attribute_type |
Optional. The attribute type to be used to determine the boost amount. The attribute value can be derived from the field value of the specified field_name. In the case of numerical it is straightforward i.e. attribute_value = numerical_field_value. In the case of freshness however, attribute_value = ( - datetime_field_value). |
interpolation_type |
Optional. The interpolation type to be applied to connect the control points listed below. |
control_points[] |
Optional. The control points used to define the curve. The monotonic function (defined through the interpolation_type above) passes through the control points listed here. |
The attribute(or function) for which the custom ranking is to be applied.
Enums | |
Unspecified AttributeType. |
The value of the numerical field will be used to dynamically update the boost amount. In this case, the attribute_value (the x value) of the control point will be the actual value of the numerical field for which the boost_amount is specified. |
For the freshness use case the attribute value will be the duration between the current time and the date in the datetime field specified. The value must be formatted as an XSD dayTimeDuration value (a restricted subset of an ISO 8601 duration value). The pattern for this is: [nD][T[nH][nM][nS]] . E.g. 5D , 3DT12H30M , T24H . |
The control points used to define the curve. The curve defined through these control points can only be monotonically increasing or decreasing(constant values are acceptable).
Fields | |
attribute_value |
Optional. Can be one of: 1. The numerical field value. 2. The duration spec for freshness: The value must be formatted as an XSD |
boost_amount |
Optional. The value between -1 to 1 by which to boost the score if the attribute_value evaluates to the value specified above. |
The interpolation type to be applied. Default will be linear (Piecewise Linear).
Enums | |
Interpolation type is unspecified. In this case, it defaults to Linear. |
Piecewise linear interpolation will be applied. |
Boost specifications for data stores.
Fields | |
data_stores[] |
Optional. Data Stores where the boosting configuration is applied. The full names of the referenced data stores. Formats: |
spec[] |
Optional. A list of boosting specifications. |
The request message for TestCases.CalculateCoverage
Fields | |
agent |
Required. The agent to calculate coverage for. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
type |
Required. The type of coverage requested. |
The type of coverage score requested.
Enums | |
Should never be used. |
Intent coverage. |
Page transition coverage. |
Transition route group coverage. |
The response message for TestCases.CalculateCoverage
Fields | |
agent |
The agent to calculate coverage for. Format: |
Union field coverage_type . The type of coverage requested. coverage_type can be only one of the following: |
intent_coverage |
Intent coverage. |
transition_coverage |
Transition (excluding transition route groups) coverage. |
route_group_coverage |
Transition route group coverage. |
Changelogs represents a change made to a given agent.
Fields | |
name |
The unique identifier of the changelog. Format: |
user_email |
Email address of the authenticated user. |
display_name |
The affected resource display name of the change. |
action |
The action of the change. |
type |
The affected resource type. |
resource |
The affected resource name of the change. |
create_time |
The timestamp of the change. |
language_code |
The affected language code of the change. |
Cloud conversation info for easier debugging. It will get populated in StreamingDetectIntentResponse
or StreamingAnalyzeContentResponse
when the flag enable_debugging_info
is set to true in corresponding requests.
Fields | |
audio_data_chunks |
Number of input audio data chunks in streaming requests. |
result_end_time_offset |
Time offset of the end of speech utterance relative to the beginning of the first audio chunk. |
first_audio_duration |
Duration of first audio chunk. |
single_utterance |
Whether client used single utterance mode. |
speech_partial_results_end_times[] |
Time offsets of the speech partial results relative to the beginning of the stream. |
speech_final_results_end_times[] |
Time offsets of the speech final results (is_final=true) relative to the beginning of the stream. |
partial_responses |
Total number of partial responses. |
speaker_id_passive_latency_ms_offset |
Time offset of Speaker ID stream close time relative to the Speech stream close time in milliseconds. Only meaningful for conversations involving passive verification. |
bargein_event_triggered |
Whether a barge-in event is triggered in this request. |
speech_single_utterance |
Whether speech uses single utterance mode. |
dtmf_partial_results_times[] |
Time offsets of the DTMF partial results relative to the beginning of the stream. |
dtmf_final_results_times[] |
Time offsets of the DTMF final results relative to the beginning of the stream. |
single_utterance_end_time_offset |
Time offset of the end-of-single-utterance signal relative to the beginning of the stream. |
no_speech_timeout |
No speech timeout settings for the stream. |
endpointing_timeout |
Speech endpointing timeout settings for the stream. |
is_input_text |
Whether the streaming terminates with an injected text query. |
client_half_close_time_offset |
Client half close time in terms of input audio duration. |
client_half_close_streaming_time_offset |
Client half close time in terms of API streaming duration. |
The request message for Versions.CompareVersions
Fields | |
base_version |
Required. Name of the base flow version to compare with the target version. Use version ID Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
target_version |
Required. Name of the target flow version to compare with the base version. Use version ID Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
language_code |
The language to compare the flow versions for. If not specified, the agent's default language is used. Many languages are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used. |
The response message for Versions.CompareVersions
Fields | |
base_version_content_json |
JSON representation of the base version content. |
target_version_content_json |
JSON representation of the target version content. |
compare_time |
The timestamp when the two version compares. |
Represents a result from running a test case in an agent environment.
Fields | |
name |
The resource name for the continuous test result. Format: |
result |
The result of this continuous test run, i.e. whether all the tests in this continuous test run pass or not. |
test_case_results[] |
A list of individual test case results names in this continuous test run. |
run_time |
Time when the continuous testing run starts. |
The overall result for a continuous test run in an agent environment.
Enums | |
Not specified. Should never be used. |
All the tests passed. |
At least one test did not pass. |
Represents a conversation.
Fields | |
name |
Identifier. The identifier of the conversation. If conversation ID is reused, interactions happened later than 48 hours of the conversation's create time will be ignored. Format: |
type |
The type of the conversation. |
language_code |
The language of the conversation, which is the language of the first request in the conversation. |
start_time |
Start time of the conversation, which is the time of the first request of the conversation. |
duration |
Duration of the conversation. |
metrics |
Conversation metrics. |
intents[] |
All the matched |
flows[] |
All the |
pages[] |
All the |
interactions[] |
Interactions of the conversation. Only populated for |
environment |
Environment of the conversation. Only |
flow_versions |
Flow versions used in the conversation. |
Represents an interaction between an end user and a Dialogflow CX agent using V3 (Streaming)DetectIntent API, or an interaction between an end user and a Dialogflow CX agent using V2 (Streaming)AnalyzeContent API.
Fields | |
request |
The request of the interaction. |
response |
The final response of the interaction. |
partial_responses[] |
The partial responses of the interaction. Empty if there is no partial response in the interaction. See the [partial response documentation][]. |
request_utterances |
The input text or the transcript of the input audio in the request. |
response_utterances |
The output text or the transcript of the output audio in the responses. If multiple output messages are returned, they will be concatenated into one. |
create_time |
The time that the interaction was created. |
answer_feedback |
Answer feedback for the final response. |
missing_transition |
Missing transition predicted for the interaction. This field is set only if the interaction match type was no-match. |
step_metrics[] |
Metrics associated with different processing steps. Names and number of steps depend on the request and can change without a notice. |
Information collected for DF CX agents in case NLU predicted an intent that was filtered out as being inactive which may indicate a missing transition and/or absent functionality.
Fields | |
intent_display_name |
Name of the intent that could have triggered. |
score |
Score of the above intent. The higher it is the more likely a transition was missed on a given page. |
Metrics of each processing step.
Fields | |
name |
Name of the request processing step. |
latency |
Processing latency of the step. |
Represents metrics for the conversation.
Fields | |
interaction_count |
The number of interactions in the conversation. |
input_audio_duration |
Duration of all the input's audio in the conversation. |
output_audio_duration |
Duration of all the output's audio in the conversation. |
max_webhook_latency |
Maximum latency of the |
has_end_interaction |
A signal that indicates the interaction with the Dialogflow agent has ended. If any response has the |
has_live_agent_handoff |
Hands off conversation to a human agent. If any response has the |
average_match_confidence |
The average confidence all of the |
query_input_count |
Query input counts. |
match_type_count |
Match type counts. |
Count by Match.MatchType
of the matches in the conversation.
Fields | |
unspecified_count |
The number of matches with type |
intent_count |
The number of matches with type |
direct_intent_count |
The number of matches with type |
parameter_filling_count |
The number of matches with type |
no_match_count |
The number of matches with type |
no_input_count |
The number of matches with type |
event_count |
The number of matches with type |
Count by types of QueryInput
of the requests in the conversation.
Fields | |
text_count |
The number of |
intent_count |
The number of |
audio_count |
The number of |
event_count |
The number of |
dtmf_count |
The number of |
Represents the type of a conversation.
Enums | |
Not specified. This value should never be used. |
Audio conversation. A conversation is classified as an audio conversation if any request has STT input audio or any response has TTS output audio. |
Text conversation. A conversation is classified as a text conversation if any request has text input and no request has STT input audio and no response has TTS output audio. |
Default conversation type for a conversation. A conversation is classified as undetermined if none of the requests contain text or audio input (eg. event or intent input). |
This message is used to hold all the Conversation Signals data, which will be converted to JSON and exported to BigQuery.
Fields | |
turn_signals |
Required. Turn signals for the current turn. |
One interaction between a human and virtual agent. The human provides some input and the virtual agent provides a response.
Fields | |
user_input |
The user input. |
virtual_agent_output |
The virtual agent output. |
The input from the human user.
Fields | |
input |
Supports |
injected_parameters |
Parameters that need to be injected into the conversation during intent detection. |
is_webhook_enabled |
If webhooks should be allowed to trigger in response to the user utterance. Often if parameters are injected, webhooks should not be enabled. |
enable_sentiment_analysis |
Whether sentiment analysis is enabled. |
The output from the virtual agent.
Fields | |
session_parameters |
The session parameters available to the bot at this point. |
differences[] |
Output only. If this is part of a [result conversation turn][TestCaseResult.conversation_turns], the list of differences between the original run and the replay for this output, if any. |
diagnostic_info |
Required. Input only. The diagnostic [info][Session.DetectIntentResponse.QueryResult.diagnostic_info] output for the turn. Required to calculate the testing coverage. |
triggered_intent |
The |
current_page |
The |
text_responses[] |
The |
status |
Response error from the agent in the test result. If set, other output is empty. |
The request message for Agents.CreateAgent
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The location to create a agent for. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
agent |
Required. The agent to create. |
The request message for EntityTypes.CreateEntityType
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The agent to create a entity type for. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
entity_type |
Required. The entity type to create. |
language_code |
The language of the following fields in
If not specified, the agent's default language is used. Many languages are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used. |
The request message for Environments.CreateEnvironment
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
environment |
Required. The environment to create. |
The request message for Examples.CreateExample
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The playbook to create an example for. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
example |
Required. The example to create. |
The request message for Experiments.CreateExperiment
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
experiment |
Required. The experiment to create. |
The request message for Flows.CreateFlow
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The agent to create a flow for. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
flow |
Required. The flow to create. |
language_code |
The language of the following fields in
If not specified, the agent's default language is used. Many languages are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used. |
The request message for Generators.CreateGenerator
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The agent to create a generator for. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
generator |
Required. The generator to create. |
language_code |
The language to create generators for the following fields: * |
The request message for Intents.CreateIntent
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The agent to create an intent for. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
intent |
Required. The intent to create. |
language_code |
The language of the following fields in
If not specified, the agent's default language is used. Many languages are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used. |
The request message for Pages.CreatePage
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The flow to create a page for. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
page |
Required. The page to create. |
language_code |
The language of the following fields in
If not specified, the agent's default language is used. Many languages are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used. |
The request message for Playbooks.CreatePlaybook
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The agent to create a playbook for. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
playbook |
Required. The playbook to create. |
The request message for Playbooks.CreatePlaybookVersion
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The playbook to create a version for. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
playbook_version |
Required. The playbook version to create. |
The request message for [SecuritySettings.CreateSecuritySettings][].
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The location to create an Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
security_settings |
Required. The security settings to create. |
The request message for SessionEntityTypes.CreateSessionEntityType
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The session to create a session entity type for. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
session_entity_type |
Required. The session entity type to create. |
The request message for TestCases.CreateTestCase
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The agent to create the test case for. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
test_case |
Required. The test case to create. |
The request message for Tools.CreateTool
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The agent to create a Tool for. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
tool |
Required. The Tool to be created. |
The request message for Tools.CreateToolVersion
. The request message for Tools.CreateToolVersion
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The tool to create a version for. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
tool_version |
Required. The tool version to create. |
The request message for TransitionRouteGroups.CreateTransitionRouteGroup
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The flow to create an Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
transition_route_group |
Required. The transition route group to create. |
language_code |
The language of the following fields in
If not specified, the agent's default language is used. Many languages are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used. |
Metadata associated with the long running operation for Versions.CreateVersion
Fields | |
version |
Name of the created version. Format: |
The request message for Versions.CreateVersion
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
version |
Required. The version to create. |
The request message for Webhooks.CreateWebhook
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The agent to create a webhook for. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
webhook |
Required. The webhook to create. |
A data store connection. It represents a data store in Discovery Engine and the type of the contents it contains.
Fields | |
data_store_type |
The type of the connected data store. |
data_store |
The full name of the referenced data store. Formats: |
document_processing_mode |
The document processing mode for the data store connection. Should only be set for PUBLIC_WEB and UNSTRUCTURED data stores. If not set it is considered as DOCUMENTS, as this is the legacy mode. |
Data store connection feature output signals. Might be only partially field if processing stop before the final answer. Reasons for this can be, but are not limited to: empty UCS search results, positive RAI check outcome, grounding failure, ...
Fields | |
rewriter_model_call_signals |
Optional. Diagnostic info related to the rewriter model call. |
rewritten_query |
Optional. Rewritten string query used for search. |
search_snippets[] |
Optional. Search snippets included in the answer generation prompt. |
answer_generation_model_call_signals |
Optional. Diagnostic info related to the answer generation model call. |
answer |
Optional. The final compiled answer. |
answer_parts[] |
Optional. Answer parts with relevant citations. Concatenation of texts should add up the |
cited_snippets[] |
Optional. Snippets cited by the answer generation model from the most to least relevant. |
grounding_signals |
Optional. Grounding signals. |
safety_signals |
Optional. Safety check result. |
Diagnostic info related to the answer generation model call.
Fields | |
rendered_prompt |
Prompt as sent to the model. |
model_output |
Output of the generative model. |
model |
Name of the generative model. For example, "gemini-ultra", "gemini-pro", "gemini-1.5-flash" etc. Defaults to "Other" if the model is unknown. |
Answer part with citation.
Fields | |
text |
Substring of the answer. |
supporting_indices[] |
Citations for this answer part. Indices of |
Snippet cited by the answer generation model.
Fields | |
search_snippet |
Details of the snippet. |
snippet_index |
Index of the snippet in |
Grounding signals.
Fields | |
decision |
Represents the decision of the grounding check. |
score |
Grounding score bucket setting. |
Represents the decision of the grounding check.
Enums | |
Decision not specified. |
Grounding have accepted the answer. |
Grounding have rejected the answer. |
Grounding score buckets.
Enums | |
Score not specified. |
We have very low confidence that the answer is grounded. |
We have low confidence that the answer is grounded. |
We have medium confidence that the answer is grounded. |
We have high confidence that the answer is grounded. |
We have very high confidence that the answer is grounded. |
Diagnostic info related to the rewriter model call.
Fields | |
rendered_prompt |
Prompt as sent to the model. |
model_output |
Output of the generative model. |
model |
Name of the generative model. For example, "gemini-ultra", "gemini-pro", "gemini-1.5-flash" etc. Defaults to "Other" if the model is unknown. |
Safety check results.
Fields | |
decision |
Safety decision. |
banned_phrase_match |
Specifies banned phrase match subject. |
matched_banned_phrase |
The matched banned phrase if there was a match. |
Specifies banned phrase match subject.
Enums | |
No banned phrase check was executed. |
All banned phrase checks led to no match. |
A banned phrase matched the query. |
A banned phrase matched the response. |
Safety decision. All kinds of check are incorporated into this final decision, including banned phrases check.
Enums | |
Decision not specified. |
No manual or automatic safety check fired. |
One ore more safety checks fired. |
Search snippet details.
Fields | |
document_title |
Title of the enclosing document. |
document_uri |
Uri for the document. Present if specified for the document. |
text |
Text included in the prompt. |
Type of a data store. Determines how search is performed in the data store.
Enums | |
Not specified. This value indicates that the data store type is not specified, so it will not be used during search. |
A data store that contains public web content. |
A data store that contains unstructured private data. |
A data store that contains structured data (for example FAQ). |
Defines data types that are supported for inlined schemas. These types are consistent with google.protobuf.Value
Enums | |
Not specified. |
Represents any string value. |
Represents any number value. |
Represents a boolean value. |
Represents a repeated value. |
The request message for Agents.DeleteAgent
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the agent to delete. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
The request message for [Conversations.DeleteConversation][].
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the conversation. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
The request message for EntityTypes.DeleteEntityType
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the entity type to delete. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
force |
This field has no effect for entity type not being used. For entity types that are used by intents or pages:
The request message for Environments.DeleteEnvironment
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
The request message for Examples.DeleteExample
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the example to delete. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
The request message for Experiments.DeleteExperiment
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
The request message for Flows.DeleteFlow
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the flow to delete. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
force |
This field has no effect for flows with no incoming transitions. For flows with incoming transitions:
The request message for Generators.DeleteGenerator
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the generator to delete. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
force |
This field has no effect for generators not being used. For generators that are used by pages/flows/transition route groups:
The request message for Intents.DeleteIntent
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the intent to delete. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
The request message for Pages.DeletePage
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the page to delete. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
force |
This field has no effect for pages with no incoming transitions. For pages with incoming transitions:
The request message for Playbooks.DeletePlaybook
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the playbook to delete. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
The request message for Playbooks.DeletePlaybookVersion
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the playbook version to delete. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
The request message for [SecuritySettings.DeleteSecuritySettings][].
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
The request message for SessionEntityTypes.DeleteSessionEntityType
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the session entity type to delete. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
The request message for Tools.DeleteTool
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the Tool to be deleted. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
force |
This field has no effect for Tools not being used. For Tools that are used:
The request message for Tools.DeleteToolVersion
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the tool version to delete. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
force |
Optional. This field has no effect for Tools not being used. For Tools that are used:
The request message for TransitionRouteGroups.DeleteTransitionRouteGroup
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
force |
This field has no effect for transition route group that no page is using. If the transition route group is referenced by any page:
The request message for Versions.DeleteVersion
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
The request message for Webhooks.DeleteWebhook
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the webhook to delete. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
force |
This field has no effect for webhook not being used. For webhooks that are used by pages/flows/transition route groups: |
Metadata returned for the Environments.DeployFlow
long running operation.
Fields | |
test_errors[] |
Errors of running deployment tests. |
The request message for Environments.DeployFlow
Fields | |
environment |
Required. The environment to deploy the flow to. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
flow_version |
Required. The flow version to deploy. Format: |
The response message for Environments.DeployFlow
Fields | |
environment |
The updated environment where the flow is deployed. |
deployment |
The name of the flow version deployment. Format: |
Represents a deployment in an environment. A deployment happens when a flow version configured to be active in the environment. You can configure running pre-deployment steps, e.g. running validation test cases, experiment auto-rollout, etc.
Fields | |
name |
The name of the deployment. Format: projects/ |
flow_version |
The name of the flow version for this deployment. Format: projects/ |
state |
The current state of the deployment. |
result |
Result of the deployment. |
start_time |
Start time of this deployment. |
end_time |
End time of this deployment. |
Result of the deployment.
Fields | |
deployment_test_results[] |
Results of test cases running before the deployment. Format: |
experiment |
The name of the experiment triggered by this deployment. Format: projects/ |
The state of the deployment.
Enums | |
State unspecified. |
The deployment is running. |
The deployment succeeded. |
The deployment failed. |
The request to detect user's intent.
Fields | |
session |
Required. The name of the session this query is sent to. Format: For more information, see the sessions guide. Note: Always use agent versions for production traffic. See Versions and environments. Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
query_params |
The parameters of this query. |
query_input |
Required. The input specification. |
output_audio_config |
Instructs the speech synthesizer how to generate the output audio. |
The message returned from the DetectIntent method.
Fields | |
response_id |
Output only. The unique identifier of the response. It can be used to locate a response in the training example set or for reporting issues. |
query_result |
The result of the conversational query. |
output_audio |
The audio data bytes encoded as specified in the request. Note: The output audio is generated based on the values of default platform text responses found in the In some scenarios, multiple output audio fields may be present in the response structure. In these cases, only the top-most-level audio output has content. |
output_audio_config |
The config used by the speech synthesizer to generate the output audio. |
response_type |
Response type. |
allow_cancellation |
Indicates whether the partial response can be cancelled when a later response arrives. e.g. if the agent specified some music as partial response, it can be cancelled. |
Represents different DetectIntentResponse types.
Enums | |
Not specified. This should never happen. |
Partial response. e.g. Aggregated responses in a Fulfillment that enables return_partial_response can be returned as partial response. WARNING: partial response is not eligible for barge-in. |
Final response. |
The document processing mode of the data store.
Enums | |
Not specified. This should be set for STRUCTURED type data stores. Due to legacy reasons this is considered as DOCUMENTS for STRUCTURED and PUBLIC_WEB data stores. |
Documents are processed as documents. |
Documents are converted to chunks. |
Represents the input for dtmf event.
Fields | |
digits |
The dtmf digits. |
finish_digit |
The finish digit (if any). |
Entities are extracted from user input and represent parameters that are meaningful to your application. For example, a date range, a proper name such as a geographic location or landmark, and so on. Entities represent actionable data for your application.
When you define an entity, you can also include synonyms that all map to that entity. For example, "soft drink", "soda", "pop", and so on.
There are three types of entities:
System - entities that are defined by the Dialogflow API for common data types such as date, time, currency, and so on. A system entity is represented by the
type.Custom - entities that are defined by you that represent actionable data that is meaningful to your application. For example, you could define a
entity for red or white pizza sauce, apizza.cheese
entity for the different types of cheese on a pizza, apizza.topping
entity for different toppings, and so on. A custom entity is represented by theEntityType
type.User - entities that are built for an individual user such as favorites, preferences, playlists, and so on. A user entity is represented by the
For more information about entity types, see the Dialogflow documentation.
Fields | |
name |
The unique identifier of the entity type. Required for |
display_name |
Required. The human-readable name of the entity type, unique within the agent. |
kind |
Required. Indicates the kind of entity type. |
auto_expansion_mode |
Indicates whether the entity type can be automatically expanded. |
entities[] |
The collection of entity entries associated with the entity type. |
excluded_phrases[] |
Collection of exceptional words and phrases that shouldn't be matched. For example, if you have a size entity type with entry |
enable_fuzzy_extraction |
Enables fuzzy entity extraction during classification. |
redact |
Indicates whether parameters of the entity type should be redacted in log. If redaction is enabled, page parameters and intent parameters referring to the entity type will be replaced by parameter name during logging. |
Represents different entity type expansion modes. Automated expansion allows an agent to recognize values that have not been explicitly listed in the entity (for example, new kinds of shopping list items).
Enums | |
Auto expansion disabled for the entity. |
Allows an agent to recognize values that have not been explicitly listed in the entity. |
An entity entry for an associated entity type.
Fields | |
value |
Required. The primary value associated with this entity entry. For example, if the entity type is vegetable, the value could be scallions. For
synonyms[] |
Required. A collection of value synonyms. For example, if the entity type is vegetable, and For
An excluded entity phrase that should not be matched.
Fields | |
value |
Required. The word or phrase to be excluded. |
Represents kinds of entities.
Enums | |
Not specified. This value should be never used. |
Map entity types allow mapping of a group of synonyms to a canonical value. |
List entity types contain a set of entries that do not map to canonical values. However, list entity types can contain references to other entity types (with or without aliases). |
Regexp entity types allow to specify regular expressions in entries values. |
Represents an environment for an agent. You can create multiple versions of your agent and publish them to separate environments. When you edit an agent, you are editing the draft agent. At any point, you can save the draft agent as an agent version, which is an immutable snapshot of your agent. When you save the draft agent, it is published to the default environment. When you create agent versions, you can publish them to custom environments. You can create a variety of custom environments for testing, development, production, etc.
Fields | |
name |
The name of the environment. Format: |
display_name |
Required. The human-readable name of the environment (unique in an agent). Limit of 64 characters. |
description |
The human-readable description of the environment. The maximum length is 500 characters. If exceeded, the request is rejected. |
version_configs[] |
A list of configurations for flow versions. You should include version configs for all flows that are reachable from [ |
update_time |
Output only. Update time of this environment. |
test_cases_config |
The test cases config for continuous tests of this environment. |
webhook_config |
The webhook configuration for this environment. |
The configuration for continuous tests.
Fields | |
test_cases[] |
A list of test case names to run. They should be under the same agent. Format of each test case name: |
enable_continuous_run |
Whether to run test cases in |
enable_predeployment_run |
Whether to run test cases in |
Configuration for the version.
Fields | |
version |
Required. Both flow and playbook versions are supported. Format for flow version: projects/ |
Configuration for webhooks.
Fields | |
webhook_overrides[] |
The list of webhooks to override for the agent environment. The webhook must exist in the agent. You can override fields in |
An event handler specifies an event
that can be handled during a session. When the specified event happens, the following actions are taken in order:
- If there is a
associated with the event, it will be called.trigger_fulfillment
- If there is a
associated with the event, the session will transition into the specified page.target_page
- If there is a
associated with the event, the session will transition into the specified flow.target_flow
Fields | |
name |
Output only. The unique identifier of this event handler. |
event |
Required. The name of the event to handle. |
trigger_fulfillment |
The fulfillment to call when the event occurs. Handling webhook errors with a fulfillment enabled with webhook could cause infinite loop. It is invalid to specify such fulfillment for a handler handling webhooks. |
Union field target . The target to transition to, either a page in the same host flow (the flow that owns this TransitionRoute ), or another flow in the same agent. target can be only one of the following: |
target_page |
The target page to transition to. Format: |
target_flow |
The target flow to transition to. Format: |
target_playbook |
The target playbook to transition to. Format: |
Represents the event to trigger.
Fields | |
event |
Name of the event. |
Example represents a sample execution of the playbook in the conversation.
An example consists of a list of ordered actions performed by end user or Dialogflow agent according the playbook instructions to fulfill the task.
Fields | |
name |
The unique identifier of the playbook example. Format: |
playbook_input |
Optional. The input to the playbook in the example. |
playbook_output |
Optional. The output of the playbook in the example. |
actions[] |
Required. The ordered list of actions performed by the end user and the Dialogflow agent. |
display_name |
Required. The display name of the example. |
description |
Optional. The high level concise description of the example. The max number of characters is 200. |
token_count |
Output only. Estimated number of tokes current example takes when sent to the LLM. |
create_time |
Output only. The timestamp of initial example creation. |
update_time |
Output only. Last time the example was updated. |
conversation_state |
Required. Example's output state. |
language_code |
Optional. The language code of the example. If not specified, the agent's default language is used. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used. Note: example's language code is not currently used in dialogflow agents. |
Represents an experiment in an environment.
Fields | |
name |
The name of the experiment. Format: projects/ |
display_name |
Required. The human-readable name of the experiment (unique in an environment). Limit of 64 characters. |
description |
The human-readable description of the experiment. |
state |
The current state of the experiment. Transition triggered by Experiments.StartExperiment: DRAFT->RUNNING. Transition triggered by Experiments.CancelExperiment: DRAFT->DONE or RUNNING->DONE. |
definition |
The definition of the experiment. |
rollout_config |
The configuration for auto rollout. If set, there should be exactly two variants in the experiment (control variant being the default version of the flow), the traffic allocation for the non-control variant will gradually increase to 100% when conditions are met, and eventually replace the control variant to become the default version of the flow. |
rollout_state |
State of the auto rollout process. |
rollout_failure_reason |
The reason why rollout has failed. Should only be set when state is ROLLOUT_FAILED. |
result |
Inference result of the experiment. |
create_time |
Creation time of this experiment. |
start_time |
Start time of this experiment. |
end_time |
End time of this experiment. |
last_update_time |
Last update time of this experiment. |
experiment_length |
Maximum number of days to run the experiment. If auto-rollout is not enabled, default value and maximum will be 30 days. If auto-rollout is enabled, default value and maximum will be 6 days. |
variants_history[] |
The history of updates to the experiment variants. |
Definition of the experiment.
Fields | |
condition |
The condition defines which subset of sessions are selected for this experiment. If not specified, all sessions are eligible. E.g. "query_input.language_code=en" See the conditions reference. |
Union field variants . The variants of the experiment. We currently only support single variant experiment. variants can be only one of the following: |
version_variants |
The flow versions as the variants of this experiment. |
The inference result which includes an objective metric to optimize and the confidence interval.
Fields | |
version_metrics[] |
Version variants and metrics. |
last_update_time |
The last time the experiment's stats data was updated. Will have default value if stats have never been computed for this experiment. |
A confidence interval is a range of possible values for the experiment objective you are trying to measure.
Fields | |
confidence_level |
The confidence level used to construct the interval, i.e. there is X% chance that the true value is within this interval. |
ratio |
The percent change between an experiment metric's value and the value for its control. |
lower_bound |
Lower bound of the interval. |
upper_bound |
Upper bound of the interval. |
types of count-based metric for Dialogflow experiment.
Enums | |
Count type unspecified. |
Total number of occurrences of a 'NO_MATCH'. |
Total number of turn counts. |
Average turn count in a session. |
Metric and corresponding confidence intervals.
Fields | |
type |
Ratio-based metric type. Only one of type or count_type is specified in each Metric. |
count_type |
Count-based metric type. Only one of type or count_type is specified in each Metric. |
confidence_interval |
The probability that the treatment is better than all other treatments in the experiment |
Union field value . The actual value of the metric. value can be only one of the following: |
ratio |
Ratio value of a metric. |
count |
Count value of a metric. |
Types of ratio-based metric for Dialogflow experiment.
Enums | |
Metric unspecified. |
Percentage of contained sessions without user calling back in 24 hours. |
Percentage of sessions that were handed to a human agent. |
Percentage of sessions with the same user calling back. |
Percentage of sessions where user hung up. |
Percentage of sessions reached Dialogflow 'END_PAGE' or 'END_SESSION'. |
Version variant and associated metrics.
Fields | |
version |
The name of the flow |
metrics[] |
The metrics and corresponding confidence intervals in the inference result. |
session_count |
Number of sessions that were allocated to this version. |
The state of the experiment.
Enums | |
State unspecified. |
The experiment is created but not started yet. |
The experiment is running. |
The experiment is done. |
The experiment with auto-rollout enabled has failed. |
The request message for Agents.ExportAgent
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the agent to export. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
agent_uri |
Optional. The Google Cloud Storage URI to export the agent to. The format of this URI must be Dialogflow performs a write operation for the Cloud Storage object on the caller's behalf, so your request authentication must have write permissions for the object. For more information, see Dialogflow access control. |
data_format |
Optional. The data format of the exported agent. If not specified, |
environment |
Optional. Environment name. If not set, draft environment is assumed. Format: |
git_destination |
Optional. The Git branch to export the agent to. |
include_bigquery_export_settings |
Optional. Whether to include BigQuery Export setting. |
Data format of the exported agent.
Enums | |
Unspecified format. |
Agent content will be exported as raw bytes. |
Agent content will be exported in JSON Package format. |
Settings for exporting to a git branch.
Fields | |
tracking_branch |
Tracking branch for the git push. |
commit_message |
Commit message for the git push. |
The response message for Agents.ExportAgent
Fields | |
Union field agent . The exported agent. agent can be only one of the following: |
agent_uri |
The URI to a file containing the exported agent. This field is populated if |
agent_content |
Uncompressed raw byte content for agent. This field is populated if none of |
commit_sha |
Commit SHA of the git push. This field is populated if |
This type has no fields.
Metadata returned for the EntityTypes.ExportEntityTypes
long running operation.
The request message for EntityTypes.ExportEntityTypes
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The name of the parent agent to export entity types. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
entity_types[] |
Required. The name of the entity types to export. Format: |
data_format |
Optional. The data format of the exported entity types. If not specified, |
language_code |
Optional. The language to retrieve the entity type for. The following fields are language dependent:
If not specified, all language dependent fields will be retrieved. Many languages are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used. |
Union field destination . The destination to export. destination can be only one of the following: |
entity_types_uri |
Optional. The Google Cloud Storage URI to export the entity types to. The format of this URI must be Dialogflow performs a write operation for the Cloud Storage object on the caller's behalf, so your request authentication must have write permissions for the object. For more information, see Dialogflow access control. |
entity_types_content_inline |
Optional. The option to return the serialized entity types inline. |
Data format of the exported entity types.
Enums | |
Unspecified format. Treated as BLOB . |
EntityTypes will be exported as raw bytes. |
EntityTypes will be exported in JSON Package format. |
The response message for EntityTypes.ExportEntityTypes
Fields | |
Union field exported_entity_types . Exported entity types can be either in cloud storage or local download. exported_entity_types can be only one of the following: |
entity_types_uri |
The URI to a file containing the exported entity types. This field is populated only if |
entity_types_content |
Uncompressed byte content for entity types. This field is populated only if |
The request message for Flows.ExportFlow
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the flow to export. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
flow_uri |
Optional. The Google Cloud Storage URI to export the flow to. The format of this URI must be Dialogflow performs a write operation for the Cloud Storage object on the caller's behalf, so your request authentication must have write permissions for the object. For more information, see Dialogflow access control. |
include_referenced_flows |
Optional. Whether to export flows referenced by the specified flow. |
The response message for Flows.ExportFlow
Fields | |
Union field flow . The exported flow. flow can be only one of the following: |
flow_uri |
The URI to a file containing the exported flow. This field is populated only if |
flow_content |
Uncompressed raw byte content for flow. |
This type has no fields.
Metadata returned for the Intents.ExportIntents
long running operation.
The request message for Intents.ExportIntents
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The name of the parent agent to export intents. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
intents[] |
Required. The name of the intents to export. Format: |
data_format |
Optional. The data format of the exported intents. If not specified, |
Union field destination . The destination to export. destination can be only one of the following: |
intents_uri |
Optional. The Google Cloud Storage URI to export the intents to. The format of this URI must be Dialogflow performs a write operation for the Cloud Storage object on the caller's behalf, so your request authentication must have write permissions for the object. For more information, see Dialogflow access control. |
intents_content_inline |
Optional. The option to return the serialized intents inline. |
Data format of the exported intents.
Enums | |
Unspecified format. Treated as BLOB . |
Intents will be exported as raw bytes. |
Intents will be exported in JSON format. |
Intents will be exported in CSV format. |
The response message for Intents.ExportIntents
Fields | |
Union field intents . The exported intents. intents can be only one of the following: |
intents_uri |
The URI to a file containing the exported intents. This field is populated only if |
intents_content |
Uncompressed byte content for intents. This field is populated only if |
This type has no fields.
Metadata returned for the TestCases.ExportTestCases
long running operation. This message currently has no fields.
The request message for TestCases.ExportTestCases
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The agent where to export test cases from. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
data_format |
The data format of the exported test cases. If not specified, |
filter |
The filter expression used to filter exported test cases, see API Filtering. The expression is case insensitive and supports the following syntax: name = For example:
Union field destination . The destination to export. destination can be only one of the following: |
gcs_uri |
The Google Cloud Storage URI to export the test cases to. The format of this URI must be Dialogflow performs a write operation for the Cloud Storage object on the caller's behalf, so your request authentication must have write permissions for the object. For more information, see Dialogflow access control. |
Data format of the exported test cases.
Enums | |
Unspecified format. |
Raw bytes. |
JSON format. |
The response message for TestCases.ExportTestCases
Fields | |
Union field destination . The exported test cases. destination can be only one of the following: |
gcs_uri |
The URI to a file containing the exported test cases. This field is populated only if |
content |
Uncompressed raw byte content for test cases. |
This type has no fields.
Metadata returned for the Tools.ExportTools
long running operation.
The request message for Tools.ExportTools
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The agent to export tools from. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
tools[] |
Required. The name of the tools to export. Format: |
data_format |
Optional. The data format of the exported tools. If not specified, |
Union field destination . The destination to export. destination can be only one of the following: |
tools_uri |
Optional. The Google Cloud Storage URI to export the tools to. The format of this URI must be Dialogflow performs a write operation for the Cloud Storage object on the caller's behalf, so your request authentication must have write permissions for the object. For more information, see Dialogflow access control. |
tools_content_inline |
Optional. The option to return the serialized tools inline. |
Data format of the exported tools.
Enums | |
Unspecified format. Treated as BLOB . |
Tools will be exported as raw bytes. |
Tools will be exported in JSON format. |
The response message for Tools.ExportTools
Fields | |
Union field tools . The exported tools. tools can be only one of the following: |
tools_uri |
The URI to a file containing the exported tools. This field is populated only if |
tools_content |
Uncompressed byte content for tools. This field is populated only if |
Filter specifications for data stores.
Fields | |
data_stores[] |
Optional. Data Stores where the boosting configuration is applied. The full names of the referenced data stores. Formats: |
filter |
Optional. The filter expression to be applied. Expression syntax is documented at |
Flows represents the conversation flows when you build your chatbot agent.
A flow consists of many pages connected by the transition routes. Conversations always start with the built-in Start Flow (with an all-0 ID). Transition routes can direct the conversation session from the current flow (parent flow) to another flow (sub flow). When the sub flow is finished, Dialogflow will bring the session back to the parent flow, where the sub flow is started.
Usually, when a transition route is followed by a matched intent, the intent will be "consumed". This means the intent won't activate more transition routes. However, when the followed transition route moves the conversation session into a different flow, the matched intent can be carried over and to be consumed in the target flow.
Fields | |
name |
The unique identifier of the flow. Format: |
display_name |
Required. The human-readable name of the flow. |
description |
The description of the flow. The maximum length is 500 characters. If exceeded, the request is rejected. |
transition_routes[] |
A flow's transition routes serve two purposes:
TransitionRoutes are evaluated in the following order:
TransitionRoutes with intent specified are inherited by pages in the flow. |
event_handlers[] |
A flow's event handlers serve two purposes:
Unlike |
transition_route_groups[] |
A flow's transition route group serve two purposes:
Format: |
nlu_settings |
NLU related settings of the flow. |
advanced_settings |
Hierarchical advanced settings for this flow. The settings exposed at the lower level overrides the settings exposed at the higher level. |
knowledge_connector_settings |
Optional. Knowledge connector configuration. |
multi_language_settings |
Optional. Multi-lingual agent settings for this flow. |
locked |
Indicates whether the flow is locked for changes. If the flow is locked, modifications to the flow will be rejected. |
Settings for multi-lingual agents.
Fields | |
enable_multi_language_detection |
Optional. Enable multi-language detection for this flow. This can be set only if [agent level multi language setting][Agent.enable_multi_language_training] is enabled. |
supported_response_language_codes[] |
Optional. Agent will respond in the detected language if the detected language code is in the supported resolved languages for this flow. This will be used only if multi-language training is enabled in the |
The flow import strategy used for resource conflict resolution associated with an ImportFlowRequest
Fields | |
global_import_strategy |
Optional. Global flow import strategy for resource conflict resolution. The import Import strategy for resource conflict resolution, applied globally throughout the flow. It will be applied for all display name conflicts in the imported content. If not specified, 'CREATE_NEW' is assumed. |
Stores metadata of the invocation of a CX flow.
Fields | |
flow |
Required. The unique identifier of the flow. Format: |
display_name |
Output only. The display name of the flow. |
input_action_parameters |
Optional. A list of input parameters for the flow. |
output_action_parameters |
Optional. A list of output parameters generated by the flow invocation. |
flow_state |
Required. Flow invocation's output state. |
The response message for Flows.GetFlowValidationResult
Fields | |
name |
The unique identifier of the flow validation result. Format: |
validation_messages[] |
Contains all validation messages. |
update_time |
Last time the flow was validated. |
A form is a data model that groups related parameters that can be collected from the user. The process in which the agent prompts the user and collects parameter values from the user is called form filling. A form can be added to a page
. When form filling is done, the filled parameters will be written to the session
Fields | |
parameters[] |
Parameters to collect from the user. |
Represents a form parameter.
Fields | |
display_name |
Required. The human-readable name of the parameter, unique within the form. |
required |
Indicates whether the parameter is required. Optional parameters will not trigger prompts; however, they are filled if the user specifies them. Required parameters must be filled before form filling concludes. |
entity_type |
Required. The entity type of the parameter. Format: |
is_list |
Indicates whether the parameter represents a list of values. |
fill_behavior |
Required. Defines fill behavior for the parameter. |
default_value |
The default value of an optional parameter. If the parameter is required, the default value will be ignored. |
redact |
Indicates whether the parameter content should be redacted in log. If redaction is enabled, the parameter content will be replaced by parameter name during logging. Note: the parameter content is subject to redaction if either parameter level redaction or |
advanced_settings |
Hierarchical advanced settings for this parameter. The settings exposed at the lower level overrides the settings exposed at the higher level. |
Configuration for how the filling of a parameter should be handled.
Fields | |
initial_prompt_fulfillment |
Required. The fulfillment to provide the initial prompt that the agent can present to the user in order to fill the parameter. |
reprompt_event_handlers[] |
The handlers for parameter-level events, used to provide reprompt for the parameter or transition to a different page/flow. The supported events are: *
If the user's response does not fill the parameter, a no-match/no-input event will be triggered, and the fulfillment associated with the A A If the event handler for the corresponding event can't be found on the parameter, |
Request of [FulfillIntent][]
Fields | |
match_intent_request |
Must be same as the corresponding MatchIntent request, otherwise the behavior is undefined. |
match |
The matched intent/event to fulfill. |
output_audio_config |
Instructs the speech synthesizer how to generate output audio. |
Response of [FulfillIntent][]
Fields | |
response_id |
Output only. The unique identifier of the response. It can be used to locate a response in the training example set or for reporting issues. |
query_result |
The result of the conversational query. |
output_audio |
The audio data bytes encoded as specified in the request. Note: The output audio is generated based on the values of default platform text responses found in the In some scenarios, multiple output audio fields may be present in the response structure. In these cases, only the top-most-level audio output has content. |
output_audio_config |
The config used by the speech synthesizer to generate the output audio. |
A fulfillment can do one or more of the following actions at the same time:
- Generate rich message responses.
- Set parameter values.
- Call the webhook.
Fulfillments can be called at various stages in the Page
or Form
lifecycle. For example, when a DetectIntentRequest
drives a session to enter a new page, the page's entry fulfillment can add a static response to the QueryResult
in the returning DetectIntentResponse
, call the webhook (for example, to load user data from a database), or both.
Fields | |
messages[] |
The list of rich message responses to present to the user. |
webhook |
The webhook to call. Format: |
return_partial_responses |
Whether Dialogflow should return currently queued fulfillment response messages in streaming APIs. If a webhook is specified, it happens before Dialogflow invokes webhook. Warning: 1) This flag only affects streaming API. Responses are still queued and returned once in non-streaming API. 2) The flag can be enabled in any fulfillment but only the first 3 partial responses will be returned. You may only want to apply it to fulfillments that have slow webhooks. |
tag |
The value of this field will be populated in the |
set_parameter_actions[] |
Set parameter values before executing the webhook. |
conditional_cases[] |
Conditional cases for this fulfillment. |
advanced_settings |
Hierarchical advanced settings for this fulfillment. The settings exposed at the lower level overrides the settings exposed at the higher level. |
enable_generative_fallback |
If the flag is true, the agent will utilize LLM to generate a text response. If LLM generation fails, the defined |
A list of cascading if-else conditions. Cases are mutually exclusive. The first one with a matching condition is selected, all the rest ignored.
Fields | |
cases[] |
A list of cascading if-else conditions. |
Each case has a Boolean condition. When it is evaluated to be True, the corresponding messages will be selected and evaluated recursively.
Fields | |
condition |
The condition to activate and select this case. Empty means the condition is always true. The condition is evaluated against [form parameters][Form.parameters] or [session parameters][SessionInfo.parameters]. See the conditions reference. |
case_content[] |
A list of case content. |
The list of messages or conditional cases to activate for this case.
Fields | |
Union field cases_or_message . Either a message is returned or additional cases to be evaluated. cases_or_message can be only one of the following: |
message |
Returned message. |
additional_cases |
Additional cases to be evaluated. |
Setting a parameter value.
Fields | |
parameter |
Display name of the parameter. |
value |
The new value of the parameter. A null value clears the parameter. |
Google Cloud Storage location for a Dialogflow operation that writes or exports objects (e.g. exported agent or transcripts) outside of Dialogflow.
Fields | |
uri |
Required. The Google Cloud Storage URI for the exported objects. A URI is of the form: |
Represents the information of a query if handled by generative agent resources.
Fields | |
current_playbooks[] |
The stack of |
action_tracing_info |
The actions performed by the generative playbook for the current agent response. |
Settings for Generative AI.
Fields | |
name |
Format: |
fallback_settings |
Settings for Generative Fallback. |
generative_safety_settings |
Settings for Generative Safety. |
knowledge_connector_settings |
Settings for knowledge connector. |
language_code |
Language for this settings. |
llm_model_settings |
LLM model settings. |
Settings for Generative Fallback.
Fields | |
selected_prompt |
Display name of the selected prompt. |
prompt_templates[] |
Stored prompts that can be selected, for example default templates like "conservative" or "chatty", or user defined ones. |
Prompt template.
Fields | |
display_name |
Prompt name. |
prompt_text |
Prompt text that is sent to a LLM on no-match default, placeholders are filled downstream. For example: "Here is a conversation $conversation, a response is: " |
frozen |
If the flag is true, the prompt is frozen and cannot be modified by users. |
Settings for knowledge connector. These parameters are used for LLM prompt like "You are
Fields | |
business |
Name of the company, organization or other entity that the agent represents. Used for knowledge connector LLM prompt and for knowledge search. |
agent |
Name of the virtual agent. Used for LLM prompt. Can be left empty. |
agent_identity |
Identity of the agent, e.g. "virtual agent", "AI assistant". |
business_description |
Company description, used for LLM prompt, e.g. "a family company selling freshly roasted coffee beans". |
agent_scope |
Agent scope, e.g. "Example company website", "internal Example company website for employees", "manual of car owner". |
disable_data_store_fallback |
Whether to disable fallback to Data Store search results (in case the LLM couldn't pick a proper answer). Per default the feature is enabled. |
Generators contain prompt to be sent to the LLM model to generate text. The prompt can contain parameters which will be resolved before calling the model. It can optionally contain banned phrases to ensure the model responses are safe.
Fields | |
name |
The unique identifier of the generator. Must be set for the |
display_name |
Required. The human-readable name of the generator, unique within the agent. The prompt contains pre-defined parameters such as $conversation, $last-user-utterance, etc. populated by Dialogflow. It can also contain custom placeholders which will be resolved during fulfillment. |
prompt_text |
Required. Prompt for the LLM model. |
placeholders[] |
Optional. List of custom placeholders in the prompt text. |
llm_model_settings |
The LLM model settings. |
model_parameter |
Parameters passed to the LLM to configure its behavior. |
Parameters to be passed to the LLM. If not set, default values will be used.
Fields | |
temperature |
The temperature used for sampling. Temperature sampling occurs after both topP and topK have been applied. Valid range: [0.0, 1.0] Low temperature = less random. High temperature = more random. |
max_decode_steps |
The maximum number of tokens to generate. |
top_p |
If set, only the tokens comprising the top top_p probability mass are considered. If both top_p and top_k are set, top_p will be used for further refining candidates selected with top_k. Valid range: (0.0, 1.0]. Small topP = less random. Large topP = more random. |
top_k |
If set, the sampling process in each step is limited to the top_k tokens with highest probabilities. Valid range: [1, 40] or 1000+. Small topK = less random. Large topK = more random. |
Represents a custom placeholder in the prompt text.
Fields | |
id |
Unique ID used to map custom placeholder to parameters in fulfillment. |
name |
Custom placeholder value in the prompt text. |
The request message for Agents.GetAgent
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the agent. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
The request message for Agents.GetAgentValidationResult
Fields | |
name |
Required. The agent name. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
language_code |
If not specified, the agent's default language is used. |
The request message for Changelogs.GetChangelog
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the changelog to get. Format: |
The request message for [Conversations.GetConversation][].
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the conversation. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
The request message for Deployments.GetDeployment
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
The request message for EntityTypes.GetEntityType
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the entity type. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
language_code |
The language to retrieve the entity type for. The following fields are language dependent:
If not specified, the agent's default language is used. Many languages are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used. |
The request message for Environments.GetEnvironment
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
The request message for Examples.GetExample
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the example. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
The request message for Experiments.GetExperiment
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
The response message for Flows.GetFlow
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the flow to get. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
language_code |
The language to retrieve the flow for. The following fields are language dependent:
If not specified, the agent's default language is used. Many languages are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used. |
The request message for Flows.GetFlowValidationResult
Fields | |
name |
Required. The flow name. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
language_code |
If not specified, the agent's default language is used. |
Request for GetGenerativeSettings
Fields | |
name |
Required. Format: |
language_code |
Required. Language code of the generative settings. |
The request message for Generators.GetGenerator
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the generator. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
language_code |
The language to list generators for. |
The request message for Intents.GetIntent
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the intent. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
language_code |
The language to retrieve the intent for. The following fields are language dependent:
If not specified, the agent's default language is used. Many languages are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used. |
The request message for Pages.GetPage
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the page. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
language_code |
The language to retrieve the page for. The following fields are language dependent:
If not specified, the agent's default language is used. Many languages are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used. |
The request message for Playbooks.GetPlaybook
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the playbook. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
The request message for Playbooks.GetPlaybookVersion
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the playbook version. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
The request message for SecuritySettingsService.GetSecuritySettings
Fields | |
name |
Required. Resource name of the settings. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
The request message for SessionEntityTypes.GetSessionEntityType
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the session entity type. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
The request message for TestCases.GetTestCase
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the testcase. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
The request message for TestCases.GetTestCaseResult
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the testcase. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
The request message for Tools.GetTool
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the Tool. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
The request message for Tools.GetToolVersion
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the tool version. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
The request message for TransitionRouteGroups.GetTransitionRouteGroup
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
language_code |
The language to retrieve the transition route group for. The following fields are language dependent:
If not specified, the agent's default language is used. Many languages are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used. |
The request message for Versions.GetVersion
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
The request message for Webhooks.GetWebhook
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the webhook. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
Handler can be used to define custom logic to be executed based on the user-specified triggers.
Fields | |
Union field handler . Specifies the type of handler to invoke. handler can be only one of the following: |
event_handler |
A handler triggered by event. |
lifecycle_handler |
A handler triggered during specific lifecycle of the playbook execution. |
A handler that is triggered by the specified event
Fields | |
event |
Required. The name of the event that triggers this handler. |
condition |
Optional. The condition that must be satisfied to trigger this handler. |
fulfillment |
Required. The fulfillment to call when the event occurs. |
A handler that is triggered on the specific lifecycle_stage
of the playbook execution.
Fields | |
lifecycle_stage |
Required. The name of the lifecycle stage that triggers this handler. Supported values: * |
condition |
Optional. The condition that must be satisfied to trigger this handler. |
fulfillment |
Required. The fulfillment to call when this handler is triggered. |
This type has no fields.
Metadata returned for the EntityTypes.ImportEntityTypes
long running operation.
The request message for EntityTypes.ImportEntityTypes
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The agent to import the entity types into. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
merge_option |
Required. Merge option for importing entity types. |
target_entity_type |
Optional. The target entity type to import into. Format: |
Union field entity_types . Required. The entity types to import. entity_types can be only one of the following: |
entity_types_uri |
The Google Cloud Storage URI to import entity types from. The format of this URI must be Dialogflow performs a read operation for the Cloud Storage object on the caller's behalf, so your request authentication must have read permissions for the object. For more information, see Dialogflow access control. |
entity_types_content |
Uncompressed byte content of entity types. |
Merge option when display name conflicts exist during import.
Enums | |
Unspecified. If used, system uses REPORT_CONFLICT as default. |
Replace the original entity type in the agent with the new entity type when display name conflicts exist. |
Merge the original entity type with the new entity type when display name conflicts exist. |
Create new entity types with new display names to differentiate them from the existing entity types when display name conflicts exist. |
Report conflict information if display names conflict is detected. Otherwise, import entity types. |
Keep the original entity type and discard the conflicting new entity type when display name conflicts exist. |
The response message for EntityTypes.ImportEntityTypes
Fields | |
entity_types[] |
The unique identifier of the imported entity types. Format: |
conflicting_resources |
Info which resources have conflicts when [REPORT_CONFLICT][ImportEntityTypesResponse.REPORT_CONFLICT] merge_option is set in ImportEntityTypesRequest. |
Conflicting resources detected during the import process. Only filled when [REPORT_CONFLICT][ImportEntityTypesResponse.REPORT_CONFLICT] is set in the request and there are conflicts in the display names.
Fields | |
entity_type_display_names[] |
Display names of conflicting entity types. |
entity_display_names[] |
Display names of conflicting entities. |
The request message for Flows.ImportFlow
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The agent to import the flow into. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
import_option |
Flow import mode. If not specified, |
flow_import_strategy |
Optional. Specifies the import strategy used when resolving resource conflicts. |
Union field flow . Required. The flow to import. flow can be only one of the following: |
flow_uri |
The Google Cloud Storage URI to import flow from. The format of this URI must be Dialogflow performs a read operation for the Cloud Storage object on the caller's behalf, so your request authentication must have read permissions for the object. For more information, see Dialogflow access control. |
flow_content |
Uncompressed raw byte content for flow. |
Import option.
Enums | |
Unspecified. Treated as KEEP . |
Always respect settings in exported flow content. It may cause a import failure if some settings (e.g. custom NLU) are not supported in the agent to import into. |
Fallback to default settings if some settings are not supported in the agent to import into. E.g. Standard NLU will be used if custom NLU is not available. |
The response message for Flows.ImportFlow
Fields | |
flow |
The unique identifier of the new flow. Format: |
This type has no fields.
Metadata returned for the Intents.ImportIntents
long running operation.
The request message for Intents.ImportIntents
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The agent to import the intents into. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
merge_option |
Merge option for importing intents. If not specified, |
Union field intents . Required. The intents to import. intents can be only one of the following: |
intents_uri |
The Google Cloud Storage URI to import intents from. The format of this URI must be Dialogflow performs a read operation for the Cloud Storage object on the caller's behalf, so your request authentication must have read permissions for the object. For more information, see Dialogflow access control. |
intents_content |
Uncompressed byte content of intents. |
Merge option when display name conflicts exist during import.
Enums | |
Unspecified. Should not be used. |
DEPRECATED: Please use [REPORT_CONFLICT][ImportIntentsRequest.REPORT_CONFLICT] instead. Fail the request if there are intents whose display names conflict with the display names of intents in the agent. |
Replace the original intent in the agent with the new intent when display name conflicts exist. |
Merge the original intent with the new intent when display name conflicts exist. |
Create new intents with new display names to differentiate them from the existing intents when display name conflicts exist. |
Report conflict information if display names conflict is detected. Otherwise, import intents. |
Keep the original intent and discard the conflicting new intent when display name conflicts exist. |
The response message for Intents.ImportIntents
Fields | |
intents[] |
The unique identifier of the imported intents. Format: |
conflicting_resources |
Info which resources have conflicts when [REPORT_CONFLICT][ImportIntentsResponse.REPORT_CONFLICT] merge_option is set in ImportIntentsRequest. |
Conflicting resources detected during the import process. Only filled when [REPORT_CONFLICT][ImportIntentsResponse.REPORT_CONFLICT] is set in the request and there are conflicts in the display names.
Fields | |
intent_display_names[] |
Display names of conflicting intents. |
entity_display_names[] |
Display names of conflicting entities. |
Import strategies for the conflict resolution of resources (i.e. intents, entities, and webhooks) with identical display names during import operations.
Enums | |
Unspecified. Treated as 'CREATE_NEW'. |
Create a new resource with a numeric suffix appended to the end of the existing display name. |
Replace existing resource with incoming resource in the content to be imported. |
Keep existing resource and discard incoming resource in the content to be imported. |
Combine existing and incoming resources when a conflict is encountered. |
Throw error if a conflict is encountered. |
Metadata returned for the TestCases.ImportTestCases
long running operation.
Fields | |
errors[] |
Errors for failed test cases. |
The request message for TestCases.ImportTestCases
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The agent to import test cases to. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
Union field source . Required. The source to import. source can be only one of the following: |
gcs_uri |
The Google Cloud Storage URI to import test cases from. The format of this URI must be Dialogflow performs a read operation for the Cloud Storage object on the caller's behalf, so your request authentication must have read permissions for the object. For more information, see Dialogflow access control. |
content |
Uncompressed raw byte content for test cases. |
The response message for TestCases.ImportTestCases
Fields | |
names[] |
The unique identifiers of the new test cases. Format: |
Inline destination for a Dialogflow operation that writes or exports objects (e.g. intents
) outside of Dialogflow.
Fields | |
content |
Output only. The uncompressed byte content for the objects. Only populated in responses. |
A type schema object that's specified inline.
Fields | |
type |
Data type of the schema. |
items |
Schema of the elements if this is an ARRAY type. |
Inline source for a Dialogflow operation that reads or imports objects (e.g. intents
) into Dialogflow.
Fields | |
content |
The uncompressed byte content for the objects. |
Instructs the speech recognizer on how to process the audio content.
Fields | |
audio_encoding |
Required. Audio encoding of the audio content to process. |
sample_rate_hertz |
Sample rate (in Hertz) of the audio content sent in the query. Refer to Cloud Speech API documentation for more details. |
enable_word_info |
Optional. If |
phrase_hints[] |
Optional. A list of strings containing words and phrases that the speech recognizer should recognize with higher likelihood. See the Cloud Speech documentation for more details. |
model |
Optional. Which Speech model to select for the given request. For more information, see Speech models. |
model_variant |
Optional. Which variant of the |
single_utterance |
Optional. If |
barge_in_config |
Configuration of barge-in behavior during the streaming of input audio. |
opt_out_conformer_model_migration |
If |
An intent represents a user's intent to interact with a conversational agent.
You can provide information for the Dialogflow API to use to match user input to an intent by adding training phrases (i.e., examples of user input) to your intent.
Fields | |
name |
The unique identifier of the intent. Required for the |
display_name |
Required. The human-readable name of the intent, unique within the agent. |
training_phrases[] |
The collection of training phrases the agent is trained on to identify the intent. |
parameters[] |
The collection of parameters associated with the intent. |
priority |
The priority of this intent. Higher numbers represent higher priorities.
is_fallback |
Indicates whether this is a fallback intent. Currently only default fallback intent is allowed in the agent, which is added upon agent creation. Adding training phrases to fallback intent is useful in the case of requests that are mistakenly matched, since training phrases assigned to fallback intents act as negative examples that triggers no-match event. |
labels |
The key/value metadata to label an intent. Labels can contain lowercase letters, digits and the symbols '-' and '_'. International characters are allowed, including letters from unicase alphabets. Keys must start with a letter. Keys and values can be no longer than 63 characters and no more than 128 bytes. Prefix "sys-" is reserved for Dialogflow defined labels. Currently allowed Dialogflow defined labels include: * sys-head * sys-contextual The above labels do not require value. "sys-head" means the intent is a head intent. "sys-contextual" means the intent is a contextual intent. |
description |
Human readable description for better understanding an intent like its scope, content, result etc. Maximum character limit: 140 characters. |
Represents an intent parameter.
Fields | |
id |
Required. The unique identifier of the parameter. This field is used by |
entity_type |
Required. The entity type of the parameter. Format: |
is_list |
Indicates whether the parameter represents a list of values. |
redact |
Indicates whether the parameter content should be redacted in log. If redaction is enabled, the parameter content will be replaced by parameter name during logging. Note: the parameter content is subject to redaction if either parameter level redaction or |
Represents an example that the agent is trained on to identify the intent.
Fields | |
id |
Output only. The unique identifier of the training phrase. |
parts[] |
Required. The ordered list of training phrase parts. The parts are concatenated in order to form the training phrase. Note: The API does not automatically annotate training phrases like the Dialogflow Console does. Note: Do not forget to include whitespace at part boundaries, so the training phrase is well formatted when the parts are concatenated. If the training phrase does not need to be annotated with parameters, you just need a single part with only the If you want to annotate the training phrase, you must create multiple parts, where the fields of each part are populated in one of two ways:
repeat_count |
Indicates how many times this example was added to the intent. |
Represents a part of a training phrase.
Fields | |
text |
Required. The text for this part. |
parameter_id |
The |
Intent coverage represents the percentage of all possible intents in the agent that are triggered in any of a parent's test cases.
Fields | |
intents[] |
The list of Intents present in the agent |
coverage_score |
The percent of intents in the agent that are covered. |
The agent's intent.
Fields | |
intent |
The intent full resource name |
covered |
Whether the intent is covered by at least one of the agent's test cases. |
Represents the intent to trigger programmatically rather than as a result of natural language processing.
Fields | |
intent |
Required. The unique identifier of the intent. Format: |
Represents the options for views of an intent. An intent can be a sizable object. Therefore, we provide a resource view that does not return training phrases in the response.
Enums | |
Not specified. Treated as INTENT_VIEW_FULL. |
Training phrases field is not populated in the response. |
All fields are populated. |
The Knowledge Connector settings for this page or flow. This includes information such as the attached Knowledge Bases, and the way to execute fulfillment.
Fields | |
enabled |
Whether Knowledge Connector is enabled or not. |
trigger_fulfillment |
The fulfillment to be triggered. When the answers from the Knowledge Connector are selected by Dialogflow, you can utitlize the request scoped parameter |
data_store_connections[] |
Optional. List of related data store connections. |
Union field target . The target to transition to, either a page in the same host flow (the flow that owns this KnowledgeConnectorSettings ), or another flow in the same agent. target can be only one of the following: |
target_page |
The target page to transition to. Format: |
target_flow |
The target flow to transition to. Format: |
Represents the language information of the request.
Fields | |
input_language_code |
The language code specified in the original |
resolved_language_code |
The language code detected for this request based on the user conversation. |
confidence_score |
The confidence score of the detected language between 0 and 1. |
The request message for Agents.ListAgents
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The location to list all agents for. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
page_size |
The maximum number of items to return in a single page. By default 100 and at most 1000. |
page_token |
The next_page_token value returned from a previous list request. |
The response message for Agents.ListAgents
Fields | |
agents[] |
The list of agents. There will be a maximum number of items returned based on the page_size field in the request. |
next_page_token |
Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more results in the list. |
The request message for Changelogs.ListChangelogs
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The agent containing the changelogs. Format: |
filter |
The filter string. Supports filter by user_email, resource, type and create_time. Some examples: 1. By user email: user_email = "" 2. By resource name: resource = "projects/123/locations/global/agents/456/flows/789" 3. By resource display name: display_name = "my agent" 4. By action: action = "Create" 5. By type: type = "flows" 6. By create time. Currently predicates on |
page_size |
The maximum number of items to return in a single page. By default 100 and at most 1000. |
page_token |
The next_page_token value returned from a previous list request. |
The response message for Changelogs.ListChangelogs
Fields | |
changelogs[] |
The list of changelogs. There will be a maximum number of items returned based on the page_size field in the request. The changelogs will be ordered by timestamp. |
next_page_token |
Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more results in the list. |
The request message for Environments.ListContinuousTestResults
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The environment to list results for. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
page_size |
The maximum number of items to return in a single page. By default 100 and at most 1000. |
page_token |
The next_page_token value returned from a previous list request. |
The response message for [Environments.ListTestCaseResults][].
Fields | |
continuous_test_results[] |
The list of continuous test results. |
next_page_token |
Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more results in the list. |
The request message for [Conversations.ListConversations][].
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The agent to list all conversations for. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
filter |
Optional. The filter string. Supports filter by create_time, metrics.has_end_interaction, metrics.has_live_agent_handoff, intents.display_name, pages.display_name and flows.display_name. Timestamps expect an [RFC-3339][] formatted string (e.g. 2012-04-21T11:30:00-04:00). UTC offsets are supported. Some examples: 1. By create time: create_time > "2022-04-21T11:30:00-04:00" 2. By intent display name: intents.display_name : "billing" 3. By end interaction signal: metrics.has_end_interaction = true |
page_size |
Optional. The maximum number of items to return in a single page. By default 100 and at most 1000. |
page_token |
Optional. The next_page_token value returned from a previous list request. |
The response message for [Conversations.ListConversations][].
Fields | |
conversations[] |
The list of conversations. There will be a maximum number of items returned based on the |
next_page_token |
Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more results in the list. |
The request message for Deployments.ListDeployments
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
page_size |
The maximum number of items to return in a single page. By default 20 and at most 100. |
page_token |
The next_page_token value returned from a previous list request. |
The response message for Deployments.ListDeployments
Fields | |
deployments[] |
The list of deployments. There will be a maximum number of items returned based on the page_size field in the request. The list may in some cases be empty or contain fewer entries than page_size even if this isn't the last page. |
next_page_token |
Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more results in the list. |
The request message for EntityTypes.ListEntityTypes
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The agent to list all entity types for. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
language_code |
The language to list entity types for. The following fields are language dependent:
If not specified, the agent's default language is used. Many languages are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used. |
page_size |
The maximum number of items to return in a single page. By default 100 and at most 1000. |
page_token |
The next_page_token value returned from a previous list request. |
The response message for EntityTypes.ListEntityTypes
Fields | |
entity_types[] |
The list of entity types. There will be a maximum number of items returned based on the page_size field in the request. |
next_page_token |
Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more results in the list. |
The request message for Environments.ListEnvironments
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
page_size |
The maximum number of items to return in a single page. By default 20 and at most 100. |
page_token |
The next_page_token value returned from a previous list request. |
The response message for Environments.ListEnvironments
Fields | |
environments[] |
The list of environments. There will be a maximum number of items returned based on the page_size field in the request. The list may in some cases be empty or contain fewer entries than page_size even if this isn't the last page. |
next_page_token |
Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more results in the list. |
The request message for Examples.ListExamples
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The playbook to list the examples from. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
page_size |
Optional. The maximum number of items to return in a single page. By default 100 and at most 1000. |
page_token |
Optional. The [next_page_token][ListExampleResponse.next_page_token] value returned from a previous list request. |
language_code |
Optional. The language to list examples for. If not specified, list all examples under the playbook. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used. |
The response message for Examples.ListExamples
Fields | |
examples[] |
The list of examples. There will be a maximum number of items returned based on the |
next_page_token |
Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more results in the list. |
The request message for Experiments.ListExperiments
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
page_size |
The maximum number of items to return in a single page. By default 20 and at most 100. |
page_token |
The next_page_token value returned from a previous list request. |
The response message for Experiments.ListExperiments
Fields | |
experiments[] |
The list of experiments. There will be a maximum number of items returned based on the page_size field in the request. The list may in some cases be empty or contain fewer entries than page_size even if this isn't the last page. |
next_page_token |
Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more results in the list. |
The request message for Flows.ListFlows
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The agent containing the flows. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
page_size |
The maximum number of items to return in a single page. By default 100 and at most 1000. |
page_token |
The next_page_token value returned from a previous list request. |
language_code |
The language to list flows for. The following fields are language dependent:
If not specified, the agent's default language is used. Many languages are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used. |
The response message for Flows.ListFlows
Fields | |
flows[] |
The list of flows. There will be a maximum number of items returned based on the page_size field in the request. |
next_page_token |
Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more results in the list. |
The request message for Generators.ListGenerators
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The agent to list all generators for. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
language_code |
The language to list generators for. |
page_size |
The maximum number of items to return in a single page. By default 100 and at most 1000. |
page_token |
The next_page_token value returned from a previous list request. |
The response message for Generators.ListGenerators
Fields | |
generators[] |
The list of generators. There will be a maximum number of items returned based on the page_size field in the request. |
next_page_token |
Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more results in the list. |
The request message for Intents.ListIntents
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The agent to list all intents for. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
language_code |
The language to list intents for. The following fields are language dependent:
If not specified, the agent's default language is used. Many languages are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used. |
intent_view |
The resource view to apply to the returned intent. |
page_size |
The maximum number of items to return in a single page. By default 100 and at most 1000. |
page_token |
The next_page_token value returned from a previous list request. |
The response message for Intents.ListIntents
Fields | |
intents[] |
The list of intents. There will be a maximum number of items returned based on the page_size field in the request. |
next_page_token |
Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more results in the list. |
The request message for Pages.ListPages
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The flow to list all pages for. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
language_code |
The language to list pages for. The following fields are language dependent:
If not specified, the agent's default language is used. Many languages are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used. |
page_size |
The maximum number of items to return in a single page. By default 100 and at most 1000. |
page_token |
The next_page_token value returned from a previous list request. |
The response message for Pages.ListPages
Fields | |
pages[] |
The list of pages. There will be a maximum number of items returned based on the page_size field in the request. |
next_page_token |
Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more results in the list. |
The request message for Playbooks.ListPlaybookVersions
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The playbook to list versions for. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
page_size |
Optional. The maximum number of items to return in a single page. By default 100 and at most 1000. |
page_token |
Optional. The next_page_token value returned from a previous list request. |
The response message for Playbooks.ListPlaybookVersions
Fields | |
playbook_versions[] |
The list of playbook version. There will be a maximum number of items returned based on the page_size field in the request. |
next_page_token |
Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more results in the list. |
The request message for Playbooks.ListPlaybooks
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The agent to list playbooks from. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
page_size |
The maximum number of items to return in a single page. By default 100 and at most 1000. |
page_token |
The next_page_token value returned from a previous list request. |
The response message for Playbooks.ListPlaybooks
Fields | |
playbooks[] |
The list of playbooks. There will be a maximum number of items returned based on the page_size field in the request. |
next_page_token |
Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more results in the list. |
The request message for [SecuritySettings.ListSecuritySettings][].
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The location to list all security settings for. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
page_size |
The maximum number of items to return in a single page. By default 20 and at most 100. |
page_token |
The next_page_token value returned from a previous list request. |
The response message for [SecuritySettings.ListSecuritySettings][].
Fields | |
security_settings[] |
The list of security settings. |
next_page_token |
Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more results in the list. |
The request message for SessionEntityTypes.ListSessionEntityTypes
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The session to list all session entity types from. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
page_size |
The maximum number of items to return in a single page. By default 100 and at most 1000. |
page_token |
The next_page_token value returned from a previous list request. |
The response message for SessionEntityTypes.ListSessionEntityTypes
Fields | |
session_entity_types[] |
The list of session entity types. There will be a maximum number of items returned based on the page_size field in the request. |
next_page_token |
Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more results in the list. |
The request message for TestCases.ListTestCaseResults
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The test case to list results for. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
page_size |
The maximum number of items to return in a single page. By default 100 and at most 1000. |
page_token |
The next_page_token value returned from a previous list request. |
filter |
The filter expression used to filter test case results. See API Filtering. The expression is case insensitive. Only 'AND' is supported for logical operators. The supported syntax is listed below in detail: The supported fields and operators are: field operator
Examples: * "environment=draft AND latest" matches the latest test result for each test case in the draft environment. * "environment IN (e1,e2)" matches any test case results with an environment resource name of either "e1" or "e2". * "test_time > 1602540713" matches any test case results with test time later than a unix timestamp in seconds 1602540713. |
The response message for TestCases.ListTestCaseResults
Fields | |
test_case_results[] |
The list of test case results. |
next_page_token |
Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more results in the list. |
The request message for TestCases.ListTestCases
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The agent to list all pages for. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
page_size |
The maximum number of items to return in a single page. By default 20. Note that when TestCaseView = FULL, the maximum page size allowed is 20. When TestCaseView = BASIC, the maximum page size allowed is 500. |
page_token |
The next_page_token value returned from a previous list request. |
view |
Specifies whether response should include all fields or just the metadata. |
Specifies how much test case information to include in the response.
Enums | |
The default / unset value. The API will default to the BASIC view. |
Include basic metadata about the test case, but not the conversation turns. This is the default value. |
Include everything. |
The response message for TestCases.ListTestCases
Fields | |
test_cases[] |
The list of test cases. There will be a maximum number of items returned based on the page_size field in the request. |
next_page_token |
Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more results in the list. |
The request message for Tools.ListToolVersions
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The parent of the tool versions. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
page_size |
Optional. The maximum number of items to return in a single page. By default 100 and at most 1000. |
page_token |
Optional. The next_page_token value returned from a previous list request. |
The response message for Tools.ListToolVersions
Fields | |
tool_versions[] |
The list of tool versions. There will be a maximum number of items returned based on the page_size field in the request. |
next_page_token |
Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more results in the list. |
The request message for Tools.ListTools
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The agent to list the Tools from. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
page_size |
The maximum number of items to return in a single page. By default 100 and at most 1000. |
page_token |
The next_page_token value returned from a previous list request. |
The response message for Tools.ListTools
Fields | |
tools[] |
The list of Tools. There will be a maximum number of items returned based on the page_size field in the request. |
next_page_token |
Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more results in the list. |
The request message for TransitionRouteGroups.ListTransitionRouteGroups
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The flow to list all transition route groups for. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
page_size |
The maximum number of items to return in a single page. By default 100 and at most 1000. |
page_token |
The next_page_token value returned from a previous list request. |
language_code |
The language to list transition route groups for. The following fields are language dependent:
If not specified, the agent's default language is used. Many languages are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used. |
The response message for TransitionRouteGroups.ListTransitionRouteGroups
Fields | |
transition_route_groups[] |
The list of transition route groups. There will be a maximum number of items returned based on the page_size field in the request. The list may in some cases be empty or contain fewer entries than page_size even if this isn't the last page. |
next_page_token |
Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more results in the list. |
The request message for Versions.ListVersions
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
page_size |
The maximum number of items to return in a single page. By default 20 and at most 100. |
page_token |
The next_page_token value returned from a previous list request. |
The response message for Versions.ListVersions
Fields | |
versions[] |
A list of versions. There will be a maximum number of items returned based on the page_size field in the request. The list may in some cases be empty or contain fewer entries than page_size even if this isn't the last page. |
next_page_token |
Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more results in the list. |
The request message for Webhooks.ListWebhooks
Fields | |
parent |
Required. The agent to list all webhooks for. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
page_size |
The maximum number of items to return in a single page. By default 100 and at most 1000. |
page_token |
The next_page_token value returned from a previous list request. |
The response message for Webhooks.ListWebhooks
Fields | |
webhooks[] |
The list of webhooks. There will be a maximum number of items returned based on the page_size field in the request. |
next_page_token |
Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more results in the list. |
Settings for LLM models.
Fields | |
model |
The selected LLM model. |
prompt_text |
The custom prompt to use. |
The request message for Versions.LoadVersion
Fields | |
name |
Required. The Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
allow_override_agent_resources |
This field is used to prevent accidental overwrite of other agent resources, which can potentially impact other flow's behavior. If |
The request message for Environments.LookupEnvironmentHistory
Fields | |
name |
Required. Resource name of the environment to look up the history for. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
page_size |
The maximum number of items to return in a single page. By default 100 and at most 1000. |
page_token |
The next_page_token value returned from a previous list request. |
The response message for Environments.LookupEnvironmentHistory
Fields | |
environments[] |
Represents a list of snapshots for an environment. Time of the snapshots is stored in |
next_page_token |
Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more results in the list. |
Represents one match result of [MatchIntent][].
Fields | |
intent |
The |
event |
The event that matched the query. Filled for |
parameters |
The collection of parameters extracted from the query. Depending on your protocol or client library language, this is a map, associative array, symbol table, dictionary, or JSON object composed of a collection of (MapKey, MapValue) pairs:
resolved_input |
Final text input which was matched during MatchIntent. This value can be different from original input sent in request because of spelling correction or other processing. |
match_type |
Type of this |
confidence |
The confidence of this match. Values range from 0.0 (completely uncertain) to 1.0 (completely certain). This value is for informational purpose only and is only used to help match the best intent within the classification threshold. This value may change for the same end-user expression at any time due to a model retraining or change in implementation. |
Type of a Match.
Enums | |
Not specified. Should never be used. |
The query was matched to an intent. |
The query directly triggered an intent. |
The query was used for parameter filling. |
No match was found for the query. |
Indicates an empty query. |
The query directly triggered an event. |
The query was matched to a Knowledge Connector answer. |
The query was handled by a . |
Request of [MatchIntent][].
Fields | |
session |
Required. The name of the session this query is sent to. Format: For more information, see the sessions guide. Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
query_params |
The parameters of this query. |
query_input |
Required. The input specification. |
persist_parameter_changes |
Persist session parameter changes from |
Response of [MatchIntent][].
Fields | |
matches[] |
Match results, if more than one, ordered descendingly by the confidence we have that the particular intent matches the query. |
current_page |
The current |
Union field query . The original conversational query. query can be only one of the following: |
text |
If |
trigger_intent |
If an |
transcript |
If |
trigger_event |
If an |
Settings related to NLU.
Fields | |
model_type |
Indicates the type of NLU model. |
classification_threshold |
To filter out false positive results and still get variety in matched natural language inputs for your agent, you can tune the machine learning classification threshold. If the returned score value is less than the threshold value, then a no-match event will be triggered. The score values range from 0.0 (completely uncertain) to 1.0 (completely certain). If set to 0.0, the default of 0.3 is used. You can set a separate classification threshold for the flow in each language enabled for the agent. |
model_training_mode |
Indicates NLU model training mode. |
NLU model training mode.
Enums | |
Not specified. MODEL_TRAINING_MODE_AUTOMATIC will be used. |
NLU model training is automatically triggered when a flow gets modified. User can also manually trigger model training in this mode. |
User needs to manually trigger NLU model training. Best for large flows whose models take long time to train. |
NLU model type.
Enums | |
Not specified. MODEL_TYPE_STANDARD will be used. |
Use standard NLU model. |
Use advanced NLU model. |
Instructs the speech synthesizer how to generate the output audio content.
Fields | |
audio_encoding |
Required. Audio encoding of the synthesized audio content. |
sample_rate_hertz |
Optional. The synthesis sample rate (in hertz) for this audio. If not provided, then the synthesizer will use the default sample rate based on the audio encoding. If this is different from the voice's natural sample rate, then the synthesizer will honor this request by converting to the desired sample rate (which might result in worse audio quality). |
synthesize_speech_config |
Optional. Configuration of how speech should be synthesized. If not specified, |
Audio encoding of the output audio format in Text-To-Speech.
Enums | |
Not specified. |
Uncompressed 16-bit signed little-endian samples (Linear PCM). Audio content returned as LINEAR16 also contains a WAV header. |
MP3 audio at 32kbps. |
MP3 audio at 64kbps. |
Opus encoded audio wrapped in an ogg container. The result will be a file which can be played natively on Android, and in browsers (at least Chrome and Firefox). The quality of the encoding is considerably higher than MP3 while using approximately the same bitrate. |
8-bit samples that compand 14-bit audio samples using G.711 PCMU/mu-law. |
8-bit samples that compand 13-bit audio samples using G.711 PCMU/a-law. |
Output state.
Enums | |
Unspecified output. |
Succeeded. |
Cancelled. |
Failed. |
Escalated. |
Pending. |
A Dialogflow CX conversation (session) can be described and visualized as a state machine. The states of a CX session are represented by pages.
For each flow, you define many pages, where your combined pages can handle a complete conversation on the topics the flow is designed for. At any given moment, exactly one page is the current page, the current page is considered active, and the flow associated with that page is considered active. Every flow has a special start page. When a flow initially becomes active, the start page page becomes the current page. For each conversational turn, the current page will either stay the same or transition to another page.
You configure each page to collect information from the end-user that is relevant for the conversational state represented by the page.
For more information, see the Page guide.
Fields | |
name |
The unique identifier of the page. Required for the |
display_name |
Required. The human-readable name of the page, unique within the flow. |
description |
The description of the page. The maximum length is 500 characters. |
entry_fulfillment |
The fulfillment to call when the session is entering the page. |
form |
The form associated with the page, used for collecting parameters relevant to the page. |
transition_route_groups[] |
Ordered list of
Format: |
transition_routes[] |
A list of transitions for the transition rules of this page. They route the conversation to another page in the same flow, or another flow. When we are in a certain page, the TransitionRoutes are evaluated in the following order:
event_handlers[] |
Handlers associated with the page to handle events such as webhook errors, no match or no input. |
advanced_settings |
Hierarchical advanced settings for this page. The settings exposed at the lower level overrides the settings exposed at the higher level. |
knowledge_connector_settings |
Optional. Knowledge connector configuration. |
Represents page information communicated to and from the webhook.
Fields | |
current_page |
Always present for |
display_name |
Always present for |
form_info |
Optional for both |
Represents form information.
Fields | |
parameter_info[] |
Optional for both |
Represents parameter information.
Fields | |
display_name |
Always present for |
required |
Optional for both |
state |
Always present for |
value |
Optional for both |
just_collected |
Optional for |
Represents the state of a parameter.
Enums | |
Not specified. This value should be never used. |
Indicates that the parameter does not have a value. |
Indicates that the parameter value is invalid. This field can be used by the webhook to invalidate the parameter and ask the server to collect it from the user again. |
Indicates that the parameter has a value. |
Defines the properties of a parameter. Used to define parameters used in the agent and the input / output parameters for each fulfillment.
Fields | |
name |
Required. Name of parameter. |
type |
Type of parameter. |
type_schema |
Optional. Type schema of parameter. |
description |
Human-readable description of the parameter. Limited to 300 characters. |
Parameter types are used for validation. These types are consistent with google.protobuf.Value
Enums | |
Not specified. No validation will be performed. |
Represents any string value. |
Represents any number value. |
Represents a boolean value. |
Represents a null value. |
Represents any object value. |
Represents a repeated value. |
Text input which can be used for prompt or banned phrases.
Fields | |
text |
Required. Text input which can be used for prompt or banned phrases. |
Playbook is the basic building block to instruct the LLM how to execute a certain task.
A playbook consists of a goal to accomplish, an optional list of step by step instructions (the step instruction may refers to name of the custom or default plugin tools to use) to perform the task, a list of contextual input data to be passed in at the beginning of the invoked, and a list of output parameters to store the playbook result.
Fields | |
name |
The unique identifier of the playbook. Format: |
display_name |
Required. The human-readable name of the playbook, unique within an agent. |
goal |
Required. High level description of the goal the playbook intend to accomplish. A goal should be concise since it's visible to other playbooks that may reference this playbook. |
input_parameter_definitions[] |
Optional. Defined structured input parameters for this playbook. |
output_parameter_definitions[] |
Optional. Defined structured output parameters for this playbook. |
instruction |
Instruction to accomplish target goal. |
token_count |
Output only. Estimated number of tokes current playbook takes when sent to the LLM. |
create_time |
Output only. The timestamp of initial playbook creation. |
update_time |
Output only. Last time the playbook version was updated. |
referenced_playbooks[] |
Output only. The resource name of other playbooks referenced by the current playbook in the instructions. |
referenced_flows[] |
Output only. The resource name of flows referenced by the current playbook in the instructions. |
referenced_tools[] |
Optional. The resource name of tools referenced by the current playbook in the instructions. If not provided explicitly, they are will be implied using the tool being referenced in goal and steps. |
llm_model_settings |
Optional. Llm model settings for the playbook. |
speech_settings |
Optional. Playbook level Settings for speech to text detection. |
handlers[] |
Optional. A list of registered handlers to execute based on the specified triggers. |
Message of the Instruction of the playbook.
Fields | |
guidelines |
General guidelines for the playbook. These are unstructured instructions that are not directly part of the goal, e.g. "Always be polite". It's valid for this text to be long and used instead of steps altogether. |
steps[] |
Ordered list of step by step execution instructions to accomplish target goal. |
Message of single step execution.
Fields | |
steps[] |
Sub-processing needed to execute the current step. |
Union field instruction . Instruction on how to execute current step. instruction can be only one of the following: |
text |
Step instruction in text format. |
Input of the playbook.
Fields | |
preceding_conversation_summary |
Optional. Summary string of the preceding conversation for the child playbook invocation. |
action_parameters |
Optional. A list of input parameters for the action. |
Stores metadata of the invocation of a child playbook.
Fields | |
playbook |
Required. The unique identifier of the playbook. Format: |
display_name |
Output only. The display name of the playbook. |
playbook_input |
Optional. Input of the child playbook invocation. |
playbook_output |
Optional. Output of the child playbook invocation. |
playbook_state |
Required. Playbook invocation's output state. |
Output of the playbook.
Fields | |
execution_summary |
Optional. Summary string of the execution result of the child playbook. |
action_parameters |
Optional. A Struct object of output parameters for the action. |
Playbook version is a snapshot of the playbook at certain timestamp.
Fields | |
name |
The unique identifier of the playbook version. Format: |
description |
Optional. The description of the playbook version. |
playbook |
Output only. Snapshot of the playbook when the playbook version is created. |
examples[] |
Output only. Snapshot of the examples belonging to the playbook when the playbook version is created. |
update_time |
Output only. Last time the playbook version was created or modified. |
Represents the query input. It can contain one of:
A conversational query in the form of text.
An intent query that specifies which intent to trigger.
Natural language speech audio to be processed.
An event to be triggered.
DTMF digits to invoke an intent and fill in parameter value.
The results of a tool executed by the client.
Fields | |
language_code |
Required. The language of the input. See Language Support for a list of the currently supported language codes. Note that queries in the same session do not necessarily need to specify the same language. |
Union field input . Required. The input specification. input can be only one of the following: |
text |
The natural language text to be processed. |
intent |
The intent to be triggered. |
audio |
The natural language speech audio to be processed. |
event |
The event to be triggered. |
dtmf |
The DTMF event to be handled. |
tool_call_result |
The results of a tool executed by the client. |
Represents the parameters of a conversational query.
Fields | |
time_zone |
The time zone of this conversational query from the time zone database, e.g., America/New_York, Europe/Paris. If not provided, the time zone specified in the agent is used. |
geo_location |
The geo location of this conversational query. |
session_entity_types[] |
Additional session entity types to replace or extend developer entity types with. The entity synonyms apply to all languages and persist for the session of this query. |
payload |
This field can be used to pass custom data into the webhook associated with the agent. Arbitrary JSON objects are supported. Some integrations that query a Dialogflow agent may provide additional information in the payload. In particular, for the Dialogflow Phone Gateway integration, this field has the form:
parameters |
Additional parameters to be put into [session parameters][SessionInfo.parameters]. To remove a parameter from the session, clients should explicitly set the parameter value to null. You can reference the session parameters in the agent with the following format: $session.params.parameter-id. Depending on your protocol or client library language, this is a map, associative array, symbol table, dictionary, or JSON object composed of a collection of (MapKey, MapValue) pairs:
current_page |
The unique identifier of the If |
disable_webhook |
Whether to disable webhook calls for this request. |
analyze_query_text_sentiment |
Configures whether sentiment analysis should be performed. If not provided, sentiment analysis is not performed. |
webhook_headers |
This field can be used to pass HTTP headers for a webhook call. These headers will be sent to webhook along with the headers that have been configured through Dialogflow web console. The headers defined within this field will overwrite the headers configured through Dialogflow console if there is a conflict. Header names are case-insensitive. Google's specified headers are not allowed. Including: "Host", "Content-Length", "Connection", "From", "User-Agent", "Accept-Encoding", "If-Modified-Since", "If-None-Match", "X-Forwarded-For", etc. |
flow_versions[] |
A list of flow versions to override for the request. Format: If version 1 of flow X is included in this list, the traffic of flow X will go through version 1 regardless of the version configuration in the environment. Each flow can have at most one version specified in this list. |
current_playbook |
Optional. The unique identifier of the Format: |
llm_model_settings |
Optional. Use the specified LLM model settings for processing the request. |
channel |
The channel which this query is for. If specified, only the If unspecified, the |
session_ttl |
Optional. Configure lifetime of the Dialogflow session. By default, a Dialogflow session remains active and its data is stored for 30 minutes after the last request is sent for the session. This value should be no longer than 1 day. |
end_user_metadata |
Optional. Information about the end-user to improve the relevance and accuracy of generative answers. This will be interpreted and used by a language model, so, for good results, the data should be self-descriptive, and in a simple structure. Example:
search_config |
Optional. Search configuration for UCS search queries. |
populate_data_store_connection_signals |
Optional. If set to true and data stores are involved in serving the request then DetectIntentResponse.query_result.data_store_connection_signals will be filled with data that can help evaluations. |
Represents the result of a conversational query.
Fields | |
language_code |
The language that was triggered during intent detection. See Language Support for a list of the currently supported language codes. |
parameters |
The collected Depending on your protocol or client library language, this is a map, associative array, symbol table, dictionary, or JSON object composed of a collection of (MapKey, MapValue) pairs:
response_messages[] |
The list of rich messages returned to the client. Responses vary from simple text messages to more sophisticated, structured payloads used to drive complex logic. |
webhook_ids[] |
The list of webhook ids in the order of call sequence. |
webhook_display_names[] |
The list of webhook display names in the order of call sequence. |
webhook_latencies[] |
The list of webhook latencies in the order of call sequence. |
webhook_tags[] |
The list of webhook tags in the order of call sequence. |
webhook_statuses[] |
The list of webhook call status in the order of call sequence. |
webhook_payloads[] |
The list of webhook payload in |
current_page |
The current |
current_flow |
The current |
intent |
The |
intent_detection_confidence |
The intent detection confidence. Values range from 0.0 (completely uncertain) to 1.0 (completely certain). This value is for informational purpose only and is only used to help match the best intent within the classification threshold. This value may change for the same end-user expression at any time due to a model retraining or change in implementation. This field is deprecated, please use |
match |
Intent match result, could be an intent or an event. |
diagnostic_info |
The free-form diagnostic info. For example, this field could contain webhook call latency. The fields of this data can change without notice, so you should not write code that depends on its structure. One of the fields is called "Alternative Matched Intents", which may aid with debugging. The following describes these intent results:
generative_info |
The information of a query if handled by generative agent resources. |
sentiment_analysis_result |
The sentiment analyss result, which depends on |
advanced_settings |
Returns the current advanced settings including IVR settings. Even though the operations configured by these settings are performed by Dialogflow, the client may need to perform special logic at the moment. For example, if Dialogflow exports audio to Google Cloud Storage, then the client may need to wait for the resulting object to appear in the bucket before proceeding. |
allow_answer_feedback |
Indicates whether the Thumbs up/Thumbs down rating controls are need to be shown for the response in the Dialogflow Messenger widget. |
data_store_connection_signals |
Optional. Data store connection feature output signals. Filled only when data stores are involved in serving the query. |
Union field query . The original conversational query. query can be only one of the following: |
text |
If |
trigger_intent |
If an |
transcript |
If |
trigger_event |
If an |
dtmf |
If a |
Resource name and display name.
Fields | |
name |
Name. |
display_name |
Display name. |
Represents a response message that can be returned by a conversational agent.
Response messages are also used for output audio synthesis. The approach is as follows:
- If at least one OutputAudioText response is present, then all OutputAudioText responses are linearly concatenated, and the result is used for output audio synthesis.
- If the OutputAudioText responses are a mixture of text and SSML, then the concatenated result is treated as SSML; otherwise, the result is treated as either text or SSML as appropriate. The agent designer should ideally use either text or SSML consistently throughout the bot design.
- Otherwise, all Text responses are linearly concatenated, and the result is used for output audio synthesis.
This approach allows for more sophisticated user experience scenarios, where the text displayed to the user may differ from what is heard.
Fields | |
channel |
The channel which the response is associated with. Clients can specify the channel via |
Union field message . Required. The rich response message. message can be only one of the following: |
text |
Returns a text response. |
payload |
Returns a response containing a custom, platform-specific payload. |
conversation_success |
Indicates that the conversation succeeded. |
output_audio_text |
A text or ssml response that is preferentially used for TTS output audio synthesis, as described in the comment on the ResponseMessage message. |
live_agent_handoff |
Hands off conversation to a human agent. |
end_interaction |
Output only. A signal that indicates the interaction with the Dialogflow agent has ended. This message is generated by Dialogflow only when the conversation reaches It's guaranteed that there is at most one such message in each response. |
play_audio |
Signal that the client should play an audio clip hosted at a client-specific URI. Dialogflow uses this to construct |
mixed_audio |
Output only. An audio response message composed of both the synthesized Dialogflow agent responses and responses defined via |
telephony_transfer_call |
A signal that the client should transfer the phone call connected to this agent to a third-party endpoint. |
knowledge_info_card |
Represents info card for knowledge answers, to be better rendered in Dialogflow Messenger. |
tool_call |
Returns the definition of a tool call that should be executed by the client. |
Indicates that the conversation succeeded, i.e., the bot handled the issue that the customer talked to it about.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations should be counted as successful and doesn't process the metadata in this message in any way. Note that Dialogflow also considers conversations that get to the conversation end page as successful even if they don't return ConversationSuccess
You may set this, for example: * In the entry_fulfillment
of a Page
if entering the page indicates that the conversation succeeded. * In a webhook response when you determine that you handled the customer issue.
Fields | |
metadata |
Custom metadata. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this. |
This type has no fields.
Indicates that interaction with the Dialogflow agent has ended. This message is generated by Dialogflow only and not supposed to be defined by the user.
This type has no fields.
Represents info card response. If the response contains generative knowledge prediction, Dialogflow will return a payload with Infobot Messenger compatible info card.
Otherwise, the info card response is skipped.
Indicates that the conversation should be handed off to a live agent.
Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations were handed off to a human agent for measurement purposes. What else to do with this signal is up to you and your handoff procedures.
You may set this, for example: * In the entry_fulfillment
of a Page
if entering the page indicates something went extremely wrong in the conversation. * In a webhook response when you determine that the customer issue can only be handled by a human.
Fields | |
metadata |
Custom metadata for your handoff procedure. Dialogflow doesn't impose any structure on this. |
Represents an audio message that is composed of both segments synthesized from the Dialogflow agent prompts and ones hosted externally at the specified URIs. The external URIs are specified via play_audio
. This message is generated by Dialogflow only and not supposed to be defined by the user.
Fields | |
segments[] |
Segments this audio response is composed of. |
Represents one segment of audio.
Fields | |
allow_playback_interruption |
Output only. Whether the playback of this segment can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client should then start the next Dialogflow request. |
Union field content . Content of the segment. content can be only one of the following: |
audio |
Raw audio synthesized from the Dialogflow agent's response using the output config specified in the request. |
uri |
Client-specific URI that points to an audio clip accessible to the client. Dialogflow does not impose any validation on it. |
A text or ssml response that is preferentially used for TTS output audio synthesis, as described in the comment on the ResponseMessage message.
Fields | |
allow_playback_interruption |
Output only. Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request. |
Union field source . The source, which is either plain text or SSML. source can be only one of the following: |
text |
The raw text to be synthesized. |
ssml |
The SSML text to be synthesized. For more information, see SSML. |
Specifies an audio clip to be played by the client as part of the response.
Fields | |
audio_uri |
Required. URI of the audio clip. Dialogflow does not impose any validation on this value. It is specific to the client that reads it. |
allow_playback_interruption |
Output only. Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request. |
Represents the signal that telles the client to transfer the phone call connected to the agent to a third-party endpoint.
Fields | |
Union field endpoint . Endpoint to transfer the call to. endpoint can be only one of the following: |
phone_number |
Transfer the call to a phone number in E.164 format. |
The text response message.
Fields | |
text[] |
Required. A collection of text response variants. If multiple variants are defined, only one text response variant is returned at runtime. |
allow_playback_interruption |
Output only. Whether the playback of this message can be interrupted by the end user's speech and the client can then starts the next Dialogflow request. |
The request message for Agents.RestoreAgent
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the agent to restore into. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
restore_option |
Agent restore mode. If not specified, |
Union field agent . Required. The agent to restore. agent can be only one of the following: |
agent_uri |
The Google Cloud Storage URI to restore agent from. The format of this URI must be Dialogflow performs a read operation for the Cloud Storage object on the caller's behalf, so your request authentication must have read permissions for the object. For more information, see Dialogflow access control. |
agent_content |
Uncompressed raw byte content for agent. |
git_source |
Setting for restoring from a git branch |
Settings for restoring from a git branch
Fields | |
tracking_branch |
tracking branch for the git pull |
Restore option.
Enums | |
Unspecified. Treated as KEEP. |
Always respect the settings from the exported agent file. It may cause a restoration failure if some settings (e.g. model type) are not supported in the target agent. |
Fallback to default settings if some settings are not supported in the target agent. |
The request message for Tools.RestoreToolVersion
Fields | |
name |
Required. The name of the tool version. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
The response message for Tools.RestoreToolVersion
Fields | |
tool |
The updated tool. |
The configuration for auto rollout.
Fields | |
rollout_steps[] |
Steps to roll out a flow version. Steps should be sorted by percentage in ascending order. |
rollout_condition |
The conditions that are used to evaluate the success of a rollout step. If not specified, all rollout steps will proceed to the next one unless failure conditions are met. E.g. "containment_rate > 60% AND callback_rate < 20%". See the conditions reference. |
failure_condition |
The conditions that are used to evaluate the failure of a rollout step. If not specified, no rollout steps will fail. E.g. "containment_rate < 10% OR average_turn_count < 3". See the conditions reference. |
A single rollout step with specified traffic allocation.
Fields | |
display_name |
The name of the rollout step; |
traffic_percent |
The percentage of traffic allocated to the flow version of this rollout step. (0%, 100%]. |
min_duration |
The minimum time that this step should last. Should be longer than 1 hour. If not set, the default minimum duration for each step will be 1 hour. |
State of the auto-rollout process.
Fields | |
step |
Display name of the current auto rollout step. |
step_index |
Index of the current step in the auto rollout steps list. |
start_time |
Start time of the current step. |
Metadata returned for the Environments.RunContinuousTest
long running operation.
Fields | |
errors[] |
The test errors. |
The request message for Environments.RunContinuousTest
Fields | |
environment |
Required. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
The response message for Environments.RunContinuousTest
Fields | |
continuous_test_result |
The result for a continuous test run. |
This type has no fields.
Metadata returned for the TestCases.RunTestCase
long running operation. This message currently has no fields.
The request message for TestCases.RunTestCase
Fields | |
name |
Required. Format of test case name to run: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
environment |
Optional. Environment name. If not set, draft environment is assumed. Format: |
The response message for TestCases.RunTestCase
Fields | |
result |
The result. |
Settings for Generative Safety.
Fields | |
default_banned_phrase_match_strategy |
Optional. Default phrase match strategy for banned phrases. |
banned_phrases[] |
Banned phrases for generated text. |
Text input which can be used for prompt or banned phrases.
Fields | |
text |
Required. Text input which can be used for prompt or banned phrases. |
language_code |
Required. Language code of the phrase. |
Strategy for matching phrases.
Enums | |
Unspecified, defaults to PARTIAL_MATCH. |
Text that contains the phrase as a substring will be matched, e.g. "foo" will match "afoobar". |
Text that contains the tokenized words of the phrase will be matched, e.g. "foo" will match "a foo bar" and "foo bar", but not "foobar". |
Search configuration for UCS search queries.
Fields | |
boost_specs[] |
Optional. Boosting configuration for the datastores. Maps from datastore name to their boost configuration. Do not specify more than one BoostSpecs for each datastore name. If multiple BoostSpecs are provided for the same datastore name, the behavior is undefined. |
filter_specs[] |
Optional. Filter configuration for the datastores. Maps from datastore name to the filter expression for that datastore. Do not specify more than one FilterSpecs for each datastore name. If multiple FilterSpecs are provided for the same datastore name, the behavior is undefined. |
Represents the settings related to security issues, such as data redaction and data retention. It may take hours for updates on the settings to propagate to all the related components and take effect.
Fields | |
name |
Resource name of the settings. Required for the |
display_name |
Required. The human-readable name of the security settings, unique within the location. |
redaction_strategy |
Strategy that defines how we do redaction. |
redaction_scope |
Defines the data for which Dialogflow applies redaction. Dialogflow does not redact data that it does not have access to – for example, Cloud logging. |
inspect_template |
DLP inspect template name. Use this template to define inspect base settings. The If empty, we use the default DLP inspect config. The template name will have one of the following formats: Note: |
deidentify_template |
DLP deidentify template name. Use this template to define de-identification configuration for the content. The If empty, Dialogflow replaces sensitive info with The template name will have one of the following formats: Note: |
purge_data_types[] |
List of types of data to remove when retention settings triggers purge. |
audio_export_settings |
Controls audio export settings for post-conversation analytics when ingesting audio to conversations via [Participants.AnalyzeContent][] or [Participants.StreamingAnalyzeContent][]. If If audio export is enabled, audio is recorded and saved to [audio_export_settings.gcs_bucket][], subject to retention policy of [audio_export_settings.gcs_bucket][]. This setting won't effect audio input for implicit sessions via |
insights_export_settings |
Controls conversation exporting settings to Insights after conversation is completed. If |
Union field data_retention . Specifies how data is retained. Note that even if the data is purged due to retention policy, we may still hold it in backup storage for a few days without allowing direct readings. data_retention can be only one of the following: |
retention_window_days |
Retains data in interaction logging for the specified number of days. This does not apply to Cloud logging, which is owned by the user - not Dialogflow. User must set a value lower than Dialogflow's default 365d TTL (30 days for Agent Assist traffic), higher value will be ignored and use default. Setting a value higher than that has no effect. A missing value or setting to 0 also means we use default TTL. When data retention configuration is changed, it only applies to the data created after the change; the TTL of existing data created before the change stays intact. |
retention_strategy |
Specifies the retention behavior defined by |
Settings for exporting audio.
Fields | |
gcs_bucket |
Cloud Storage bucket to export audio record to. Setting this field would grant the Storage Object Creator role to the Dialogflow Service Agent. API caller that tries to modify this field should have the permission of storage.buckets.setIamPolicy. |
audio_export_pattern |
Filename pattern for exported audio. |
enable_audio_redaction |
Enable audio redaction if it is true. Note that this only redacts end-user audio data; Synthesised audio from the virtual agent is not redacted. |
audio_format |
File format for exported audio file. Currently only in telephony recordings. |
store_tts_audio |
Whether to store TTS audio. By default, TTS audio from the virtual agent is not exported. |
File format for exported audio file. Currently only in telephony recordings.
Enums | |
Unspecified. Do not use. |
G.711 mu-law PCM with 8kHz sample rate. |
MP3 |
MP3 file format. |
OGG Vorbis. |
Settings for exporting conversations to Insights.
Fields | |
enable_insights_export |
If enabled, we will automatically exports conversations to Insights and Insights runs its analyzers. |
Type of data we purge after retention settings triggers purge.
Enums | |
Unspecified. Do not use. |
Dialogflow history. This does not include Cloud logging, which is owned by the user - not Dialogflow. |
Defines what types of data to redact.
Enums | |
Don't redact any kind of data. |
On data to be written to disk or similar devices that are capable of holding data even if power is disconnected. This includes data that are temporarily saved on disk. |
Defines how we redact data.
Enums | |
Do not redact. |
Call redaction service to clean up the data to be persisted. |
Defines how long we retain persisted data that contains sensitive info.
Enums | |
Retains the persisted data with Dialogflow's internal default 365d TTLs. |
Removes data when the conversation ends. If there is no Conversation explicitly established, a default conversation ends when the corresponding Dialogflow session ends. |
The result of sentiment analysis. Sentiment analysis inspects user input and identifies the prevailing subjective opinion, especially to determine a user's attitude as positive, negative, or neutral.
Fields | |
score |
Sentiment score between -1.0 (negative sentiment) and 1.0 (positive sentiment). |
magnitude |
A non-negative number in the [0, +inf) range, which represents the absolute magnitude of sentiment, regardless of score (positive or negative). |
Session entity types are referred to as User entity types and are entities that are built for an individual user such as favorites, preferences, playlists, and so on.
You can redefine a session entity type at the session level to extend or replace a custom entity type
at the user session level (we refer to the entity types defined at the agent level as "custom entity types").
Note: session entity types apply to all queries, regardless of the language.
For more information about entity types, see the Dialogflow documentation.
Fields | |
name |
Required. The unique identifier of the session entity type. Format: |
entity_override_mode |
Required. Indicates whether the additional data should override or supplement the custom entity type definition. |
entities[] |
Required. The collection of entities to override or supplement the custom entity type. |
The types of modifications for the session entity type.
Enums | |
Not specified. This value should be never used. |
The collection of session entities overrides the collection of entities in the corresponding custom entity type. |
The collection of session entities extends the collection of entities in the corresponding custom entity type. Note: Even in this override mode calls to |
Represents session information communicated to and from the webhook.
Fields | |
session |
Always present for |
parameters |
Optional for |
Variant of the specified Speech model
to use.
See the Cloud Speech documentation for which models have different variants. For example, the "phone_call" model has both a standard and an enhanced variant. When you use an enhanced model, you will generally receive higher quality results than for a standard model.
Enums | |
No model variant specified. In this case Dialogflow defaults to USE_BEST_AVAILABLE. |
Use the best available variant of the [Speech model][InputAudioConfig.model] that the caller is eligible for. |
Use standard model variant even if an enhanced model is available. See the Cloud Speech documentation for details about enhanced models. |
Use an enhanced model variant:
The Cloud Speech documentation describes which models have enhanced variants. |
Settings related to speech recognition.
Fields | |
enable_speech_adaptation |
Whether to use speech adaptation for speech recognition. |
Information for a word recognized by the speech recognizer.
Fields | |
word |
The word this info is for. |
start_offset |
Time offset relative to the beginning of the audio that corresponds to the start of the spoken word. This is an experimental feature and the accuracy of the time offset can vary. |
end_offset |
Time offset relative to the beginning of the audio that corresponds to the end of the spoken word. This is an experimental feature and the accuracy of the time offset can vary. |
confidence |
The Speech confidence between 0.0 and 1.0 for this word. A higher number indicates an estimated greater likelihood that the recognized word is correct. The default of 0.0 is a sentinel value indicating that confidence was not set. This field is not guaranteed to be fully stable over time for the same audio input. Users should also not rely on it to always be provided. |
Gender of the voice as described in SSML voice element.
Enums | |
An unspecified gender, which means that the client doesn't care which gender the selected voice will have. |
A male voice. |
A female voice. |
A gender-neutral voice. |
The request message for Experiments.StartExperiment
Fields | |
name |
Required. Resource name of the experiment to start. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
The request message for Experiments.StopExperiment
Fields | |
name |
Required. Resource name of the experiment to stop. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
The top-level message sent by the client to the Sessions.StreamingDetectIntent
Multiple request messages should be sent in order:
The first message must contain
plus optionallyquery_params
. If the client wants to receive an audio response, it should also containoutput_audio_config
was set
, all subsequent messages must
to continue with Speech recognition. If you decide to rather detect an intent from text input after you already started Speech recognition, please send a message withquery_input.text
However, note that:
* Dialogflow will bill you for the audio duration so far.
* Dialogflow discards all Speech recognition results in favor of the
input text.
* Dialogflow will use the language code from the first message.
After you sent all input, you must half-close or abort the request stream.
Fields | |
session |
The name of the session this query is sent to. Format: For more information, see the sessions guide. Note: Always use agent versions for production traffic. See Versions and environments. Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
query_params |
The parameters of this query. |
query_input |
Required. The input specification. |
output_audio_config |
Instructs the speech synthesizer how to generate the output audio. |
enable_partial_response |
Enable partial detect intent response. If this flag is not enabled, response stream still contains only one final |
enable_debugging_info |
If true, |
The top-level message returned from the StreamingDetectIntent
Multiple response messages can be returned in order:
If the
field was set, the first M messages containrecognition_result
. Eachrecognition_result
represents a more complete transcript of what the user said. The lastrecognition_result
set totrue
.If the
field was true, thedetect_intent_response
field is populated for each of the following N responses, where 0 <= N <= 5. These responses set theDetectIntentResponse.response_type
field toPARTIAL
For the last response message, the detect_intent_response
is fully populated, and DetectIntentResponse.response_type
is set to FINAL
Fields | |
debugging_info |
Debugging info that would get populated when |
Union field response . The output response. response can be only one of the following: |
recognition_result |
The result of speech recognition. |
detect_intent_response |
The response from detect intent. |
Contains a speech recognition result corresponding to a portion of the audio that is currently being processed or an indication that this is the end of the single requested utterance.
While end-user audio is being processed, Dialogflow sends a series of results. Each result may contain a transcript
value. A transcript represents a portion of the utterance. While the recognizer is processing audio, transcript values may be interim values or finalized values. Once a transcript is finalized, the is_final
value is set to true and processing continues for the next transcript.
was true, and the recognizer has completed processing audio, the message_type
value is set to `END_OF_SINGLE_UTTERANCE and the following (last) result contains the last finalized transcript.
The complete end-user utterance is determined by concatenating the finalized transcript values received for the series of results.
In the following example, single utterance is enabled. In the case where single utterance is not enabled, result 7 would not occur.
Num | transcript | message_type | is_final
--- | ----------------------- | ----------------------- | --------
1 | "tube" | TRANSCRIPT | false
2 | "to be a" | TRANSCRIPT | false
3 | "to be" | TRANSCRIPT | false
4 | "to be or not to be" | TRANSCRIPT | true
5 | "that's" | TRANSCRIPT | false
6 | "that is | TRANSCRIPT | false
7 | unset | END_OF_SINGLE_UTTERANCE | unset
8 | " that is the question" | TRANSCRIPT | true
Concatenating the finalized transcripts with is_final
set to true, the complete utterance becomes "to be or not to be that is the question".
Fields | |
message_type |
Type of the result message. |
transcript |
Transcript text representing the words that the user spoke. Populated if and only if |
is_final |
If |
confidence |
The Speech confidence between 0.0 and 1.0 for the current portion of audio. A higher number indicates an estimated greater likelihood that the recognized words are correct. The default of 0.0 is a sentinel value indicating that confidence was not set. This field is typically only provided if |
stability |
An estimate of the likelihood that the speech recognizer will not change its guess about this interim recognition result: * If the value is unspecified or 0.0, Dialogflow didn't compute the stability. In particular, Dialogflow will only provide stability for |
speech_word_info[] |
Word-specific information for the words recognized by Speech in |
speech_end_offset |
Time offset of the end of this Speech recognition result relative to the beginning of the audio. Only populated for |
language_code |
Detected language code for the transcript. |
Type of the response message.
Enums | |
Not specified. Should never be used. |
Message contains a (possibly partial) transcript. |
This event indicates that the server has detected the end of the user's speech utterance and expects no additional speech. Therefore, the server will not process additional audio (although it may subsequently return additional results). The client should stop sending additional audio data, half-close the gRPC connection, and wait for any additional results until the server closes the gRPC connection. This message is only sent if was set to true , and is not used otherwise. |
The request to set the feedback for a bot answer.
Fields | |
session |
Required. The name of the session the feedback was sent to. Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
response_id |
Required. ID of the response to update its feedback. This is the same as DetectIntentResponse.response_id. |
answer_feedback |
Required. Feedback provided for a bot answer. |
update_mask |
Optional. The mask to control which fields to update. If the mask is not present, all fields will be updated. |
Configuration of how speech should be synthesized.
Fields | |
speaking_rate |
Optional. Speaking rate/speed, in the range [0.25, 4.0]. 1.0 is the normal native speed supported by the specific voice. 2.0 is twice as fast, and 0.5 is half as fast. If unset(0.0), defaults to the native 1.0 speed. Any other values < 0.25 or > 4.0 will return an error. |
pitch |
Optional. Speaking pitch, in the range [-20.0, 20.0]. 20 means increase 20 semitones from the original pitch. -20 means decrease 20 semitones from the original pitch. |
volume_gain_db |
Optional. Volume gain (in dB) of the normal native volume supported by the specific voice, in the range [-96.0, 16.0]. If unset, or set to a value of 0.0 (dB), will play at normal native signal amplitude. A value of -6.0 (dB) will play at approximately half the amplitude of the normal native signal amplitude. A value of +6.0 (dB) will play at approximately twice the amplitude of the normal native signal amplitude. We strongly recommend not to exceed +10 (dB) as there's usually no effective increase in loudness for any value greater than that. |
effects_profile_id[] |
Optional. An identifier which selects 'audio effects' profiles that are applied on (post synthesized) text to speech. Effects are applied on top of each other in the order they are given. |
voice |
Optional. The desired voice of the synthesized audio. |
Represents a test case.
Fields | |
name |
The unique identifier of the test case. |
tags[] |
Tags are short descriptions that users may apply to test cases for organizational and filtering purposes. Each tag should start with "#" and has a limit of 30 characters. |
display_name |
Required. The human-readable name of the test case, unique within the agent. Limit of 200 characters. |
notes |
Additional freeform notes about the test case. Limit of 400 characters. |
test_config |
Config for the test case. |
test_case_conversation_turns[] |
The conversation turns uttered when the test case was created, in chronological order. These include the canonical set of agent utterances that should occur when the agent is working properly. |
creation_time |
Output only. When the test was created. |
last_test_result |
The latest test result. |
Error info for importing a test.
Fields | |
test_case |
The test case. |
status |
The status associated with the test case. |
Represents a result from running a test case in an agent environment.
Fields | |
name |
The resource name for the test case result. Format: |
environment |
Environment where the test was run. If not set, it indicates the draft environment. |
conversation_turns[] |
The conversation turns uttered during the test case replay in chronological order. |
test_result |
Whether the test case passed in the agent environment. |
test_time |
The time that the test was run. |
Represents configurations for a test case.
Fields | |
tracking_parameters[] |
Session parameters to be compared when calculating differences. |
flow |
Flow name to start the test case with. Format: Only one of |
page |
The Only one of |
Error info for running a test.
Fields | |
test_case |
The test case resource name. |
status |
The status associated with the test. |
test_time |
The timestamp when the test was completed. |
The test result for a test case and an agent environment.
Enums | |
Not specified. Should never be used. |
The test passed. |
The test did not pass. |
The description of differences between original and replayed agent output.
Fields | |
type |
The type of diff. |
description |
A human readable description of the diff, showing the actual output vs expected output. |
What part of the message replay differs from the test case.
Enums | |
Should never be used. |
The intent. |
The page. |
The parameters. |
The message utterance. |
The flow. |
Represents the natural language text to be processed.
Fields | |
text |
Required. The UTF-8 encoded natural language text to be processed. |
Settings related to speech synthesizing.
Fields | |
synthesize_speech_configs |
Configuration of how speech should be synthesized, mapping from language ( to SynthesizeSpeechConfig. These settings affect:
A tool provides a list of actions which are available to the Playbook
to attain its goal. A Tool consists of a description of the tool's usage and a specification of the tool which contains the schema and authentication information.
Fields | |
name |
The unique identifier of the Tool. Format: |
display_name |
Required. The human-readable name of the Tool, unique within an agent. |
description |
Required. High level description of the Tool and its usage. |
tool_type |
Output only. The tool type. |
Union field specification . Specification of the Tool. specification can be only one of the following: |
open_api_spec |
OpenAPI specification of the Tool. |
data_store_spec |
Data store search tool specification. |
extension_spec |
Vertex extension tool specification. |
function_spec |
Client side executed function specification. |
connector_spec |
Integration connectors tool specification. |
Authentication information required for API calls
Fields | |
Union field auth_config . The auth configuration. auth_config can be only one of the following: |
api_key_config |
Config for API key auth. |
oauth_config |
Config for OAuth. |
service_agent_auth_config |
Config for Diglogflow service agent auth. |
bearer_token_config |
Config for bearer token auth. |
Config for authentication with API key.
Fields | |
key_name |
Required. The parameter name or the header name of the API key. E.g., If the API request is " |
api_key |
Optional. The API key. If the |
request_location |
Required. Key location in the request. |
Config for authentication using bearer token.
Fields | |
token |
Optional. The text token appended to the text |
Config for authentication with OAuth.
Fields | |
oauth_grant_type |
Required. OAuth grant types. |
client_id |
Required. The client ID from the OAuth provider. |
client_secret |
Optional. The client secret from the OAuth provider. If the |
token_endpoint |
Required. The token endpoint in the OAuth provider to exchange for an access token. |
scopes[] |
Optional. The OAuth scopes to grant. |
OAuth grant types. Only client credential grant is supported.
Enums | |
Default value. This value is unused. |
Represents the client credential flow. |
The location of the API key in the request.
Enums | |
Default value. This value is unused. |
Represents the key in http header. |
Represents the key in query string. |
Config for auth using Diglogflow service agent.
Fields | |
service_agent_auth |
Optional. Indicate the auth token type generated from the Diglogflow service agent. The generated token is sent in the Authorization header. |
Indicate the auth token type generated from the Diglogflow service agent.
Enums | |
Service agent auth type unspecified. Default to ID_TOKEN. |
Use ID token generated from service agent. This can be used to access Cloud Function and Cloud Run after you grant Invoker role to service-<PROJECT-NUMBER> . |
Use access token generated from service agent. This can be used to access other Google Cloud APIs after you grant required roles to service-<PROJECT-NUMBER> . |
A ConnectorTool enabling using Integration Connectors Connections as tools.
Fields | |
name |
Required. The full resource name of the referenced Integration Connectors Connection. Format: 'projects/*/locations/*/connections/*' |
actions[] |
Required. Actions for the tool to use. |
end_user_auth_config |
Optional. Integration Connectors end-user authentication configuration. If configured, the end-user authentication fields will be passed in the Integration Connectors API request and override the admin, default authentication configured for the Connection. Note: The Connection must have authentication override enabled in order to specify an EUC configuration here - otherwise, the ConnectorTool creation will fail. See: |
Configuration of a Connection operation for the tool to use.
Fields | |
input_fields[] |
Optional. Entity fields to use as inputs for the operation. If no fields are specified, all fields of the Entity will be used. |
output_fields[] |
Optional. Entity fields to return from the operation. If no fields are specified, all fields of the Entity will be returned. |
Union field action_spec . Required. Specification for an action to configure for the tool to use. action_spec can be only one of the following: |
connection_action_id |
ID of a Connection action for the tool to use. |
entity_operation |
Entity operation configuration for the tool to use. |
Entity CRUD operation specification.
Fields | |
entity_id |
Required. ID of the entity. |
operation |
Required. Operation to perform on the entity. |
The operation to perform on the entity.
Enums | |
Operation type unspecified. Invalid, ConnectorTool create/update will fail. |
List operation. |
Get operation. |
Create operation. |
Update operation. |
Delete operation. |
A DataStoreTool is a way to provide specifications needed to search a list of data stores.
Fields | |
data_store_connections[] |
Required. List of data stores to search. |
fallback_prompt |
Required. Fallback prompt configurations to use. |
This type has no fields.
A FallbackPrompt is a way to provide specifications for the Data Store fallback prompt when generating responses.
End-user authentication configuration used for Connection calls. The field values can either be hardcoded authentication values or the names of session parameters or request parameters.
If parameter names are provided, then those parameters can be used to pass the authentication values dynamically, through $session.params.param-id
or $request.payload.param-id
Fields | |
Union field end_user_auth_config . The end-user authentication configuration. end_user_auth_config can be only one of the following: |
oauth2_auth_code_config |
Oauth 2.0 Authorization Code authentication. |
oauth2_jwt_bearer_config |
JWT Profile Oauth 2.0 Authorization Grant authentication. |
Oauth 2.0 Authorization Code authentication configuration.
Fields | |
oauth_token |
Required. Oauth token value or parameter name to pass it through. |
JWT Profile Oauth 2.0 Authorization Grant authentication configuration.
Fields | |
issuer |
Required. Issuer value or parameter name to pass it through. |
subject |
Required. Subject value or parameter name to pass it through. |
client_key |
Required. Client key value or parameter name to pass it through. |
An ExtensionTool is a way to use Vertex Extensions as a tool.
Fields | |
name |
Required. The full name of the referenced vertex extension. Formats: |
A Function tool describes the functions to be invoked on the client side.
Fields | |
input_schema |
Optional. The JSON schema is encapsulated in a |
output_schema |
Optional. The JSON schema is encapsulated in a |
An OpenAPI tool is a way to provide the Tool specifications in the Open API schema format.
Fields | |
authentication |
Optional. Authentication information required by the API. |
tls_config |
Optional. TLS configuration for the HTTPS verification. |
service_directory_config |
Optional. Service Directory configuration. |
Union field schema . Schema representation. schema can be only one of the following: |
text_schema |
Required. The OpenAPI schema specified as a text. |
Configuration for tools using Service Directory.
Fields | |
service |
Required. The name of Service Directory service. Format: |
The TLS configuration.
Fields | |
ca_certs[] |
Required. Specifies a list of allowed custom CA certificates for HTTPS verification. |
The CA certificate.
Fields | |
display_name |
Required. The name of the allowed custom CA certificates. This can be used to disambiguate the custom CA certificates. |
cert |
Required. The allowed custom CA certificates (in DER format) for HTTPS verification. This overrides the default SSL trust store. If this is empty or unspecified, Dialogflow will use Google's default trust store to verify certificates. N.B. Make sure the HTTPS server certificates are signed with "subject alt name". For instance a certificate can be self-signed using the following command, openssl x509 -req -days 200 -in \ -signkey \ -out \ -extfile <(printf "\nsubjectAltName=''") |
Represents the type of the tool.
Enums | |
Default value. This value is unused. |
Customer provided tool. |
First party built-in tool created by Dialogflow which cannot be modified. |
Represents a call of a specific tool's action with the specified inputs.
Fields | |
tool |
Required. The |
action |
Required. The name of the tool's action associated with this call. |
input_parameters |
Optional. The action's input parameters. |
The result of calling a tool's action that has been executed by the client.
Fields | |
tool |
Required. The |
action |
Required. The name of the tool's action associated with this call. |
Union field result . The tool call's result. result can be only one of the following: |
error |
The tool call's error. |
output_parameters |
The tool call's output parameters. |
An error produced by the tool call.
Fields | |
message |
Optional. The error message of the function. |
Stores metadata of the invocation of an action supported by a tool.
Fields | |
tool |
Required. The |
display_name |
Output only. The display name of the tool. |
action |
Optional. Name of the action to be called during the tool use. |
input_action_parameters |
Optional. A list of input parameters for the action. |
output_action_parameters |
Optional. A list of output parameters generated by the action. |
Tool version is a snapshot of the tool at certain timestamp.
Fields | |
name |
Identifier. The unique identifier of the tool version. Format: |
display_name |
Required. The display name of the tool version. |
tool |
Required. Snapshot of the tool to be associated with this version. |
create_time |
Output only. Last time the tool version was created or modified. |
update_time |
Output only. Last time the tool version was created or modified. |
The request message for Flows.TrainFlow
Fields | |
name |
Required. The flow to train. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
Transition coverage represents the percentage of all possible page transitions (page-level transition routes and event handlers, excluding transition route groups) present within any of a parent's test cases.
Fields | |
transitions[] |
The list of Transitions present in the agent. |
coverage_score |
The percent of transitions in the agent that are covered. |
A transition in a page.
Fields | |
source |
The start node of a transition. |
index |
The index of a transition in the transition list. Starting from 0. |
target |
The end node of a transition. |
covered |
Whether the transition is covered by at least one of the agent's test cases. |
Union field detail . The detailed transition. detail can be only one of the following: |
transition_route |
Intent route or condition route. |
event_handler |
Event handler. |
The source or target of a transition.
Fields | |
Union field kind . A TransitionNode can be either a page or a flow. kind can be only one of the following: |
page |
Indicates a transition to a |
flow |
Indicates a transition to a |
A transition route specifies a intent
that can be matched and/or a data condition that can be evaluated during a session. When a specified transition is matched, the following actions are taken in order:
- If there is a
associated with the transition, it will be called.trigger_fulfillment
- If there is a
associated with the transition, the session will transition into the specified page.target_page
- If there is a
associated with the transition, the session will transition into the specified flow.target_flow
Fields | |
name |
Output only. The unique identifier of this transition route. |
description |
Optional. The description of the transition route. The maximum length is 500 characters. |
intent |
The unique identifier of an |
condition |
The condition to evaluate against See the conditions reference. At least one of |
trigger_fulfillment |
The fulfillment to call when the condition is satisfied. At least one of |
Union field target . The target to transition to, either a page in the same host flow (the flow that owns this TransitionRoute ), or another flow in the same agent. target can be only one of the following: |
target_page |
The target page to transition to. Format: |
target_flow |
The target flow to transition to. Format: |
A TransitionRouteGroup represents a group of
to be used by a TransitionRoutes
Fields | |
name |
The unique identifier of the transition route group. |
display_name |
Required. The human-readable name of the transition route group, unique within the flow. The display name can be no longer than 30 characters. |
transition_routes[] |
Transition routes associated with the |
Transition route group coverage represents the percentage of all possible transition routes present within any of a parent's test cases. The results are grouped by the transition route group.
Fields | |
coverages[] |
Transition route group coverages. |
coverage_score |
The percent of transition routes in all the transition route groups that are covered. |
Coverage result message for one transition route group.
Fields | |
route_group |
Transition route group metadata. Only name and displayName will be set. |
transitions[] |
The list of transition routes and coverage in the transition route group. |
coverage_score |
The percent of transition routes in the transition route group that are covered. |
A transition coverage in a transition route group.
Fields | |
transition_route |
Intent route or condition route. |
covered |
Whether the transition route is covered by at least one of the agent's test cases. |
Collection of all signals that were extracted for a single turn of the conversation.
Fields | |
no_match |
Whether NLU predicted NO_MATCH. |
no_user_input |
Whether user provided no input. |
dtmf_used |
Whether user was using DTMF input. |
user_escalated |
Whether user was specifically asking for a live agent. |
agent_escalated |
Whether agent responded with LiveAgentHandoff fulfillment. |
reached_end_page |
Whether turn resulted in End Session page. |
webhook_statuses[] |
Human-readable statuses of the webhooks triggered during this turn. |
failure_reasons[] |
Failure reasons of the turn. |
sentiment_score |
Sentiment score of the user utterance if sentiment was enabled. |
sentiment_magnitude |
Sentiment magnitude of the user utterance if sentiment was enabled. |
Reason why the conversation turn has failed.
Enums | |
Failure reason is not assigned. |
Whether NLU failed to recognize user intent. |
Whether webhook failed during the turn. |
Encapsulates different type schema variations: either a reference to an a schema that's already defined by a tool, or an inline definition.
Fields | |
Union field schema . The encapsulated schema. schema can be only one of the following: |
inline_schema |
Set if this is an inline schema definition. |
schema_reference |
Set if this is a schema reference. |
A reference to the schema of an existing tool.
Fields | |
tool |
The tool that contains this schema definition. Format: |
schema |
The name of the schema. |
The request message for Agents.UpdateAgent
Fields | |
agent |
Required. The agent to update. Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
update_mask |
The mask to control which fields get updated. If the mask is not present, all fields will be updated. |
The request message for EntityTypes.UpdateEntityType
Fields | |
entity_type |
Required. The entity type to update. Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
language_code |
The language of the following fields in
If not specified, the agent's default language is used. Many languages are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used. |
update_mask |
The mask to control which fields get updated. |
The request message for Environments.UpdateEnvironment
Fields | |
environment |
Required. The environment to update. Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
update_mask |
Required. The mask to control which fields get updated. |
The request message for Examples.UpdateExample
Fields | |
example |
Required. The example to update. Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
update_mask |
Optional. The mask to control which fields get updated. If the mask is not present, all fields will be updated. |
The request message for Experiments.UpdateExperiment
Fields | |
experiment |
Required. The experiment to update. Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
update_mask |
Required. The mask to control which fields get updated. |
The request message for Flows.UpdateFlow
Fields | |
flow |
Required. The flow to update. Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
update_mask |
The mask to control which fields get updated. If the mask is not present, all fields will be updated. |
language_code |
The language of the following fields in
If not specified, the agent's default language is used. Many languages are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used. |
Request for UpdateGenerativeSettings
Fields | |
generative_settings |
Required. Generative settings to update. |
update_mask |
Optional. The mask to control which fields get updated. If the mask is not present, all fields will be updated. |
The request message for Generators.UpdateGenerator
Fields | |
generator |
Required. The generator to update. Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
language_code |
The language to list generators for. |
update_mask |
The mask to control which fields get updated. If the mask is not present, all fields will be updated. |
The request message for Intents.UpdateIntent
Fields | |
intent |
Required. The intent to update. Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
language_code |
The language of the following fields in
If not specified, the agent's default language is used. Many languages are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used. |
update_mask |
The mask to control which fields get updated. If the mask is not present, all fields will be updated. |
The request message for Pages.UpdatePage
Fields | |
page |
Required. The page to update. Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
language_code |
The language of the following fields in
If not specified, the agent's default language is used. Many languages are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used. |
update_mask |
The mask to control which fields get updated. If the mask is not present, all fields will be updated. |
The request message for Playbooks.UpdatePlaybook
Fields | |
playbook |
Required. The playbook to update. Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
update_mask |
The mask to control which fields get updated. If the mask is not present, all fields will be updated. |
The request message for SecuritySettingsService.UpdateSecuritySettings
Fields | |
security_settings |
Required. [SecuritySettings] object that contains values for each of the fields to update. Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
update_mask |
Required. The mask to control which fields get updated. If the mask is not present, all fields will be updated. |
The request message for SessionEntityTypes.UpdateSessionEntityType
Fields | |
session_entity_type |
Required. The session entity type to update. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
update_mask |
The mask to control which fields get updated. |
The request message for TestCases.UpdateTestCase
Fields | |
test_case |
Required. The test case to update. Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
update_mask |
Required. The mask to specify which fields should be updated. The |
The request message for Tools.UpdateTool
Fields | |
tool |
Required. The Tool to be updated. Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
update_mask |
The mask to control which fields get updated. If the mask is not present, all fields will be updated. |
The request message for TransitionRouteGroups.UpdateTransitionRouteGroup
Fields | |
transition_route_group |
Required. The transition route group to update. Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
update_mask |
The mask to control which fields get updated. |
language_code |
The language of the following fields in
If not specified, the agent's default language is used. Many languages are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used. |
The request message for Versions.UpdateVersion
Fields | |
version |
Required. The version to update. Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
update_mask |
Required. The mask to control which fields get updated. Currently only |
The request message for Webhooks.UpdateWebhook
Fields | |
webhook |
Required. The webhook to update. Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
update_mask |
The mask to control which fields get updated. If the mask is not present, all fields will be updated. |
UserUtterance represents one message sent by the customer.
Fields | |
text |
Required. Message content in text. |
The request message for Agents.ValidateAgent
Fields | |
name |
Required. The agent to validate. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
language_code |
If not specified, the agent's default language is used. |
The request message for Flows.ValidateFlow
Fields | |
name |
Required. The flow to validate. Format: Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource
language_code |
If not specified, the agent's default language is used. |
Agent/flow validation message.
Fields | |
resource_type |
The type of the resources where the message is found. |
resources[] |
The names of the resources where the message is found. |
resource_names[] |
The resource names of the resources where the message is found. |
severity |
Indicates the severity of the message. |
detail |
The message detail. |
Resource types.
Enums | |
Unspecified. |
Agent. |
Intent. |
Intent training phrase. |
Intent parameter. |
Multiple intents. |
Multiple training phrases. |
Entity type. |
Multiple entity types. |
Webhook. |
Flow. |
Page. |
Multiple pages. |
Transition route group. |
Agent transition route group. |
Severity level.
Enums | |
Unspecified. |
The agent doesn't follow Dialogflow best practices. |
The agent may not behave as expected. |
The agent may experience failures. |
The history of variants update.
Fields | |
update_time |
Update time of the variants. |
Union field variants . The variants updated. We currently only support single variant experiment. variants can be only one of the following: |
version_variants |
The flow versions as the variants. |
Represents a version of a flow.
Fields | |
name |
Format: projects/ |
display_name |
Required. The human-readable name of the version. Limit of 64 characters. |
description |
The description of the version. The maximum length is 500 characters. If exceeded, the request is rejected. |
nlu_settings |
Output only. The NLU settings of the flow at version creation. |
create_time |
Output only. Create time of the version. |
state |
Output only. The state of this version. This field is read-only and cannot be set by create and update methods. |
The state of the version.
Enums | |
Not specified. This value is not used. |
Version is not ready to serve (e.g. training is running). |
Training has succeeded and this version is ready to serve. |
Version training failed. |
A list of flow version variants.
Fields | |
variants[] |
A list of flow version variants. |
A single flow version with specified traffic allocation.
Fields | |
version |
The name of the flow version. Format: |
traffic_allocation |
Percentage of the traffic which should be routed to this version of flow. Traffic allocation for a single flow must sum up to 1.0. |
is_control_group |
Whether the variant is for the control group. |
Description of which voice to use for speech synthesis.
Fields | |
name |
Optional. The name of the voice. If not set, the service will choose a voice based on the other parameters such as language_code and For the list of available voices, please refer to Supported voices and languages. |
ssml_gender |
Optional. The preferred gender of the voice. If not set, the service will choose a voice based on the other parameters such as language_code and |
Webhooks host the developer's business logic. During a session, webhooks allow the developer to use the data extracted by Dialogflow's natural language processing to generate dynamic responses, validate collected data, or trigger actions on the backend.
Fields | |
name |
The unique identifier of the webhook. Required for the |
display_name |
Required. The human-readable name of the webhook, unique within the agent. |
timeout |
Webhook execution timeout. Execution is considered failed if Dialogflow doesn't receive a response from webhook at the end of the timeout period. Defaults to 5 seconds, maximum allowed timeout is 30 seconds. |
disabled |
Indicates whether the webhook is disabled. |
Union field webhook . Required. The webhook configuration. webhook can be only one of the following: |
generic_web_service |
Configuration for a generic web service. |
service_directory |
Configuration for a Service Directory service. |
Represents configuration for a generic web service.
Fields | |
uri |
Required. The webhook URI for receiving POST requests. It must use https protocol. |
username |
The user name for HTTP Basic authentication. |
password |
The password for HTTP Basic authentication. |
request_headers |
The HTTP request headers to send together with webhook requests. |
allowed_ca_certs[] |
Optional. Specifies a list of allowed custom CA certificates (in DER format) for HTTPS verification. This overrides the default SSL trust store. If this is empty or unspecified, Dialogflow will use Google's default trust store to verify certificates. N.B. Make sure the HTTPS server certificates are signed with "subject alt name". For instance a certificate can be self-signed using the following command,
oauth_config |
Optional. The OAuth configuration of the webhook. If specified, Dialogflow will initiate the OAuth client credential flow to exchange an access token from the 3rd party platform and put it in the auth header. |
service_agent_auth |
Optional. Indicate the auth token type generated from the Diglogflow service agent. The generated token is sent in the Authorization header. |
webhook_type |
Optional. Type of the webhook. |
http_method |
Optional. HTTP method for the flexible webhook calls. Standard webhook always uses POST. |
request_body |
Optional. Defines a custom JSON object as request body to send to flexible webhook. |
parameter_mapping |
Optional. Maps the values extracted from specific fields of the flexible webhook response into session parameters. - Key: session parameter name - Value: field path in the webhook response |
HTTP method to use when calling webhooks.
Enums | |
HTTP method not specified. |
HTTP POST Method. |
HTTP GET Method. |
HTTP HEAD Method. |
HTTP PUT Method. |
HTTP PATCH Method. |
Represents configuration of OAuth client credential flow for 3rd party API authentication.
Fields | |
client_id |
Required. The client ID provided by the 3rd party platform. |
client_secret |
Optional. The client secret provided by the 3rd party platform. |
token_endpoint |
Required. The token endpoint provided by the 3rd party platform to exchange an access token. |
scopes[] |
Optional. The OAuth scopes to grant. |
Indicate the auth token type generated from the Diglogflow service agent.
Enums | |
Service agent auth type unspecified. Default to ID_TOKEN. |
No token used. |
Use ID token generated from service agent. This can be used to access Cloud Function and Cloud Run after you grant Invoker role to service-<PROJECT-NUMBER> . |
Use access token generated from service agent. This can be used to access other Google Cloud APIs after you grant required roles to service-<PROJECT-NUMBER> . |
Represents the type of webhook configuration.
Enums | |
Default value. This value is unused. |
Represents a standard webhook. |
Represents a flexible webhook. |
Represents configuration for a Service Directory service.
Fields | |
service |
Required. The name of Service Directory service. Format: |
generic_web_service |
Generic Service configuration of this webhook. |
The request message for a webhook call. The request is sent as a JSON object and the field names will be presented in camel cases.
You may see undocumented fields in an actual request. These fields are used internally by Dialogflow and should be ignored.
Fields | |
detect_intent_response_id |
Always present. The unique identifier of the |
language_code |
The language code specified in the [original request][QueryInput.language_code]. |
fulfillment_info |
Always present. Information about the fulfillment that triggered this webhook call. |
intent_info |
Information about the last matched intent. |
page_info |
Information about page status. |
session_info |
Information about session status. |
messages[] |
The list of rich message responses to present to the user. Webhook can choose to append or replace this list in |
payload |
Custom data set in |
sentiment_analysis_result |
The sentiment analysis result of the current user request. The field is filled when sentiment analysis is configured to be enabled for the request. |
language_info |
Information about the language of the request. |
Union field query . The original conversational query. query can be only one of the following: |
text |
If |
trigger_intent |
If an |
transcript |
If |
trigger_event |
If an |
dtmf_digits |
If |
Represents fulfillment information communicated to the webhook.
Fields | |
tag |
Always present. The value of the |
Represents intent information communicated to the webhook.
Fields | |
last_matched_intent |
Always present. The unique identifier of the last matched |
display_name |
Always present. The display name of the last matched |
parameters |
Parameters identified as a result of intent matching. This is a map of the name of the identified parameter to the value of the parameter identified from the user's utterance. All parameters defined in the matched intent that are identified will be surfaced here. |
confidence |
The confidence of the matched intent. Values range from 0.0 (completely uncertain) to 1.0 (completely certain). |
Represents a value for an intent parameter.
Fields | |
original_value |
Always present. Original text value extracted from user utterance. |
resolved_value |
Always present. Structured value for the parameter extracted from user utterance. |
Represents the result of sentiment analysis.
Fields | |
score |
Sentiment score between -1.0 (negative sentiment) and 1.0 (positive sentiment). |
magnitude |
A non-negative number in the [0, +inf) range, which represents the absolute magnitude of sentiment, regardless of score (positive or negative). |
The response message for a webhook call.
Fields | |
fulfillment_response |
The fulfillment response to send to the user. This field can be omitted by the webhook if it does not intend to send any response to the user. |
page_info |
Information about page status. This field can be omitted by the webhook if it does not intend to modify page status. |
session_info |
Information about session status. This field can be omitted by the webhook if it does not intend to modify session status. |
payload |
Value to append directly to |
Union field transition . The target to transition to. This can be set optionally to indicate an immediate transition to a different page in the same host flow, or a different flow in the same agent. transition can be only one of the following: |
target_page |
The target page to transition to. Format: |
target_flow |
The target flow to transition to. Format: |
Represents a fulfillment response to the user.
Fields | |
messages[] |
The list of rich message responses to present to the user. |
merge_behavior |
Merge behavior for |
Defines merge behavior for messages
Enums | |
Not specified. APPEND will be used. |
messages will be appended to the list of messages waiting to be sent to the user. |
messages will replace the list of messages waiting to be sent to the user. |