Class ModelServiceClient (2.27.0)

A service for managing Vertex AI's machine learning Models.


Instances of this class created via copy-construction or copy-assignment always compare equal. Instances created with equal std::shared_ptr<*Connection> objects compare equal. Objects that compare equal share the same underlying resources.


Creating a new instance of this class is a relatively expensive operation, new objects establish new connections to the service. In contrast, copy-construction, move-construction, and the corresponding assignment operations are relatively efficient as the copies share all underlying resources.

Thread Safety

Concurrent access to different instances of this class, even if they compare equal, is guaranteed to work. Two or more threads operating on the same instance of this class is not guaranteed to work. Since copy-construction and move-construction is a relatively efficient operation, consider using such a copy when using this class from multiple threads.


ModelServiceClient(ModelServiceClient const &)

Copy and move support

Name Description
ModelServiceClient const &

ModelServiceClient(ModelServiceClient &&)

Copy and move support

Name Description
ModelServiceClient &&

ModelServiceClient(std::shared_ptr< ModelServiceConnection >, Options)

Name Description
connection std::shared_ptr< ModelServiceConnection >
opts Options


operator=(ModelServiceClient const &)

Copy and move support

Name Description
ModelServiceClient const &
Type Description
ModelServiceClient &

operator=(ModelServiceClient &&)

Copy and move support

Name Description
ModelServiceClient &&
Type Description
ModelServiceClient &


UploadModel(std::string const &, google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::Model const &, Options)

Uploads a Model artifact into Vertex AI.

Name Description
parent std::string const &

Required. The resource name of the Location into which to upload the Model. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}

model google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::Model const &

Required. The Model to create.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::UploadModelResponse > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

UploadModel(NoAwaitTag, std::string const &, google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::Model const &, Options)

Uploads a Model artifact into Vertex AI.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::longrunning::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
parent std::string const &
model google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::Model const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::longrunning::Operation >

UploadModel(google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::UploadModelRequest const &, Options)

Uploads a Model artifact into Vertex AI.

Name Description
request google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::UploadModelRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::UploadModelResponse > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

UploadModel(NoAwaitTag, google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::UploadModelRequest const &, Options)

Uploads a Model artifact into Vertex AI.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::longrunning::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
request google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::UploadModelRequest const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::longrunning::Operation >

UploadModel(google::longrunning::Operation const &, Options)

Uploads a Model artifact into Vertex AI.

This method accepts a google::longrunning::Operation that corresponds to a previously started Long Running Operation (LRO) and polls the status of the LRO in the background.

Name Description
operation google::longrunning::Operation const &
opts Options
Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::UploadModelResponse > >

GetModel(std::string const &, Options)

Gets a Model.

Name Description
name std::string const &

Required. The name of the Model resource. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/models/{model}
In order to retrieve a specific version of the model, also provide the version ID or version alias. Example: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/models/{model}@2 or projects/{project}/locations/{location}/models/{model}@golden If no version ID or alias is specified, the "default" version will be returned. The "default" version alias is created for the first version of the model, and can be moved to other versions later on. There will be exactly one default version.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::Model >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

GetModel(google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::GetModelRequest const &, Options)

Gets a Model.

Name Description
request google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::GetModelRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::Model >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

ListModels(std::string const &, Options)

Lists Models in a Location.

Name Description
parent std::string const &

Required. The resource name of the Location to list the Models from. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::Model >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

ListModels(google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::ListModelsRequest, Options)

Lists Models in a Location.

Name Description
request google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::ListModelsRequest

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::Model >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

ListModelVersions(std::string const &, Options)

Lists versions of the specified model.

Name Description
name std::string const &

Required. The name of the model to list versions for.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::Model >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

ListModelVersions(google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::ListModelVersionsRequest, Options)

Lists versions of the specified model.

Name Description
request google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::ListModelVersionsRequest

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::Model >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

UpdateModel(google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::Model const &, google::protobuf::FieldMask const &, Options)

Updates a Model.

Name Description
model google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::Model const &

Required. The Model which replaces the resource on the server. When Model Versioning is enabled, the will be used to determine whether to update the model or model version.

  1. with the @ value, e.g. models/123@1, refers to a version specific update.
  2. without the @ value, e.g. models/123, refers to a model update.
  3. with -, e.g. models/123-, refers to a model update.
  4. Supported model fields: display_name, description; supported version-specific fields: version_description. Labels are supported in both scenarios. Both the model labels and the version labels are merged when a model is returned. When updating labels, if the request is for model-specific update, model label gets updated. Otherwise, version labels get updated.
  5. A model name or model version name fields update mismatch will cause a precondition error.
  6. One request cannot update both the model and the version fields. You must update them separately.
update_mask google::protobuf::FieldMask const &

Required. The update mask applies to the resource. For the FieldMask definition, see google.protobuf.FieldMask.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::Model >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

UpdateModel(google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::UpdateModelRequest const &, Options)

Updates a Model.

Name Description
request google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::UpdateModelRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::Model >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

UpdateExplanationDataset(std::string const &, Options)

Incrementally update the dataset used for an examples model.

Name Description
model std::string const &

Required. The resource name of the Model to update. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/models/{model}

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::UpdateExplanationDatasetResponse > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

UpdateExplanationDataset(NoAwaitTag, std::string const &, Options)

Incrementally update the dataset used for an examples model.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::longrunning::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
model std::string const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::longrunning::Operation >

UpdateExplanationDataset(google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::UpdateExplanationDatasetRequest const &, Options)

Incrementally update the dataset used for an examples model.

Name Description
request google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::UpdateExplanationDatasetRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::UpdateExplanationDatasetResponse > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

UpdateExplanationDataset(NoAwaitTag, google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::UpdateExplanationDatasetRequest const &, Options)

Incrementally update the dataset used for an examples model.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::longrunning::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
request google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::UpdateExplanationDatasetRequest const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::longrunning::Operation >

UpdateExplanationDataset(google::longrunning::Operation const &, Options)

Incrementally update the dataset used for an examples model.

This method accepts a google::longrunning::Operation that corresponds to a previously started Long Running Operation (LRO) and polls the status of the LRO in the background.

Name Description
operation google::longrunning::Operation const &
opts Options
Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::UpdateExplanationDatasetResponse > >

DeleteModel(std::string const &, Options)

Deletes a Model.

A model cannot be deleted if any [Endpoint][] resource has a [DeployedModel][] based on the model in its [deployed_models][] field.

Name Description
name std::string const &

Required. The name of the Model resource to be deleted. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/models/{model}

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::DeleteOperationMetadata > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

DeleteModel(NoAwaitTag, std::string const &, Options)

Deletes a Model.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::longrunning::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
name std::string const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::longrunning::Operation >

DeleteModel(google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::DeleteModelRequest const &, Options)

Deletes a Model.

A model cannot be deleted if any [Endpoint][] resource has a [DeployedModel][] based on the model in its [deployed_models][] field.

Name Description
request google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::DeleteModelRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::DeleteOperationMetadata > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

DeleteModel(NoAwaitTag, google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::DeleteModelRequest const &, Options)

Deletes a Model.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::longrunning::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
request google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::DeleteModelRequest const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::longrunning::Operation >

DeleteModel(google::longrunning::Operation const &, Options)

Deletes a Model.

This method accepts a google::longrunning::Operation that corresponds to a previously started Long Running Operation (LRO) and polls the status of the LRO in the background.

Name Description
operation google::longrunning::Operation const &
opts Options
Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::DeleteOperationMetadata > >

DeleteModelVersion(std::string const &, Options)

Deletes a Model version.

Model version can only be deleted if there are no [DeployedModels][] created from it. Deleting the only version in the Model is not allowed. Use DeleteModel for deleting the Model instead.

Name Description
name std::string const &

Required. The name of the model version to be deleted, with a version ID explicitly included.
Example: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/models/{model}@1234

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::DeleteOperationMetadata > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

DeleteModelVersion(NoAwaitTag, std::string const &, Options)

Deletes a Model version.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::longrunning::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
name std::string const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::longrunning::Operation >

DeleteModelVersion(google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::DeleteModelVersionRequest const &, Options)

Deletes a Model version.

Model version can only be deleted if there are no [DeployedModels][] created from it. Deleting the only version in the Model is not allowed. Use DeleteModel for deleting the Model instead.

Name Description
request google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::DeleteModelVersionRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::DeleteOperationMetadata > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

DeleteModelVersion(NoAwaitTag, google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::DeleteModelVersionRequest const &, Options)

Deletes a Model version.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::longrunning::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
request google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::DeleteModelVersionRequest const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::longrunning::Operation >

DeleteModelVersion(google::longrunning::Operation const &, Options)

Deletes a Model version.

This method accepts a google::longrunning::Operation that corresponds to a previously started Long Running Operation (LRO) and polls the status of the LRO in the background.

Name Description
operation google::longrunning::Operation const &
opts Options
Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::DeleteOperationMetadata > >

MergeVersionAliases(std::string const &, std::vector< std::string > const &, Options)

Merges a set of aliases for a Model version.

Name Description
name std::string const &

Required. The name of the model version to merge aliases, with a version ID explicitly included.
Example: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/models/{model}@1234

version_aliases std::vector< std::string > const &

Required. The set of version aliases to merge. The alias should be at most 128 characters, and match [a-z][a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,126}[a-z-0-9]. Add the - prefix to an alias means removing that alias from the version. - is NOT counted in the 128 characters. Example: -golden means removing the golden alias from the version.
There is NO ordering in aliases, which means 1) The aliases returned from GetModel API might not have the exactly same order from this MergeVersionAliases API. 2) Adding and deleting the same alias in the request is not recommended, and the 2 operations will be cancelled out.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::Model >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

MergeVersionAliases(google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::MergeVersionAliasesRequest const &, Options)

Merges a set of aliases for a Model version.

Name Description
request google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::MergeVersionAliasesRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::Model >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

ExportModel(std::string const &, google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::ExportModelRequest::OutputConfig const &, Options)

Exports a trained, exportable Model to a location specified by the user.

A Model is considered to be exportable if it has at least one supported export format.

Name Description
name std::string const &

Required. The resource name of the Model to export. The resource name may contain version id or version alias to specify the version, if no version is specified, the default version will be exported.

output_config google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::ExportModelRequest::OutputConfig const &

Required. The desired output location and configuration.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::ExportModelResponse > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

ExportModel(NoAwaitTag, std::string const &, google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::ExportModelRequest::OutputConfig const &, Options)

Exports a trained, exportable Model to a location specified by the user.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::longrunning::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
name std::string const &
output_config google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::ExportModelRequest::OutputConfig const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::longrunning::Operation >

ExportModel(google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::ExportModelRequest const &, Options)

Exports a trained, exportable Model to a location specified by the user.

A Model is considered to be exportable if it has at least one supported export format.

Name Description
request google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::ExportModelRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::ExportModelResponse > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

ExportModel(NoAwaitTag, google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::ExportModelRequest const &, Options)

Exports a trained, exportable Model to a location specified by the user.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::longrunning::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
request google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::ExportModelRequest const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::longrunning::Operation >

ExportModel(google::longrunning::Operation const &, Options)

Exports a trained, exportable Model to a location specified by the user.

This method accepts a google::longrunning::Operation that corresponds to a previously started Long Running Operation (LRO) and polls the status of the LRO in the background.

Name Description
operation google::longrunning::Operation const &
opts Options
Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::ExportModelResponse > >

CopyModel(std::string const &, std::string const &, Options)

Copies an already existing Vertex AI Model into the specified Location.

The source Model must exist in the same Project. When copying custom Models, the users themselves are responsible for Model.metadata content to be region-agnostic, as well as making sure that any resources (e.g. files) it depends on remain accessible.

Name Description
parent std::string const &

Required. The resource name of the Location into which to copy the Model. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}

source_model std::string const &

Required. The resource name of the Model to copy. That Model must be in the same Project. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/models/{model}

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::CopyModelResponse > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

CopyModel(NoAwaitTag, std::string const &, std::string const &, Options)

Copies an already existing Vertex AI Model into the specified Location.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::longrunning::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
parent std::string const &
source_model std::string const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::longrunning::Operation >

CopyModel(google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::CopyModelRequest const &, Options)

Copies an already existing Vertex AI Model into the specified Location.

The source Model must exist in the same Project. When copying custom Models, the users themselves are responsible for Model.metadata content to be region-agnostic, as well as making sure that any resources (e.g. files) it depends on remain accessible.

Name Description
request google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::CopyModelRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::CopyModelResponse > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

CopyModel(NoAwaitTag, google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::CopyModelRequest const &, Options)

Copies an already existing Vertex AI Model into the specified Location.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::longrunning::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
request google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::CopyModelRequest const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::longrunning::Operation >

CopyModel(google::longrunning::Operation const &, Options)

Copies an already existing Vertex AI Model into the specified Location.

This method accepts a google::longrunning::Operation that corresponds to a previously started Long Running Operation (LRO) and polls the status of the LRO in the background.

Name Description
operation google::longrunning::Operation const &
opts Options
Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::CopyModelResponse > >

ImportModelEvaluation(std::string const &, google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::ModelEvaluation const &, Options)

Imports an externally generated ModelEvaluation.

Name Description
parent std::string const &

Required. The name of the parent model resource. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/models/{model}

model_evaluation google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::ModelEvaluation const &

Required. Model evaluation resource to be imported.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::ModelEvaluation >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

ImportModelEvaluation(google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::ImportModelEvaluationRequest const &, Options)

Imports an externally generated ModelEvaluation.

Name Description
request google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::ImportModelEvaluationRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::ModelEvaluation >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

BatchImportModelEvaluationSlices(std::string const &, std::vector< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::ModelEvaluationSlice > const &, Options)

Imports a list of externally generated ModelEvaluationSlice.

Name Description
parent std::string const &

Required. The name of the parent ModelEvaluation resource. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/models/{model}/evaluations/{evaluation}

model_evaluation_slices std::vector< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::ModelEvaluationSlice > const &

Required. Model evaluation slice resource to be imported.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::BatchImportModelEvaluationSlicesResponse >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

BatchImportModelEvaluationSlices(google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::BatchImportModelEvaluationSlicesRequest const &, Options)

Imports a list of externally generated ModelEvaluationSlice.

Name Description
request google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::BatchImportModelEvaluationSlicesRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::BatchImportModelEvaluationSlicesResponse >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

BatchImportEvaluatedAnnotations(std::string const &, std::vector< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::EvaluatedAnnotation > const &, Options)

Imports a list of externally generated EvaluatedAnnotations.

Name Description
parent std::string const &

Required. The name of the parent ModelEvaluationSlice resource. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/models/{model}/evaluations/{evaluation}/slices/{slice}

evaluated_annotations std::vector< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::EvaluatedAnnotation > const &

Required. Evaluated annotations resource to be imported.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::BatchImportEvaluatedAnnotationsResponse >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

BatchImportEvaluatedAnnotations(google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::BatchImportEvaluatedAnnotationsRequest const &, Options)

Imports a list of externally generated EvaluatedAnnotations.

Name Description
request google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::BatchImportEvaluatedAnnotationsRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::BatchImportEvaluatedAnnotationsResponse >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

GetModelEvaluation(std::string const &, Options)

Gets a ModelEvaluation.

Name Description
name std::string const &

Required. The name of the ModelEvaluation resource. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/models/{model}/evaluations/{evaluation}

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::ModelEvaluation >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

GetModelEvaluation(google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::GetModelEvaluationRequest const &, Options)

Gets a ModelEvaluation.

Name Description
request google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::GetModelEvaluationRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::ModelEvaluation >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

ListModelEvaluations(std::string const &, Options)

Lists ModelEvaluations in a Model.

Name Description
parent std::string const &

Required. The resource name of the Model to list the ModelEvaluations from. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/models/{model}

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::ModelEvaluation >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

ListModelEvaluations(google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::ListModelEvaluationsRequest, Options)

Lists ModelEvaluations in a Model.

Name Description
request google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::ListModelEvaluationsRequest

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::ModelEvaluation >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

GetModelEvaluationSlice(std::string const &, Options)

Gets a ModelEvaluationSlice.

Name Description
name std::string const &

Required. The name of the ModelEvaluationSlice resource. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/models/{model}/evaluations/{evaluation}/slices/{slice}

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::ModelEvaluationSlice >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

GetModelEvaluationSlice(google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::GetModelEvaluationSliceRequest const &, Options)

Gets a ModelEvaluationSlice.

Name Description
request google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::GetModelEvaluationSliceRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::ModelEvaluationSlice >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

ListModelEvaluationSlices(std::string const &, Options)

Lists ModelEvaluationSlices in a ModelEvaluation.

Name Description
parent std::string const &

Required. The resource name of the ModelEvaluation to list the ModelEvaluationSlices from. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/models/{model}/evaluations/{evaluation}

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::ModelEvaluationSlice >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

ListModelEvaluationSlices(google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::ListModelEvaluationSlicesRequest, Options)

Lists ModelEvaluationSlices in a ModelEvaluation.

Name Description
request google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::ListModelEvaluationSlicesRequest

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::aiplatform::v1::ModelEvaluationSlice >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.