Class SessionsClient (2.30.0)

A service used for session interactions.

For more information, see the API interactions guide.


Instances of this class created via copy-construction or copy-assignment always compare equal. Instances created with equal std::shared_ptr<*Connection> objects compare equal. Objects that compare equal share the same underlying resources.


Creating a new instance of this class is a relatively expensive operation, new objects establish new connections to the service. In contrast, copy-construction, move-construction, and the corresponding assignment operations are relatively efficient as the copies share all underlying resources.

Thread Safety

Concurrent access to different instances of this class, even if they compare equal, is guaranteed to work. Two or more threads operating on the same instance of this class is not guaranteed to work. Since copy-construction and move-construction is a relatively efficient operation, consider using such a copy when using this class from multiple threads.


SessionsClient(SessionsClient const &)

Copy and move support

Name Description
SessionsClient const &

SessionsClient(SessionsClient &&)

Copy and move support

Name Description
SessionsClient &&

SessionsClient(std::shared_ptr< SessionsConnection >, Options)

Name Description
connection std::shared_ptr< SessionsConnection >
opts Options


operator=(SessionsClient const &)

Copy and move support

Name Description
SessionsClient const &
Type Description
SessionsClient &

operator=(SessionsClient &&)

Copy and move support

Name Description
SessionsClient &&
Type Description
SessionsClient &


DetectIntent(std::string const &, google::cloud::dialogflow::v2::QueryInput const &, Options)

Processes a natural language query and returns structured, actionable data as a result.

This method is not idempotent, because it may cause contexts and session entity types to be updated, which in turn might affect results of future queries.

If you might use Agent Assist or other CCAI products now or in the future, consider using [AnalyzeContent][] instead of DetectIntent. AnalyzeContent has additional functionality for Agent Assist and other CCAI products.

Note: Always use agent versions for production traffic. See Versions and environments.

Name Description
session std::string const &

Required. The name of the session this query is sent to. Format: projects/<ProjectID>/agent/sessions/<Session ID>, or projects/<ProjectID>/agent/environments/<Environment ID>/users/<User ID>/sessions/<Session ID>. If Environment ID is not specified, we assume default 'draft' environment (Environment ID might be referred to as environment name at some places). If User ID is not specified, we are using "-". It's up to the API caller to choose an appropriate Session ID and User Id. They can be a random number or some type of user and session identifiers (preferably hashed). The length of the Session ID and User ID must not exceed 36 characters.
For more information, see the API interactions guide.
Note: Always use agent versions for production traffic. See Versions and environments.

query_input google::cloud::dialogflow::v2::QueryInput const &

Required. The input specification. It can be set to:

  1. an audio config which instructs the speech recognizer how to process the speech audio,
  2. a conversational query in the form of text, or
  3. an event that specifies which intent to trigger.
opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::dialogflow::v2::DetectIntentResponse >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

DetectIntent(google::cloud::dialogflow::v2::DetectIntentRequest const &, Options)

Processes a natural language query and returns structured, actionable data as a result.

This method is not idempotent, because it may cause contexts and session entity types to be updated, which in turn might affect results of future queries.

If you might use Agent Assist or other CCAI products now or in the future, consider using [AnalyzeContent][] instead of DetectIntent. AnalyzeContent has additional functionality for Agent Assist and other CCAI products.

Note: Always use agent versions for production traffic. See Versions and environments.

Name Description
request google::cloud::dialogflow::v2::DetectIntentRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::dialogflow::v2::DetectIntentResponse >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.


Processes a natural language query in audio format in a streaming fashion and returns structured, actionable data as a result.

This method is only available via the gRPC API (not REST).

If you might use Agent Assist or other CCAI products now or in the future, consider using [StreamingAnalyzeContent][] instead of StreamingDetectIntent. StreamingAnalyzeContent has additional functionality for Agent Assist and other CCAI products.

Note: Always use agent versions for production traffic. See Versions and environments.

Name Description
opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
std::unique_ptr<::google::cloud::AsyncStreamingReadWriteRpc< google::cloud::dialogflow::v2::StreamingDetectIntentRequest, google::cloud::dialogflow::v2::StreamingDetectIntentResponse > >

An object representing the bidirectional streaming RPC. Applications can send multiple request messages and receive multiple response messages through this API. Bidirectional streaming RPCs can impose restrictions on the sequence of request and response messages. Please consult the service documentation for details. The request message type ( and response messages ( are mapped to C++ classes using the Protobuf mapping rules.